WWE Extreme Rules - Vacant WHC - Christian vs. Alberto Del Rio - Ladder Match

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Basic logic would suggest that Christian wins this match. Slightly more complicated logic, however, would suggest that Del Rio wins. On the one hand you've got Del Rio going to Raw. The WWE Championship is already on Raw and because no one in that match was drafted, it will stay on Raw unless the winner is then drafted to SmackDown. However, the draft has left SmackDown without that bona fide main event heel. The closest you have is Sheamus. So who can Christian feud with after? That's my biggest problem with Christian winning. A Del Rio win and a Miz win and switch would be the solution to the problems I have identified.

Whatever the outcome (which I don't really care about as I don't have strong feeling towards Del Rio or Christian), it should be a good match. Their encounters on SmackDown have shown that.
I know Del Rio has been drafted to Raw, so all signs would point to Christian becoming World Heavyweight Champion, because you can't have to World Titles on the same show, right? I know Christian winning the WHC would be a great story, because Captain Charisma will have won the belt his injured best friend had to relinquish, and he could defeat Edge's last pesky foe. It would be an awesome story, but I'm going to have to pick Del Rio to win this. WWE has spent so much time building Del Rio as a top heel. He had a lengthy feud with Rey Mysterio, he kayfabe put Christian on the shelf, he won the Royal Rumble, and he had a WHC match at Wrestlemania. And let's not forget the huge build he received(all of those fancy vignette videos) before he officially became a member of the blue brand. I am a fan of Christian, and I am one of those people who have been dying to see him become a World Champion, but I just don't see it happening here.

Anyway, this should be a good match, and this one has show stealer written all over it. There should be some impressive high spots here, and I expect to see some fierce competition from both men.
I like both of these guys, but Christian deserves it SO much more. I'm really hoping they give him the strap. Sheamus lost the US title for a reason tonight I think, hopefully he'll quickly become SmackDown's top heel (I'm one of the few that actually LIKE Sheamus) and have a feud with Christian.

We could probably throw Orton in there as well... That or have Christian win and turn heel and start a feud with Orton...?

It's not uncommon for guys to flip flop between heel and face at the blink of an eye.... Oh look, Cole's back... *sigh*
YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Way to go Christian. About damn time!!!

Years and years of work finally culminating with a perfect moment. :)
Yeah that was awesome. It was great to finally see it happen, I had a bit of a tear in my eye seeing christian and edge in the ring celebrating together. It was a nice moment.
It was an absolutely amazing moment to see Christian jumping like a little kid in Edge's arms when they were celebrating together. :)
I am not gonna lie.

I cried. I FUCKING BURST into tears of joy and sheer happiness. Shouting at the top of my lungs, clapping as hard as can be with STREAMS of tears running down my face. I have had MASSIVE mark out moments and then I have had this.
Awesome. I wouldn't call myself a Christian mark, but I've always thought that the guy deserved the title. I guess the whole "Vince holds a grudge against Christian for going to TNA and will never ever let him have the big one" rumor isn't true... exactly. This is probably the result of Edge being buddies with him, and Smackdown needing a world title. But hey, I'll take it. How long you guys think he'll keep it? I'm betting about two months.
Congrats to Christian,I had huge lump in my throat when he won the World Heavyweight Title tonight. Loved the emotion and the hug he shared with Edge. I guess we can dimiss the whole Vince is mad at him for going to TNA a few years ago. Awesome moment to a Great Extreme Rules PPV.
LSN's Initial Prediction: Christian
Winner: Christian
Even though I initially picked Christian, I felt very skeptical about him winning based upon the match's placement on the card. The moment with Edge, especially wth his retirement, should have been enough for this match to go on last. That being said, this was an excellent match. It was the rare ladder match that had plenty of great spots, but at the same time, didn't come off as dangerous as most. Both men worked hard and they told an incredible story of Christian and his quest to win the the World Title for the first time. I had no problem wth Edge's distraction, as it essentially evened out the Brodus Clay interference from before. As such, it doesn't take anything away from Christian's win, and it made for a great emotional moment. I legitiately marked out here. I'm sure Del Rio has been in his share of ladder matches in Mexico, and he showed he could easily hold his own in his first single's match. Christian, the ladder match veteran, was excellent as usual in this environment. Del Rio does head to Raw with two consecutive losses for the World Title, so expct him to quickly become the first in line to challenge Cena for the title. But tonight was all about Edge, and particularly Christian. Excellent match. ****.25/5

Winner: Christian
I gotta tell you man.. I was getting a bit emotional too watching Christian celebrate jumping up and down like a little kid.. that was awesome..

and big ups to Del Rio... I was very impressed with how he worked in the match and even more impressed with the bumps he took.. especially the one where the ladder was laid out between the ring and the announcers table..

a Solid 8.5/10 for me.
I'm so glad that one of my top 5 favorite wrestlers (probably my favorite active wrestler in WWE) finally won the World Heavyweight Championship. After all this talk of Vince being sour for Christian jumping ship to TNA and Vince isn't a peep and doesn't see Christian as a main eventer I was wondering if Christian would retire never having held the WWE or World Heavyweight Championship belts. I hope he gets a decently lengthy title run.

Speaking of his title run, who do you think is gonna be his first contender? Is it safe to say that his program with Del Rio is over since he was sent to Raw. And even though this was their first title match they've been feuding since February (longer if you count Del Rio "injuring" him and putting him on the shelf). The biggest star on Smackdown right now is Orton but since they're both babyfaces I'm not sure if he'd be the first guy up against Christian unless Orton suddenly starts leaning more to becoming a straight up heel again.

If not Orton I could possibly see them pushing Sheamus back into the World Title picture since they took the US belt off of him. I really hope it's not gonna be Mark Henry who just got drafted to Smackdown, is now a heel and was last seen on Raw "making a statement" by laying out John Cena and Christian during a match. I don't really like it but I think it's a strong possibility.
Was a great moment for Christian made even better by the fact it was a great ladder match. I hope Christian doesn't just lose it at the next PPV he should be given a chance and be allowed to run with it for at least a couple of months.
I'm still skeptical about Christian as the top dog on Smackdown but there was no question that this should have been the ending. All the stars aligned for Christian last night and there was no question about who should have won in the end. It was the right move and if they were going to pull the trigger on Christian, this was more than the perfect time. The match was awesome also, which is never a bad thing at all. Good stuff all around as everthing worked.
It was a long time coming but he finally did it. This has to be one of the best feel good moments of the past few years when it comes to wrestling. The match was very good as Del Rio and Christian have great chemistry together. Del Rio continues to shine in the ME and Christian breaks through the glass ceiling. It was a nice touch for Edge to screw Del Rio one last time and help his best friend finally reach the top of the mountain. As Booker T said "Christian is the man now", question is how well he does in that role. Only time can tell but right now Christian is the World Heavyweight Champion.
Did anyone else notice the big puddle of blood near Brodus Clay? Looked as if something went wrong there. But very happy for Christian, and Edge. Looks like Christian is going to take over Edge's storyline plans, whatever they may have been.
Was a great moment for Christian made even better by the fact it was a great ladder match. I hope Christian doesn't just lose it at the next PPV he should be given a chance and be allowed to run with it for at least a couple of months.

I appreciate your post, but I have to ask - on what grounds does Christian "deserve" to be given a chance?

He basically got this belt as a fell good form of closure to the fans for the abrupt end to Edge's career. Hell, Edge was even involved in Christian's match last night. You don't think it cheapened the victory at all?

Christian hasn't really drawn a whole lot in his time. He has never punctured the main event from the mid card, whereas Edge became a sure fire Hall of Famer.

Don't get me wrong - I'm rooting for Christian and I hope he succeeds. I truly hope he steps up HUGE (like he tried to do in TNA years ago, though to a vastly smaller audience) and makes a meaningful run out of the World Title. But to say he "deserves" time is a little bit naive. He still has to earn the right to hold the title for a period of time, otherwise I can't see him doing much more than keeping Orton's seat warm...
I appreciate your post, but I have to ask - on what grounds does Christian "deserve" to be given a chance?

He basically got this belt as a fell good form of closure to the fans for the abrupt end to Edge's career. Hell, Edge was even involved in Christian's match last night. You don't think it cheapened the victory at all?

Christian hasn't really drawn a whole lot in his time. He has never punctured the main event from the mid card, whereas Edge became a sure fire Hall of Famer.

Don't get me wrong - I'm rooting for Christian and I hope he succeeds. I truly hope he steps up HUGE (like he tried to do in TNA years ago, though to a vastly smaller audience) and makes a meaningful run out of the World Title. But to say he "deserves" time is a little bit naive. He still has to earn the right to hold the title for a period of time, otherwise I can't see him doing much more than keeping Orton's seat warm...

I'll give you a few:mad:
1) You hear the pop? Christian's over and he's over huge.
2) Matches like last night. Not exactly a rarity in his career. He can out wrestle most of the roster.

In fact screw that in what way does Christian not deserve a chance? How can we know if he doesn't draw if he's never been at the top of a card?

Christian has won everything in the WWE. Someone mentioned he's now a Grand Slam champion. How can doing everything but not winning the title not mean that you deserve to win the title? So yea basically give me a reason Christian doesn't deserve the shot?
I'll give you a few:mad:
1) You hear the pop? Christian's over and he's over huge.
2) Matches like last night. Not exactly a rarity in his career. He can out wrestle most of the roster.

In fact screw that in what way does Christian not deserve a chance? How can we know if he doesn't draw if he's never been at the top of a card?

Christian has won everything in the WWE. Someone mentioned he's now a Grand Slam champion. How can doing everything but not winning the title not mean that you deserve to win the title? So yea basically give me a reason Christian doesn't deserve the shot?

Ahem, Grand Slam Champion? Christian is, and will always be, the ONLY person to ever hold the WHC, IC belt, Tag Team, European, Hardcore, and Light Heavyweight titles, having won the Light Heavyweight in the very first match of his WWE career. And yeah, he also won that EC Dubbya title and the TNA title twice apiece as well.

So to whoever told you that Christian didn't deserve the World Title, they are obviously quite stupid.
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