Give Christian A push Before He Retires !


Occasional Pre-Show
Okay , so after E and C , Edge got the push and Christian didn't . I really like Christian and it would be great if he got a push before he retires , and what he's like , 36 now ?

This is how I would like his push to be :
Edge vs Christian at Wrestlemania 27 .
They start the actual feud around Royal Rumble . Christian eliminates Edge or something .
But before this , they drop hints . They already did . On Friday Night Smackdown! after the draft , Christian said he wanted it to be Edge vs Christian not Edge and Christian . Second , when Randy Orton got to pick Edge's opponent for an episode of RAW in Toronto , he picked The Undertaker , but before that Christian came out and Edge thought that Christian was his opponent . After Edge won , Randy said he didn't know why Christian came out there because 'Taker was his real opponent . . . doesn't that sound like a hint ?

What are your thoughts ? If Christian were to get a push , how would he get it ? :)
After E&C, they both got IC title runs. Christian got a pretty good push with a match at Jericho at WM20 with Trish on the line. They both had opportunities to win a world title before Christian left the first time.

I think Christian came out to beat the shit out of Edge for what he did to him on Smackdown. And Taker wasn't coming back for an actual match, Christian was there to tire Edge down and throw him in the ring with the Deadman.

And I don't see Edge vs Christian at Wrestlemania 27 right now, it's too early to tell. Don't get ahead of your self because of what happened a month after Wrestlemania.

Everybody knows Vince isn't too fond of Christian and doesn't think he is champion material. I think he's in line for a pretty big feud right now with Vickie though.

Not everybody gets that last push before they retire. People would kill to get tickets to the Wrestlemania where Shawn Michaels wins the title and then retires. But that didn't happen. He lost and was forced to retire (a la Flair). I think Christian has about 2 more years left in him. Maybe we'll see him with a title, maybe not. The guy had two ECW title runs last yaer, he was the top dog of that brand. And to me, that title was still a World Title. It was an option for the RR winner to go after.

There are just some guys that are there to get guys over, back-up dancers if you will. He just happens to be in that group, along with Kane, Regal, and Chavo.
Don't get ahead of your self because of what happened a month after Wrestlemania.

Um , my opinion ? And , I'm not , I'm seeing this as a possibility . And obviously we can't tell whats really going to happen yet . E and C are gonna have their own feuds until Royal Rumble . Then a feud between them can start . (IMO)

And , Christian has a lot of potential , and yeah Vince doesn't like Christian just because he went to TNA right ?

What about Jeff Hardy ? Yeah , he went to TNA , got a title shot and won it even thought the guy is a druggie and doesn't follow the wellness program .

So , I FEEL , that Christian Cage should get a push because hes a great wrestler and pretty good on the mic and he's over with the crowd. Come on, they love him .(AGAIN , MY OPINION)

But , yeah the feud with Vickie is pretty good , giving Mr. Ziggles a feud .

ECW , didn't air in Canada ... yet Christian's Canadian .

Back up dancers , Mhm , you don't HAVE to be a backup dancer to put people over . HBK is an example .

But , your right , we have no idea whats really going to happen . But its just an idea .

BTW , wasn't I asking you to give your thoughts of how Christian would get his push if he did ? :)
with how the royal rumble has been the past few years, i could assume christian eliminates edge in the royal rumble to win it, then edge wins elimination chamber and its edge vs christian at wrestlemania 27. but christian does deserve a push probably more then anyone on the roster (IMO).
Maybe WWE will do it right at the Money In The Bank ppv. If not christian atleast someone worthy of a push, and make the guy look good unlike what their doing with swagger making him look weak.
Sheamus looked weak in his push too but is now looking great. This is gonna sound weird but i always liked sheamus cause he reminded me of my friend xD
I think Christian desverd a push as how he gets it I am not totally sure. I doubt he will win the Rumble or elminate Edge in the Rumble match and start feud like that because that sounds a little boring and has been done before with the Shawn Micheals and Kurt Angle feud.

The only way I can see Christian getting push that makes sense to me would have Christian win the money in the bank brief case at the mintb ppv. Then have him wait a while until Edge wins the world title and then cash it on him or have Christian cashing in his briefcase and then in the middle of the match have edge come out dq him which a feud would come out like that.

Other then that I am not sure he will be getting a push as much as I want him to have one.
I would love to see Christian get a title run. I think they easily blew an oportunity this past friday in the Battle royal. I know he is starting something with Dolph but this wudda be a great way to get him in the title hunt. Im hoping he gets a shot before he calls it quits. I think he has the fan support there and has the big match performances in him still. Obviously the big match would be him vs Edge that we would all love to see for the title. I would like to see it start by Edge attackin Christian out of no where and building off that. It would draw money as everyone has been wanting a program with these two since he came back. Lets hope it happens!
I have mixed thoughts about Christian. He's a good worker and has proven himself. But going to TNA he lost a ton of momentum, then he came back to the E humbled. Then Vince put and ugly black and white tin on a strap on his shoulder for a year. This guy is getting older by the day. His body looks like he quit working out. And that shit he does where he starts clapping in his matches to get people clapping is stupid and annoying.

If he's ever going to become a world champion it should be this year or the next. To me he looks like he doesnt have much gas left in his tank.
Like people said, I think he should go onto the mitb ppv and win the briefcase. In my opinion it should have happened at wrestlemania earlier this year( him winning mitb) but I guess that would have too predictable. His push would go as follows: he would start a new feud with cm punk and the ses to fully establish him as a credible main eventer before becoming champion. Him and punk would trade wins until the October ppv with Christian finally ending the rivalry with big win. He would then have some very competitive matches in smackdown with him building up a bit of a winning streak. I would have him teasing the current champ ( swagger?) to keep him worried the whole time. During all his matches, i think i have the commentators talking and proclaiming that Christian is a world champ waiting to happen. At ppv's up until this point we see edge and Christian paths cross as they see each other backstage and gave verbal confrontations. Then as the rumble comes along, edge wins the wwe title in contraversial fashion. He comes out and cuts promos saying how he is the best and he is untouchable and solidifies his claim as he retains his title at EC. He then Says no one can beat but out comes Christian and challenges him at wrestlemania for the title sayin edge has had his chances At being champ but now it's his time , his shot and nothing will stop him from achieving his dream because that's how he rolls! We then see some epic promos with being guests on each others shows, talking about the days of e & c and how they were best friends and when they grew up together. Finally in an outstanding 25 minute main event match on the grandest stage of them all, captain charisma finally brings home the gold after 15 years of waiting! .............. Well, it may not go down this way, but a guy can dream can't he?
The guy had two ECW title runs last yaer, he was the top dog of that brand. And to me, that title was still a World Title. It was an option for the RR winner to go after.

Amen, brother! It's nice to see someone else other than me thinking the same way. Sure, the ECW World Championship wasn't held at the level as the WWE or World Heavyweight Championships, but it was a world title nonetheless. In addition, when Matt Hardy held the title as Christian later did, he made the championship mean something because of the caliber of the man carrying it.

Now, as far as Christian is concerned, I think he's pretty content with where he's at in the WWE. After all, he is a four-time world champion with two ECW and two NWA reigns. It would be awesome to see Christian win another world championship but it's not something that I would lose any sleep over.

Captain Charisma has accomplished a lot in his career in addition to his world title reigns and has had a lot of phenomenal matches. So for any other Christian fans, isn't that enough to warrant a successful career?
I often wonder if people think before they post things? Decarow mate yeah Christian is 36 years old but to say he only has 2 more years in him is rediculous. What planet are you from? Look at some of the big names in the WWE and you will see a few guys that are in their 40's HHH, Jericho is close, Undertaker, HBK was well into his 40's and still brought it every night. So I guess my point is this I can not see why Christian won't get a push in time. I'm pretty sure that is why he has been placed on Smackdown. A great place to bring him into the forefront of the WWE roster.....but it will take a bit of time.
I cant name another wrestler that deserves a title shot more than he does. I know Vince isnt big on him, but all he does is constantly carry matches and cards. All the credentials are there, then again it took Benoit 15yrs and Eddie 16 to get there. Christian should be IC champ at the least. He and Edge would be great for WM27, title or not! Christian should win the rumble though.
I often wonder if people think before they post things? Decarow mate yeah Christian is 36 years old but to say he only has 2 more years in him is rediculous. What planet are you from? Look at some of the big names in the WWE and you will see a few guys that are in their 40's HHH, Jericho is close, Undertaker, HBK was well into his 40's and still brought it every night. So I guess my point is this I can not see why Christian won't get a push in time. I'm pretty sure that is why he has been placed on Smackdown. A great place to bring him into the forefront of the WWE roster.....but it will take a bit of time.

He's spent the majority of his career taking major bumps. Undertaker and HBK are NOWHERE near how they used to be. It's kind of sad really. They have maybe a great match at Wrestlemania every year, and that's it. HHH and Taker get injured every year or so. Jericho has even talked about retiring in the next 3 or 4 years. Edge thinks he has about 2 years left in his body. Everybody is pushing for young stars. Some people are even starting to say Cena is getting old (barely in his 30s).

I just don't really see Christian getting a legit world title reign. If he does, it is because Vince wants to please the IWC, a la Tommy Dreamer.

I'm not saying he doesn't deserve it, I'm just saying that he's getting on up there in age. He seems like a smart guy that will know when to retire without killing his image (unlike Hogan, Nash, etc.). Now if doesn't retire in the next few years, he'll just be a main event filler for when Taker, HHH, Kane, Jericho, and Big Show retire.

I :lmao: when somebody pointed out his clapping being stupid. Because it's true. Also, his Killswitch is pretty unbelievable. I can understand the facebuster part, but not the preparation. It just looks like too much work for such a little move.
He'll have to do better than pretending there's sunlight in arenas, slapping his chest live a chav, using cheap tactics to get pops, and wearing what looks like a diaper beneath his pants. He acts like an overgrown child. I hate him. I also hate that finger pointing thing he does while shifting his head. He acts so fake. Not easy on the eyes at all.
I think Christian was at his best in 2004/2005, if he would have stayed with the E, he would have gotten the world title by 2007 if not sooner. Vince never takes kindly to people who leave him and go to a rival organization. He takes them back, but its never like it was before. Another useless move he has is jumping over the top just to slap the guy. Please man.

Fans are going to have to push harder if they want to see him as world champion. Because to me it feels like people are starting to not care about him and jump on someone else's bandwagon.

Even if he was to win a world title, most likely it'll be a Jeff Hardy-ish run. Just for a few weeks the most.
I wouldn't worry too much about that. Look at Smackdown's roster.

Undertaker is of course the special attraction but is always away, and seriously, if he's got more than a year in him I'd be surprised. I honestly think we're approaching the time where he simply appears at Wrestlemania each year

Rey Mysterio is a big-time crowd pleaser, but we know he wants time off, he doesn't have too long left, he has several nagging injuries etc.

Big Show is currently Smackdown's top face. I didn't think people would buy it, but they are, so more power to him. However, he can't fill that role for a year.

Kofi Kingston seemingly was going to step up to the main event when he came over to Smackdown given how light on main event faces there are. But he just won the IC title, so for the time being at least, he's not going to be in the main event.

Kane should be a main event face/heel, he really should be, but he isn't. He hasn't been in a very long time. He could be, and I'd welcome that, but I don't think he will. Also, it seems he may be revealed as the attack and turn heel.

MVP is not as good as people thought he was/was going to be a few years ago. Say what you want, he's just not as good as people think. He'll get main event rubs here and there, but I can't see him as a brand-carrying face.

So who does that leave? Christian. Right now he's stuck in a feud with Vicki Guerrero. But... Vicki has in the past been the GM and I wouldn't be surprised if she was again, so if that feud lasted he could be automatically in the main event. Beyond that, he's got proven chemistry with Jack Swagger, Smackdown's champion. I think he has about 3-5 years left in him as he's had less injuries than Edge, so he'd be a sensible long term investment on a brand full of older wrestlers, despite what Vince allegedly feels about him.

Ultimately I think the lack of depth on Smackdown means he will get a push by default. Taker and Rey aren't as dependable, Kane will go heel, MVP isn't good enough, Kofi's busy, and Big Show can't feud with Swagger all year.

He can go in the ring, he gets pops on the level of any of the main event talent, and he's very liked by his fellow wrestlers, he will get his push now.
It sounds as if Christian is going to retire this year by the title of this post! In all seriousness Christian has got quite a few years left in the tank. Much longer considering he doesn't have to take as many bumps as he did with E & C and in TNA.

Back on topic: Christian is a great wrestler and I do think it's worth it to put a title on him. He gets pretty decent pops (well, depending on the city) and his ring work is great to watch. But if we're talking a push in the immediate future, Christian just can't go beyond IC Title. Sure he won the ECW Championship and held it hella long, but that's just because there was no one else good enough to take the title from him. Not to mention it's a retired belt that in most people's eyes wasn't worthy of World Title status.

Christian in this run in the WWE doesn't have that main event worthy feud with somebody. Using SD examples, if Christian has a feud with say, CM Punk, who is a tried and true main eventer in WWE, he could be built up as a credible main eventer. This could've been the year for him to get that all important feud, but unfortunately he's stuck in a feud with Chavo, Ziggler, Hornswoggle, and Vickie, and the only thing that's gonna save that feud is if Christian gives a Killswitch to the Cougar.
To agree with the others, after TNA, he lost so much momentum... what he has done in TNA (matches and promo-wise, especially the "one hour" promo) was more than Hogan has or ever will do.

With that being said, like the old saying goes, "its not what you've done, its whats you've done lately"..... Christian hasnt dont sh*t. Hes great but WWE didnt bill Christian as TNA did, thats why hes not a main-eventer.

For his hopeful push, face it.... hes this generations: Tito Santana (a guy you cheer for, but if hes not on the card did you really notice?)
i like christian,thought he was awesome to watch in person and is a good worker,but a world title wouldn't look right on him,maybe us title at the most,or maybe try in him in another tag team(edge,yeah right,or maybe morrison or hardy),but i don't see world on him
We can learn from Christian's mistakes. He is living example of "dont abandon your ship". If he would have stayed with the E, there's a solid 90% chance he would have been world champion by now. Instead he got frustrated, impatient, and left the E for TNA. A smaller, way smaller organization, and at the end of the day its like, who cares. Christian knew his heart was with the E so he came back.

Now he's older, lost his spot and seniority, and had to go to the back of the line.
I doubt he will win the Rumble or elminate Edge in the Rumble match and start feud like that because that sounds a little boring and has been done before with the Shawn Micheals and Kurt Angle feud.

Oops ! Yeah , I forgot about that , good point . :)
We can learn from Christian's mistakes. He is living example of "dont abandon your ship". If he would have stayed with the E, there's a solid 90% chance he would have been world champion by now. Instead he got frustrated, impatient, and left the E for TNA. A smaller, way smaller organization, and at the end of the day its like, who cares. Christian knew his heart was with the E so he came back.

Now he's older, lost his spot and seniority, and had to go to the back of the line.

LOL! What about Jeff Hardy ? He left to TNA , came back to the E , got a World title shot , won it , and left to TNA again . ? WTF ? Think before you post .
I think the thread should be renamed to Give Christian a world title before he retires...

It's already unfair that WWE don't recognise world champions out of WWE e.g. both christian and r'truth won the NWA world title when in TNA...Therefore, Christian needs to win a world title before he retires...that's all he sure VKM can give him a world title reign in the next coming months...what is he like 36 years old...not much time left...and no, not just one reign were it lasts a month..but maybe 2 or 3 title runs...that add up to at least 200 days...

Think about it this way, CM Punk is a 3 time world champion and has a total 160 days, whereas Benoit, held it once and had a reign for 154 days...get the difference...

Anyway, great thread...we should put on a petition somewhere were VKM can see Christians peepz want im to be world champion....
LOL! What about Jeff Hardy ? He left to TNA , came back to the E , got a World title shot , won it , and left to TNA again . ? WTF ? Think before you post .

What? Read all the posts Ive made in this forum and tell me if I think before I post or not.

Yes, I know about the Jeff Hardy comings and goings, but Jeff and Christian are 2 complete different worlds. Jeff becoming world champion may be one of those things where a wrestler was at the right place at the right time. Have you heard of that term before?
Jeff becoming world champion may be one of those things where a wrestler was at the right place at the right time. Have you heard of that term before?

At the right place , at the right time . Hell no . Vince can do whatever he wants and instead of Jeff being a main eventer , they could of had anybody else feud with CM Punk , but no , it had to be that druggie , who moves back and forth from TNA to WWE and still gets a title shot in the E . That's messed up . There are way more well deserving people of that title .

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