Booking of Orton


Occasional Pre-Show
2 things about the recent and future booking of Randy Orton. First,this weeks Raw and S-down had the most confusing booking of Randy Orton Ive seen. All week they kept saying how hes a loner and dont work well w/ others etc.

But on Raw he teams with someone he 'dont like" in Kingston and after Kofi blind tagged himself in the match and then causing Randy's team to lose you'd thing he'd be mad at Kofi(since its in his character) and maybe RKO him or something. What happens? Nothing. He just picks him up and acts all concerned for him. Personally Id like to have seen him RKO him and yell "Stupid!,stupid!,stupid!" at him again.LOL.

But again,why was he acting nice to him(a guy he says he dont like) after causing his team to lose(and even on S-Down JBL said Orton hates losing)?
And then on S-Down he teams w/ Miz(a guy again he says he dont like or trust) and after Miz blind tags himself in behind Randy's back(just like Kofi did)and helping Randy's team WIN,he RKO's Miz as payback.

Why didnt he do that to Kofi? After all,his blind tag caused his team to lose but he acted nice to him afterward.It was the same situations(except the match results).

Now for my 2nd thing. When Orton finally does turn full on heel,who should his 1st feud be with? Im thinking it may be w/ Miz after Series. Either way,just hurry up and do it!!!
I think Miz is going to be the last left on team Foley this Sunday. Then Orton is going to RKO Miz, therefore costing team Foley. Turning Orton heel in the process (which will also turn Miz into a confirmed face)

Then I see a good feud between Orton and Miz who I think will work well together. I also think it's better having Miz as the face and Orton as the heel. With Orton as the face, it's always obvious that he will either win or lose via a cheating heel. Its predictable and stale.

I hope WWE doesn't keep Orton face for now just because it is predictable that he is turning heel. Predictability is good sometimes, and this is one example.
I don't want to see him as a heel and he is not a good face either but being a loner and being a face and having a heel characteristic is more like him (something like when he was interviewed by josh mathew when he had his feud with kane before wrestlemania and said i'm not john cena i embrace hate)
Orton turning heel should pave the way for him elevating the likes of Miz and Kofi to the main title picture. he'll always be in the mix but his time as the main guy of a show is over.
i think it will come down to say miz kofi and randy on one team and ziggler and wade on other kofi will hit trouble in paradise on wade and as he turns around orton will RKO him so kofi out and then he will just walk away getting himself counted out. so we have miz vs ziggler and wade as miz stands stunned at what orton has ziggler will get a hot tag and try a school boy miz will kick out finish off ziggler randy will come back down and try and ost miz the match but miz will turn it around and hit him with the skull crushing and then beat wade this way we give randy a much needed heel turn and miz the more needed face turn.
If he was to turn heel at Survivor Series I would keep him away from a feud with the Miz for now. Both guys will only benefit from their respective turns if they are pushed and as we have already seen lately it is very hard to book feuds leading up to big matches where both guys need to look strong.

If I was to do it, I would have the Miz eliminated after going on a role and eliminating like three guys, looking like a hero and a valuable player before finally getting taken out and pinned after he can do no more. Then later have Orton eliminated after a distraction from the outside and a cheap roll-up or something that will piss him off. Then, whoever the last man his he can turn on and RKO, maybe even completely destroy (punt if he could?). For maximum heat this would probably have to be Daniel Bryan as he is probably the most popular. However as he is the tag team champions it may be harder to book a feud with him from there.
Also it would make most sense for Ziggler to get the final pin as he needs the push the most.
Orton will have dominant heel run on Smackdown. It will leave a big void for someone to replace Orton's babyface role. Sheamus will move into Orton role as top babyface on Smackdown. I think Daniel Bryan should be the other main babyface on Smackdown when Orton turns heel. He is over with the crowd and talented enough to do it.

I would love to see heel Orton vs Daniel Bryan for World Title at Wrestlemania

Kofi sucks he belongs no where near the main event scene. The guy is a midcarder at best. I'm not sure about Miz. His act gets really stale quickly whenever he gets pushed. We will see if he can do a better job as a babyface. With Punk turning Miz might end up being the 2nd babyface to Cena on Raw.
Orton turning heel should pave the way for him elevating the likes of Miz and Kofi to the main title picture. he'll always be in the mix but his time as the main guy of a show is over.

In no way as him time as main guy over. Didnt you read that WWE is planning on re pushing him huge next year(w/Dolph)? Hes still the most over face on S-down and in the Top 2 or 3 overall in WWE. Plus hes done enough jobs on tv and PPV over the past year. Its his time again to be back on top. Its not like hes old and washed up.
But on Raw he teams with someone he 'dont like" in Kingston and after Kofi blind tagged himself in the match and then causing Randy's team to lose you'd thing he'd be mad at Kofi(since its in his character) and maybe RKO him or something. What happens? Nothing. He just picks him up and acts all concerned for him. Personally Id like to have seen him RKO him and yell "Stupid!,stupid!,stupid!" at him again.LOL.
Cheez, I don't know, maybe because he is a face and Kofi is Superface and it's not logical. He would draw heat for that and break a character. Don't you think that RKO-ing Kofi would cause some booes to him and his character. :)

On the other side Miz was a heel until some week and he would not draw too much heet so it's OK for RKO-ing him(and it didn't draw, did it :) ).

Orton is lobying to be heel and now it is good time for that. Imagine that heet if he would cost his teem a win and for old times sake RKOed Foley. :) Doubt it would happen because reports are that Foley would have semifeud with Punk but it's possible.
Well his character is sapost to be a loner. So I just think take him that way. Make him a tweener, someone that gets over but does heel things. He him be in it for himself, take on all comers.

I know people say tweeners don't get over but you have had people like Stone Cold, The Undertaker and the Rock walk that line. Which the loner character that Randy is sapost to be can easly fall into that.
They are slowly building him into a heel again but he is still a face & WWE needs him to be a face for Survivor Series & in general for the roster right now.

WWE is notorious for changing a performers gimmick or character way to fast or way too slow. Now it obviously is almost impossible to switch a character in perfect timing to fit everyones preferences but sometimes WWE also jumps the gun or holds out for reasons involving backstage politics and/or booking.

So while I think we all want Orton heel & this confusing, nonsense half-this & half-that booking is annoying, I'd rather they take their time transitioning Orton. Seeing as that usually works better & that's more logical & true to real life.
Cheez, I don't know, maybe because he is a face and Kofi is Superface and it's not logical. He would draw heat for that and break a character. Don't you think that RKO-ing Kofi would cause some booes to him and his character. :)

On the other side Miz was a heel until some week and he would not draw too much heet so it's OK for RKO-ing him(and it didn't draw, did it :) ).

Orton is lobying to be heel and now it is good time for that. Imagine that heet if he would cost his teem a win and for old times sake RKOed Foley. :) Doubt it would happen because reports are that Foley would have semifeud with Punk but it's possible.[/QUOT

Did you read the spoilers from S-Down this week? Orton was said to those there he got TONS of hear after he RKO'd Miz. So it looks to me it worked pretty good to me. And sure Kofi is a face but when did that matter before? Remember his match w/ Sheamus on S-down awhile back this year after Orton lost clean to him and offered to shake his hand and he RKOd him?

So how is Orton RKOing any face "breaking character?"

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