Edge's possible new opponent?


Dark Match Winner
Well, after last night's Raw segment with Edge, alot of stuff was clicking in my head. He destroyed the GM laptop even after the laptop was saying stop doin it after it was thrown down on the floor. Plus it said, what are you doing and you got those crazy eyes. Edge has been complaining lately about the anonomous GM lately and finally he got fired up yesterday. So idk whats WWE's plan with Edge right now but, is it possible that Edge migt face off with the GM as a possible opponent/feud? If it is, however, who can possibly fit the feud with Edge?

Your Call guys!
I'd prefer for the Raw GM to not actively compete inside the ring. To be perfectly honest, I'm kind of tired of seeing authority figure characters competing in wrestling matches. Eric Bischoff, Vince McMahon, Mick Foley, Jeff Jarrett, etc. have all done it to death and I'd just kind of prefer the GM to be this somewhat untouchable type of character that has others do his dirty work for him.
EDGE has not done anything special lately, I dont mean he has to win the wwe title, but he should be putting over younger talent, he will be perfect for a feud with EVAN BOURNE or maybe other young bucks, that's what wwe should put him into.
i honestly think that edge will face triple hhh at sometime in the near future due to the fact that triple hhh is going to return soon and it will push edge out of the upper mid card section that he has put himself in. I see it as an edge comes down to the ring type thing then the Gm sends a message to Cole on his blackberry or they repair the computer and he say that he the Gm will give edge what he wants... a confrontation but he says careful what you wish for and then edge does his whole cocky edge thing then suddenly triple h's theme rings and edge is like oh what the hell and then there triple hhh vs edge
After all we have seen with this GM.It would be pretty entertaining to see him go against Edge and even though the GM does some things as a face..you can tell the crowd wants to see the GM beat up.My pick for the gm would be Abraham Washington.Edge vs. Abe? sounds unlikely but then again "anything could happen in the WWE"...
My guess is none of the above. they have been saying that they want a little more star power on Smackdown. I expect the Gm to say he realizes they just cant work together and he has made a trade with Smackdown
i honestly think that edge will face triple hhh at sometime in the near future due to the fact that triple hhh is going to return soon and it will push edge out of the upper mid card section that he has put himself in. I see it as an edge comes down to the ring type thing then the Gm sends a message to Cole on his blackberry or they repair the computer and he say that he the Gm will give edge what he wants... a confrontation but he says careful what you wish for and then edge does his whole cocky edge thing then suddenly triple h's theme rings and edge is like oh what the hell and then there triple hhh vs edge

if HHH is the GM, then i'd be considering this a big swerve, mainly because HHH doesn't talk like how the GM was talking. would he have told Edge "you got those crazy eyes?" or would he have said "yo" on RAW? the GM's mocked guys like Austin/Rock/DX, but it was just for swerve purposes, while this is how the GM would've really talked.

if HHH is the GM, then why would the GM say "this would change everything"? the WWE can make whatever fit i suppose, but this doesn't sound like Hunter's character.

for some reason, i was thinking it could be Matt Striker. i know it's a stretch, but on NXT, he gets punked out a lot. now he can have authority on a program and he can let it go to his head because of how guys like Matthews/Cole/etc. treat him
From what I've seen in promotions for future house shows, Edge might be moving to smackdown. Maybe the whole distroying the GM computer will prompt The GM to fire him or trade him to smackdown, or Edge will quit and ask Teddy Long for a job. Considering Christian is out for a while and so is Mysterio, I think they could use him there, even if it's only to help out with ratings with their move to SyFi. I have not heard anything for sure, but that's what I think.
I do find it interesting that he's still called the Rated-R Superstar on a PG show, but that's another story.
I reckon it's matt hardy...call me crazy but it wouldn't be the first time they fueded and matt used his youtube stuff to sell his character
The GM has to feud with Edge.. especially now that Chris Jericho is out of the picture. So I think Edge will feud with the GM until his identity is revealed. Then after maybe like a month or two Edge will be back on smackdown. (By the way did anyone else notice that Edge was bleeding after the promo?)
For Today I'm going with Zak Ryder as GM. He tried to make peace with Edge. GM said Yo last night. Kinda sounded like Zak lingo.

There doesn't seem to be a point wasting this whole angle on Triple H. It won't really help him at all or bring anything new to the table. After the initial pop it would just be back to the same old Trips. Plus at some point in the future he will haved all the power anyway.
Matthew Hardy - GM of RAW? Very interesting thought... We all seem to think that he is going soon... but perhaps all this is designed to shock the world later... Matt clearly needs some time to get back in shape, perhaps a GM role a feud with Edge would be the way to do it... It would kinda fit with the laptop and messing with opponents...

Trips will need a tune up feud, and Edge would work if he wasn't moving... I am thinking we might end up with Edge v R-Truth in the short term.... some kind of loser leaves RAW situation...
Edge is frustrated with a LAPTOP. A GOD DAMN LAPTOP!

The only reason they have Edge feuding with a laptop, is because they have nothing else for him to do, I bet you he's just going to be moved to SD! again, and be "glad" that the GM won't be "ruining his career". I don't see WWE wasting his time and career on a fucking laptop.
i am very curious about edge's direction w/ this angle. has anyone else noticed how much comedy he has added to his persona? Its weird that edge, being a heel, has been getting so many laughs from the crowd. Last night, wwe universe was behind him more than they have been in a while. i don't know if they'll have edge do a full face turn, but i think they're gearing up to have the GM be heel. ultimately, the gm will revealed to be...........wait for it...........

Mike Adamle!!!!!!

The fans go nuts. No literally go nuts, and destroy the wwe arena.
Well, after last night's Raw segment with Edge, alot of stuff was clicking in my head. He destroyed the GM laptop even after the laptop was saying stop doin it after it was thrown down on the floor. Plus it said, what are you doing and you got those crazy eyes. Edge has been complaining lately about the anonomous GM lately and finally he got fired up yesterday. So idk whats WWE's plan with Edge right now but, is it possible that Edge migt face off with the GM as a possible opponent/feud? If it is, however, who can possibly fit the feud with Edge?

Your Call guys!

I really don't think there will be a main opponent for Edge right now. He is going to feud with the "computerized" GM and to be honest, it's been f**king entertaining so far. I really enjoyed seeing Edge smash up the computer and flip out like that. Edge hasn't been this entertaining in a while. The anonymous GM will probably book him against various opponents, but Edge will be pivotal in finally revealing the identity of the new GM (which I don't even think WWE themselves even know who it is at the moment).
I agree with whoever said the GM will trade Edge to Smackdown. From the rumors...Edge will be a Smackdown superstar soon because of the move to SyFy. This is a good way to get him to jump ship via trade or otherwise. I think the trade could be a cool angle though...Edge is a big superstar so a trade for almost anybody on Smackdown would be justified. I would like them to get the IC title on Kofi and trade Edge for Kofi. Then if the WWE truly is unifying all the titles, they could work a nice program just adding Kofi to the Bryan/Miz/Morrison angle and make it a pretty big thing to give some credibility back to the belt. Longshot of course but feasible IMO.
I believed and still believe that all of this GM frustration was WWE's way of getting Edge to leave RAW and go to Smackdown, since he has been rumored to be making the move...so im not to sure if he will being doing any long term rivalry with this GM, maybe just a blow off match (if the GM turns out to be a competitor)
Edge is in bad with the RAW GM so the only logical thing is the GM will find some way to kick him off RAW and he will go to Smackdown to help boost up the roster.
if HHH is the GM, then i'd be considering this a big swerve, mainly because HHH doesn't talk like how the GM was talking. would he have told Edge "you got those crazy eyes?" or would he have said "yo" on RAW? the GM's mocked guys like Austin/Rock/DX, but it was just for swerve purposes, while this is how the GM would've really talked.

if HHH is the GM, then why would the GM say "this would change everything"? the WWE can make whatever fit i suppose, but this doesn't sound like Hunter's character.

for some reason, i was thinking it could be Matt Striker. i know it's a stretch, but on NXT, he gets punked out a lot. now he can have authority on a program and he can let it go to his head because of how guys like Matthews/Cole/etc. treat him
You have some good points but i think he is triple hhh due to what i said and he didnt mock stone cold and the others he just used there catch phrases when they were in the hometown of that legend to see how the crowd would react and also triple hhh would say "you got those crazy eyes" he told snitsky to brush his teeth and asked the crowd for tic tacs so it could be triple hhh
That would be so funny.
Problem would be that dont fit the whole if they knew it would change everything and it woudl be a one week pop for a dud of an angle as once Zak is revealed the gig is up...and of course why would Vince trust Zak to be the Gm anyway
For Today I'm going with Zak Ryder as GM. He tried to make peace with Edge. GM said Yo last night. Kinda sounded like Zak lingo.

There doesn't seem to be a point wasting this whole angle on Triple H. It won't really help him at all or bring anything new to the table. After the initial pop it would just be back to the same old Trips. Plus at some point in the future he will haved all the power anyway.
The RAW GM will turn out to be Chris Jericho. He knows the IP address because it is his. I think he would be the perfect candidate. He can take a break from being a in ring performer and still be on TV. He has been around long enough to "dislike" Bret Hart. He did train in the dungeon too.
I hope the GM still turns out to be Triple H and wouldnt be surprised if he returned to Raw next week. Considering the low ratings, its a post PPV starting point and the computer got broke it would make sense for him to return. With that I wouldnt be surprised if Edge was traded to Smackdown instead of feuding with Triple H right away. Triple H can continue a feud with Sheamus for now and later possibly have a fresh Triple H/Edge feud come Wrestlemania time starting aroudn the Royal Rumble. Hell if they really wanted to it could be to unify the two World Titles with each guy being on a different brand.

His feuding with Edge doesnt make a whole lot of sense and really he would logically be focusing on Sheamus, and has been to an extent but whatever. Aside from Triple H there are no logical picks for GM that Vince would intrust power to that has a beef with Edge.....Vickie, Hardy, Lita are about it...
I hope the GM still turns out to be Triple H and wouldnt be surprised if he returned to Raw next week. Considering the low ratings, its a post PPV starting point and the computer got broke it would make sense for him to return. With that I wouldnt be surprised if Edge was traded to Smackdown instead of feuding with Triple H right away. Triple H can continue a feud with Sheamus for now and later possibly have a fresh Triple H/Edge feud come Wrestlemania time starting aroudn the Royal Rumble. Hell if they really wanted to it could be to unify the two World Titles with each guy being on a different brand.

His feuding with Edge doesnt make a whole lot of sense and really he would logically be focusing on Sheamus, and has been to an extent but whatever. Aside from Triple H there are no logical picks for GM that Vince would intrust power to that has a beef with Edge.....Vickie, Hardy, Lita are about it...
First off, i do NOT want Edge back on Smackdown. One reason is, i fear that if he goes back to Smackdown, he will be in the World title picture and i want to see fresh champions on Smackdown. I DO want to see Alex Riley on Smackdown. As for Edge, my hope is that the GM feud will lead to him revealing himself.
Yes, I can see it now: Edge vs The GM Laptop in a Hell In A Cell! Hopefully the computer will get more offense in this Sunday than he did last night. He did manage to bust Edge open though.

Seriously, this is all just leading to the laptop telling Edge he's fired from RAW or is being traded to SD! for Chavo or JTG.
Seriously, this is all just leading to the laptop telling Edge he's fired from RAW or is being traded to SD! for Chavo or JTG.
sadly, i agree, i think it will lead to Edge being on Smackdown, BUT i dont want him there for the reasons i mentioned above. I rather see Edge feud with the GM and have the GM be revealed and have him punish him then have the feud end somehow and move on with Edge. i wouldnt mind a face turn for him on RAW either because RAW needs more main event faces than Orton and Cena and i like Miz best as a heel.

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