BattleZone Tournament Questions & Discussion Thread

Not if the argument is informed.

The guideline around this is to be reasonable. We include DBZ characters because we understand that it's a popular franchise with beloved characters, but we also know that these characters have a tendency to be ridiculously powerful to the point where they could easily ruin the contest.

So be reasonable.

I understand where you're coming from but that's hard to do with these characters. The weakest of the Z Fighters can can easily destroy earth with a single attack. Trunks is currently, at best, a SSJ 2. We're talking solar system destruction at that level. But they're not unbeatable, so it should still make for an interesting contest.
Mike Tyson seems to be represented from his punch out form. He is much more of a bad ass rolling with his Mysteries Team. Plus Pigeon on commentary would kill.
I think you should add:


Where the fighters are fighting. It makes a huge difference in some cases.

Ring. Basketball Court. Inside a cluttered office building. In a Forrest. In a desert. On or in a subway car. In a mansion at night....

You get my drift.
I think you should add:


Where the fighters are fighting. It makes a huge difference in some cases.

Ring. Basketball Court. Inside a cluttered office building. In a Forrest. In a desert. On or in a subway car. In a mansion at night....

You get my drift.

This is something we've considered in the past. I'll put up a poll and see what people think.
Some things for you folks to keep in mind as we introduce the stages concept...

1) Stages are not restrictive: The setting for the fight is not strictly limited to the stage: the fight can spill out of the starting point and move to other locations (though not all of the stages included allow that as some are fairly isolated).

2) Some of the stages are populated, others are not, and this can be gauged by the stage description. We do have the caveat that the competitors are not allowed to directly threaten or target the civilians that populate the stage, but the presence of civilians could influence the battle in other ways, be it through stealth, morality, psychic abilities, etc.

3) Assume that the laws of the universe from the competitors apply to the stage, not vice versa. For instance, if Dumbledore were to fight in an Old West Saloon where magic does not exist, Dumbledore's magic would still work.

Obviously this is new for us as well as you, so if you have any questions or comments, feel free to share.
That was actually one of the possible stages for this round, so it's unlikely that it will be used as a final round.
What if someone casts a text vote for candidate A and then changes their mind and casts a text vote for Candidate B? Which counts?

Also still waiting on those brackets mentioned above.
Another question on text voting:

Enviousdominious said in his vote that he was leaning towards Bugs and then voted for him in the poll. Does that count as a text vote? It seems fairly clear that he's voting for Bugs and then did. I would think that counts.
In all of their cases I'll count them as votes. As long as a clear argument is made for one side or the other, I count them as written votes.
Yeah, there were a few matches with surprising surges in activity. Good to know these matches are getting names who missed the first round involved. I'm sure round 3 will be just as exciting.
Indeed. I'm pleased with the vote totals. Sometimes these things don't get enough activity to warrant another edition but that's not the case here.
Round two is over, here is the updated brackets.

Also as a general announcement, there is some concern about the possibility that people PM'd other people to vote for their preferred character in the tournament. I'm not sure if any PMs were exchanged or not, but I'd like to ask that nobody does this in the future. A lot of people work hard on their arguments and passionately petition for their character to win, and it sucks for them to have that erased by people PM'ing posters who aren't even participating in the tournament to vote a character they like.

PM'ing for votes or promising rep for votes has caused issues in past tournaments on WrestleZone, and we'd like to refrain from having that taint what is otherwise a generally very positive tournament experience.
I do not understand the need to pressure people to vote for their preferred character in a fun fictional tournament featuring fun fictional characters. We're here to nerd out over battles that may not happen, and put our knowledge, and debating skills, to the test... all for the name of fun. PMing to vote ruins the fun; use your knowledge to post good arguments to convince people, not PMing people.

Anyway, that final match on the tournament bracket looks like it'll be a crazy contest. Out of all the characters left in the tournament, Bugs and Alucard are probably the only competitors who can really put up a fight, and knock the other out.

Also, my girl D.Va looking good with a fighting chance to win the entire thing; I can make some solid arguments for all the potential fights coming ahead.

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