Triple H: The Next Vince McMahon

Dark Horse

Occasional Pre-Show
Anyone who has been paying attention to wrestling in the last 14 years or so could probably guess that some time, some day, Triple H and Stephanie McMahon will take over the WWE. Stephanie will likely take the roll of her mother, and Triple H will inevitably take over the role of Vince McMahon. He is his senior advisor now, he's run shoes, gorilla position, the works. All roads seem to lead to Rome in this situation. My query is, to what extent will Triple H be the next Vince McMahon? How do you think he should fulfill his role? And what do you think about this.......


We go into the future about 10 years. Vince has just stepped down as CEO and President of the WWE, and Triple H is fresh in place as the new head of the company. In the process, Triple H not only takes over the executive role of Vince McMahon, but the character of Vince McMajob? Imagine Triple H playing that kind of character instead of the king of kings or the game. He becomes the power-crazy boss. I think it would be pretty crazy. He could continue to get into matches like McMahon as well, delivering occasional glimmers of the past. Maybe make a habit of pedigreeing employees the way McMahon made a habit of the Kiss My Ass Club, stuff like that. Have him get into actual feuds with the wrestlers just like McMahon did with Bret Hart, Hulk Hogan, Shawn Michaels, Stone Cold, The Rock, and Triple H himself. He could put over the guys of tomorrow and the future that way, long past his time in the ring. I think that will be the ultimate payoff with Triple H in the future anyways, but what do you think of that? Like, Dislike, Think it's the worst thing ever? The Soapbox is yours.
I think that there should always be a Vince McMahon evil type gimmick around in the WWE, and I thought that Shane McMahon would be the one doing that but since he isn't around anymore, I guess Triple H would do good too. So, yeah, that's pretty cool.
No one can fill Vince Mcmahon's shoes! HHH is not that smart to do what vince did all these years! Sure Vince has blown it many times, and has not Entertained us very well in the last decade. But Still HHH is No Vince!
I think both yes and no. Yes, Triple H will fill Vince's role once Vince is gone. But not in the way Vince did. Only Vince can play Vince. Could Triple H pull off a power-hungry egomaniac? Of course. He did that with Stephanie. But he couldn't play the role that Vince did. That's why it's both yes and no for me.
I think he could play it well, but to be honest i'd rather have Shane take over once Vince retires. You could have an on-screen power struggle between HHH and Shane. However, Shane is trying to distance himself from the WWE it would seem. I'd love to see Steph back on WWE tv also.
I could see this happening after Taker retires him this year. He comes back and tries to wrestle and when someone says he lost his career to Taker, he can just say he runs things around here and he can do whatever he wants. Some young face that needs the rub goes and beats Triple H with the deck stacked against him. Theres a good feud for 2013 or 2014.
Knowing Triple H will be our future Mr.McMahon in some capacity, is now the time for him to build superstars or headline wrestlemania? Coming back after a year making Sheamus look like a fill in from a local wrestling organization, will only fuel the HHH legacy of burying wrestlers. What plan do you think HHH has for the wrestling future?
Can you really say that he buried Sheamus? Yes, he beat him up. But this is the guy that beat him at WrestleMania last year and then took him out for what, 9-10 months? There's another thread on here somewhere discussing the incorrect perception many fans have about HHH "burying" others.

As for his future, I doubt he's done right now. But I do think he's going to have a bigger presence with the younger guys. I would bet that he loses to Undertaker because of interference from someone, maybe Sheamus. Then he'll feud with them for a few months before moving on to the next up-and-comer.

Maybe he'll setup another stable along the lines of Evolution, with him serving as the older mentor to a few younger guys. Like a more experienced version of CM Punk.
HHH has a legacy of burying wrestlers? Don't think so dude. He didn't scam his way to the top of the business nor did he scam Stephanie McMahon into marrying him.

Pro Wrestling is a business that has investors and sponsors. It's big boy serious. Indy federations is where burying talent happens for personal reasons. Not in a major company who has stock options available to the public.

It's not about liking or disliking a person. It's about having what it takes to hold your own for the WWE regardless of how much of a fan you might be of a particular wrestler.

HHH himself was buried after the MSG Incident. I doubt he would do the same to any wrestler that wasn't deserving. He sets the bar. He's that good. He knows it, and the people in charge of the WWE know it. If a wrestler can't put on a good match with HHH, then how can the WWE trust that wrestler to carry a match himself or main event?

We might see a good match, but if HHH had to carry most of the work between the 2 of them and make the guy look good, then that's a guy the WWE cannot rely on to carry a main event or be able to carry another wrestler in the ring if need be.

With that being said, his legacy as a wrestler has already been cemented as one of the best workers in the industry. He's so good that the WWE uses him as a measuring stick for potential main eventers and pairs him up with other fantastic wrestlers because they know it will be a huge draw.

I don't see him doing much more wrestling after facing Undertaker at WM. Hopefully he reveals himself as the RAW GM or goes for another title run and eventually helps the business move forward as a backstage presence.
Triple H threads seem to be popular today, and the title of this one ( made me think, does HHH need to start working on a new character after Mania?

There is no doubt that the game will take over one day, and IMO he will retire after Mania and be the on air GM.

So my question is, When/if HHH becomes GM/Owner/etc. should he change his name and character? If so, what to?

IMO his career should be on the line at mania, and when he looses he should come out and announce his retirement, but when doing so he should share with the audience his real name, Paul Levesque and have Vince announce him acting Raw GM.

So what do you guys think?
I wouldn't say he buried Sheamus at all. Yeah, he whipped his ass pretty hardcore, but Sheamus did the exact same thing to him last year. It's not the first time we've seen a complete one sided ass kicking in wrestling and it won't be the last, it doesn't mean they're getting buried though. From what I understand, and I may be wrong about this, but I think Sheamus and HHH are actually good friends backstage, so if that's true, then I seriously doubt he was being buried.

As far as what he has planned for his wrestling future, I hope it really is to work with the younger generation. He has done everything there is to do in WWE, so I say after his match with Taker, he should build up the younger stars. I would like to see Drew McIntyre come to Raw and feud with him. I think McIntyre is very talented, but he just needs that one big feud to carry him to the next level and I think HHH is the man to do it. If he can get a string of clean wins on PPV against the Game, then that will launch him to main event status. I would like to see a tournament for the no. 1 contender and have them two in the finals. Have them wrestle a solid 20-25 minute match and have Drew go over clean.
I think he can keep his current gimmick as a non-wrestling Figure, and it'd work out fine.

I don't think he should change from his character to Paul, Name Recognition is a big deal, Most legends keep their stage name past their wrestling careers. and I can't see Levesque catching on, I'd still call him HHH or Hunter.
I wouldn't say he buried Sheamus at all. Yeah, he whipped his ass pretty hardcore, but Sheamus did the exact same thing to him last year. It's not the first time we've seen a complete one sided ass kicking in wrestling and it won't be the last, it doesn't mean they're getting buried though. From what I understand, and I may be wrong about this, but I think Sheamus and HHH are actually good friends backstage, so if that's true, then I seriously doubt he was being buried.

He buried the guy, plain and simple. What should have been a return and redemption resolved in a money-making feud was blown off for the Wrestlemania 17 Rewind we're now forced to sit through. Sheamus got in no offense. Zero, zilch, zip, nada. And he was completely destroyed. Tell me again how that's good for business?

As far as what he has planned for his wrestling future, I hope it really is to work with the younger generation. He has done everything there is to do in WWE, so I say after his match with Taker, he should build up the younger stars. I would like to see Drew McIntyre come to Raw and feud with him. I think McIntyre is very talented, but he just needs that one big feud to carry him to the next level and I think HHH is the man to do it. If he can get a string of clean wins on PPV against the Game, then that will launch him to main event status. I would like to see a tournament for the no. 1 contender and have them two in the finals. Have them wrestle a solid 20-25 minute match and have Drew go over clean.

I'd love to see him put over a guy like McIntyre as you said. When that happens, tell me about it. I won't get my hopes up though.

The sooner he stops actively competing, the sooner he'll stop negatively affecting the product. And the sooner I won't have to sit through another boring, four-move, HHH slugfest that's supposed to pass for 'the right way to work'.
He can call himself Huner Hurst Helmsley...or Mr. Helmsley...a shade back to the McMahon Helmsley regime. But just going by that, which Triple H is sort for would be good.
Unlikely it'll ever happen. Ric Flair and Arn Anderson are two of his biggest idols and they won't break kayfabe to this day, especially Arn. Trips seems to be cut from that same mold, so I don't ever see him going that route. Even the "HHH" moniker evolved from the Hunter Hearst Helmsley moniker as his in-ring style evolved from the finesse-oriented to edgy and hardcore.

Even in movies and other public interactions he uses the name, unlike The Rock who dropped his moniker once he thought he was done with wrestling only to now use it again now that he's back.

If he was ever going to drop it, he would have by now.
I agree some people would not be able to grasp that his real name is Paul because they live in wrestling world and would not care as much. I think he will take over one day for sure on and off air, but instead of the Raw GM I'd rather see him as the leader of all of WWE, get two face GM's (ie Teddy Long and The Rock) to have HHH as the heel boss, who overides what the GM's say sometimes and is a pain in the ass for everyone.
Thinking about it now, I think he should go by the name Hunter Helmsley. But in a Mr. McMahon type role I can't see the HHH character or name working very well.

I'm not to sure he will retire anyway...he hasn't gotten his 17th world title yet lol.
The best thing for HHH to do if he does indeed take over is to be himself and run the company with his own vision. He is not Vince and we should not expect him to attempt to be. That is silly.


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