Does Triple H deserve a "club" of his own?

CM Steel

A REAL American
Triple H has been doing a very well job in place of WWE chairman Vince McMahon as the on-screen boss as C.O.O. of the WWE. As a heel charactor Vince McMahon has had various stables to call his own as the boss. The Corperation, the McMahon-Helmsey faction/Machine, and the underrated McMahon "Kick Ass Club". Featuring members such as Kurt Angle, Booker T, William Regal, and the Big Boss Man (R.I.P.).

Triple H was apart of 2 out of 3 of those stables back in the day. Now Does Triple H deserve a "club" of his own? Trips doesn't have to wrestle as the C.O.O. unless he choose's to from what we see with his program with CM Punk. He could have his own crew to do his bidding for him. More like the kliq!

But it could be a group of younger guys who follow Triple H backstage. Like a Sheamus, Drew McIntyre. Someone to that nature. And I don't think that anyone needs to bring back the "Kiss my Ass Club". We don't need to see anything like that ever again in wrestling.
IMO, he doesn't need to have a groupie anymore. I mean, we know that Triple H is a great leader/commander of a faction but assembling another group is obsolescence already. Although it may still work but you've got to give it to the younger guys like Cody Rhodes and Wade Barrett.
well there have been rumors of wwe bringing back the nwo. On one hand i do think he needs a faction and on the other i don't. Now here me out if punk gets a group of rebels for a take over of wwe like how the wcw had with the nwo than yes but if this rivalry stays where its @ then no.
Not unless he turns heel. There's no need for someone as ballsy or someone as tough as Triple H to go around with someone smaller or less over then he is. Maybe once he turns heel he could use some guys who aren't exactly over to handle his dirty work for him, you know to put them over in the process or something. Guys like Mason Ryan or Drew McIntyre, I dont really care who, could really benefit. I don't really care for this idea as Triple H isn't the pussy McMahon was. Triple H has been build as a tough motherfucker who is "that damn good." Personally, I would just like to see him carry the Sledgehammer around to intimidate the WWE roster.
I don't know to be honest, personally I get really bored, real quick, of that team or "back up" angle that gets played out a lot. Evolution did it really well, but I doubt it would get nearly the same pop as then. Might just come off as a bodyguard type of thing, which could be a good way to introduce a new wrestler.
Trips is doing just fine as it is. He isn't a heel so a clique might mean a heel turn. But I HATE when the company's corporate God is a heel. So he just needs to stay out of the ring in my opinion.

However... Triple H vs. Undertaker at WM28 might be cool.
I say that if you want to recreate the magic of 1998, you let HHH become the new Vince McMahon. You let Punk beat HHH, however he has to, you let HHH get desperate because Johnny Ace uses it as evidence that HHH can't run a company and appeals to the board of directors to give him the job instead, and suddenly HHH has a reason to lead a heel faction without him really even having to be a heel.

Triple H isn't a bad guy, he just doesn't want to lose his career to Johnny Ace. Really, the true heel in this scenario would be, again, Johnny Ace. So, HHH comes in and tries to rule the locker room with an iron fist and you've got Punk and Cena just waiting there to tell him off. Pairing Punk with Cena will finally cross him over into the full on babyface territory, and you could also split them up and start their own group, preferably Punk doing his whole, "Voice of the Voiceless," thing and grabbing some guys who: 1) need the rub; 2) would basically just reform a DX type group. Therefore, this is just 1998/99 all over again, with HHH playing Vince, Punk playing HHH, I suppose Cena would play Austin, with other stars like Miz or Del Rio playing the Rock.

But, the difference between this and the Attitude Era is that HHH again, isn't a heel. You have him acting like a heel, but he obviously doesn't want to do what he's doing. He's only acting this way because Johnny Ace keeps reminding him that if he doesn't get a grip on these guys, then he'll lose his job. HHH isn't evil, he's just scared and if anything that makes him a sympathetic face. Finally, it culminates with HHH having his face turn where he decks Johnny Ace, let's his Rock character take the fall to Punk or Cena, and says he's sick of appealing to suits. From there, he could either give up the COO story line, if they wanted to, and quit, or he could have the happy ending where he keeps his job and the top guys all agree to get along.

I just laid out how I think you could book the next seven months. Lol. Seriously, though, I think the rub that the locker room would get from it is alone good enough reason to do it. When you tie everyone into the story, you don't have to have good reasons to book matches. Look at all the matches the New Age Outlaws and Owen + Jeff Jarrett had; they just hated each other and they were the tag teams in each group. If Punk brought in the Kings of Wrestling and HHH had like, this new Miz and Truth team as his tag team, then that's perfect enough reason to put the belts on either team and let them go at it. I say sure, give HHH a Corporation and give some young guys a rub.
Triple H has been doing a very well job in place of WWE chairman Vince McMahon as the on-screen boss as C.O.O. of the WWE. As a heel charactor Vince McMahon has had various stables to call his own as the boss. The Corperation, the McMahon-Helmsey faction/Machine, and the underrated McMahon "Kick Ass Club". Featuring members such as Kurt Angle, Booker T, William Regal, and the Big Boss Man (R.I.P.).

Triple H was apart of 2 out of 3 of those stables back in the day. Now Does Triple H deserve a "club" of his own? Trips doesn't have to wrestle as the C.O.O. unless he choose's to from what we see with his program with CM Punk. He could have his own crew to do his bidding for him. More like the kliq!

But it could be a group of younger guys who follow Triple H backstage. Like a Sheamus, Drew McIntyre. Someone to that nature. And I don't think that anyone needs to bring back the "Kiss my Ass Club". We don't need to see anything like that ever again in wrestling.

WTF kind of grammar is that?

and I don't think Triple H wants/needs a group of goons to back him up as COO, due to being the biggest goon in the company.

Don't get me wrong I enjoy most of Triple H's work, but as this current angle with Punk shows, Triple H would rather get physically involved himself than use someone else to do his dirty work.

I don't think we'll see Triple H have a stable under him anytime in the near future, maybe at some point down the line but that will be very far from now.
Triple deserving a faction is like 50/50. He makes a decent face character. However if the WWE is really trying to plan the invasion they need to do it like the nWo did. They need to send a few in now have them make some ruckus a few run aways from John Cena setting up a NwO V WWE at survivor series, where Cena makes a heel change. This will work because Cena is always the ring leader when it came to foiling the Nexus ( also why nexus didn't work). Cena is always the front runner and ring leader to stop the evil forces ( also hence Super Cena). This could leave CM Punk to play the Sting role, this could lead to another Wrestler taking Cena's spot as the the top face.
The Miz/Truth make great replacements for Nash/Hall. Nash was the mouth (Miz) Hall more or less said some incoherent words (Truth). This also give a tag team division a boost, Triple H if not wrestling plays the Bichoff role. Take a Cody Rhodes, Sin Cara, and Henning. Now you have a five man base always attacking Cena interrupting matches, let no matches go one with out interference. This will make Cena coming running out all the time....Then at Survivor you turn heel and Join the ( insert new faction name or nWo). WWE won't have the same problems that WCW has because they already have a good business plan in order something WCW lacked. Orton, Dibiase, Ziggler and Swagger could play the roles of the 4 horsemen.

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