Cena/Orton Next Feuds


Dark Match Winner
So tomorrow is apparently the last time we will see Cena and Orton go at it for a while. What I want to know is in each outcome of the match, who do you think each person will feud with after.

If Cena loses and goes to Smackdown I could see him battling it out with CM Punk because you have the person that everyone loves and the person that everyone hates fighting it out.

If Cena wins and stays on Raw I really have no idea who would challenge him for the title. I think the only good person would be The Miz and he's the US Champ and is in a non title match on Sunday.

If Orton wins I really do not have any idea who he could face that is a current face on Raw. DX looks to be facing off with Jerishow soon and MVP in my opinion really is not ready to be in the main event but maybe I'm wrong.

If Orton loses I see him feuding with Dibiase because I have a feeling if Orton does lose that Dibiase might come out and screw him out of the match.

What do you guys think?
If Cena loses and happens to go to SD he will fued with Either Punk or batista most likely, if He stays on raw we could see HHH/Cena or a slew of challangers if they are ready. Orton loses dibase and if he wins thats hard to determine
if i were a betting man (which i am not) i would have to say that orton will lose because ted screwed him out at the end of the match and then they would feud...and then cena will feud with Jack Swagger (to me, hes the only one outside of DX that I think is ready for a shot for the title) I would say HHH and HBK would feud with Cena only if they dont go after Jericho and Big Show for the tag titles
if john cena wins at wwe bragging rights, then he will be fueding with somebody new

possibly jack swagger, idk anyone else close to that ether than dx or orton. and im sure

orton will lose and start a fued with dibiase. but if somehow orton wins the match, then

obviusly cena will be shipped to smackdown and start a fued with either batista, punk or

the undertaker. but well see this match is interesting. :)
I think Cena will lose due to the way they booked him om Raw last week. With that being said, he could have various feuds on SD, namely the above mentioned CM Punk or even Jericho, depending on if Jericho remains on SD. I could also seem him going after Batista for #1 contendership, which would be interesting leading up to the Royal Rumble. They could have a #1 contenders match next month with there not being a definite winner, culminating in a match at RR where Cena wins and goes after The Undertaker.

This kills 2 birds with one stone in the sense that SD has their WM main event and the winner of the Rumble (I'm hoping it will be DiBiase) could face Orton at Maina.

Now as far as Orton, they'd probably have to throw him HHH but I'm hoping it would be HBK because he hasn't been in the title picture in a long time. I don't wanna se HHH vs. Orton part 1,000. Also, no one knows what Booker T. is going to do, and as a filler in, he could do a run in on Raw or a lesser pay-per-view and thus cause trouble for Orton.

So that's where I see things going if I were creative...
Don't forget Teddy Long said SD! would give 1 talent as well I believe, or at least I hope. Then maybe Rey will make the jump to RAW since Cena would dominate merchandise on SD! plus Rey is good in the spot light.

I bet Orton will win with the help of rhodes of debiase and while the hands are being raised debiase hits dream street on Orton as like that was the last favor.

Cena remaining on RAW.. yikes.
Again, I like these fortune-telling threads because we're put in the WWE creative chair for about 10 minutes. It's an interesting place to be.

Okay, assuming that Cena pulls out the victory tomorrow night, I would hope that WWE would give Jack Swagger a chance at the championship. I think it's time to see how some of the newer stars handle the spotlight and the big match feel. If not Swagger then maybe The Miz could come out on Raw on Monday and run Cena down again, leading to a mini feud between the WWE/US champions. Another interesting idea would be to have Dibiase and Rhodes attempt to capture the championship from Cena just so they could give it back to Orton "fingerpoke of doom" style. Orton may become a domineering faction leader and his attempts to keep Dibiase and Rhodes under his control could cause them to revolt. This could be Kofi's chance to prove that he belongs in the main event with a small feud with Orton. I've always wanted to see Orton duck out of the Trouble in Paradise and connect with the RKO anyways.

On the flipside, if Orton wins at Bragging Rights, then the face of Raw is changed because the biggest star is gone. With DX still entrenched in a battle with JeriShow (after Show turns on Raw at Bragging Rights), this leaves a golden opportunity for Kofi or MVP to step up and just see what they have. Another possibility for Orton would be the teased Ted Dibiase turn. As for Cena, Smackdown is a new set of opponents for him. Batista's relationship with Mysterio will probably continue on until Batista turns on him and goes heel. CM Punk isn't ready to carry the ball and with his quick jobs recently, it doesn't look like he's going to be in the World Title scene much longer, which sets him up for a nice "Welcome to my playground" feud with Cena. Cena could also go up against Undertaker for the World Heavyweight Championship immediately, but a face/face feud is very hard to pull off.

Then there's the tricky tie situation at Bragging Rights.

If Orton is allowed to keep his title in the event of a tie, I could see Kofi/MVP/Dibiase(if turned) stepping up to challenge him. Cena's a different beast. I could definitely see him challenging Miz for the United States Championship... IF the Miz goes over in the end and is seen as a legitimate main eventer.

If Orton is stripped, then I'm sure Orton and Cena would be put on opposite sides of a championship tournament or a possible triple threat/fatal fourway with MVP/Kofi/Ted/Swagger/Cody/Miz to crown a new champion. I honestly like the tournament, but with Kyle Busch and Joey Logano hosting Raw, it would be difficult for people with no wrestling experience to handle an announcement as big as this.

In the end, I honestly believe Bragging Rights will mark the end of Cena's run on Raw and will leave a "Face vacuum" on Raw that someone will definitely need to step up and fill.

Just my two cents, thanks for reading wrestling fans.
I reckon hhh will interfer . . . . . but join orton! causing cena to go to smackdown to feud with taker for mania and hhh and orton to form a new evolution! :)

as much as that sounds great, i beg to differ. first off what would happen to

the newly reformed and top merch sellers dx, if hhh turned heel. also why

would hhh befriend orton after what he did to his family (mcmahons) and

more importanly his wife steph?

but ether than that, that would be awesome!! :laugh::laugh:
If Cena loses, he'll go to Smackdown and probably fued with Punk, but after floating around in limbo for the first few weeks (kinda like Batista's doing now).

Cena wins: god, they've done a horrible job building new main-eventers on this show. Orton's the only heel worthy enough to challenge. If Cena wins, he'll probably defend it in some muli-man match (triple threat, fatal-four) or, since Survivor Series is next, he'll compete in team elimination and won't even defend the title.

Orton wins: same deal with Cena, who else is there to challenge Orton? The best choice is HBK since it's been a LONG time since he's had a shot at the belt. I really don't care who goes after Randy as long as it isn't Triple H for the umpteenth time. If MVP hadn't been booked so badly these past few months, maybe he could've been next in line.

Orton loses: Dibiase seems to be the clear choice, but I don't want them to fued just yet. I'd rather they wait until around the Royal Rumble to start that up. I think it'd be good for Orton to fued with MVP to help build him up as a main eventer.
i actually like the idea of the draw with the no clear cut winner even tho i dont think this will happen because last time there was a draw they did sudden death. but if there was a draw and they set up a tournament for survivor series like they did 11 years ago and had the rock win, they could really boost the mid carders really well and see who is ready for the main event.
I am pretty confident in what I believe will happen, so it is the only scenario I am focused on: Cena will win. Spoilers seem to be strongly indicating this and I am convinced.

Cena will likely team with DX to take on Legacy/Jerishow at Survivor Series, and somehow a mishap will result in Cena/HHH having conflict and begin a feud that might go all the way to Wrestlemania w/ HHH winning the Royal Rumble. I consider last weeks Raw as a foreshadowing of this playing out. Possibly the same match could begin/continue the highly speculated Orton/Dibiase blow up. Hopefully Cody Rhodes goes to ECW and feuds with his brother, ultimately joining him and becoming his side kick Silverdust (like Robin for Batman) and making an impact on the tag team scene; but I doubt that last bit happens (if only I worked at WWE...)
alright you guys are not being crazy enough with the Cena going to Smackdown theory:

if Cena loses he goes to Smackdown and acts like he is better than anybody on the show and becomes the new heel on Smackdown and begins feuding with any number of faces to either help put them over or to get to a #1 contenders match and face off with Batista in a rematch from 2 years ago for a shot at Deadman in DEC for the title. I personally would love to see Teddy come out and tell him that he must earn a spot in the main event and make him wrestle Morrison for the IC title first and win, then make him wrestle against M Hardy in a title defense the next week and then put him against rtruth in a title defense the next week and have Hardy and Morrison distract Cena and cost him the match at which point Teddy tells cena that the next week he will be in a fatal four way elimination match where the winner is named the #1 contender for the World title and he will be facing Punk, Kane, Rey, and either Batista ot Taker depends which one loses at Bragging rights in that fatal four way.
Cena wins at Bragging Rights they coud have him face off against Rhodes, DiBiase in the earlier mentioned twist to get Orton the title back, Swagger, a recently heel turned Kofi, a face vs face match with one of the following HBK, Henry, MVP, or an emerging new face like maybe Santino, Chavo, or Evan winning a match for a shot at the title with Orton interfering and costing Cena to lose title.
Orton loses at B.R. feuds with Legacy and then begins a feud with Kofi, Chavo, MVP, Henry or HBK
Orton wins he runs his mouth the next night on RAW and the NASCAR drivers put him in a match with Kofi, Evan, and a mystery opponent in a fatal four way elimination match for the WWE title and the Mystey opponent turns out to be HBK
This is what I think will happen

Bragging rights:ORTON beats CENA. Then in the fatal four way, teddy long adds another superstar in the match...JOHN CENA. CENA wins.

RAW:HBK somehow gwts a shot at ORTON at survivor series.HHH special guest referee.HHH is obviously jealous, and when the match happens,HHH pedigrees HBK!Orton wins,and there is a 3 way fued with them 3.

SMACDOWN:Cena just keeps on winniing but I will just say that because I'm a Cena fan. It'll never happen though.
Personally, I'd love for Cena to lose and head to Smackdown! However, I'm not a Cena fan, and I know he's going to dominate no matter where he goes, and that kinda makes me sad. Even if he wins and stays on Raw, his next opponent is likely to be HHH. Since I'm not a fan of Hunter, either, I think I'm just screwed!
I can't see Cena losing and I have a horrible feeling that we're heading into Cena Vs HHH at Survivor Series and Cena Vs Michaels shortly after (which is obviously less horrible).
If you take Cena away from RAW, who is the major face then? I don't see a logical or fair swap with Smackdown either, Taker is going nowhere, Batista only just moved, Jericho is staying put because of Edge, Rey seems to be doing something with Batista and Morrison has the IC belt. RAW without Cena leaves RAW in a major hole without 1 of their eternally "Top 3".
Yea i agree with Cena loses at bragging rights, it opens the door for the new talent to enter the main event picture.This can also help out Cena going to smackdown for 2 reasons

1:Cena can help sell merchandise and help smackdown with the ratings(even tho they dont need any help)

2:He can have some great feuds:ex: Punk,Batistia,Taker,Mysterio,Ziggler,Morrison

If Orton loses he should feud with Dibiase and help him establish him as a main eventer.This can lead up to good matches at S.S,R.R, and WM 26 if done right

just my 2 cents your thoughts?
Lets not forget Edge in all of his glory returning just in time for the Royal Rumble. Creative may very well plan to have Edge win the Rumble and go against Jericho who manages to claim the World Heavyweight Championship at Wrestlemania. Raw might very well be John Cena vs. Triple H for the WWE Championship with Orton taking on DeBiase as he said he would like to do in a recent interview. Should Cena lose, I think he would be in a number one contender's match for No Way Out or compete in an Elimination Chamber Match for the title only to fall short for the second year in a row. Orton would probably face DeBiase regardless as DeBiase can get the crowd on his side quickly {as evidenced last Monday night against Orton.}
Let me just add, cena is advertised for the raw tour of the uk next month and while I understand they could change anything, they surely can't change what is probably the joint biggest selling point along with dx for that tour, plus the raw live from the uk is advertising dx and cena vs legacy so from where I stand, cena aint going to smackdown, plus for superman to lose in the ultimate test of will power and endurance would be a little contradictory of how they have built cena's character, of course they could get around that by having orton cheat but its more likely that this time his cheating will backfire and ted will accidently cost him the final pinfall. Cena stays on raw in my opinion.
I think that WWE Creative, if done right, can make this feud ending something great, it can really go either way and everything can turn out good... But remember this is WWE Creative so I hold my breath, so these are my predictions for all the possibilities for tonights match.

In the case that John Cena Wins:
In the case of John Cena winning the WWE Championship for the fifth time, he can have a slew of challengers, maybe he doesn't even need to have a Major Feud, just a bunch of challengers to get the Upper-Mid Carders some tries in the Main Event, these names include Jack Swagger, M.V.P, The Miz, Kofi Kingston, Booker T*, Umaga*, Big Show. These could all lead up to Royal Rumble were a definite Number One Contender can emerge, ala Shawn Michaels perhaps or possibly one of the Upper-Mid guys. However I don't see him going into a super ultra mega feud right after this because there isn't anyone he can have a super ultra mega feud with.

In the case that John Cena Loses:
If John Cena loses, which in my opinion would be best for WWE, I see him going to Smackdown! and trying to assemble a Team to beat Team Raw at Survivor Series, then after Survivor Series look for him to feud with anyone from Batista, CM Punk, The Undertaker, John Morrison, Dolph Ziggler, Kane, Rey Rey, Chris Jericho. Theres tons of guys for him on Smackdown!. This would eventually cumulate into John Cena -vs- World Heavyweight Champ at WrestleMania.

In the case that Randy Orton Wins:
If Randy Orton is victorious at WWE Bragging Rights tonight he will probably start Raw off by destroying everything Cena on Raw even the WWE Title. He could feud with guys like Booker T*or even ( Which Is My Prediction ) face off against Ted Dibiase Jr. Although knowing WWE Creative he will somehow find a way to be in a program with Triple H, look for M.V.P to possibly emerge as a Contender. Also as I know we all want it I'll throw in the name of Shawn Michaels into the mix.

In the case that Randy Orton Loses:
Randy Orton losing gives WWE Creative a slew of possibilities to do, they could make it so that Ted or Cody screw Randy, or Triple H screws Randy, or they could simply have no one screw Randy Orton and John wins clean. But for the sake of arguing lets say no one interferes, then this will maybe be the best way to have the Ted -vs- Randy feud. Think about it, it wont be for the WWE Championship, it wouldn't Main Event WrestleMania ( Although it would be on the Card ), and then Ted can win without being a Champion. So as we wait for the Ted Face Turn, Randy can feud with M.V.P elevating him, or even go into a program with both Legacy members. Maybe even Booker T*.

So in conclusion, this could be a very good result either way you look at it, as long as WWE Creative doesn't over or under think this it could end up being great for the company.
Thank you for listing to me ramble on, hope you enjoyed.

P.S Booker T has a * next to him because it is only rumored that he is coming to WWE.
Well I agree with one of the post above I think Randy Orton is going win with the way they did that little sent off on raw for Cena. Now since Ted is not on the card I can really see him cost Randy one or two pin falls but ends up winning in the end of the match.

Yeah I think they will do a tournament to see who Randy Orton face's for the title with possibly king of the ring since they got a 3 hour raw episode coming up in the near future.
Let's pray that Cena loses at BR, and goes to SD. Smackdown sends Rey to Raw and there's a #1 contenders match with Rey, Shawn Micheals, HHH, and Big Show with the winner getting a title shot next week. Rey costs Shawn a shot at the title with HHH winning. Shawn superkicks Rey (Let the heel heat BEGAN!!!). Shawn talks about how he's had time to "yada, yada, yada" and he wanted one last shot at the title and Rey cost him. Good feud that could produce some great matches.

HHH gets his shot next week but Big Show interferes and Orton keeps the title. Big Show or Jerishow feud with good heat for HHH. Hopefully it lasts for awhile.

From that point on Orton defends the title every week on Raw. It's a lottery style, so every week "ANYONE" on Raw has a chance to get a title shot. He keeps the title with the help of Legacy but you see the Dibease build coming. Midcarders who the WWE want to push get exposure until a legitimate contender emerges, BASED on the fans support! When that person is established, somehow Dibease costs Orton the title. Orton gets the title back at the next PPV and Dibease vs. Orton is on!!!

Rey vs. Shawn, with Shawn as a heel is great!!!
HHH can exchange with Show or Jerishow to stay outta the title picture!
The new blood has a chance to fight for the belt while building for the next feuds.

I liked what I read earlier about Cena going to Smackdown. There are so many new matches to be mad that the possibilities are nearly endless. As an added bonus if it doesn't work there could be another "trade"!!
If Cena stays on Raw, I think he might start a short feud with Swagger. They had a great match on Raw not long ago, so I don't think anyone would mind seeing them go at it again in a PPV environment. They could build the feud around which one of them is the "real" american, which could be cool. Y'know, as long as there's no shows in Canada any time soon. So I wouldn't mind that. Although Swagger would have to have a serious impact on the Bragging Rights match.
Apart from that, the only other option is Miz. Unless we're meant to believe that Miz became twice the wrestler he was before over the last month or so, I don't think that'd work. Although, people would be into it.
In terms of Legacy members, only Cody would work. If Dibiase faced off against Cena, it would obviously destroy the face roll he's currently on. But I wouldn't mind seeing Cody vs Cena if Cena made Cody look really good, like HBK did.

If Cena goes to SD, there's loads of possibilities. Batista looks to be turning heel soon, but I don't think they'll do Cena vs Batista 2 until Mania. There's Punk, but I think that would really have to be for the title as I think that could be a big money feud, especially with how hot Punk is right now (yes, eventhough he's been buried slightly by Taker.)
I'd love to see Cena have a short series with Ziggler. I think they could have awesome matches if given the time, so I wouldn't mind a PPV match between the two.

Orton is a little more tricky. He can't rush into the feud with Dibiase. WWE have (without anyone realising) actually got people really behind Dibiase. So they gotta wait till Mania for Orton vs Dibiase, if WWE don't screw it up... Unless they use the feud to elevate Dibiase before Mania, and then have him winning MitB. Cause there's no way he's winning the Royal Rumble... Right? Riiiight?!
There's MVP, but nobody really cares about him right now.
There's Mark Henry... He's over as a face. But it's the same deal as Swagger, if they want Henry challenging Orton, he'll have to do alot in the Bragging Rights match.
I'd like to see Orton vs HBK one last time, but I think DX will be battling Jerishow before turning on each other.

For the first time in ages, WWE's title scene is unpredictable. Which is awesome. And we'll more than likely see some new stars elevated, which is what people have been bitching about for the last 12+ months.
wait wait wait, people keep saying that if orton loses he will fued with dibiase becuase "ted will screw him" i think what SHOULD happen is quite clearly have cena get the hell off raw for a while, and dibiase help this happen then dibiase can beat on orton and challenge him for the title, why would ted want to beat orton normally, wouldnt he want to beat orton and possibly become the new WWE champ? makes alot more sense to me and with cena gone he would have much more of a chance to do it, also with cena going to smackdown he should fued with taker and punk...punk 1st then taker for wrestlemania
but i wonder, what happens if it ends in a tie...would they do like what happened with HBK and Bret Hart and sudden death...
I think if the WWE Championship match should end in a draw. I think this would make Orton even more hated. It leaves the door open for a match down the road as well, but just not now since the stipulation is there is no rematch and Cena leaves raw. Cena then go to Smackdown and get some fresh fueds (Batista, CM Punk, Undertaker, and Mysterio).

This leaves an open door on Raw though. There would be no immediate challenger, but anyone on the Raw team at Bragging Rights could become the number contender. Maybe we will see a "Chase for the Championship" on Raw with the Nascar drivers hosting.

I would be in favor of anything new in terms of the WWE Product!

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