Does Kane deserve one last push?


Kane is an amazing talent and hasn't had a mjor push for ages
I think before he retires, he deserves one last push
He's been my favourite for so long
I wanted him to win Mitb but NOOOO...WWE have to be ******
So yeah, I think Kane should get one last push
But I doubt he will

A hundred, no a thousand, no a million times YES!

Kane is, bar none, the best big man to wrestle a big man style in the WWE today, and easily one of the best in the history of the business.

He is a man who has elevated so many guys up the ladder, given everything to the business, never complained, and did what was right for the company.

He is a monster of a man who has had trouble simply because he has been mis-booked for the longest time. Given the right push and the right angle, Kane could easily get *very* over as either a face or a heel, and really bring a lot to a solidly booked title run.

The fact that people like Rey Msyterio, CM Punk, and Jeff Hardy have all had longer title reigns than Kane is a complete and utter travesty.
The current problem with Kane is that he has been (since his unmasking) fully humanized. When he first made his debut, he was fully covered (in that, no portion of his skin was showing), claiming that his face/body was burned in a fire. Due to the burns, if Kane ever wanted to speak, he had to use a speech device. However, months after teaming with X-Pac, he begins to talk without it.

Somewhere down the line, around 2001, he turned heel and, in turn, changed his attire. He wore what was basically a tank top version of his costume. He would wear that until 2003, when he would go on the injured list. Upon his return, his mask was altered and his mouth was now visible......and then came the "Kanearooni" (which, IMO, is basically what killed the character).

Fast forward to his feud with Triple H, with H accusing him of "murdering" Kane's own girlfriend. So, either the "burns" he suffered were not as bad as everyone made them out to be, or Kate Vick must've been blind. Anyways, the culmination was that Kane lost his mask.

After losing his mask, Kane goes back to being a monster heel, even going as far as tombstoning Linda McMahon and electrocuting Shane's testicles. The "monster" was then basically fed to Undertaker at WrestleMania. Then, after "impregnating" Lita, continues to go downhill.

Sure, he's shown signs of "monsterism" but, without the mask, Kane is just a human. Similar to how Taker wasn't really Taker until he "returned from the dead", Kane needs to be put in an angle that gets him back as the Kane we all know and love. Perhaps an inferno match angle where Kane loses after his face gets burned.....then comes back the mask.

I think he still deserves his shot in the spotlight, but I doubt it's going to happen because the top looks far too crowded.
If you look back at it, it was storylined for RVD to then admit to Kane he had spoken to Bischoff about adding that stipulation believing Kane didn't need the mask. That makes it RVD who caused the mask to be removed.

thank you i distincly(spelling?) remember rvd telling him that he didnt need the mask and that the fans would not judge him without it or something like that and when he took it off the screen got all messed up and he chokeslammed rvd as raw went off the air
Kane 100% deserves one last major push, without a doubt imo. He has been hovering around the mid card far too long now and i'm sick of seeing him lose to less talented people. I think one of the most frustrating things in all of WWE is to be a Kane fan because time and time again we get screwed by poor booking decisions and just general incompetence by creative (this is my opinion as a Kane fan btw).

MITB would have been another perfect opportunity to push Kane, I mean it would have been interesting to see him carry the brief case around and torment the current champs, he could have reverted to playing mind games like he used to. Instead we get CM Punk who I like but his last run was an epic failure. Simple, Kane should have won this. Christian, MVP and even Punk still have years in them but Kane obv does not. Would it have really hurt the others had Kane won? I don't think so. Though I respect Kane for wanting to put others over, I still think he should honour his fans by giving us one last run, and he does still have a huge following.

If done right, a major Kane run could absolutely work imo but it needs to happen sooner rather than later. It doesn't even have to be a title run (although that would be great) necessarily, just a few high profile feuds so that he isn't remebered as a mid card guy who lost to people like Rey Mysterio week in week out. Imo Kane is still the most effective monster heel the WWE has, they have tried to push Khali and Koslov etc but both have ultimately failed..Knox hasn't been seen in weeks. WWE needs to make Kane matter again, only they can change that and I hope to god for Kane and his fans that this can happen one last time. WWE want something different? Answer= push Kane for a change, who knows? It might just work.
Of course he does. He's been a brilliant servant to the WWE, and he's not exactly terrible in the ring. He had a gimmick that was quality, and it was only because of creative that he's got worse. They've mis-used him for far too long.

He deserves a year long title reign, and you know the fans would mark out if he won the title. Vince wanted to give him the title, but Kane wanted the younger guys to have it. Heck, Kane think of yourself for once. TAKE THE TITLE!
Does Kane deserve one last push? Yes, Glenn Jacobs has put up with a ton of crap and stupid storylines from the WWE for years, and has only gotten 1 day as champion out of it.

Given that he has the ablility to be a fan favorite, there is no reason that he shouldn't be given another push with a main eventer, even if it isn't for the title.

Will he get another push? Probably not. Obviously, the company is gonna focus more on the younger guys, and Kane is just going to be another stepping stone to push them.

However, as long as he still is on my TV, I'm content.
The best time to push Kane would have been after he removed his mask. He was great after that for about a year and a half and then he has fallen ever since. He wants to put over the young talent and if he is happy with where's he at then I am fine with that. I'm sure he can have a run with the U.S. or IC title but I don't see him being WHC or WWE material unless there's a wave of injuries.
The best time to push Kane would have been after he removed his mask. He was great after that for about a year and a half and then he has fallen ever since. He wants to put over the young talent and if he is happy with where's he at then I am fine with that. I'm sure he can have a run with the U.S. or IC title but I don't see him being WHC or WWE material unless there's a wave of injuries.

Completely agree. There was one problem. Goldberg. He was supposed to have his title run. He was gearing up for his fued with Triple H. Kane had RAW's ratings at their highest point in some time when he first unmasked but busting him down to a rather sudden match with RVD and then feuding him with Shane, killed any momentum he had.

I do think he deserves one. Maybe a 2 month run or something between major PPV's where creative can play around abit but his loyalty should be rewarded. Hopefully he will accept one more round.
kane hasn't had many chances so not sure what some ppl on here are on about, what real chance did he get? the one were tripple h pretty much fucked his whole career up in,

the reason he has become so dull is because wwe keep giving him the worste storylines and always seems to think jobbing him week in and week out will make him cool, when ever kane has been giving a real shot he has done good, but problem is he has only been givin about 3 real shots 1 he won the world tital for a day WOAH, 2 he got screwed over complelty by tripple h (because tripple h is better then every1 NOT) 3 he won the ecw world title WHAT AN HOUNER.

i belive kane trully does deserve a HUGE PUSH whats the worse that can happen? he doesent do so good, yah and, did cm punk do good no but yet he wins the MITB again, just give kane what he deserves
Who says he can't bring the mask back?

Make a storyline where he is in an explosion or something, show him unconscious bandaged in the hospital reporting he has 60% burns to his face whatever. When he returns, his face is again scarred, so he brings the mask back and goes nuts from the trauma. One last tilt at the title. Would be perfect IMO and so easy to do.

ok man, i love the storyline, its freakin sweet. the only thing is..he has been caught on fire and burned before, and that is supposed to still be his gimmick now, ok, now the best storyline in my opinion would be that they brought in some type of interviewer or someone who was supposed to go and actually find out the truths about his past, and he snaps when the interviewer says something it makes him snap, the cammera is knocked down, and then when it shows kane again, he's sitting there rubbing his mask laughing and then the show ends (by the way, this would be the last segment of the show)

And btw Kane deserves a push more than anyone else in the wwe right now, he has stuck with them through thick and then, even when they have taken his status from him, and then he should have jumped to TNA to go after Abyss, but yes he should be pushed
Kane has his place in the WWE, and that is to put others over.

How many other big men have come and gone in his tenure since his debut? Wrestling is a business, and more importantly a work. The WWE has trusted the big red machine to make others look legit by beating him and he has done a damn good job of it. He doesn't need a title run the same way that Shawn Michaels never needs to hold the title again. A lot of people may think that it would be a nice gesture, but anyone who really understands the business knows being looked at as a legit threat for this long is just as good. Kane hasn't been mis-booked, he has played the role that was needed of him for years and made a ton of money doing it. There's very few guys in the WWE that get to decide when they're done with the company and can collect a paycheck as long as they want to and that is way more important than winning a prop title. I'm a huge Kane fan, and judging by the responses to this thread a lot of others are too, and that's more than can be said for a lot of the guys that have been interim champions longer than his one day reign. He goes out for the most part and wrestles a few minutes a night, doesn't have to put that much wear on his body because of his size, and gets paid for doing (presumably because he's been around so long) what he enjoys doing. Kane has it made.
I think that Kane deserves not 1 more run, but at least 2 more big runs. The problem, in my opionion, was making him a heel, i think that was a step back for him. The WWE should realize that they have potentially one of the most greatest WWE stars in history, if they used him right, he could have been as big as people like Shawn Michaels.
Not alot of people see it, but this guy has something, and he could be huge. Instead of putting him with Big Show in tag team or in the MitB match he should be going for the WWE or World Heavywight Titlel because he, in my opinion, is one of the greatest in WWE History.:jason:
Hell yeah he deserves a real championship push, and bring back the mask too. It would be easy to do. Just like years ago when Kane got rid of biker-taker because he wasn't a monster anymore, Kane put him out of his misery. Have taker do the same thing to Kane. Have Taker bury him in fire and say he was sick of seeing Kane so weak, so he put him out of his misery. Then have hints of Kane coming back, just like the Taker did to Kane before Wrestlemania XX. Takers last match would be the championship match at whatever Wrestlemania is Undertaker's last and have Kane win it. That's the ultimate respect given to Kane's long end the streak and be a champion heel for awhile.
Kane has his place in the WWE, and that is to put others over.

How many other big men have come and gone in his tenure since his debut? Wrestling is a business, and more importantly a work. The WWE has trusted the big red machine to make others look legit by beating him and he has done a damn good job of it. He doesn't need a title run the same way that Shawn Michaels never needs to hold the title again. A lot of people may think that it would be a nice gesture, but anyone who really understands the business knows being looked at as a legit threat for this long is just as good. Kane hasn't been mis-booked, he has played the role that was needed of him for years and made a ton of money doing it. There's very few guys in the WWE that get to decide when they're done with the company and can collect a paycheck as long as they want to and that is way more important than winning a prop title. I'm a huge Kane fan, and judging by the responses to this thread a lot of others are too, and that's more than can be said for a lot of the guys that have been interim champions longer than his one day reign. He goes out for the most part and wrestles a few minutes a night, doesn't have to put that much wear on his body because of his size, and gets paid for doing (presumably because he's been around so long) what he enjoys doing. Kane has it made.

Couldn't agree with you more. But I think kane will return with the mask for a few matches after he retires and those matches will be his tribute to all the kane fans. And I also think taker will make a few returns as the American Bad ass a few more times too, thats once he has hung his boots for good. But as I said before, these guys don't need title runs to make them look dominant and as good as they were years ago. All they need is a few good storylines to go with a few good feuds. And as far as kane is concerned, a few good storylines may bring back the big red ass kicking machine he once was. But first of all I think the most important thing is for kane to get back into shape.
No, there are too many "monster" characters on the roster already; Big Show, The Great Kali, Umaga, Vladimir Kozlov etc. with most of them having limited ability and ring presence and have nothing going for them but their size. Kane is over the hill and isn't fit for anything except retirement.
as you can see from my screen name I am a Kane fan. I think he does deserve another title run. the guy has put over many people over the years most recently Mysterio. they could bring back the mask or just let him snap over something. he has tons of fans another Taker/Kane fued could be epic.the only thing that taking the mask off did was humanize him which isn't a bad thing.his latest shirt says "the monster within" on the back. anyway for what it's worth I wanna see him get another push before he retires
Does Kane deserve one last push? One Word..............YES!!!!

A 24hr title run was a waste of time, pathetic in my opinion. To have him win the title accidently and only hold it until the next night on Raw was stupid. He was hot at that time, he deserved to carry it for a while. He was suppose to be unstoppable, but he was stopped pretty easy, and is stopped fairly easy even nowadays.

Like somebody else said earlier in this forum. Have him in a feud with someone, say a Heel Taker again for instance. I think a Heel Boogeyman woulda been a good one as well but he is gone. But have them feud and it lead to an inferno match, this is where Kane gets burnt, but obviously not his face, have his leg catch on fire, once he is on fire, have him panic, and go nuts because its reminding him of the old days of when he was burnt. Have whoever is facing him, If its taker, have taker shoot a lightning bolt down from the roof and land in front of him and spark a huge explosion, kinda like jeff hardy's pyro accident. Have Kane go to the back on fire.....this leads to the next time on Raw where Kane is in the hospital all bandaged up with serious burns to his whole body and face, have him out for a few weeks or a month because of the burns, then have him return with the mask, protecting his burnt face from the crowd again and have him go on a rampage and win the title, presumably have Taker holding the title and Kane take it from his as revenge, and begin the masked Kane title chapter for more than 24hrs.

Im a HUGE undertaker fan, have been my whole life, but I cant see anybody else being able to pull off this feud other than a heel undertaker holding the belt....
No way! Anyone who jobs to X-Pac on consecutive ppv's doesn't deserve anything. And I am a Kane fan.

Creative has ruined him beyond repair!! Thanks Trips!
I am a huge Kane fan myself & I am glad to see so many more are that way as well & there are some awesome ideas out there for ways to give him the last strong push. I can respect why he jobs out so much, putting the younger talent over & actually sell offense, a rarity for a big man, IMO. My frustration over this is it's making him look weak, instead of the guy getting the rub look better. A simple solution would be for him to actually win a few matches against the top stars, like Cena, Batista or HHH. Doesn't have to be for a title, but he needs some quality victories. Then when he does job to someone with many years left to give, perhaps Morrison, Kofi, Bourne, etc., it'll make that talent shine much brighter. BTW, Kane deserves the HOF nod, although he may need that one last solid push to get him that spot.:worship:
Kane should take the mask back, (without the hair) and keep the same costume he has now. It would kind of remind me odf that Rellik guy from TNA a while back but alot more fierce. Let's say Legacy(Orton, Rhodes, Dibiase) start attacking Kane every week until one week they light him on fire to torement him. Kane disapears for a while and let's say that Orton wins the World Heavyweight title during Kane's "absence". Orton sucessfully defends his title at the next ppv (let's say Royal Rumble) and Kane appears after the match and COMPLETELY destroys Orton and Legacy. This leads to Orton vs Kane at Wrestlemania 25 for the World Heavyweight Championship. Kane wins and becomes champ then retains it at Backlash in a Hell in a Cell match. Kane's reign as champion could go on for a while (maybe untill SummerSlam or Unforgiven....)
ok im a massive kane fan and have loved reading some people views heres mine.....i think kane is one of the most under-rated wrestlers ( when he was in his prime) and characters of all time....he should defo get the hof nod and defo get a couple more big storylines and a decent run with the strap and i think he should put the mask back on aswell he should get the mask not by gettin burnt but maybe a wrestler beats him so bad and it really embarasses him and he just SNAPS and dissapears for maybe 2 months ( a break he deserves btw ) and he returns with the mask and a manager and he goes mute again because hes been in a mental home and hasnt spoke for ages and just wants to hide behind the mask again because of "mental scars"!!!!

maybe a bit far fetched but hey maybe sum1 from wwe will actually listen to the fans for once
BTW, Kane deserves the HOF nod, although he may need that one last solid push to get him that spot.:worship:

I completely agree with you. Kane definitely is a future hall if famer but he needs one big decent push to cement his position there and remind us, and the new fans, of what kane was once like. The best way to do that is to take on the big dog of the business and that is the undertaker (preferably with the mask back on). I'm quite sure that there will be another taker/kane feud before either one of them leaves. The question is when will it happen? Maybe it will be at next years WM 26 as taker has defeated all the the top stars on the wwe, all that is left is cena. But I can't see taker feuding with cena unless the doctor of thuganomics returns (which won't be likely because of the new PG rating). So you never know, kane finally may have the push that we all know he deserves.

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