Another Orton Freak-out.

There is a footballer with a similar problem to Randy Orton... Wayne Rooney... most of the time, top of their game and professional... but every now and then the Red Mist comes down and they become liabilities... Rooney has been sent off several times for stupid tantrums... Orton seems to do the same, letting his professionalism slip in the ring for the sake of chastising someone who is clearly beneath him in the pecking order... it's unsightly and smells of a man not reformed but going through motions...

The positive is that Orton is clearly passionate about the show and what he brings... the negative that he is petulant... has ANY other wrestler really used facial expressions or language that can be picked up in a match to show their displeasure with an opponent in WWE history? No... they go stiff... not bananas... So does this mean that Orton does not consider himself tough enough to take a receipt? it could be... this is a guy who couldn't handle the Marines... or military life in general...

Orton is clearly insecure in himself, that he has not complained about real botches made by those with more clout than him does sadly, speak volumes about the man... as a character he is red hot... but every time he does this, a few more people will see through him and in the end, he will derail himself... sadly he seems bent on derailing a lot of promising talent first...

I don't hate Randy, I just am baffeled he is allowed to do this to co workers again and again, more people have left WWE cos of Randy Orton than anyone else... eventually you have to say he is the problem...
*THTRobtaylor, your post is awesome. Well written and right on the button. People don't seem to care that Orton was dishonorably discharged from the marines for going AWOL twice I believe. And he spent 38 days in military prison. The guy has bad character and is a lifetime heel. He's also been accused of sexual harassment by divas and been accused of taking a shit in their bags(in court.) Anyway, spot on post man.

It's depressing sometimes to see the moral compass of wrestling fans. To be a kid is one thing ...

Eh, I've been saying this all along. Even repped some of you because I'm tired of being alone or one of few to defend people against Orton/Cena.

SiccNick was right on it. It's always up and coming mid-carders.
Also do you remember when HBK told Sheamus not to step on Randy Orton's toes before he left.

When Mr Kennedy returned and was obviously about to feud with Randy and finally become a mainevent/champion stalwart ... Orton got him fired.

It drives me nuts when people say Anderson was probably wrong but he probably shouldn't of been fired. It's like your only partially brainwashed by RKO.
I mean when you think about the bumps these guys take such as a german suplex(imagine a 3 man suplex), what sort of control does someone giving a german suplex have? This was only a back body drop, for it to be so bad Mr Anderson would of had to land the move maliciously as if he wanted to plant Orton's head into the mat. Either way, Orton was not injured. If you want to see a real botched move check out Benoit dropping Sabu on his head.

Randy has a history of over jumping shit. Look at the video of when he broke his collar bone, either he way over jumped it ... or Triple H threw his ass w/ reckless abandonment. Then Randy broke his collar bone riding his motorcycle. The guys got hypermobile shoulders and had broken collar bone twice ... then Mr Anderson is blamed when Randy is not even injured?

Then there's Kofi Kingston whose on a roll and Randy gets visibly upset with at least twice (botched entrance when Orton was about to punt Roddy Piper.)

Now the Miz.

Now Ken Anderson said that it was Orton/Cena that got him fired.

So lets look at the Bryan Danielson firing. Danielson is a huge IWC favorite and about to be apart of the biggest angle to hit RAW in years, and unlike most of Nexus, we know Danielson will probably be like a co-leader and will have a bright future in WWE and the nexus will actually make Danielson a credible maineventer which he probably would not be on his own. Kind of like as a maineventer/champion, Shawn Michaels always needed people around him (DX, Diesel, Psycho Sid)

Well Danielson's first night on RAW w/ the nexus, he spits on Cena ... Cena gets upset.
Danielson is fired. Now you can bring up the tie and what not, but WWE obviously had plans for Danielson and someone needed to be really pissed for him to just be fired. It's not like he had a history of making mistakes. Also, the angle was a huge hit.

Cena/Orton are out for themselves. If you want proof, just look at how often they have faced one another. They are the ying to each others yang, Cena prolly wants to become heel right now b/c he knows him and Orton can't keep their respective power and places if they're both faces.

Cena and Orton are the new kliq. If someone threatens either of their positions, they will back each other up because no one will oppose the two together. They have too much clout.
Randy Orton is a spoiled little bitch that throws tantrums... I did backstage security on raw with the air force when they were getting ready to go to iraq and everyone was cool with getting their bags searched before getting on the bus to go to base.. but orton flipped out wanting to know why we wanted to go through his stuff and stormed off and when he came back he told us that we were Air Force punks and we didnt know what it ment to "really" go to war (but he went AWAL from the marienes) Fuck Orton
Ummmm......Hello? Is anyone new to this wrestling thing? Its part of his gimmick, he's fading from the viper to the kinda crazy tweener guy that has apparent spazims lol.
Here is one example
This one is from one week ago

There are others as well. When I said "the moment it happened" I was reffering more to fan speculation, not necessariy site reports, but there ARE reports of this "freak out" that came out WAY earlier than this site

Again I am not claiming this is pure truth, but I wouldn't put it past Orton to continue bitchin out the midcarders, and I wouldn't put it past his loyal fans to defend him to the bitter end. Seriously at this point I get scared at the thought of a midcarder I like being in the same match as Orton

To be honest with you, I don't care that it was picked up a week ago or two weeks ago, whenever. There are certain sites, like Wrestlezone, that I trust to give me the most accurate news. PWPix isn't one of them. You even have admitted yourself that you were quoting forums and had to find this report so I'm assuming PWPix isn't one of your regular haunts.

PWPix and other, similar sites may have reported on this but it's the job of the more credible sites to actually find news that is worth reporting and that includes finding a factual basis for the report. I like Wrestlezone because they use the word 'apparantly' a lot. They actually source their findings. Nothing in Wrestlezone's report about this represents this as fact. They source PWTorch instead. This is all on them.

The fact that it has taken so long for Wrestlezone to actually report this screams out to me that it really isn't that big of a deal. And to be honest, I haven't be able to find that report on PWTorch which further backs up the fact that nobody really cares. If anyone can find it, please let me know, I'd love to read it. Take everything you read from this event with a pinch of salt. It really isn't worth losing any respect over.
Orton is one of my favorite wrestlers (along with Punk, Y2J, Christian, and Edge) ,but the guy is being a douche over the smallest shit. What does he want? To direct every movement before the show? He needs to calm down. Vince may need to talk to him about his behavior before he becomes a jobber to Cena and Sheamus, or even Mark Henry and Ted DiBiase. No one noticed a damn thing and his random RKOs aren't even random anymore i expect him to dish out one or two every Raw.
To be honest with you, I don't care that it was picked up a week ago or two weeks ago, whenever.
Well it was in response to somebody who asked for a link
There are certain sites, like Wrestlezone, that I trust to give me the most accurate news. PWPix isn't one of them.

Lol wrestlezone main page SUCKS, it is always behind and misleading. Do you remember how a few weeks ago they put up that interview where Orton bashed Kennedy? That interview is months old! And of course they didn't even mention that, they made it seem like it was recent

You even have admitted yourself that you were quoting forums and had to find this report so I'm assuming PWPix isn't one of your regular haunts.

I had to find it because it's an entire week old

PWPix and other, similar sites may have reported on this but it's the job of the more credible sites to actually find news that is worth reporting and that includes finding a factual basis for the report. I like Wrestlezone because they use the word 'apparantly' a lot. They actually source their findings. Nothing in Wrestlezone's report about this represents this as fact. They source PWTorch instead. This is all on them.

That's why in both of my posts I made sure to state that I was not claiming these reports were true :)

The fact that it has taken so long for Wrestlezone to actually report this screams out to me that it really isn't that big of a deal.

Or maybe because the people who run the site are morons and had to wait for 30 people to send in the word that other sites were reporting this. You have way too much faith in wrestlezone, this site really sucks

And to be honest, I haven't be able to find that report on PWTorch which further backs up the fact that nobody really cares. If anyone can find it, please let me know, I'd love to read it. Take everything you read from this event with a pinch of salt. It really isn't worth losing any respect over.

Did the report say that this was confirmed? They never said it was 100% positive, that is already established

It doesn't seem a little bit strange that these little spasm things in the ring that are, as he claims, just things that he's trying out for his character (this was his excuse on twitter), ONLY happen with midcard talent? Do you think that if he was in a one-on-one match with Cena this upcoming Monday that he would slap him before an RKO or that he would call him "STUPID, STUPID, STUPID" like with Kofi? This "it's just his character" excuse is bullshit, he would never pull this with Cena, HHH or Taker, he would only do this to midcarders
Orton got lucky that his "freakout" looked like part of his character, I really didn't notice how bad these things were till I read about them on these sites. Had i not read it was a real freakout I'd have thought it was just part of his character. Seeing as how its not, I think this makes Orton a HUGE liability in the ring. How he can blow up so bad on camera is beyond me. At least Joe handled his business behind the scenes. Orton's blowups remind me of Scott Steiner, who even as a huge babyface would be caught on camera cursing. WWE needs to get this guy anger management or something and I agree the Kofi one was MUCH worse as he berated the guy in front of everyone pretty much.
It's hilarious to see all the babies crying over Orton.

Mr. Kennedy best chance at main event status was when he was going to be revealed as Vince McMahon's son. Who Fucked That Up? I suppose Orton did.

Kennedy was going to be in a feud with Orton? did anyone forget that was Kennedy first match from guess what (an injury). he cleary dropped Orton on his neck/head.

Mr kennedy ruined every single chance he got to become a star, dont try to put the blame on Orton for a whole WWE career worth of injuries, steriods, and lies on national tv.

Now with the Kofi situation. I absolutely think Orton over reacted, botches like that happen all the time and Orton just elevated it by getting a bitch fit in the ring.
I thought it looked fine on TV and just thought it was part of his character. I don't see how he could pissed and say The Miz made it look like it was coming a ******ed monkey could tell it was going to happen. I like Orton I think he's by far one of the best of all time, but if the reports of his flip outs true he's a litle whinny bitch.

I kind of get the Kennedy thing that guy was rather reckless, but I think getting him fired was a little harsh. The tantrum with Kofi Kingston was unprofessional too. Kofi may have screwed up,but that should have been handled off camera. Kofi spent the next several months jobbing after that when he was in the middle of a nice push before that.

I think a previous poster said it best. Orton only seems to freak out on people getting a main event push for the first time like he's threatened by them. I really hope this doesn't ruin The Miz's push the guy has worked his ass to get where he is. To have it ruined by someone whose jealous is just wrong.
Same with Snuka the only difference being Randy didn't feel he fit in with the group and a couple of weeks later he's released from the WWE.

Minor thing, Snuka I believe was released because he was the cameraman in the Taker/HBK WM 25 match and didn't catch Taker properly when Taker did the spot where he dove and HBK pulled the cameraman (really Snuka) in front of him, so the heat started there.

Now on to Orton. I have to say, whenever he legit "freaks out", its always during a storyline. If anything, I think it adds to his character. Getting pissed at the Miz the way he did fits into his persona of a guy who loses it after or before hitting the RKO. With Kofi, him and Orton were in the middle of a huge feud, and it kind of helped.

Could he handle it differently? Of course. But it really is not that bad. It helps the young guys understand that if you are in the ring with Orton, you have to be your best, which is something that is good for all young guys to strive to do in any match.
An interview with Orton about Anderson isn't really consequential news. It didn't need to be reported right away. Anything that is relevent or important in anyway is pretty much picked up on Wrestlezone within a few days. Wrestlezone is also one of the cleanest and easiest to navigate sites I have found. That's why I use it. 9/10 times, there is nothing so huge going on that I should really read about it straight away and whenever that does happen, I'm alerted by the forums I post at anyway. I am always up to speed with consequential things.

Regardless, our personal opinions and preferences are our own. I have a busy life, a simple website for my news is adequate for me.

Your last point was interesting though. I've seen it a lot on this thread. The slap is being made into a huge deal. Seriously, go find the video on Youtube. The slap was used to draw the Miz into looking at Orton. He snuck up on him from behind and you can't really do the RKO from that position. It wasn't a hard slap, it was a cheeky slap. There was no malice or venom in it whatsoever.

As for him not doing it against bigger names... you stated in a one on one match with Cena... this slap wasn't during a match and neither was the Kofi 'stupid' incident.

The vocals used. 'No, No, No' could be explained as 'No, you're not cashing it in now after I did all the work. You have to earn this belt.' It's a safe arguement.

Orton shouting 'Stupid' at Kofi can be explained as 'You're stupid to try and jump me from behind, I'm better than you.' It's a safe arguement.

Even if these 'Blow ups' are real, Orton is very talented at making them seem storyline. WWE make no effort to hide them as they show them in replays weeks afterward (they did this in Kofi's case). Final point. There is no problem. Get over it, everyone.
also on ortons twitter someone asked why did u slap the miz? al he said was oh you caught that huh? my CHARACTER was mad at the miz.
An interview with Orton about Anderson isn't really consequential news. It didn't need to be reported right away. Anything that is relevent or important in anyway is pretty much picked up on Wrestlezone within a few days. Wrestlezone is also one of the cleanest and easiest to navigate sites I have found. That's why I use it. 9/10 times, there is nothing so huge going on that I should really read about it straight away and whenever that does happen, I'm alerted by the forums I post at anyway. I am always up to speed with consequential things.

I can in no way agree with this. Just because WZ spends more money to make their site look "clean" doesn't make them more reliable.

That interview with Orton? THEY REPORTED IT TWICE. They reported it the first time it happened, then probably saw on the main page that a topic was created about it in the forums & realized that people were interested in their (Orton and Anderson) real-life dislike for each other, so they wait almost a year and post the same shit again, and what do you know, another topic on the forums was created, and they probably got more hits on the website. That's cheap and completely misleading, any credible site would have mentioned an interview being old. That's only one example anyway.

But this is getting off topic. Especially since every single wrestling news site out there bullshits once in a while, if you don't believe that then you are being ignorant

Your last point was interesting though. I've seen it a lot on this thread. The slap is being made into a huge deal. Seriously, go find the video on Youtube. The slap was used to draw the Miz into looking at Orton. He snuck up on him from behind and you can't really do the RKO from that position. It wasn't a hard slap, it was a cheeky slap. There was no malice or venom in it whatsoever.

I still could never see him doing this slap to anybody on the level of Cena/Taker/HHH

As for him not doing it against bigger names... you stated in a one on one match with Cena... this slap wasn't during a match and neither was the Kofi 'stupid' incident.
........ um yes, the kofi incident was during a match.... Kofi was on the ground, Orton appeared to be going for a punt, Kofi got up, Orton got mad and threw him back down, Kofi got up again, Orton screamed "STUPID", then hit the RKO, got the three count, won the match, and threw in more "STUPID"s

And the Miz incident was after a match... so what? What difference does this make? Is showing a sign of legit anger any less professional because it happens during a match?

The vocals used. 'No, No, No' could be explained as 'No, you're not cashing it in now after I did all the work. You have to earn this belt.' It's a safe arguement.

Once again, yes this COULD be the reason. If you read my first post I said I don't know if this report is believable or not but it wouldn't surprise me.

Orton shouting 'Stupid' at Kofi can be explained as 'You're stupid to try and jump me from behind, I'm better than you.' It's a safe arguement.

People trying to defend the Kofi incident just blows my frickin mind. He hit the ring and swore "Fuck" three times which you cannot do on a PG show! Why would he fake that? He was so obviously pissed off when he yelled "Stupid", I serously can not understand how you can possibly think Orton was just doing this for his character, and how Kofi just coincidentally had his push completely halted afterwards

Even if these 'Blow ups' are real, Orton is very talented at making them seem storyline. WWE make no effort to hide them as they show them in replays weeks afterward (they did this in Kofi's case). Final point. There is no problem. Get over it, everyone.

There is no problem only if you are an Orton mark. How can you think there is no problem if these blow ups are real? So a midcarder messed up, he deserves to be yelled at on TV/slapped/depushed/fired/whatever ? Orton has certainly botched with maineventers when he was less important and he didn't get depushed for it, but now that he's on top it's perfectly normal to think that ONE fucking botch during a match is enough to warrant such severe consequences?
Its his personality. He already looked irked and when he left the ring you could tell it was just a matter of the straw breaking the camels back to set him off. This apparently did. Its not like he made a big deal out of it. He rather used it as I'm sure he was supposed to be pissed at the end. I doubt he was supposed to remain calm otherwise he probably wouldn't risk his blatant anger being picked up by anyone. Him yelling obscenities was just a way of venting. It comes across as storyline on camera and it makes him not keep it in for later when he goes to the back. If this is a big deal then I can only imagine what happens when he really gets pissed and starts throwing punches. Commenting on his little tantrums that we're all accustomed to by now is just sad.
Just so people can see what this thread is all about:
You can hear Orton exclaim "No, no, no"
and some youtube comments claim you can
hear Orton say "Damn it, Damn it" and "You (Miz)
fucked up" etc.

Anyway, a lot of people seem to be missing the point or ignoring it outright. If these outburst are legitimate and not "in-character", his behavior is the height of unprofessional. Excuse it, deny it, call it trivial, not news worthy, par for the course, whatever. The simple fact remains he behaves like a petulant child. That there is potential for such behavior to impact and in some cases even end other people's careers is shameful to say the least.
If these outburst are legitimate and not "in-character", his behavior is the height of unprofessional.

Yes, when you look at the tape, his actions do seem awfully unprofessional. After all, one of the things that keeps wrestling exciting is that it isn't an exact science and things can easily go wrong during a segment.

But how wrong is wrong? Is Orton complaining that Miz was positioned too close to the corner for the RKO to be effective? The result looked good to me.

Besides, isn't Orton the guy who got himself in trouble with management for trashing a motel room? For gosh sakes, he had more time to control his actions in the motel than he does in the ring, where movements and maneuvers have to be made with split-second timing. As far as I'm concerned, that perfection rarely exists serves to make the product more like real life, not less.

So sorry everyone can't measure up to your high standards, Randy.
For those who may have missed it, WWE star Randy Orton was visibly upset with The Miz on Raw two weeks ago during the segment where The Miz attempted to cash in his money in the bank contract against Sheamus. is reporting that the reason why Orton was upset with The Miz was because he felt that the position Miz was in prior to taking the RKO from Orton gave away the fact that Orton was about to hit the move and made the outcome of the segment predictable.

It should be noted that this isn't the first time Orton has show visible frustration with wrestlers on TV, as it has happened in the past with Kofi Kingston and Ken Anderson.

is the brass ever going to give this guy a talking to and tell him to reel it back when he's frustrated with the other wrestlers? during the kingston incident, you visibly heard orton use profanity. if i was vince and saw that, i'd be livid.
The thing is, when Randy Orton was a heel, he could act like an asshole in that manner in the ring and no one would really pay too much attention to it, it would just be chalked up to typical heel behaviour. Angry, mean, disrespectful, all things he apparently was both with Kofi and again with the Miz, but at least when he was feuding with Kingston, he was a heel fighting a face Kingston, so his actions were not as obvious.

Now he's a tweener leaning toward a face, if not a full-fledged face, so when he acts like this, now its inappropriate both in reality and kayfabe. In reality it's disrespectful to his fellow wrestlers. In kayfabe, how do you explain away his actions in the ring when he gets frustrated like that when he's supposedly a good guy?
If Randy hadn't said anything, no one would have noticed.

The positioning was fine. The referee was between Sheamus and Miz, as if he were blocking Miz from attacking before Sheamus got up. Well and good. Miz was on the backside of the ring so the hard camera could catch the move. Perfectly fine. The one slip that I caught was Miz looking at Orton for a short second before taking the RKO. If you weren't looking for it, you wouldn't have caught it.

The blame, from the eyes of the viewer, is all on Orton here. If he had vipered and stared his way on out of there like normal, this wouldn't even make Botchamania.
So people are complaining about Orton doing this on Miz, when people would have LOVED to have Miz shut up anyway? Besides, Orton is a perfectionist coming from sheer legacy of the biz. Does that excuse his actions? Probably not. But you will always see the back and forth between "Orton was at fault, Miz was at fault" The truth is, as much as we want to speculate, we will never know the honest to goodness truth. Bear in mind, what we see on tv is part of the truth, and all these 'insiders' how much of the truth do they hear, or see? They are probably someone mopping the floor or emptying the trash and see just a bit of whatever conversations the stars have backstage. Chances are they did get heated in the ring, and more than likely, if they are to continue to work in a good environment, knowing locker room politics, there would have to be some kind of mediation that goes on backstage. Whatever happens, you can rest assured that they always say its like a family, people will fight, make up, or just be able to work together civilly. Besides, people are quick to point out RKO's misdoings (trashing hotel rooms...etc), need I mention other stars that have done things before that may not have reflected so good on WWE? How about HBK nd British Bulldog getting into that bar fight? Or Jericho, Helms, and Hardy in that drunken altercation the last year? Or Y2J freaking out with the fans around his car and 'punching' that female fan? I'd say give the man a break, he's worked VERY hard these last few years, until we know all sides of the story just give it a rest, people can't say that they haven't had those moments either. Besides, don't you think that creative knows he has that reputation and that it fits perfectly into that 'viper/crazy' gimmick?
I thought it was kind of funny. It took me a while to realize what the heck he was doing, because you could see him saying something then visibly shaking his head right before he RKO'd Miz which you could tell he was extremely pissed about. I kind of understand his frustration, there is so much stuff in wrestling where you know what's coming and it just ruins the moment.

This is kind of off topic but remembered how obvious it was that Nexus was going to attack the WWE Legends a couple weeks ago and it ruined that storyline since no one was surprised by it.

The only reason Orton is mad is because he's passionate about wrestling/entertainment and he wants his scenes/storylines to be 100% as entertaining as possible for the fans. But he does seem to get angry quite a bit.
ok here's an article on

For those who may have missed it, WWE star Randy Orton was visibly upset with The Miz on Raw two weeks ago during the segment where The Miz attempted to cash in his money in the bank contract against Sheamus. is reporting that the reason why Orton was upset with The Miz was because he felt that the position Miz was in prior to taking the RKO from Orton gave away the fact that Orton was about to hit the move and made the outcome of the segment predictable.

It should be noted that this isn't the first time Orton has show visible frustration with wrestlers on TV, as it has happened in the past with Kofi Kingston and Ken Anderson.

now this is the third time randy orton has been upset because of a simple mistake so lets take a journey back in time:

May 25th 2009 - mr kennedy returns to wwe in a 10 man tag match and sometime during the match mr kennedy botched a back suplex and randy orton landed on his back so he decided to go backstage and complain and cena backed him up so just because mr kennedy a human being made a mistake he loses his job.
here's the video:
[YOUTUBE]<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]

january 11th 2010: a triple threat between cena kingston and orton, now this is a bit different, this time it looked like orton was going to punt kingston but he got up then orton pushed him back down and tried to do the taunt leading up to the rko but he got up too fast, so again orton got pissed and complained and then the mega push kingston was reciving was stopped and he was brought back to the mid-cards. (and to add insult to injury after the match he repeatedly shout at kingston calling him stupid)
again here's the video:

[YOUTUBE]<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=";hl=en_US&amp;fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=";hl=en_US&amp;fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]

and now july 26th 2010: its orton vs one of the usos after the match sheamus attempts to kck orton but misses and gets an rko the orton leaves the ring and the miz comes in and attempts to cash in but before the bell rang orton gave miz an rko but of course according to orton the miz was in a position that made it look obvious that he would get an rko so he complains but little time has passed and noting has happened yet
heres the video: (now is it just me or just before orton hits the rko he gives miz a little slap :shrug: )

[YOUTUBE]<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value=";hl=en_US&amp;fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=";hl=en_US&amp;fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>
now i need to ask all of you these things:
1)do you think miz will be punished because of this mistake like the other two
2)do you think raw is being controlled (kinda) by guys like cena, orton and hhh
3)do you think orton is starting to get a big head because dont forget these guys were still rookies in the wwe and orton was never perfect he made mistakes like everyone else
NOTE:this is not an orton bashing thread

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