Do you want photos of Bin Laden's death to be released?


Shawn Michaels ❤
At the minute, whilst we are told there are pictures and a video of Bin Laden after he died, we haven't been able to see these pictures. One of the possible reasons is that it would be insensitive and gruesome - another that it would further anger those who agreed with Osama.

However, the conspiracy theorists among us claim we haven't seen these pictures because they don't exist - he isn't really dead and the American government are lying.

So, do you think it would be appropriate for Obama to release these photos? Would you personally want to see them? Would it put to rest any conspiracy theories of him still being alive?

I, personally don't want to see them in the slightest, and even if they were released I wouldn't go looking for any pictures. I also don't think releasing pictures would stop the conspiracy theories. He is said to have been shot in the head - likely to render photos inconcusive to many of us. And I'm very sure that due to the missing parts of his head there would be those arguing it was 'convenient' and others outright saying it wasn't him.
Personally, I don't care. I'm not really aching to see pictures of a dead body no matter who it is, so I'll just take their word for it. However, I do want them to release the photos just to shut the conspiracy nuts down so we can move on. I liken it to the whole Birther fiasco with Obama. That stupid shit was never going to go away until the birth certificate was released. It was and now only the stupidest of the stupid still question it. The same thing would happen if they release the pics of Osama. I don't personally want to see it, but if people questioning whether or not it's true is going to be a major distraction, the only way they're going to nip it in the bud is releasing them to the public.
At the minute, whilst we are told there are pictures and a video of Bin Laden after he died, we haven't been able to see these pictures. One of the possible reasons is that it would be insensitive and gruesome - another that it would further anger those who agreed with Osama.

The only reason I have heard that our Government is not releasing video proof, or real photos of this situation is because it would only re-start a much larger war than what we previously had against Bin Laden to begin with.

I heard on the news just earlier today that they were not wanting to release any proof, because the Pakistan (leaders??) requested we do not, to abide by their laws, and religion. It was also my understanding that is why the body was dumped in the sea.. err, "buried" at sea. Because they refused to allow us to simply "take it" (as some type of trophy, or proof, or anything else).

However, the conspiracy theorists among us claim we haven't seen these pictures because they don't exist - he isn't really dead and the American government are lying.

This is the problem with our Country. The Media, News outlets, and overall coverage of stuff that shouldn't be this wide spread is being taken out of context. If the Government said he's dead - let it be, move on and live your lives the way you want to live them.

This is also, in my personal opinion, a major hit against the US Government by its very people - on how much they actually trust being told the truth. I don't care if "Conspiracy Theorists" combined couldn't fill a school bus - having any out there alone should show you the lack of trust actual citizens have in their Country because they've been mislead and lied to in the past, as well as the present.

You reap what you sow, and the Government is paying the price for wanting to give a story, then having to back-track and give alternate stories to cover up the original half-assed part truth/part lie they gave in the beginning.

So, do you think it would be appropriate for Obama to release these photos? Would you personally want to see them? Would it put to rest any conspiracy theories of him still being alive?

I, personally don't want to see them in the slightest, and even if they were released I wouldn't go looking for any pictures. I also don't think releasing pictures would stop the conspiracy theories. He is said to have been shot in the head - likely to render photos inconcusive to many of us. And I'm very sure that due to the missing parts of his head there would be those arguing it was 'convenient' and others outright saying it wasn't him.

Any type of photo can be called a fake, so regardless whether the Government releases anything or not - SOMEONE, SOMEWHERE is always going to call it a fake, or photoshopped by our Government to continue covering up this "conspiracy".

I'd like to simply be able to hear our Government say something - and know I can completely take that as the "whole truth, and nothing but the truth"; now, can I? Doubtful - but I'm also not going to care because lies always surface and cause bigger issues in the end. So sooner or later, the story will find its way out.

As far as seeing any photos - no, the guy is dead - I don't need to copy/paste his crap all over my Facebook wall in some sick manner to gloat over death.

I think it's time our Government grew a set and just stood up to its public and said "Look, the guy is dead, whether you believe that or not - it's what we're sticking to." And I'll take that as all the info I need, as should the rest of the free world.
Any type of photo can be called a fake, so regardless whether the Government releases anything or not - SOMEONE, SOMEWHERE is always going to call it a fake, or photoshopped by our Government to continue covering up this "conspiracy".

I'd like to simply be able to hear our Government say something - and know I can completely take that as the "whole truth, and nothing but the truth"; now, can I? Doubtful - but I'm also not going to care because lies always surface and cause bigger issues in the end. So sooner or later, the story will find its way out.

As far as seeing any photos - no, the guy is dead - I don't need to copy/paste his crap all over my Facebook wall in some sick manner to gloat over death.

I think it's time our Government grew a set and just stood up to its public and said "Look, the guy is dead, whether you believe that or not - it's what we're sticking to." And I'll take that as all the info I need, as should the rest of the free world.

Will, I definitely see what you mean and you have some valid points. However, that's just not the world we live in. There are many people who are going to doubt the legitimacy of this news and it will undoubtedly take up a significant amount of time and energy if the government doesn't just nip it in the bud. This is what I meant when I brought up the whole Birther bullshit. While apparently the short form Birth Certificate which was good enough to be used as form of identification to validate him being the fucking President of the United States, it wasn't good enough for a large group of people who thought it was fake. This shit dominated the news for quite a while until finally, they released it and shut down the bullshit.

Yes, there are still some doubters but those people are such a small minority that it doesn't really even garner time on TV. Now as it relates to this situation, the News Channels are focusing on this shit in the same way with people who would normally be looked at as fucking nutjobs getting TV time because their ridiculous theories haven't been disproved(see Trump, Donald.) If they release the photos, those people will lose their steam and the story will fall to the back burner quicker than it would if they just wait for it to go away. There will still be doubters, but no one will care enough anymore for the News Channels to waste time on them anymore and we can start focusing on what's important. You know, like who's going to win on Dancing With The Stars or whatever people watch the news for these days.
So, do you think it would be appropriate for Obama to release these photos? Would you personally want to see them? Would it put to rest any conspiracy theories of him still being alive?

No. On matters of National Security, I leave it to my betters to understand and make policy for the betterment and continuation of my welfare. If there is any real, credible chance that this notion, or act, of releasing death photography will spark a conflict with Islam(a seemingly real possibility as I am only one person and do not know everything there is to know), then certainly not.
Conspiracy theories are one thing. Going to war with Islam over this person's demise seems, at best, completely ******ed.

Personally, I do not. It seems celebratory by nature and disrespectful to the victims, in that, it further glorifies this person's status, as it were. Fueling an already volatile situation seems foolhardy. Does this mean I believe everyone should trust governments at all times? No, it does not. It simply means that, in this case, better to come together and build trust than further splinter this open wound.

Nothing will prevent conspiracies. Regardless of how much of an agency's transparency exists, conspiracies still will exist. I do not subscribe to the notion that one run's around willy nilly delivering information to those who may or may not understand it's ramifications in the world at large. Some things are better left unsaid. If there is a simple delivery of the impact of knowing or publishing such information, or a straightforward educational presentation, then I say go with that. (i.e. We the People believe, in matters of national security, publishing this information, death photos, represents a clear and present danger to our nation as a whole. etc.)
I am, admittedly, not educated enough to know the overarching impact of the publication of this material. I also admit to preferring to maintain my ignorance in favor of exploring the world of international and domestic policy making. In short, I may be wrong.
No. I don't feel it is right to degrade someone even more. People are still celebrating this guys death and whilst he did deserve to die he does not deserve to get humiliated. I think as a world we must have the morality to realize the extent that we can go before things become invasive. There will always be those who have the conspiracy theories, but the truth of the matter is that haters are always going to hate and we must realize right from wrong. Also throwing it out there Osama didn't give us his consent to shows his death photos, if you were killed would you?
I think people are using the excuse of "Show the pictures because we don't believe he's really dead" is nothing more than a bullshit tactic. They just want to see pictures of the dead body of our modern-day Hitler. Sure, we all want to see Bin Laden dead with our own eyes, but do we really NEED to see it? Not really.

I highly doubt that the US government would lie about his seizure and death. Bin Laden is (was) the most wanted man in the world. How could we possibly lie about him being killed? We're not talking about Elvis or Tupac making sightings around the globe... this is Bin fucking Laden. He's the #1 target on this Earth to be immediately KILLED. The government doesn't need to prove anything to us. He's dead and we should all be happy enough with that.
Nah, not for me. Those who believe already do so willingly (Personally I already believe). Almost by definition those who are conspiracy theorists and deniers won't change their beliefs based on pictures so we can check them off the list as well. Finally, since we've still got ground troops out and about such pictures could potentially make things more inflammatory than necessary just making their jobs harder.

All in all there's little to nothing to be gained so why bother?
I don't see how the American government would want to lie about Bin Laden's death. If it is a lie, than all Bin Laden needs to do is release another video, basically saying 'hey, look at me, I'm still alive. Good one Obama'. I doubt, due to the sheer level of out-rage that would transpire from that happening, that his death isn't true. HOWEVER that niggling doubt, no matter how small, will stay with people and people are going to complain and bitch and demand visual prove that he actually is dead. So therefore I think it's important that these pictures are publicised, but they should come with a warning for the viewer, due to their inevitable graphic nature. For me personally, I'd look at them, simply to say that I have looked at them, but even if their not released, it wouldn't bother me because I have full confidence in the American government, and that their telling the truth anyway.
Yes, release the photos.

We deserve to see his dead body, all the family's who lost loved one during 9/11 deserve it, all the soldiers who fight day in and day out for our freedoms deserve to see it as well as all the family's who have lost loved ones to this war; and the American public deserves it too, as we finance these operations with our tax dollars and deserve to see the end result.
Fuck it, yes, I actually really want to see the bastard dead.

I have no doubts about the legitimacy of his death and I have no problem believing it with no pictures. I'm just curious as to what he looks like dead. The news all over the world has shown countless dead bodies because of his terrorism group's murderous ways so why should he be treated any differently?

Show us the pics, Obama.
Why do you guys need to see these pictures? They would be gruesome and would really piss ol' Osama's followers off big time! Why would we want to make our boys over there jobs any harder?! I personally do not agree with any war but, the men and women over there are intact, our men and women. These guys didn't ask to get thrown into a war but it's their job!

Looking at Doug Stansthorps twitter today, he wrote, "today I hunted down sasqush, shot him and ate him. There's no proof, you guys will have to take my word for it." A lovely rib at the fact they havn't released the pics.
I'm very similar to SSC here. I believe that the victim's famiiles of the various Terrorist Attacks have every right to see the killer of their spouse/friend/family/etc. He has ruined lives and families forever. He is a vile beast of a human who decided to green light the killing of over 10,000 people.
For the record, I believe every word Obama said about Binladdin being dead, and have no reason to believe the opposite, even without a photo.

That said, any photographic evidence showing Binladdin's corpse should be shown to the public, for the reasons stated above. I do not want to see the bastard himself, but everybody else who wants to see it, for any reason whatsoever, has a right to.

Also, what's this bullshit about photo releases triggering national emergencies?
Right now I'm watching an interview with Michael Moore on Pierce Brosnan's show and there's something that really stuck out to me and I completely agree with. Here in America we still have the death penalty and every time someone is executed pictures aren't published nor does anyone question whether the person was really executed or not.

I understand that with Bin Laden it's a pretty different situation just because of who he is and because of the circumstances when his death happened. However, I think the same basic concept that Moore said in his interview still applies. I know governments lie to their people and that this is not a perfect world, but I have very little reason to believe that Obama and his administration would lie about something as monumental as this.

With all of that in mind, no, I don't believe a photo of him needs to be published. Let people believe it's all fabricated and it's all a lie, they have a right in this country to free speech and they can't be silenced. But it's also my right to believe those people are idiots and in the wrong here. There's very good reasons as to why those pictures aren't going to be and don't need to be published and I agree with them. There is no need to start something else such as riots just because there are some doubters out there.

But you know what, while I don't think the pictures need to be released, I think a gentleman that appeared on Eliot Spitzers show today had a great idea. Just show the picture to members of the press in a room where they aren't allowed to bring in any photography or recording devices and then let them report on what they see. I think something like that could work really well and prove the doubters wrong.
If you believe that Osama isn't dead, I can't remotely understand your thought process. Osama could release a video saying he's not dead and then that would entirely fuck over the Democrats and Obama 100% - he would 100% lose the next election. Why the fuck would he take that risk? It's a ridiculous idea.

No photos should be released. Osama's dead body isn't a trophy, he was a threat and now he's dead - end of story. The only reason people are only talking about this is because some idiots think Osama is alive, in which case I ask, do you know how easy it is to doctor a photo? What would that prove? Nothing.
Absolutely not. There is nothing to gain from releasing these pictures, just on the whim of the curious, the freaks and conspiracy lunatics (and that's exactly what you damn well are). He's dead, Al qaeda have admitted it, get over it.
Right now I'm watching an interview with Michael Moore on Pierce Brosnan's show and there's something that really stuck out to me and I completely agree with. Here in America we still have the death penalty and every time someone is executed pictures aren't published nor does anyone question whether the person was really executed or not.

This is all I needed to read to know you've been duped by MM. While this is all well and true, there's a glaring hole in this argument, and that's the fact that the family members and those affected are allowed to be there and watch as the said death row inmate is being put down.

So according to MM, we all should have been able to watch live as this operation took place.

No photos should be released. Osama's dead body isn't a trophy, he was a threat and now he's dead - end of story. The only reason people are only talking about this is because some idiots think Osama is alive, in which case I ask, do you know how easy it is to doctor a photo? What would that prove? Nothing.

I know damn well he's dead, I still want to see the picture of his corpse, I want to see every picture they took of his dead body, and it's got nothing to with me believing he is still alive and everything to do with the fact that my tax dollars pay for wars and top secret operations. It's a simple as that for me, you take my tax money, fine not much I can say about that; but when you use my tax dollars to fund these operations then I'd like to see the end result.
There is nothing to gain from releasing the photos - for the US, for Obama or the western world in general.

So releasing the photos will shut up the conspiracy theorists up, right? Wrong. People who believe in conspiracy theories will believe in them no matter how much evidence you wave in front of their face. You only have to look at the recent Obama birth certificate ridiculousness to see that.

If you want to see them to get satisfaction, you seriously need to look at yourself in the mirror. It's a dead body. More than that, it's a guy who has been shot in the head who has brain matter coming out of his head. What rational person would want to see that? It's one of the things I hate about this "War on Terror". The disgusting blood lust that exists in a society which claims to be superior to others. You want to see dead people? Google it.

And now, why shouldn't the pictures be released? Well the obvious argument is that they will incite violence amongst his supporters and those who hate the US. Fair enough really. Extremist Muslims killed innocent people over a fucking cartoon. This should take precedence over everything else. If there is a chance of innocent people or soldiers being put in excessive danger, then they shouldn't be released.
This is all I needed to read to know you've been duped by MM. While this is all well and true, there's a glaring hole in this argument, and that's the fact that the family members and those affected are allowed to be there and watch as the said death row inmate is being put down.

So according to MM, we all should have been able to watch live as this operation took place.

He also mentioned that they are there as witnesses, that's something I didn't mention in my post. Either ways, I agree with him on this. The US Navy Seals were there as witnesses and whoever else was there. They confirmed the death to the president and he confirmed it to us, that's good enough for me. But to take it a step further, there are some people that the picture has been shown to and they too have confirm that Osama is indeed the one in the picture.

So no, I really haven't been duped and you twisted his words. I'm not a Moore fan, but in this particular opinion of his I agree with him. There is no need for the picture to be shown.
He also mentioned that they are there as witnesses, that's something I didn't mention in my post. Either ways, I agree with him on this. The US Navy Seals were there as witnesses and whoever else was there. They confirmed the death to the president and he confirmed it to us, that's good enough for me. But to take it a step further, there are some people that the picture has been shown to and they too have confirm that Osama is indeed the one in the picture.

This isn't a matter of me believing or not believing, there's no doubt in my mind that he's dead. This is about treating the American public like a kindergarten class, where not a bunch of babies who need cookies and milk before nap time, we can color inside the lines, and we have every right to see these pictures.

I don't want to have to take someones word who I've never met nor spoken with in my entire life. It's almost a little science vs. faith going on, and the scientist in me says show me the money (or the pictures in this case). I've yet to hear a good reason as to why they haven't been released.

So no, I really haven't been duped and you twisted his words. I'm not a Moore fan, but in this particular opinion of his I agree with him. There is no need for the picture to be shown.

Lol, I twisted Michael Mores words, I do believe that's a double dose of irony at its finest right there; I didn't twist his words, that's what you did, and you admitted it in the very first sentence you typed, by saying you chose to leave out part of what he said. A part that completely changes what he said, because according to that logic anyone affected in even the slightest way deserves to see those photo's.
If you want to see them to get satisfaction, you seriously need to look at yourself in the mirror. It's a dead body. More than that, it's a guy who has been shot in the head who has brain matter coming out of his head. What rational person would want to see that? It's one of the things I hate about this "War on Terror". The disgusting blood lust that exists in a society which claims to be superior to others. You want to see dead people? Google it.

Here in America, we call that "Prime Time Television" to paraphrase John Stewart. Ever seen the prime time lineup for a typical evening, between CSI, NCIS, L&O, Criminal Minds, BONES and 1 million other rip offs that's all that's ever on T.V. gaping wounds from bullet holes over the right eye, I watch that shit while putting down In N' Out on a regular basis.

You want to ask about what rational person would want to see that, according to television ratings I'd say practically every fucking one.

And now, why shouldn't the pictures be released? Well the obvious argument is that they will incite violence amongst his supporters and those who hate the US. Fair enough really. Extremist Muslims killed innocent people over a fucking cartoon. This should take precedence over everything else. If there is a chance of innocent people or soldiers being put in excessive danger, then they shouldn't be released.

So it's perfectly okay to kill a man as long as you don't release the pics? That is what you're trying to say, isn't it?

This is the biggest load I've ever heard, and I know you just heard it on one of the many stations spitting out this garbage, but that doesn't make it any more correct. He's already dead, and we gave him well more than he deserved by giving him the proper islamic funeral when we should have taken his body back and dissected the shit out of it, and fed it to the birds when we where done; but no, let keep on taking it in the ass from islam, and censor our cartoons so they don't get offended... biggest load of bullshit argument ever, Fuck Osama and Fuck the nation of islam... now show me those delicious photos already.
Listen, I'd hate to see the releasing of his picture incite any additional acts of violence from the muslim extremists. I, personally would look at the picture if it was to be released and honestly, I wouldn't feel a damn bit sorry for the S.O.B. I'd certainly say that anyone involved in any aspect of the military or intellegence community has every right to see the picture. They've given so much for this victory that they should def be able to relish the spoils. The picture would most likely quit the vast majority of ppl that believe this is some type of conspiracy, but you'd still have a few nutjobs out there.
This isn't a matter of me believing or not believing, there's no doubt in my mind that he's dead. This is about treating the American public like a kindergarten class, where not a bunch of babies who need cookies and milk before nap time, we can color inside the lines, and we have every right to see these pictures.

I don't want to have to take someones word who I've never met nor spoken with in my entire life. It's almost a little science vs. faith going on, and the scientist in me says show me the money (or the pictures in this case). I've yet to hear a good reason as to why they haven't been released.

Then this is a matter we'll have to agree to disagree on. You have your reasons as to why you want those pictures published and I have mine. I do believe that by showing those pictures more violence could ensue and I do think that the extremist Islamic people would definitely use a picture of Osama dead as propaganda to recruit more people into Al-Qaeda. Obviously, those aren't good enough reasons for you so I'm not going to try and sit here and convince you that they are.

Lol, I twisted Michael Mores words, I do believe that's a double dose of irony at its finest right there; I didn't twist his words, that's what you did, and you admitted it in the very first sentence you typed, by saying you chose to leave out part of what he said. A part that completely changes what he said, because according to that logic anyone affected in even the slightest way deserves to see those photo's.

Oh so I said that I twisted his words? No, I didn't. I merely forgot to mention that part of what he said when I was making the original post. However, I still stand by what I said. There were witnesses to Osama's death and people have confirmed it. While I do know governments lie and this is not a perfect world, I have no reason to see those pictures as I don't think there's a real good reason for them to lie about something as monumental as this.
Al Qaeda has confirmed that he is dead, so I don't give a shit if the pictures are released. He is dead, it has been confirmed that he is dead and that is all that matters. I am no conspiracy artist, and I believe the government now and when it was announced that he was killed. There are things the government lies to us about no doubt, but I highly doubt this is one of those things. Until there is proof that we didn't kill him, I believe the government. I am not against the pictures being released. I'll look at them many times if they are released. I just don't care enough about them to want to see them.

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