Control of WWE: Sting VS The Undertaker


Pre-Show Stalwart
Hear me out here for a moment, I have had a thought since hearing that Undertaker has been added to Wrestlemania 31 promotional material.

What if we had Sting vs Triple H at Royal Rumble or WWE Fast Track (start the ppv off with a massive headlining match, with it being likely Lesnar defends at the Rumble and we don't see another defense at WWE Fast Track)
It would be better if Sting vs HHH took place at RR to give the wrestlemania match a long build.
Sting beats Triple H at which ever event.

The undertaker returns and challenges Sting. Triple H asks Taker to represent him at wrestlemania in a control of wwe match. Given the respect he has earned from their matches in recent years. Sting represents Vince and says it is because Vince has chosen to keep the memory of WCW alive through the years when he could have just burried it, he has given oppotunity to former wcw stars in wwe, such as Steiner, Booker T, Goldberg, Billy Kidman, and personalities like Bischoff. So that is why he will fight for McMahons interests.
Plus the wwe propaganda would love to hear these words out of Stings mouth.

It is a long shot and might mean that Undertaker would be the heel in the match, but he doesn't have to be, it can be a face vs face match, as it should be IMO, because it could be billed as 'The most important match in Wrestlemania history.'

Taker would win

Could have a great moment of respect at the end between McMahon/HHH, Sting/Taker then have a face off between Sting and HHH. Then they shake hands.

What do you think?
Um.. No.

If there would ever be a Taker vs Sting, it absolutely cannot be attached to any other programme which is going on. Let Trips and Vince have their own little story go on..

If it has to be done it's gonna be done in a plain, old fashioned way of let's-see-who's-the-best sorta way.. No heel. No face.

Put them in a 30 min Iron man match and let the match get tied. This makes both of em equals..
I don't know, I think people get caught up in the 'idea' of Sting vs Undertaker being an awesome match today. But people forget that this isn't the Sting of '97 and nowadays, it seems like UT has be the carried through the match. I think that's why Shawn and Punk worked so well with UT because they can change the pace of the match and feed themselves to Taker. The magic and nostalgia are there for these two to make a great story, but I think the match itself would be slow and disappointing. Plus for Sting to be 0-1 in WWE, who wants to see that?
Sting versus Undertaker would be fine all on its own. They can build the feud on simple death versus life contrasts. Both men will get a contingency of support from the crowd and it will probably be split. If contemporary characters are needed for the feud, I'd have Triple H in 'Taker's corner and Dolph Ziggler in Sting's corner. I like the "control of WWE" powerplay storyline playing out, and putting Sting in a TV authority role would be quite interesting.
I like the idea of Sting against Triple H but I wouldn't think Sting against Taker would need that kind of promotion and as much as I like both wrestlers I don't think it would be a good idea to have 2 part timers (one of them hasn't appeared since last wrestlemania and the other hasn't even wrestled yet) determining the future of the whole company
no, Sting vs HHH maybe, Undertaker...nope. Bray Wyatt is the mail going around for Undertaker if he is fit and able. That would be a cracker of a feud done properly.
There is no way in hell taker vs sting will have anything to do with WWE control.

The match simply just builds itself.

Sting. The Icon of wrestling, a former 15 time heavyweight champion covering 4 different promotions mainly 1 being WCW where he was the face of the company and always remained loyal to the last days.


Undertaker. The Phenom of WWE. One of the most respected wrestlers of all time, who has been there and done it all in the biggest wrestling company in the world and again always remained loyal when opposition at one stage was even bigger and could offer more money.

1 match to see who is the better man and to give fans what they have asked for- for 20+ years

It will just be epic, I trust these guys 100% in the ring. They will tell a story it won't be the most upbeat or technical masterpiece but it doesn't have to be. It will be awesome. 2 legit Legends and HOF's putting on the ultimate showdown for you to enjoy.

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