BEST Royal Rumble 2016 thread on WZ

Goldberg's spears are so brutal. The only other guy that does one that looks anywhere near as brutal is Rhino. They are the only two wrestlers in the world who should be allowed to use it. Everybody else who uses it look like they're trying to gently cuddle you to the ground.
Bill lesnar notes Reigns enters first.

He waits for number 2 to come out. That classic 30 second suspense. The gong hits. The crowd goes nuts. Staredown. Lock up. Both guys get a few punches in. Taker gets the upper hand. Reigns counters. He throws Taker out before #3 gets in. Crowd is stunned. Taker is stunned. What a start. Unpredictability is at all time high. No one knows what is going to happen.


Taker enters midway though. Bill Lesnar clarifies that Reigns is still in there. Grinding. Big stare-down between Reigns and Taker. Both guys immediately go after each other. They do the old fashioned force out by the ropes. Crowd is hot for this. All of a sudden. JR: What the!, Xaxier Woods sneaks up and eliminates them both at the same time. Bill Lesnar just said now that would be something.
Goldberg's spears are so brutal. The only other guy that does one that looks anywhere near as brutal is Rhino. They are the only two wrestlers in the world who should be allowed to use it. Everybody else who uses it look like they're trying to gently cuddle you to the ground.
Totally right.

This is one of Bill Lesnar's favorite royal rumble build ups ever. Bill lesnar also enjoyed the Mark Henry vs Kurt Angle fued + match. Bill lesnar did not enjoy the rumble match though.

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