Bill Lesnar answers wrestling questions

Bill Lesnar

Occasional Pre-Show
Bill Lesnar's music hits. Out he comes to a huge ovation. Long drawn out epic entrance as usual. He stands in the middle of the ring as he soaks in the reaction.

Bill Lesnar acknowledges that we are almost in February 2016. Bill Lesnar states that this month, Bill Lesnar will pass 2000 days in the prison. Bill Lesnar just said this a WZ milestone.

To kickstart the month, Bill Lesnar has created this thread.

He tells the crowd Bill Lesnar does things his way.

Bill Lesnar just said belieeeeve the HYPE
Which current WWE wrestler believes the Bill Lesnar hype the most?
Bill Lesnar's answers the first question. Mark Henry. Bill Lesnar hears another two from the crowd. He shakes his head at both.

He circles the ring. He answers the next question - Ambrose. Bill Lesnar hears a faint voice in the crowd, he ignores it.

Bill Lesnar thinks AJ Styles should cut his hair.
Bill Lesnar doesn't mind the silly questions. He can laugh once in a while. Don't be scared. Bill Lesnar won't demolish someone for trying. Behind the menacing exterior, Bill Lesnar has done humanitarian work and has his own learning foundation for children with autism.

Maybe Bill Lesnar mind start a thread about a wrestling topic. Maybe he won't.
Autism is an issue near and dear to you, eh?

Bill Lesnar is a humanitarian and looks to help wherever he can. His school is extremely successful in nurturing those who do not have the same advantages as we do. Last year Bill Lesnar took time out of his schedule to visit and help in Syrian Refugee Camps.

Khalifa, Bill Lesnar believes Roman Reigns will win MITB this year.

Kpgreece, Bill Lesnar just said it's a long story. Bill Lesnar was developed elsewhere, he was never a 'WZ Guy'. This has held him back since day one.

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