Any chance of Sting VS Undertaker at WM32?

Any chance of Sting vs. Undertaker at WM32?

  • It will happen. Fans have waited 24 years to have both men on the same roster.

  • It won't happen. Like Rock/Shawn and Bret/Kurt, it will remain a "what if?" scenario.

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Creepy Old Man

Championship Contender
Sting vs. Triple H at WrestleMania 31 is unofficially booked. Undertaker vs. Bray Wyatt has been rumoured, and judging from the fact that Wyatt went on last at TLC for his second straight win over Ambrose, he is indeed being built for that match. Sting vs. Undertaker ain't happening at WM31.

WM32 is in Houston, Texas - Undertaker's home town (and Sting's home state). It would seem like a fitting venue for both to end their careers, with Undertaker in particular being a local attraction. I DO believe that Undertaker will retire there, but Sting has suggested that he's one-and-done. Could he be lured back in 2016 for that elusive Undertaker WM match? Or will WWE have other plans in mind for Undertaker, e.g. John Cena?
Sting is very eager to fight Undertaker in his final match, and as such, can definitely be lured into fighting HHH with the promise of a match against The Undertaker the following year- a match after which both legends shall hang up their boots for good. It seems like that is what Triple-H is looking for as well; instead of giving Sting a huge paycheck for a one-off match, he is looking to squeeze some more juice off The Icon. If Triple-H gives Sting the Taker match in 2015, there is no way Sting will agree to fight him in 2016. So he is keeping the Taker match hanging. Smart business.
I've thought so for a while. It makes sense from a booking standpoint, Sting beats Haitch at 31 while Taker redeems himself somewhat over Bray.
Then, probably the next night on Raw, you sow the seeds for 32. Yes they'll be roughly 50 & 56 by then but hey, it'll be their final swansong in Cowboys stadium, and I'm sure they'll do it justice.
Taker is done, kaput, finito. Jesus Christ, fellas, have you SEEN him lately?!? Talk about a "dead man walking". He looks like an old man, and he is only a year older then ME! He retired by giving Lesnar his streak. Let him be.
Taker is done, kaput, finito. Jesus Christ, fellas, have you SEEN him lately?!? Talk about a "dead man walking". He looks like an old man, and he is only a year older then ME! He retired by giving Lesnar his streak. Let him be.

See, I just can't believe that a 30-year vet and one of the biggest legends ever would walk away with a mouse fart, after peers like Flair, Shawn and Edge retired to massive fanfare. I especially can't believe it when he's featured on promotional material for WM31.

He does look shocking, but he's looked awful for years. Remember the "cancer" rumour in 2011? Yet he subsequently turned in classic WM matches with Triple H and CM Punk. A spray tan and some dye can work wonders.
Oh mygosh enuff with this creepy fetish of two out of shaped men in mannequin makeup. Shall we add Doink the Clown in this WM match? STING signed a year and later he's gone from wwe and back to TNA
I don't see it happening. More so because WWE LOVES to give us "dream scenarios." Punk vs Stone Cold was the obvious one that came to mind there - never going to happen - yet WWE teased and teased and sowed seeds everywhere. It's so that you buy the games and live out what never happened. Hence, they sow the seeds close to when games are released.

I can't see it happening, or it being a good match. I love both Sting and Taker, but Taker for years has had to have someone to put on a classic match with him. Sting won't pull it off.

For my money, if Taker is around for WM32, he will be seen off by John Cena. To me, as a match, it makes more sense.
Taker is done, kaput, finito. Jesus Christ, fellas, have you SEEN him lately?!? Talk about a "dead man walking". He looks like an old man, and he is only a year older then ME! He retired by giving Lesnar his streak. Let him be.

You are insane if you believe this. The dirt sheets and dweebs have been saying Taker is done since he held the arms of HBK and HHH at Mania 28. They said he was done and would never face someone as stiff as Brock Lesnar.

Taker will get the whole fanfare when he calls it a day and WWE will work it around an angle. Taker WILL wrestle again and this is a fact.
I mean you talk about a match that will make money and a match that fans want to see.... Undertaker vs Sting is it. So WWE will have these 2 guys ON THE SAME CARD ON THE SAME NIGHT IN THE SAME ARENA and not make them face each other???!!! MY LORD IN HEAVENS how stupid is that? so from reports it's most likely sting vs hhh and taker vs bray I give up.

Time is of the essence these 2 Legends are not getting younger I wouldn't wait until mania32 you have to pull the trigger on it now and have it at mania31 in March.

I'm still hoping and praying Sting faces HHH at the rumble or even whatever there calling the feb PPV now so it free's the Icon for the mania match, also hoping the bray/taker was just a rumour, what will it do for Bray? give him a little rub OK? Obviously taker is winning so what's the point. There not going to have him go with 21 unbeaten wins to suddenly loose twice in a row.

The Icon vs The Phenom
This can happen, it should happen but will it?
Personally, I don't expect to see the Undertaker versus Sting at WM32, and the reason for it is simple. I don't expect to see these guys face each other at two consecutive Wrestlemanias. Because in my opinion, I still firmly believe we are going to see Sting face the Undertaker at Wrestlemania 31.

I think Sting versus Triple H happens before WM31, and I think Sting comes out of that one victorious. Bray Wyatt versus Taker holds no appeal for me whatsoever. I don't think Wyatt is anywhere near Undertaker's league, and if this is going to be his ultimate, or penultimate Wrestlemania, I don't think that Bray Wyatt is a worthy opponent.

I think reports of the Undertaker's physical condition are grossly over exaggerated, possibly on purpose by WWE to add to the shock value of yet another return of the Deadman. Sure, he came out of the match with Brock Lesnar pretty banged up but Jesus, that was nearly a year ago. And someone said earlier, there's no way a superstar of Taker's magnitude goes out and ends his career with no hype or hooplah whatsoever. I have absolutely no doubt that the Undertaker is more than capable of getting himself in shape to face another 50+ guy in a match that will be more cerebral than physical, more about the spectacle than about the in ring action.

Sting resisted coming to WWE for many years. Personally, I think one of the main reasons he finally came on board is for his one dream match, his shining Wrestlemania moment, and I believe he wants that to be against the Undertaker. He's not there for the money. He's not there for his legacy. He's there for the match that everyone has been clamoring for for years. Before even signing, I think this was run by Undertaker and is likely written into his contract.

Sting versus the Undertaker. Count on it. This year. And of course, it's 22-1. And sadly, 0-1.
WM32 is in Houston, Texas - Undertaker's home town (and Sting's home state)

I've seen people say Sting is from California and now evidently he's from Texas. Do people not really know that he was actually born in Omaha, Nebraska?
See, I just can't believe that a 30-year vet and one of the biggest legends ever would walk away with a mouse fart, after peers like Flair, Shawn and Edge retired to massive fanfare. I especially can't believe it when he's featured on promotional material for WM31.

He does look shocking, but he's looked awful for years. Remember the "cancer" rumour in 2011? Yet he subsequently turned in classic WM matches with Triple H and CM Punk. A spray tan and some dye can work wonders.
Because Taker has never been full of himself like Flair and Michaels were. Edge was a historical accident, as nobody knew how bad Edge really was physically. Taker is the epitome of "old school" He did not need fanfare. He needed to pass the torch, which he did with Lesnar. And, his defeat at the hands of Lesnar was not a "mouse fart" as you plainly put it. It was Taker's way of saying farewell. The problem is that WE, not HE, think that as a "mouse fart" unbefitting a legend. To Taker, there is no need for pomp and circumstance. He felt it was his time to go, and that is all.
I mean you talk about a match that will make money and a match that fans want to see.... Undertaker vs Sting is it. So WWE will have these 2 guys ON THE SAME CARD ON THE SAME NIGHT IN THE SAME ARENA and not make them face each other???!!! MY LORD IN HEAVENS how stupid is that? so from reports it's most likely sting vs hhh and taker vs bray I give up.

Time is of the essence these 2 Legends are not getting younger I wouldn't wait until mania32 you have to pull the trigger on it now and have it at mania31 in March.

I'm still hoping and praying Sting faces HHH at the rumble or even whatever there calling the feb PPV now so it free's the Icon for the mania match, also hoping the bray/taker was just a rumour, what will it do for Bray? give him a little rub OK? Obviously taker is winning so what's the point. There not going to have him go with 21 unbeaten wins to suddenly loose twice in a row.

The Icon vs The Phenom
This can happen, it should happen but will it?

Are you out of your fringin mind? your beer belly flabbin, leather claddin, mascara wearin, bone tearin out of shapin is done he passed the torch do you now understand full circle why he confronted Brock Lesner at UFC and begged him to end his streak? Brock lesner beat him and I am glad I knew it was coming while all you naiive fans thought he would beat Brock Lesner lol
And saying underfaker is a legend is a laugh he ain't close to a LEGEND or ICON as STING is right now! STING is older than mark calloway btw and better shape than him why cause TNA and WCW did a good job making him work less on a hectic schedule! That's how it's done and I ll be darn if STING continues after he signed a one year deal with wwe after that he is back in TNA that's the agreement he had! STING IS the LEGEND and ICON no one else!
Personally, I don't expect to see the Undertaker versus Sting at WM32, and the reason for it is simple. I don't expect to see these guys face each other at two consecutive Wrestlemanias. Because in my opinion, I still firmly believe we are going to see Sting face the Undertaker at Wrestlemania 31.

I think Sting versus Triple H happens before WM31, and I think Sting comes out of that one victorious. Bray Wyatt versus Taker holds no appeal for me whatsoever. I don't think Wyatt is anywhere near Undertaker's league, and if this is going to be his ultimate, or penultimate Wrestlemania, I don't think that Bray Wyatt is a worthy opponent.

I think reports of the Undertaker's physical condition are grossly over exaggerated, possibly on purpose by WWE to add to the shock value of yet another return of the Deadman. Sure, he came out of the match with Brock Lesnar pretty banged up but Jesus, that was nearly a year ago. And someone said earlier, there's no way a superstar of Taker's magnitude goes out and ends his career with no hype or hooplah whatsoever. I have absolutely no doubt that the Undertaker is more than capable of getting himself in shape to face another 50+ guy in a match that will be more cerebral than physical, more about the spectacle than about the in ring action.

Sting resisted coming to WWE for many years. Personally, I think one of the main reasons he finally came on board is for his one dream match, his shining Wrestlemania moment, and I believe he wants that to be against the Undertaker. He's not there for the money. He's not there for his legacy. He's there for the match that everyone has been clamoring for for years. Before even signing, I think this was run by Undertaker and is likely written into his contract.

Sting versus the Undertaker. Count on it. This year. And of course, it's 22-1. And sadly, 0-1.
There is no counting on it! It won t happen!

Listen pal you can talk about this, dream, insist ,bore us repeatedly until the cows come home this match ain't happening. You want this match so badly use your videogame console PS3 or xbox and do your fantasy matchup
We also wanted to see CM Punk vs SCSA and that never happened either
Now the buzz is HHH vs john semen for WM31 and I hope john loses

for a very long time We could talk about this problem until the cows come home, but it wouldn't solve anything the fans don t want to see it and wwe doesn t think is a money draw. Do you understand why in the first place your so called icon not LEGEND begged Brooock Lesner at UFC to beat him and pass the torch he was done he doesn t care about fan farewell it's marks body on the line your beer belly flabbin , leather claddin, mascara wearin, bone tearin banged up and smashed faker is done. Bray Wyatt needs to win to replace the error wwe did with Brock Lesner cause he is deflecting to UFC for good! HE is fully recovered and ready for a comeback
I hope STING wins over HHH cause I will hate wwe forever if he jobs and Bray Wyatt if he doesn t win cause now Underfaker has to start putting new talent over like Y2Jobber has been doing for years! If STING vs faker happens STING has to win this bout cause he is a LEGEND in my eyes!
Personally, I don't expect to see the Undertaker versus Sting at WM32, and the reason for it is simple. I don't expect to see these guys face each other at two consecutive Wrestlemanias. Because in my opinion, I still firmly believe we are going to see Sting face the Undertaker at Wrestlemania 31.

I think Sting versus Triple H happens before WM31, and I think Sting comes out of that one victorious. Bray Wyatt versus Taker holds no appeal for me whatsoever. I don't think Wyatt is anywhere near Undertaker's league, and if this is going to be his ultimate, or penultimate Wrestlemania, I don't think that Bray Wyatt is a worthy opponent.

I think reports of the Undertaker's physical condition are grossly over exaggerated, possibly on purpose by WWE to add to the shock value of yet another return of the Deadman. Sure, he came out of the match with Brock Lesnar pretty banged up but Jesus, that was nearly a year ago. And someone said earlier, there's no way a superstar of Taker's magnitude goes out and ends his career with no hype or hooplah whatsoever. I have absolutely no doubt that the Undertaker is more than capable of getting himself in shape to face another 50+ guy in a match that will be more cerebral than physical, more about the spectacle than about the in ring action.

Sting resisted coming to WWE for many years. Personally, I think one of the main reasons he finally came on board is for his one dream match, his shining Wrestlemania moment, and I believe he wants that to be against the Undertaker. He's not there for the money. He's not there for his legacy. He's there for the match that everyone has been clamoring for for years. Before even signing, I think this was run by Undertaker and is likely written into his contract.

Sting versus the Undertaker. Count on it. This year. And of course, it's 22-1. And sadly, 0-1.

I too thought we'd get Sting/Trips at the Rumble followed by Sting/Undertaker at WM. That was until I read a piece on about a possible Sting/Trips encounter, which said that "Only WrestleMania could contain such a match". Of course. Trips' ego wouldn't allow anything else.

Then there are reports that Sting has only six dates in his contract, with one already used. Five appearances just doesn't seem enough to build and execute two matches.
Funny if you asked me 3 years ago if they should have a match at WM32 then I would be all for it. However Undertaker reminds me of Mel Gibson in Forever Young. He stays and looks relatively young all these years then over the last 2 years it seems like he's aging rapidly looking 5 or 10 years older each WM.

So with that I would say no, if it was done WM31 as a "last match" between the two I would be all for it. But it does look like Taker is running on empty if his WM30 match is any indication.
I've thought so for a while. It makes sense from a booking standpoint, Sting beats Haitch at 31 while Taker redeems himself somewhat over Bray.
Then, probably the next night on Raw, you sow the seeds for 32. Yes they'll be roughly 50 & 56 by then but hey, it'll be their final swansong in Cowboys stadium, and I'm sure they'll do it justice.

Makes sense. From a business perspective, I guess it makes sense to wait until WrestleMania 32, give them time to build it up long-term like they did Rock/Cena.

It's a big deal and WWE could make a lot of money off it. I guess Sting/Taker at WM 31, wouldn't get the proper shine since they seem to be so focused on Reigns.

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