Christian vs Alberto


Certified Unibrow Fan
So Alberto's destiny has been fulfilled... He has won the rumble... But does anyone think there is a deeper story going on...
Captain Charisma! Think about it...
Does anyone remember who put Christian out of action? Does anyone remember who was supposed to return at the Rumble? That's right.
Another thing. If the Smackdown elimination chamber is for the WHC, then Edge will be in it for sure. There will probably be one member of the Corre and three others. And Christian. If he wins it he goes to WM as WHC, that makes it Christian vs Alberto. A fitting feud. Am I looking too much into this?
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No, you're not reading too much into it, and it's a safe assumption that ADR and Christian will feud for the title. I have to disagree with the timing of your proposed return for Christian though.

I think the best time for a Christian/ADR feud is post Wrestlemania. If the WWE really wants to make a big star out of ADR, he has to win the strap at WM. Have him win, then maybe beat down or try to injure Edge's arm (remember, ADR may have a mini stable going with Ricardo Rodriguez and Brodus Clay from NXT) post match. Cue Christian's music, the save for Edge and you have your feud.

It's a two birds with one stone situation. You set up the ADR-Christian feud, and you reunite Edge and Christian as the top faces on Smackdown. Well that's the way I hope to see it happen anyway.
I really think this is the year someone cashes MITB in immediately after or during a title match. I can really see ADR winning cheaply, Edge spearing him and Christian cashing in immediately, setting an ADR/Edge/Christian triangle. I could equally see Morrison cashing on Miz too...
Christian/ADR will happen in due time, it has to. But as a Wrestlemania World Title match? Not a chance. WWE is taking enough risk as it is putting a guy like ADR in to a Mania main event when he has been in the WWE less than a year and hasn't even main evented a PPV yet, there is no way they throw him against another guy who is inexperienced in the Main Event. If ADR is in a Mania title match then it is going to be against an experienced guy, most likely Edge.

As for the timeline on a Christian/ADR feud, probably sometime after Mania and probably for the title. The time straight after Mania is always a time when WWE eases up a bit and lets new guys have a go in the Main Event, so if this feud is going to be over the title then that would be the time to do it.
Yeah im afraid id have to agree i cant see christian ME WM this year he just hasnt got the star power of Edge and with ADR being a New ME they need a big star to be in the match with him.

Also i may be wrong but im pretty sure i read that they arnt 100% sure Christian will even be 100% by Mania.

A ADR fued is going to happen and hopefuly it will lead to a E&C Vs ADR & ??? and then maybe if we lucky a Edge Vs Christian Feud with one turning on the other. Im hopeing Christian Turning on edge
im thinking it will be sometime after mania...maybe a month or to which will allow adr and edge to a there fued go lil longer make adr look stronger then maybe have christian come back lose at ppv to adr then FINALLY win the title maybe at Summerslam
maybe a edge vs. christian vs. alberto del rio @ mania. That would still have edge, and you can still have a new face in the me, and you have the christian/del rio thing still going on, and you can maybe make edge a tweener. Everyone wins.
Whatever way it goes, I want Christian to become a WHC before his time in WWE is through again... I mean okay, he was ECW champion, but the title was heald by so many people that i lost count, Anywho, ADR has so much time to become a future WHC and it doesn't have to be this wrestlemania, hell i could see next wrestlemania Mistico Vs Del Rio for the WHC... imagine? I would mark for this match more than i mark for Micheal Cole to be wedgied by DX again... :/

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