Big Show fired (keep it all in here!!!!)


Dark Match Winner
OK so before anyone bashes me I just want to get your thoughts on what happened. So tonight we got the stipulation for the Over The Limit match between John Cena and John Laurinitis. If any superstar inteferes they will be fired which leads me to my question. Big Show got fired tonight and before that he made a whole speech saying he would do anything to keep his job etc so do you think this will cause him to intefere on behalf of John Laurinitis so he can get his job back thus turning heel in the process? Your thoughts
does wwe seriously expect anyone to believe that? even if Big Johhny wins on the weekend, you know HHH will just reinstate Show. if someone is leaving and you want to run that angle, fine. but with no real competition, why run such a dumb angle? do they really think fans are that stupid?
well, it's looking like this is a heel turn. people keep bringing up Batista, but i think this is going to lead to a heel turn from Show who will knock out Cena for John to win and then he will get his job back for helping Ace win.
Big Show gets involved and screws Cena, it makes the most sense to me. i dont see batista returning and i think if/when he does return, it will likely be on Raw, but Show turning heel makes sense because i cant really see him being fired.
i think show attacks big johnny at the ppv [upset for being fired] and gives johnny the win by DQ
could happen, but for me it makes more sense for it to be Show helping Johnny Ace and getting his job back that way, i mean, why coem and attack Johnny to help him win by DQ for being upset at being fired?? why not just let Cena win, then come out and get your payback for anger?? i see him turning heel, that makes more sense as it gets him his job back.
Maybe Show is hurt and needs time off or was willing to take a short break to further a storyline. No one thinks thats a possibility? Show probably isn't going to turn heel. The end of his Extreme Rules match was just a giant taking out his frustrations over a fluke win.

Plus if anyone interferes to aid Laurinitas it will be Lesnar, he did just "quit" a week ago so he can't be fired.
My first thought about the stipulation, was Brock Lesnar. Brock quit, so he could show up and F5 Cena and let Johnny L win the match, but since he's got that little story / feud going with Triple H, I'm guessing that's not going to happen. Didn't think about Big Show possibly helping Johnny win since he was fired tonight. Hey, it could happen. Things like this have happened before. Someone gets fired, then we start seeing him cause a ruckus for a few weeks or whatever before getting rehired. Would be nice to see Big Show heel again. I can't stand this big fat blubbering giant thing he has going on. I miss The Giant of WCW and early 2000's WWF. :(
this is obviously going down this way, they teased that atleast to times, one with big show saying he will do anything to keep is job, then with cena saying that if any superstar interfears they will be terminated, im glad there giving show a push, but are you really goingn to have him embarrassing him self one week, then feuding with cena the next?
Maybe Show is hurt and needs time off or was willing to take a short break to further a storyline. No one thinks thats a possibility? Show probably isn't going to turn heel. The end of his Extreme Rules match was just a giant taking out his frustrations over a fluke win.

Plus if anyone interferes to aid Laurinitas it will be Lesnar, he did just "quit" a week ago so he can't be fired.
true, all those are possible, BUT i just dont see Lesnar getting involved. he will eventually return, but i think they are saving his ppv appearances. Big Show makes most sense from my standpoint because he was recently fired and wants to be in wwe. the only other possibility is Batista, but i dont see that either. i think it's either Big Show getting involved or they end Ace's GM storyline, but i think Show will get involved.
Maybe Show is hurt and needs time off or was willing to take a short break to further a storyline. No one thinks thats a possibility? Show probably isn't going to turn heel. The end of his Extreme Rules match was just a giant taking out his frustrations over a fluke win.

Plus if anyone interferes to aid Laurinitas it will be Lesnar, he did just "quit" a week ago so he can't be fired.

Why would Lesnar interfere if he's involved with triple h right now? That doesn't make sense. Show interfering to aid John L makes perfect sense as if he's willing to beg to save his job certainly he'd attack cena to get it back. Also why would wwe put this much into Show and Laurinitis if he wouldn't have any involvement at otl?
Show is the obvious choice...and I also think it's the worst choice since I can't imagine anyone really caring about Big Show feuding with Cena...or anyone anymore.

I keep thinking back to the rumors that Vince had Cena win over Brock because the IWC was SURE Brock was going to win. And now the IWC is SURE (more or less) Show will come back and somehow hand Johnny the win. I can only hope Vince continues his reasoning for changing things and does something other than bring in Show for this angle.

I mean, they're generating some good interest and buildup here now that they've evidently taken Tensai out of the picture...and they're going to replace Tensai with Big Show? Someone who doesn't need any push right now and hasn't been relevant for...what...8 years or so? Whenever he held the title and HHH-led McMahon/Hemsley regime beat the crap out of him...that's the last time I can remember that I cared about what Big Show did.
I don't hate this as much as everybody else does, I guess. Yeah, the segment dragged on and I was legitimately uncomfortable seeing Big Show cry and grovel, but I understand the point behind it. If the WWE wants Johnny Ace to be the top heel and carry this program with Cena past Over the Limit, they have to take some steps to make sure he's over with the crowd as a heel -- he needs to get heat, to simplify it. I don't know the reason they chose Big Show to run this story with -- maybe he needs time off, maybe he'll get a program out of this (likely) -- but it wasn't an overly-complicated way to advance the John Laurinaitis character; the crowd support for a Show (which was more than I'd heard him get in a while) was indicative that it had worked, to an extent.

We shouldn't be so quick to judge this, but my gut tells me this will be a success in the long run. I can see some Big Show involvement at OTL, but I won't bank on it -- the WWE can just as easily choose to give Show a bit of time away from the screen and build to a big return, it really depends on what they do with Big Show, though.
These are all good choices but weren't they supposed to promote the Red-X Revolution. What if it's Dean Ambrose, some other superstar debuting, or a stable. The Big Show, Brock Lesnar, and Batista are too obvious. What if they make a superstar return? Brian kendrick was rumored. Also, what about Viscera who was also rumored?
The way I see it this can go two way. Big Show hits Cena or Big Show hits Laryngitis. But it is happening. I'm gonna lean towards Cena though. There may not be a feud between the two per say. With the Revolution coming Johnny will need a bigger stable and you don't get bigger then Show. It will be good to stop seeing him as a dribbling baby. That's getting old. But for the size for something called a Revolution you need numbers too. I'm thinking he will start recruiting soon.
I thought of the Big Show the moment the stipulations were announced as well. However, I think I will only like this storyline if we learn that JL and Show were in this together from the beginning. I do not want to see Show being some servant of JL with the threat of termination continuing over his head. I think back to HBK and JBL, and also to Volkov and the Million Dollar Man. I just do not need to see it again.
I have to agree with The Crock That was very uncomfortable to watch I was hoping Show would knock Johnny Ace out with WMD before all that went down.

But I see it going like this Johnny Ace beats Cena via with his hand or feet on the rope or Cena snaps and wins by DQ

The next night on RAW Johnny comes out and gloats about his win over Cena and HHH comes out and congrats John on his win over Cena then HHH tells JL that He watched what he did to Big Show and That was not right for him to do that Trips grabs Johnny by the tie and Johnny says get your damn hand off me Trips reminds him that He (HHH) is his boss and he reminds Johnny about that happen to him by Brock Lesner and he never helped he let's go of Johnny Ace's tie and tell his time to get on his knees and beg him to keep his job as RAW and SD GM.

Then HHH does the same thing Johnny did to Big Show and say he will think about it then HHH will walk up the ramp Ace is in the middle of the ring HHH comes back in the ring and says John YOUR FIRED.
Oh please do not have Show return on Sunday by attacking Cena to get his job back. Also if that does happen please do not transition Show into a heel again, there is no need for the gentle giant to be an arrogant giant once more, that has truly been overplayed by Show. Someone said they don't want to see a servant Big Show? Neither do I meaning both cases where Show attacks Cena results in either a boring arrogant giant or a boring sad giant who eventually knocks JL out after several weeks when he could of just done it from day one.

Hopefully they either leave him off TV for a few weeks/months until a true return or HHH just hires him back. I do not want the Big Show, never less a heel Big Show feuding with John Cena again. Bad memories of 2009....
I think it's that Big Show needs some time off and they used John Lauranaitis firing him as a way to explain why he's not there. Doing it that way also allows Big Johnny to get some heat.
But I see it going like this Johnny Ace beats Cena via with his hand or feet on the rope or Cena snaps and wins by DQ

Didn't Cena announce while reading the notes from the Board of Directors, that the only way to win this match was by Pinfall or Submission?

looks like a Big Show Heel turn is the most likely, although i'm not sure on the ruling of that, Cena also read that any outside interference would result in a Termination. If Big Show got involved and JL rehired him wouldn't the Board then fire him again for interfering?. Just going by what John Cena said in the Promo. WWE are really good at swerving fans to think the Obvious, and maybe they made this thing with Show and JL a major storyline to swerve fans to think Show would get involved, when really another suprise could happen not even involving Show.
Yeah i'm thinking Show is going to screw Cena too... only thing that seems to make sense at this point. I don't think were going to see Batista or anything like that.
Both scenarios could happen and before last night I would have said Brock Lesner comes though the crowd with Paul Heyman in tow and helps Jonny win at OTL since that can be a loophole they can use. But after Big Show got fired on RAW The more I think about it the more likely that Big Snow will go heel on Sunday to get his job back. After all he did say he would do ANYTHING to keep his job.
i hated this segment... not the "firing" part.. but they made Big Show weak as all.. He is 7 feet over 500 lbs.. you put your hands around JL neck and squeeze till he becomes your b*tch in a situation like that haha..

I just hope it isn't the show that sides with JL on Sunday then looks miserable as a "heel" for weeks!!
does wwe seriously expect anyone to believe that? even if Big Johhny wins on the weekend, you know HHH will just reinstate Show. if someone is leaving and you want to run that angle, fine. but with no real competition, why run such a dumb angle? do they really think fans are that stupid?

WWE is scripted, we ALL know its scripted. They are simply running a firing angle, done before, will be done again. Just sit back and enjoy it. And yes, Wrestling dumbs are dumb, dumb as fuck.

I agree with most, the obvious solution is to have Show return and help big John to the win seen as though he is fired. WWE could swerve that though. Big John, Heyman, Brock, Show, Otunga, Eve...looking like a nice stable could be forming?
Isn't he taking time off to film a movie?

Either way, I'd much rather see Big Show pushed as a heel than Batista return. Big Show is great; he really is. They've misused him so much over the years, yet he's never stopped busting his ass. For a guy of his size and stature, he's remarkably agile (note: I'm not calling him a seven-foot Rey Mysterio), and when given the opportunity to really develop a character, he succeeds time and time again. The segment last night was drawn out far too long, but he was brilliant in it.

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