Dolph Ziggler's "Pipe Bomb"

Wow, that was great. He's such a wasted talent ain't he? Another case of WWE booking just being awful at every possible level.

The promo felt real and that's something we rarely see today. Hopefully it's the start of something better, I doubt it though.
Is this a joke? He's had opportunity after opportunity after opportunity to get over. It hasn't happened. He's had a multitude of pushes. He's kind of like Morrison was. Everyone loved him on here because he's athletic, and he got pushes, but never got that over. Thus, he didn't get pushed any further (just like anyone else). That's how it works.

That said, I love this promo. I think Ziggler has 100x more talent than Morrison ever had. I think he can get over with stuff like this, but you run into a point of people talking about "boys in the back' type of stuff becomes old news. It only works when used sparsely. It's the taboo part that makes it interesting.
I hear what you are saying, but I think that would have taken away from his promo in this case. For example, had CM PUNK pandered to the crowd after his "pipebomb" then it would have been more than obvious it was a worked promo. His mic being cut off sold it on potentially being real, thus leading to it being talked about on other media outlets. Just like the NWO, you want it to look as real as possible, push the boundaries. Making it appear as a promo takes away from any credibility as a shoot, which is why this promo is getting buzz.
Dude, they filmed another episode of Raw right after Punk's pipe bomb. The ONLY media outlet that didn't normally cover wrestling that I heard about Punk on basically made fun of the fact that while it was a very good acting job, it was obviously fake since they filmed another episode of Raw and continued the angle on it after.

The whole worked shoot thing doesn't get as over as the IWC thinks. The IWC loves it, but it's not at all a long term way to get over.

You people who criticize Zigglers "over selling" need to watch some Secrets of the Ring videos. When you wrestling in an arena and you're a smaller guy, you MUST over sell. You have to tell the story to people 200 feet away in the nose bleed sections. HBK "oversold" too.

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