Triple H: The McMahon family P.I.M.P.?


Occasional Pre-Show
Ever since Triple H (Hunter Hurst Hemsley) got held back for a year by WWF/E chairman Vince McMahon in 1996 for his role in "The Infamous Kliq kayface incident" at a WWF house show in NYC at the MSG. I'm sure that Paul Lesvesque aka Triple H had a motive to get back at/even with Vince McMahon. "HBK" Shawn Michaels was the then WWF champ, While Hall (Razor) & Nash (Diesel) were on there way out the WWF. And I think that (the kid) Sean Waltman was on his way out to to WCW. So I guess that only means that Triple H was left to take the fall for all that, even though Vince McMahon was suppose to be cool with it, but I guess deep down he really wasn't.

Some years later in 1999, Triple H got together with Mr. McMahon's daugther "The Billion Dollar Princess" herself, Stephanie McMahon. And/But it was right after he broke up with his then long-time girlfriend Chyna. Isn't that crazy? So ever since then, Triple H has been calling shots, running the WWE from behind the scenes with an iron fist. He has no friends backstage at RAW besides Shawn Michaels (and whoever kisses his ass).

He is married to the WWE! He has a life-time contract with that company. And even IF him and Stephanie do get a divorce? He's still blood bonded with the McMahon's through him and Stephanie's daugthers.

So now it's like with "the nature boy" Ric Flair said on his most recent DVD towards "the old" WCW. " The businessmen tell the wrestles what to do, not the other way around".

But what do you think?
Does anyone recall when Triple H was dubbed "The Game"? Was that before or after he hooked up with Stephanie? My memory is a little fuzzy on that, but I can't help but think that perhaps he was given that name as a rib ... because he of all people certainly has proven that he knows how to "play the Game" behind the scenes, without a doubt.

I can only imagine that Vince must have simply been amazed at someone who was ballsy enough to actually make a move on his daughter and attempt to marry her. In a sick way, perhaps he respected Triple H for simply being gutsy enough to even try to do it.

But he is a master, no doubt about it. And he solidified his position with the McMahons by having children with Stephanie.

Perhaps I am being a bit unfair though, as we certainly aren't around them regularly ... but maybe we shouldn't assume it was only done for power. They may very well truly do love each other. I'm sure the attraction Triple H had for power, probably had a lot to do with it, though. But that isn't to say that he doesn't love Stephanie.

However, as far as your quote with the "businessmen should tell the wrestlers what to do" not the other way around .... I think one could argue that Triple H is a wrestler, who just happens to be (as far as the McMahons are concerned) a businessman, too ... at least as far as his Creative input goes.

I'm not really sure what else can be said on this topic that hasn't been said already, though.
Does anyone recall when Triple H was dubbed "The Game"? Was that before or after he hooked up with Stephanie? My memory is a little fuzzy on that, but I can't help but think that perhaps he was given that name as a rib ... because he of all people certainly has proven that he knows how to "play the Game" behind the scenes, without a doubt.

I can only imagine that Vince must have simply been amazed at someone who was ballsy enough to actually make a move on his daughter and attempt to marry her. In a sick way, perhaps he respected Triple H for simply being gutsy enough to even try to do it.

But he is a master, no doubt about it. And he solidified his position with the McMahons by having children with Stephanie.

Perhaps I am being a bit unfair though, as we certainly aren't around them regularly ... but maybe we shouldn't assume it was only done for power. They may very well truly do love each other. I'm sure the attraction Triple H had for power, probably had a lot to do with it, though. But that isn't to say that he doesn't love Stephanie.

However, as far as your quote with the "businessmen should tell the wrestlers what to do" not the other way around .... I think one could argue that Triple H is a wrestler, who just happens to be (as far as the McMahons are concerned) a businessman, too ... at least as far as his Creative input goes.

I'm not really sure what else can be said on this topic that hasn't been said already, though.
Triple H was dubbed "The Game" right after Owen Hart was killed in K.C. in '99 man. Because Owen Hart was about to get pushed to the main event scence before his death. And "The Game" name was suppose to be his. Because Owen Hart WAS THE GAME, R.I.P.
He was denoted the game before Steph. However, let's not be stupid and think storyline matches real life timeline-wise. At the time the McMahon/Helmsley storyline began, the writers were looking for a way out of the Test/Steph wedding. Most weddings don't go through and they couldn't think of a way out......until Paul suggested his DX character (which recently reformed) drug Steph and marry her first. It was very fitting of a DX prank and was supposed to be a one night thing to end the marriage angle. However, it went over so well that the fans wanted to see where the story went, so soon after, in the perfect swerve, Stephanie turned on her family and sided with her storyline husband. As the story continued on TV, the real Steph and Paul began spending time together working on their tv characters and started falling for each other. Thus true dating began a year or 2 after the first TV spot. In fact, I saw an interview once where Paul said how nervous he was going to the McMahon house for dinner as the boyfriend because now he was meeting his girlfriend's father, not his boss, and it's totally different. Even if he does work for hte guy, it was a weird situation for him and he obviously cared for her so he did what he had to do. And we all know this led to marriage and so far, 2 children.

I'll never understand why we can't leave it at that instead of thinking the dude only dated her for power. The guy is clearly happy and in love. Hell, I wish I had that. But I will say that if being a pimp means going from the ugliest woman other than Nicole Bass to ever grace WWE to a sexy heiress, well you have to give me more. I would guess there are other wrestlers who have dated numerous women backstage. Bestow upon them that lable. Paul Levesque is a married dude. Pimp is the last thing he wants to be.
Triple H was dubbed "The Game" right after Owen Hart was killed in K.C. in '99 man. Because Owen Hart was about to get pushed to the main event scence before his death. And "The Game" name was suppose to be his. Because Owen Hart WAS THE GAME, R.I.P.

Were did you get that information?
Not saying you are lying just love to know who informed you of that? I assumed that he was turning face again and revealing that he was the Blue Blazer which everyone knew anyway. and He was going for the IC Title yes, but he'd already been IC champ.

Triple H battled The Rock, i'd say they were getting a huge push.

I think The Game was just for Triple H's it fit perfectly, maybe saying something about his personal life outside the ring but realistically look at his character, as a heel and onwards he was always the "Cerebral Assasin" ie he knew how to get into peoples head's and play them. He had a blend of Jake The Snake's pschology, Ted Dibiase's smarts, Ultimate Warriors body, and knew enough to give the old guys respect, he took shit from the offfice and got rewarded as a result, he had the power whether it was with DX, The McMahon Helmsely, under Vince's Corporation, or just solo all top marketing gimmicks that sold countless millions in revenue

Trips is the overall package, wether you like it or not.
Bringing on these topics that everything is his fault and he is an ass kisser is not going to change anything, he has a huge fan base and the fact remains he puts bumbs in seats, and he is in The McMAhon family who owns WWE, deal with it. Personally i don't care if it helped him good for him, IMO he was already on top in a time when 5 of the greatest Players of the Game competed against each other for 6yrs, where are they now? Austin is too injured to return and walked out on WWE twice anway, The Rock is a "movie star".

HBK and Undertaker are still here on a part time basis.

Triple H, Full time still

on the flip side, who can say they wouldn't do the same if they had the opportunity. Stephanie is gorgeous
and worth billions.

If you are not down with that
I got three words for ya

Go watch TNA <S******S>
and then ya can complain about Kurt Angle hogging the show
Triple H is pretty much the main guy in WWE and weve see that develop since Armagedon 1999. After his match with Vince and Steph turned on Vince HHH was in charge when Vince was off screen he called the shots he basicly ran the whole show. And when vince came back it was all still about HHH how many times has HHH been in a Title Match in the past 10 years. When Vince calls it quits whos the one guy hes gonna turn to who can run the performing part of the business hes gonna go to HHH cos HHH is the top guy i mean Shane can perform but he was never a full time and they always call HHH a student of The Game. Anyway As to HHH wanting to get back at Vince for the MSG incident i think its a bit wrong. HBK is Champ so you cant do nothing about him. Hall and Nash were leaving so they are untouchable. The one guy who can take the fall is HHH. As for his relationship with Steph as that payback i find that a bit weird
Were did you get that information?
Not saying you are lying just love to know who informed you of that? I assumed that he was turning face again and revealing that he was the Blue Blazer which everyone knew anyway. and He was going for the IC Title yes, but he'd already been IC champ.
According to Triple H, Owen would have eventually been called "The Game". A few months after Owen's death, Triple H actually got the gimmick nickname instead.

Quite a few other sites with the same report. From what I read the idea was for him to win the IC title and reveal himself as the Blue Blazer and then go on to feud with Edge as "The Game" .

Really it makes sense, the guy had been wrestling since he was in diapers practically. His family revolved around the wrestling business and he is just as much of a student of the game as Triple H was. Do I think he would of been as good in that role as Triple H? Probably not, Triple H was 4 years younger and had more upside imo.
I respect Triple H. Always have.

But unfortunately I think his career will always be overshadowed by his marriage to Steph. Now I dont want readers giving me crap about this, because this is not what I think of him, but alot of other people, especially younger viewers, is their take on this.

And to be honest, you cant think of Trips career for 10 straight minutes without unintentionally linking him to Steph.

This guy started as a nobody, but he was very SMART, he quickly became friends with Nash and Michaels in 95, who were white hot at the time.

He is also very gifted and talented in the ring. But he needed that extra edge above others, you gotta know somebody to be somebody mentality.

Before and after he married he's worked hard in the ring and cares.

Ive heard that he acquired "The Game" name because of Owen Hart planning to use it before his death before as well. I heard this along time ago. Its been mentioned in other forums.

I dont know if this is true.

Someone will have to ask Triple H himself and get the facts from him.
Shoot! Ice-T is a HAPPILY married man and he still is probralt pimping? Call it what you want man. You don't have to not be married to be a pimp.
Triple H married Stephanie McMahon and then had 2 children with her simply to get back at Vince for delaying a wrestling push- Am I interpreting this correctly? Is this is truely the point of this thread in a nutshell?

Does anyone else find this completely disturbing? I have heard the same things most other wrestling fans have- that Triple H doesn't really have many friends in the business, he is self centered and power hungry. I don't just seems a little presumptious to take those pieces of gossip and make them gospel. Even so, just because this man gets power hungry at work, doesn't mean his entire life revolves around wrestling.

I find it hard to believe that Triple H married Stephanie for the sole reason of advancement at work. He was already an established main event wrestler at the time the 2 of them hooked up. Triple H is a smart business man and I'm sure that the thought occurred to him that marrying Steph would give him a higher status in the eyes of Vince McMahon, but I simply refuse to believe that he would be that cruel as to bring children into this world for business purposes.
Someone may have said this already, but I do believe that on Triple H's dvd set, he states that he was the one that had to take the fall. As everyone else has said, HBK was the champ, and Hall and Nash were leaving, who else could they make take the fall. If they took the belt off HBK as punishment things might be totally different these days. Triple H might not be the huge star that he is and HBK might not be as huge either. Who knows, maybe they would have all left and gone to WCW if Vince had punished HBK.

I doubt he even wants revenge for it though. He understands they broke character and back then that wasn't something you see every day. We've seen it a few times here ( when wrestlers have passed, R.I.P. Eddie Guerrero and Owen Hart ) and there, but even then, that's not so much breaking character as it is paying respect. But Triple H does say on his dvd he knew he would be the one that would had to take the fall for it and he was okay with it. I mean look at where he is now.

Really , you could go around saying he married Steph to eventually become high enough in the company to plot a revenge scheme, but Triple H isn't like that. He's about being the best, and winning championships, and being in control. I do believe he does have quite some bit of power though. Wasn't there some point before last year where they wanted Triple H to feud with Edge and Triple H wanted no part of it? Correct me if I'm wrong on that please.

With all that said though, maybe we're all wrong, maybe Triple H is the total opposite of what everyone assumes. Maybe, and unless you have an extremely reliable source on this, maybe Triple H does want to put people over and not win as many championships and everything. Maybe that quote does fit, where the businessmen tell the wrestlers what to do. Maybe Triple H is juts doing as he's told and burying people and winning the title in a race to beat Flair.
Triple H is the smartest guy in wrestling today period he knew how to play the game he made friends and the right ones to with HBK Nash being close to him. Now am I saying that his quest for power brought him to Stephanie no but I think it's fair to call it into question.

How does a guy lose at Wrestlemania in 20 seconds and then become a 13 time world champion there's not to many former jobbers and Trips once was one who can lay claim to that.

In the attitude era during the rise of his career he never stood out to me the way guys like the Rock, Stone Cold, Y2J, Angle and the Undertaker did. He just never belonged in that group to me he's not as good as those guys never was and never will be. None of those guys ever lost in the ways Triple H has either I'm not saying it's true the only reason he got pushed was because of Stephanie but the facts don't lie.
I do believe he does have quite some bit of power though. Wasn't there some point before last year where they wanted Triple H to feud with Edge and Triple H wanted no part of it? Correct me if I'm wrong on that please.

No your right I forget the reason but he never wanted a feud with Edge and he never really did feud with him all his encounters were indirect and it never carried over.

Apparently Triple H has requested to never be on the same brand as the Undertaker because they "don't get along" so the power he has is real and people can't deny that.
No your right I forget the reason but he never wanted a feud with Edge and he never really did feud with him all his encounters were indirect and it never carried over.

Apparently Triple H has requested to never be on the same brand as the Undertaker because they "don't get along" so the power he has is real and people can't deny that.

He was on the same brand as the Undertaker though. They fought in the elimination chamber and were the last two at this past year's No Way Out I do believe. The reason they probably don't get along is because the Undertaker is all about respect and Triple H could possibly be a power hungry asshole backstage? Seriously though, Triple H needs to get the stick out of his ass. He needs to realize that he is getting older and the company is not completely about him, there's about 50 or so other wrestlers besides him with this company, let them build them up. Power hungry bastard:suspic:
idk why everyone sucks hhh for hes a great wrestler and i believed that hhh maried stephanie in 2003(real-life) and he was sucessful before that
They were on the same brand but only interacted once in the elimination chamber Undertaker has had problems with HBK as well so it's no surprise he dislikes Trips.

Triple H should look at 'taker to see an example of how to help better the future of the WWE while furthering your own career.
Taker and Trips also tagged on numerous occasions over the years.
There fued stemmed back to the screw job, obviously everyone involved except Bret knew what the finish was going to be to, (still say thats Bret's fault for refusing to lose) and Bret being a good friend of Takers at the time woulda created animosity. then they faced each other at Mania years later, and was about backstage politics if you go by rumours thats no secret still Triple H jobbed to him.

The apparent gripe with Edge was Triple H wanted to be the only one on the show with long hair. <PFFT>, can't be too much annimosity as Edge is mirroring many aspects of Triple H and Trips has praised Edge in interviews. Ok well that could just be for show can't deny that.

Even Orton had an apparent gripe with him, and yet Triple H has pushed him more than anyone in his career and they continue to work together.

It probably comes down Vince tells Triple H what to do as he is comfortable with him and his work, maybe Triple H sais na common that's dumb, he gets yelled at to follow orders and he doesn't question it, passes on the info to others who take offence and blame him for controlling the show.

Unless you are backstage and work in that environment u don't know what goes on, only they know who is truly the puppet master.

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