Edge or Sting, If only one could go into the HOF

Who deserves a WWE Hall of Fame spot more?

  • Edge

  • Sting

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Let's not forget...WWE inducted Verne Gagne and he OWNED "rival" AWA and to my knowledge, was never in WWF or WWE. WWE recognizes WCW's title reigns because they bought WCW, so to me, that makes Sting a part of their brand. They could create a "Best of Sting" DVD because they have most of his footage (not TNA of course), so why not put him in the hall of fame?

It shouldn't even be up for discussion: Sting or Edge...obviously Sting
Both of these men are more than worthy of HOF spots, but if you have to look at who has meant more to the wrestling industry, who has carried a company on their back and who continues to be adored by wrestling fans worldwide into his 50s, then the answer to this question is STING

Sting was THE face of WCW for a very long time, and picked up World Titles at a time when they werent passed around like a hot potato. He represented everything good in WCW and his feud with the nWo when he returned in his Crow gimmick is one of the greatest of all time.

Edge has picked up a hell of a lot more titles, but his 10 World Titles have come in the space of 5 or 6 years or so, which is ridiculous. When Sting was in his prime, the title changed hands maybe a couple of times a year, and the Champion was a man who had been named as THE MAN in the company, not the guy who would hold the belt until the next PPV and then drop it again. Edge has never had a title run of similar quality or meaning as Sting.

However, in Edge's favour you have his incredible record of tag-team success. Along with Christian he was part of the best tag team of the 90s in WWE, and was a vital part of some of the best tag team wrestling we have ever seen in the rivalry with the Hardyz and Dudleyz...but that is the tag team division, none of these guys were the main players in their company at this time. Sting was always right at the top in WCW and was incredibly loyal right to the end of the company, when others jumped to the WWE.

For me it has to be STING
Edge, he has been a big star in the WWE, and has some of the most entertaining moments of WWE television, and I believe Sting wouldn't of even been half as big if he didn't have Flair or the NWO to feud with all those years in WCW. I just could never get into Sting myself, but I can see why people like him, he is a good wrestler and good on the stick. Edge is a WWE guy, so that gives him the edge, no pun intended.
Well Its The WWE Hof so il have to go with edge. Sting has done alot for wrestling but its a WWE hall of fame and Edge is WWE from start to finish

Im just quoting you cause there are to many of you with the same sorry arguement to quote so dont take it personal, anyways three major sports leagues have players that never played in their leagues inducted in their credable hof major league baseball has "negro league" players induted into their hof, and the NFL has players that played in the AFL before the merger inducted in their hof, the NBA has ABA players inducted in their hof so your arguement that Sting has never wrestled/played in the WWE is stupid sence three major hof with credability have players that never played in their leagues inducted in their hof. Now dont give me the arguement that those are sports and wrestling is entertainment cause sports are played for our entertainment.
Everyone who says that Edge is a WWE guy seems to forget that Sting (pre TNA) is also a WWE guy seeing as how Vince or WWE owns AWA, UWF, WCCW, and WCW. Kerry Von Erich was the only member of the family to wrestle in the actual WWF, but the entire family was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame. Quit using the "Sting never wrestled in WWE" excuse because its not valid. And really Edge would not have gotten over for squat the Sting has managed to get there and stay there had they followed the same paths... Edge had a couple years as top Heel on one show within the company while Sting was the FACE of WCW. How many 45+ min matches has Edge put on? Sting put on CLASSIC matches, even made Hollywood Hogan look good (which is saying a lot)...Sting didnt need Vince to become a super star while Edge would be nothing without Vince's push.
By the way Edge got his first televised match in wCw so vince took somebody elses reject and made him what he is today mostly a transitional hvywht champion and awsome tagteam wrestler. Sting never needed vince thats what really makes Sting the better more over wrestler.
The answer to this one is obviously Sting even though Sting never worked for the WWE. The WWE are not that partial when it comes to including people in their Hall of Fame as some of you might think. I think they do recognize the contribution that a wrestler makes to the world of wrestling even if they have never worked for the company. I think unless you do something to really piss the WWE off they would include you in their HOF regardless of whether you have worked for the WWE or not.

Taking all that into account the answer is obviously Sting. He is the person that comes to your mind when you talk about WCW other than Ric Flair. His rivalries with Flair and the NWO are legendary and there are a couple of other good ones with the likes of Cactus Jack and Vader. Edge is a great wrestler and he was the top heel of the company for a while but he is not a legend like Sting. At the end of the day he has had only like 2 good feuds and that too with much superior performers like Undertaker and John Cena.
No doubt without question, Sting. He is the most famous and popular wrestler never to set foot in a wwe ring. His 20yr plus career is MUCH more storied than that of edge, who spent most of his career as either a minion or a tag team. Hell it wasnt even until a few years ago when edge even established himself as his own name. For so long it was Edge and Christian..it was damn near wun word lolz...

but Sting on the other hand has had legendary feuds with the likes of Flair, Vader, Hogan, the NWO, Kurt Angle and has put on MUCH more classic matches than edge. Hell his crow gimmick in the mid 90's wus much more interesting that anything edge has done in his whole career (besides sleeping with lita on national tv lolz)..

dont get me wrong i like edge, he's great. But you cant compare him or most active ppl in wrestling for that matter to sting....Sting is a Legend, Edge is not, period
people people.... most of you have said that you would pick edge just because he's worked in the wwe....well if thats the criteria then why even bother debating??
this is about accomplishments,championships,going strong for decades,having epic feuds,etc. if its about being in the wwe then hell even hornswoggle deserves a HOF spot!!! just because he works under vince??!!!!If this is about the wwe HOF then sting cant be a part of this debate because he's never worked in the wwe!!!!!! If you're talkin about who is the better wrestler then its hands down sting.. But until he works in the wwe how the hell is he gonna find himself in the wwe HOF??? this is just dumb... i mean if you're comparing 2 superstars on the basis of their accomplishments it makes sense but if its on who should be in the wwe HOF then how can u put in a superstar who's never worked in the wwe till date???
Your user name tells us you are a Edge fan we get that, but this is the most asinine post on this asinine thread to begin with.

First of, Sting deserves to be in the HOF. I don't care if he never wrestled in the WWF/E. Verne Gagne didn't, Inoki didn't, Stu Hart didn't. Sting's contributions to the overall sport of wrestling merit enough to induct him to the hall of fame. With Vince McMahon buying WCW, he basically bought Sting's WCW career too. He's more than qualified to make the WWF/E Hall of Fame.

Now, as for the above post. Can we really compare Sting and Edge? No we can't. Because Sting is light years better than Edge. Can Sting do the things Edge does in the ring? Well if we're talking about pure wrestling, ring psychology, mat story telling, then yes Sting can do all those things infinitely better than Edge. If you're talking about the spots he did during TLC matches and gimmick matches, then NO, because Sting didn't need spot filled gimmick matches to "tear up" the wrestling industry.

Does Sting have a better character? Jesus Christ man. This is the guy who was over with the entire crowd WITHOUT HAVING TO SAY A SINGLE WORD FOR A WHOLE FUCKING YEAR. If that's not character I don't what it is. Edge gives us the rants and jokes, but he's no where near the charisma and mic skills of Sting. I remember when Sting finally broke his silence, everybody wanted to hear his first words. I don't think Edge ever had a crowd eating out the palm of his hand like that.

And as a parting shot, Edge is the slim jim guy. The last slim Jim guy was Macho Man Randy Savage. HE'S NOT IN THE HOF. That's kind of stupid to bring that up.

I'm not saying Edge will never make the HoF. He'll make it and he'll deserve it. But to say that he's infinitely times better than Sting, as if Sting is an afterthought? That's just plain ridiculous and a total lack of respect.

I disagree with you completely dude. Yes from a non-wrestling fan's standpoint Sting is way bigger, but we are all wrestling fans who actually care about the business and have watched it. If you really don't believe Edge deserves a Hall of Fame nod just as much as anyone else then you are in denial bro. Wait 15 years and see what the new generation thinks about Edge. His name will go down in history with the wrestling greats of this era.

And about the Slim Jim comment, my whole point was how big of a star Macho Man is and continues to be. He DESERVES a Hall of Fame nod and that was my point. Edge being a successor to the Macho Man just proves how big of a star he is.

Is Edge my favorite wrestler? Yes, by far. And that is why I have this username. So to me, he is light years ahead of Sting. If you ask your average person who is more recognizable, I would think they would say Sting. But any true wrestling fan understands the legacy of Edge's career. If you can't understand that then I don't know what to tell you.

Look at Edge's match with Taker from WM 24. Now watch Sting's match with Hogan from Starrcade. Who has better psychology? Who has a better work rate? WHO MAIN EVENTED MANIA WITH THE FREAKING BELT AGAINST THE BIGGEST LEGEND THIS BUSINESS HAS EVER HAD!?

Edge is someone who came up loving the business. Sting was a surfer bodybuilder who was just looking for something new to do.

Edge > Sting in my book. Sorry if you disagree.

If I can just make one more point, it's not a lack of respect. I respect Sting and understand his legacy too. To say he doesn't deserve a spot in the HoF would be completely ridiculous. And I'm NOT saying that. I'm just saying Edge deserves it just as much. That's how I personally feel. I've watched Edge's WHOLE career. I can't say the same about Sting, so maybe I'm a little biased. But to totally discount Edge and not give him the credit he deserves seems like a lack of respect to me. It looks like you are the pot and I am the kettle my friend.
This isn't about who is better in the ring. It is about who deserves a Hall of Fame spot more. Hell, KoKo B Ware is in the Hall of Fame but he isn't better in the ring than Randy Savage. You can't put up the argument that Sting deserves it because he is better in ring, and you can't say Edge deserves it because Edge has worked in the WWE and Sting hasn't. My point is that look at everything Edge has accomplished in WWE. Edge is a 30 time WWE Champion and Sting has never even worked for them. That is my argument. It isn't just because Sting never worked for them, it is because of everything Edge has accomplished while working for them. Look at all the epic feuds Edge has had in WWE too, E & C vs The Hardys vs The Dudleys had some great matches and re-defined tag team wrestling. He had a good feud in 02 with the late great, Eddie Guerrero and they had some amazing matches. His feud in 05 with Matt Hardy was also amazing because it was a real life sitiuation and had a lot of Bad Blood involved. Then in 06, Edge won his first major World title, when he won the WWE Championship after being the first to cash in the MITB. Edge then had an epic feud with some classic matches against Cena throughout 06. In 07, he formed a tag team with Randy Orton and won the WOrld tag titles. In 08, he began a feud with Undertaker and it had some classic matches itself. In 09, he feuded with Cena, Big Show, Jeff Hardy, and then won the tag titles once again with Jericho but right after got injured. He came back at the ROyal Rumble and won then began a feud with Jericho. They had some great matches too. The list goes on and on. The only major feud Sting had was with the NWO and one with Flair in the NWA. I am not saying Edge deserves the spot because he worked for WWE and Sting didn't. I am saying Edge deserves it because Edge has accomplished more and Edge when he was accomplishing more, he was working for the biggest wrestling company in the world. That says it all. The reason many of you are saying Sting, is because he is older and is treated like more of a legend than Edge is.

Both will get into the Hall of Fame one day, but if only one could go in, it would deffinately be Edge.
id pick edge, bc sting has never appeared in a wwe ring, but i know that sting just signed a one year deal with wwe, so maybe next year he'll be in the hall of fame
By the way Edge got his first televised match in wCw so vince took somebody elses reject and made him what he is today mostly a transitional hvywht champion and awsome tagteam wrestler. Sting never needed vince thats what really makes Sting the better more over wrestler.

Edge also worked his ass off on the Indies making a name for himself instead of being a jacked bodybuilder who tagged with Ultimate Warrior and got shot straight to the top despite the fact that he had no wrestling credentials whatsoever. Don't even compare the way they got into the business because Edge came in old school and worked very hard and deserves every single thing that he got. You just sound ignorant with this post.
Edge also worked his ass off on the Indies making a name for himself instead of being a jacked bodybuilder who tagged with Ultimate Warrior and got shot straight to the top despite the fact that he had no wrestling credentials whatsoever. Don't even compare the way they got into the business because Edge came in old school and worked very hard and deserves every single thing that he got. You just sound ignorant with this post.

And Sting doesn't deserve everything he has achieved. I don't care how Edge or Sting got into the business and it's ridiculous that you hold something against Sting of because how he got into the business. Sting is a great wrestler and worked hard to get where he is today and that's one of the best the business has ever seen. Even the greatest got to where they are different ways. It doesn't make the ones you claim got there because of their physique any less great.
And Sting doesn't deserve everything he has achieved. I don't care how Edge or Sting got into the business and it's ridiculous that you hold something against Sting of because how he got into the business. Sting is a great wrestler and worked hard to get where he is today and that's one of the best the business has ever seen. Even the greatest got to where they are different ways. It doesn't make the ones you claim got there because of their physique any less great.

I was holding anything against Sting, he deserves everything just as well. I was holding something against that poster who claimed that Edge was just a WCW reject when that is very, VERY far from being true. Edge hated WCW after his tryout matches and vowed to never work there. What a great choice that was since that whole company went under in 2001, and Edge has seen his best years occur since that time.
Tis simplistic oh younling....The Stinger hits Edge with THE STINGER SPLASH in this question.

Yes Edge will be in one day but he has many years ahead of him. If you go with the "well sting never wrestled in WWE/F" then Arn Anderson, Tully Blanchard, Ole Anderson and a host of others should never get in as well. You see how stupid that statement is?

Stinger will always be an ICON Mc MC Maniquin knows this and has known this for years. From Stings Surfer dude Persona to his Crow Persona ( because he did the stunts in the movie Crow 2 City of Angels) He has been a HUGE Draw....his drawing power rivaled Hogans and Flairs...One big reason why Mr. Borden and Mr. Fleur do not get along. Flair (Fleur) did not like that Sting was more popular than him.

In WCW Surfer Stinger WAS the John Cena of the day and still Sells Merch like MAD. Stinger sells Merch big wherever he goes...NWA, WCW or TNA he is a top seller. The same cannot be said for Adam Edge Copland. He has a small fan base compared to Steve Stinger Borden.

In the End it comes to one thing....It is the Wrestling Hall of Fame....not the WWE/F HOF...Mc Manaquin will put in who he wants even if its Kevin Sullivan or The Gobbldy Gooker.
This isn't about who is better in the ring. It is about who deserves a Hall of Fame spot more. Hell, KoKo B Ware is in the Hall of Fame but he isn't better in the ring than Randy Savage. You can't put up the argument that Sting deserves it because he is better in ring, and you can't say Edge deserves it because Edge has worked in the WWE and Sting hasn't. My point is that look at everything Edge has accomplished in WWE. Edge is a 30 time WWE Champion and Sting has never even worked for them. That is my argument. It isn't just because Sting never worked for them, it is because of everything Edge has accomplished while working for them. Look at all the epic feuds Edge has had in WWE too, E & C vs The Hardys vs The Dudleys had some great matches and re-defined tag team wrestling. He had a good feud in 02 with the late great, Eddie Guerrero and they had some amazing matches. His feud in 05 with Matt Hardy was also amazing because it was a real life sitiuation and had a lot of Bad Blood involved. Then in 06, Edge won his first major World title, when he won the WWE Championship after being the first to cash in the MITB. Edge then had an epic feud with some classic matches against Cena throughout 06. In 07, he formed a tag team with Randy Orton and won the WOrld tag titles. In 08, he began a feud with Undertaker and it had some classic matches itself. In 09, he feuded with Cena, Big Show, Jeff Hardy, and then won the tag titles once again with Jericho but right after got injured. He came back at the ROyal Rumble and won then began a feud with Jericho. They had some great matches too. The list goes on and on. The only major feud Sting had was with the NWO and one with Flair in the NWA. I am not saying Edge deserves the spot because he worked for WWE and Sting didn't. I am saying Edge deserves it because Edge has accomplished more and Edge when he was accomplishing more, he was working for the biggest wrestling company in the world. That says it all. The reason many of you are saying Sting, is because he is older and is treated like more of a legend than Edge is.

Both will get into the Hall of Fame one day, but if only one could go in, it would deffinately be Edge.

Dude are you kidding??????Sting has had no great Feuds????? The Great Muta feud????.....Flair for 10 years???? The whole Dungeon and Kevin Sullivan??

Seriously you need to research before you say someone has never had a great Fued. I bet yer early 20's at best. Take it from a 40+ year old Sting has had killer Fueds
Dude are you kidding??????Sting has had no great Feuds????? The Great Muta feud????.....Flair for 10 years???? The whole Dungeon and Kevin Sullivan??

Seriously you need to research before you say someone has never had a great Fued. I bet yer early 20's at best. Take it from a 40+ year old Sting has had killer Fueds

I never said Sting hasn't had any great feuds. Don't mix my words up. I said, Sting hasn't had as many as Edge. That's my point though, you are an older generation fan who watched Sting in his prime so you are going to jump to some conclusions that Sting deserves a Hall of Fame spot more than Edge. You need to back up your opinion like I did. Sting has not accomplished what Edge has and Edge did all of that in the biggest wrestling company in the world.

Tis simplistic oh younling....The Stinger hits Edge with THE STINGER SPLASH in this question.

Yes Edge will be in one day but he has many years ahead of him. If you go with the "well sting never wrestled in WWE/F" then Arn Anderson, Tully Blanchard, Ole Anderson and a host of others should never get in as well. You see how stupid that statement is?

Stinger will always be an ICON Mc MC Maniquin knows this and has known this for years. From Stings Surfer dude Persona to his Crow Persona ( because he did the stunts in the movie Crow 2 City of Angels) He has been a HUGE Draw....his drawing power rivaled Hogans and Flairs...One big reason why Mr. Borden and Mr. Fleur do not get along. Flair (Fleur) did not like that Sting was more popular than him.

In WCW Surfer Stinger WAS the John Cena of the day and still Sells Merch like MAD. Stinger sells Merch big wherever he goes...NWA, WCW or TNA he is a top seller. The same cannot be said for Adam Edge Copland. He has a small fan base compared to Steve Stinger Borden.

In the End it comes to one thing....It is the Wrestling Hall of Fame....not the WWE/F HOF...Mc Manaquin will put in who he wants even if its Kevin Sullivan or The Gobbldy Gooker.

What in the blue hell are you talking about? This has nothing to do with selling merchandise and we are talking about the WWE Hall of Fame. Why the fuck would you bring up Mc Manaquin or the Wrestling Hall of Fame? You need to go back and read the first post in this thread so you will know what the fuck is going on.
Can we all just agree that both Edge and Sting are incredible legends of this business and in all likelihood they will both be in the Hall of Fame someday? Obviously we have a split between Edgeheads and Stingers, look at the freaking poll. It really makes no sense to compare them as people have noticed so let's all just agree to disagree.
Can we all just agree that both Edge and Sting are incredible legends of this business and in all likelihood they will both be in the Hall of Fame someday? Obviously we have a split between Edgeheads and Stingers, look at the freaking poll. It really makes no sense to compare them as people have noticed so let's all just agree to disagree.

That is the point of why I made this thread. Isn't that the point of a wrestling forum in general? To debate on topics we disagree on. So why should we all agree to disagree when disagreeing and debating on what you disagree about is what a wrestling forum is for. If everyone on a wrestling forum agreed then, what would be the point of debating? Now, I like both men but like I have said over and over, that everyone keeps ignoring Edge has accomplished more in the wrestling business than Sting. He accomplished more in the biggest company in the world too and that's why Edge would go in if you had to choose between Edge and Sting.

I am glad, there is so much discussion and debating as this is why I made the thread. They will both go in some day but "what if" WWE had to choose. We all know they won't choose between the two of them and will add them both but the whole point of this thread is to see who deserves it more. It doesn't matter if you are an Edgehead or a Stinger, all that matters is Edge has accomplished more and he accomplished more than Sting in the biggest wrestling company in the world. I keep stating that and everyone is ignoring it and giving shitty answers on why Sting deserves it more.
I never said Sting hasn't had any great feuds. Don't mix my words up. I said, Sting hasn't had as many as Edge. That's my point though, you are an older generation fan who watched Sting in his prime so you are going to jump to some conclusions that Sting deserves a Hall of Fame spot more than Edge. You need to back up your opinion like I did. Sting has not accomplished what Edge has and Edge did all of that in the biggest wrestling company in the world.

You're joking right? Sting helped carry a fucking company on his back - a company that came very close to crushing WWE during his tenure. You're only fifteen, so it's reasonable that you wouldn't remember the complete and utter domination that was WCW for a few years, but don't discredit Sting because he never wrestled in the WWE. Edge has never been the focal point of a company, never been a top draw, and only achieved main event status in 2006 - five years ago and nearly a decade after his debut. Sting, on the other hand, was one of WCW top draws since the late 1980s and early 1990s and he has remained an attraction since. If he is the one that arrives on RAW on 2/21, the pop he gets is going to be unreal, which is a testament to his legacy. Also, Vince has wanted him for years, so it's not like he's not highly sought after.

Has Sting won as many titles as Edge? No, but he has achieved just as much with less reigns and the fact that he did all of that WITHOUT ever working in the WWE is far more impressive than many of you are giving credit for. I'm not trying to discredit Edge, but the fact that the main argument against Sting in this thread is that he never worked for Vince shows how weak of a choice Edge is. Unless Vince McMahon has an inferiority complex, there's no way he would induct Edge over Sting if he had to choose.
You're joking right? Sting helped carry a fucking company on his back - a company that came very close to crushing WWE during his tenure. You're only fifteen, so it's reasonable that you wouldn't remember the complete and utter domination that was WCW for a few years, but don't discredit Sting because he never wrestled in the WWE. Edge has never been the focal point of a company, never been a top draw, and only achieved main event status in 2006 - five years ago and nearly a decade after his debut. Sting, on the other hand, was one of WCW top draws since the late 1980s and early 1990s and he has remained an attraction since. If he is the one that arrives on RAW on 2/21, the pop he gets is going to be unreal, which is a testament to his legacy. Also, Vince has wanted him for years, so it's not like he's not highly sought after.

Has Sting won as many titles as Edge? No, but he has achieved just as much with less reigns and the fact that he did all of that WITHOUT ever working in the WWE is far more impressive than many of you are giving credit for. I'm not trying to discredit Edge, but the fact that the main argument against Sting in this thread is that he never worked for Vince shows how weak of a choice Edge is. Unless Vince McMahon has an inferiority complex, there's no way he would induct Edge over Sting if he had to choose.

Sting did not carry WCW by himself. If you don't remember, Ric Flair Flair was there too, a wrestling God. Sting had help and was not alone. Now, did Sting help put over a top guy in his company like Edge did? No because Edge helped make Cena in there feud in 06. He helped get Cena and bigger pop as did Cena help Edge get more heat. You can't say Sting help put over Flair, because Flair was way over as a heel before Sting arrived. Edge helped get Cena a bigger pop because that was Cena's first major feud. You could say JBL was his first major feud but the feud with Edge was much bigger and much better. Edge got more heat and Cena got more pops. Sting didn't help put over a top star like Edge did.
Gotta go with Sting. He's just simply the bigger star. It's all been said here: he's had a longer career, been at the top a hell of a lot longer than Edge, much greater longevity in the business than Edge, greater fueds, etc...
It's not that Edge doesn't deserve the Hall of Fame at some point, I believe he does. When you compare someone to Sting like this however, it's just not fair. Sting will win hands down just about every time.
Now had this been Sting vs. Undertaker....now THAT'S a debate
Honestly, I'd say Edge.

I love Sting and I am not taking anything away from him but Edge has done everything possible in the business. Since Sting has not wrestled in the WWE, that automaticall (fair or unfair) puts him on a lower level than Edge. Whether it's his own fault or not, he never wrestled in the WWE and therefore he never headlined Wrestlemania, never won a Royal Rumble, never won the WWE championship. Edge every belt multiple times. He's headlined Wrestlemania several times and he's won the Royal Rumble. Those things alone put him ahead of Sting. Now remember, the question said one or the other. I think they both deserve it but if I had to pick one over the other, I'd pick Edge.

Also, we're talking about the WWE Hall of Fame, not the PRO WRESTLING HALL OF FAME. Sting has never set foot in a WWE ring. Why would he deserve to be in the company's HOF over Edge, a man that has a resume better than some of the most legendary superstars ever: Hogan, The Rock, Stone Cold, to name a few. I think you all need to take that into consideration.
That is the point of why I made this thread. Isn't that the point of a wrestling forum in general? To debate on topics we disagree on. So why should we all agree to disagree when disagreeing and debating on what you disagree about is what a wrestling forum is for. If everyone on a wrestling forum agreed then, what would be the point of debating? Now, I like both men but like I have said over and over, that everyone keeps ignoring Edge has accomplished more in the wrestling business than Sting. He accomplished more in the biggest company in the world too and that's why Edge would go in if you had to choose between Edge and Sting.

I am glad, there is so much discussion and debating as this is why I made the thread. They will both go in some day but "what if" WWE had to choose. We all know they won't choose between the two of them and will add them both but the whole point of this thread is to see who deserves it more. It doesn't matter if you are an Edgehead or a Stinger, all that matters is Edge has accomplished more and he accomplished more than Sting in the biggest wrestling company in the world. I keep stating that and everyone is ignoring it and giving shitty answers on why Sting deserves it more.

Ok buddy well you must have missed all of my previous posts where I choose Edge and defended my reasoning as best I could. You keep arguing with all these Sting fanboys. I've made my points in this thread. I give you credit, as much as these two make no sense to compare, you have stirred up quite the commotion.

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