Give Christian A push Before He Retires !

does christian deserve to be a main-eventer? yes. will he? not necessarily. you would think a guy who is: a) a good wrestler b) charismatic and c) has a big fan following would be a higher priority in the wwe-but that is where we are wrong. unfortunately he's just not as "awesome" as guys like Sheamus and Drew McIntyre who don't really have charisma, good wrestling ability or any fan support whatsoever. lol

it is a shame though. christian is probably one of my top 3 favorite current wwe wrestlers. i tuned into ecw every week just to see his matches. i watch Superstars when i know he has a match on there as well. i really do hope that he does get a push before he retires. i at least hope wwe took notice of how good the match he had with Edge a couple few weeks back on raw was and turn it into a legitimate feud in the future. i do have to say though- christian and dolph ziggler could be a decent feud. they had a pretty good match the other night on Superstars. i'd like to see both these guys get a push actually.
The WWE usually forgives people who have made mistakes like leaving for a rival organization, bashing the company, or getting fired. I believe Christian has done well since he came back. He's doing the best he can to put on an entertaining match and get the people into it. And I think he's matured compared to how he was in the past. He's only been back in the E for just over a year. So if he continues to do everything thats expected of him he should get a taste of the world title in due time. We just have to be patient.
He should win MITB as many have stated because he certainly does deserve a push.
He is everything WWE needs right now, he is clean and a great worker, the fact he hasnt been in the main event before means he is a fresh face to build a feud with, he has that unfinished business with Cena from 2005, but that will be forgotten and he has a feud with Edge ready, but maybe not for a few months because he just faced him on Raw. He is a working machine and he can have great matches and we all know what he is capable of in the gimmick matches.

Smackdown is the perfect place for him to be to get it, but the Ziggler feud seems to be more for his benefit than Christians. He may have a similar style story to Eddie though where he gets the one reign after years of busting it. Then he'll get more though when he shows his ability. If he was a few inches taller and a few pounds heavier he would have probably had about 7 title reigns by now.

But when his time comes, the WWE and Vince have to really get behind him, like they have been with Sheamus and McIntyre or it'd be worse then not doing it at all because the half assed reign (re: Rey) will make him look stupid and like he wasnt worthy of it in the first place.
Not to change the subject but you're right about the Rey thing. I remember when Orton used to call Rey the charity case, because of his friend Eddie's death. Vince wouldnt have been caught dead putting a World heavyweight title on Rey's shoulder, because of his size, but because of the events of the prior months, he did so. Vince likes to put world heavyweight titles on big men, not on insects like Rey.

Christians slim figure is not helping him.
SmackDown is perfect for him to become World Champion and I think it'll happen before the years over. He already beat Swagger for the ECW title, so maybe he'll do it with the World Title, and if not he'd be the one to beat whoever beats Swagger IMO. Christian as come a long way since leaving in 05 for TNA. Yes he has 4 title reigns combined (NWA and ECW), but a WWE or WHC would be nice. Just one reign with either of those titles would be great. He's 36, but he's still got a lot left in the tank and the guy isn't going anywhere. His ring style is decent and fun to watch and he's way too over to not get the gold down the road.
If the internet didn't spoil Christians return during the Edge vs Jeff Hardy match he would have gotten a championship run by now. Instead Matt Hardy came and created a terrible feud with his brother that was pointless.
You're absolutely right about Christian needing a push before he retires. There are rumours going around that Edge is going to retire in 2 years time so Christian shouldn't be too far behind, even before if he doesn't get a decent push.

I think he'll win one of the Money in the Bank's at Money in the Bank and win the title eventually. Actually scratch that, I don't think Christian'll win. I KNOW he will.

Christian will be a World Champion this year. 2010 is the year of Christian.

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