Awesome Kong to WWE

God this would be GREAT!!! I love Kong! As far as I could tell, she helped the TNA Knockouts work harder, so they could compete with her. Look how good the Knockout Division is now.

I hope that WWE can utilize Kong, in the same fashion. Because lets face it, the Diva's suck ass right now. Well its been a long long time since they were really worth watching. I am not saying Kong is "must see", but it will be interested.

Now, I wonder, would WWE take her in the same direction as they did with Chyna? Kong is belivable in the mens division. If I remember right, and if I am wrong, correct me. But I think Kong and Kip James had a match once on TNA.

But yes, I hope that this is true. This could be the step in a new direction for the Divas.
I didn't know the WWE was her dream job, but if her tweet really is referring to that then good for her. She deserves it.

BTW if it's true, the second she debuts all the kids in the crowd will be like who the hell is this beast? lol
I don't know. For one, she'll run out of female competition a lot faster here than in TNA. Another thing is that there is no way Mr. McMahon could resist placing her with the boys. Another question is if she'll be allowed to work with her full capacity. Will we see those terrifying top rope splashes? If anything, there's a guarantee in Gail Kim.

On paper this sounds like a tremendous idea. But in reality, it may be a different case. Let's just hope and see.
If true I would be glad too see Awesome Kong in the WWE. She is a great wrestling talent. But It kinda reminds me when Chyna started wrestling in the Womens Division and won the Womens Title. It was like, "ok who can convincingly give her competition." A little after Chyna Left, Jazz appeared in the WWE and I thought well Dang Jazz definately could have given Chyna a Legit competition.

Awesome Kong may have the same problem. Too Dominant appearing, with the exception of Beth Phoenix with Power, and maybe Natalya with core wrestling abilities, Awesome Kong would treat the rest like Jobbers. (Even though I like Gail Kim, they haven't done much with her since her return.)
I can see Kong as someone WWE would like to pick up. They have been on an indy's run for the past few years with guys like Kaval and Bryan, CM punk a bit earlier and others that get brought into FCW. Awesome Kong is established pretty much everywhere and has a very good reputation, to the point where when she faces off against other big names it is sometimes described as a dream match, so she is one of the biggest female names circulating.

The only problem as TNA may have also realised, is that there is only so much you can do with her. She can fulfil a mega-heel role for a good while, but when she is face she is likely to tend to fall down the card until she is similar to a female mark henry. Because most of the big people who are low card faces aren't going anywhere, Khali, Henry, tends to be people who are more agile and more versatile face wrestlers in the low card that still have a future, ie zach ryder, evan bourne, trent bareta etc.

So WWE has to make sure not to make her character stale which is easier said than done, and then they're sorted. I even begin to explain how good an impact she will make for the first 6 or so months she is there, she'll help the division no end. But when she leaves the spot-light, that's when there'll be problems.
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Honestly, I'm a little sick and tired of all the Diva-hatred that comes out in these forums. It's not necessarily THEIR fault that the division's sucked out loud for so long. However, just like Jack-Hammer pointed out, the WWE has finally put effort into storylines and segments on television in order to elevate the Divas Championship and their division again. The potential signing of Awesome Kong is a perfect example of this.

Kong doesn't fit the barbie doll mold that most divas have been pigeonholed with. However, she brings exactly what she brought to TNA: a different angle. Kong is a fantastic women's wrestler with a great attitude for the business. She's been around the block with different promotions and throughout the indy circuit which is more than can be said about 98% of divas on the WWE's roster. That means she can be another source of guidance for the current women's roster and they don't all have to rely on Finlay for all of their skill. Kong can not only mentor other divas but make the division and title seem important again since it would take a kayfabe miracle for some of these women to defeat her.

In addition, doesn't everyone else notice the coincidence that the TNA Knockouts division took a nosedive ever since Kong left? Everyone seems to look at Gail Kim as the messiah of the KO division, back in the day. I believe that Awesome Kong broght recognition to the division which forced wrestlers like Gail Kim to step up her game and put on those amazing matches. After all, she's been shit ever since she got back to WWE and it's had nothing to do with the writing. She's been careless, sloppy, and dangerous with the other female wrestlers... but I guess that's what happens when there is no powerhouse like Kong that can ground Kim's carelessness. Kong's strength and size over the other divas will give them a chance to put on better matches and try new scenarios and spots that can only exist when a stronger wrestler is a part of the match.

In summation, I really feel that Kong's signing is going to change things in the division DRASTICALLY. Here are the potentials:

Gail Kim vs. Kong - Repeated feud... only this time, it's with the WWE machine writing the script.
Laycool vs. Kong - Laycool using their conceit and beauty against Kong's different look.
Beth Phoenix vs. Kong - Power versus power in the WOMEN'S division. When was the last time we saw THAT?!?
Natalya vs. Kong - Two well-rounded, experienced women's wrestlers putting on a clinic.
Bella Twins vs. Kong - I doubt it would be made into a "feud", per se, but this would make for interesting handicap matches.

The possibilities are endless and can really spice up the division again.
From reading the forums it looks like I'm not the only one excited having Awesome Kong in the WWE. For myself this is like a dream come true, Kong's by far my favorite women's wrestler and I've been saying for a long time that the WWE could really use someone like Kong. My only worry is that the WWE may drop the ball with her, so that's where this thread fits in, now that she's there how would you like to see Kong utilized.

Personally I think it would be a bad idea to put her in the woman's division. Sure, we will get some decent feuds with Beth and Natalya (and a feud with Laycool would probably be alright as well) but my concern is she doesn't have a lot to work with in the Woman's division, I really would have a hard time believing anyone but Nattie or Beth would actually have a shot beating her in a match, she's just so much better than the rest I have a feeling if she goes into the Womens division 2 things would happen:

1) She would start strong and eventually fall into an oblivion
2) She would be the #1 star in the division, and would probably swallow the division whole. If this happens all the diva's currently would get buried.

The Diva's have plenty of talent, but only very few of them are in the title hunt and actually are given stuff to do, the Gail Kim's of the world are just there. With that said, after she faces beth, natalya, and laycool, there's really nothing for her to do.

What I would really like to see is put her in the men's division. Start it off by having her a participant in the Royal Rumble, have her come in there when there's a bunch of lower/mid card guys and just have her walk in and destroy people (Kong's more convincing than Chyna ever was), it would work because Kong's one of the only girls that I truly believe can beat on the guys. A good first feud for her would be with someone like "Dashing" Cody Rhodes, I feel they have potential to put on a solid program. Cody's the guy who always talks and has the whole vanity thing going on whereas Kong is just a brute who doesn't talk, doesn't have great looks, but she can kick your ass 8 ways from Sunday. Cody could carry the mic work and since he's not doing much these days anyways (outside of a possible program with Show) it would be a good way to use Cody and a good way to bring Kong in and start her out.

The fact of the matter is I just don't think Kong would flourish in the women's division, eventually she would hit that brick wall and become stagnant. It's been forever since Chyna so I feel Kong in the men's division would be something different, and since Kong is so different she would really fit in better with the guys.

Anyways thats my 2 cents. Tell me what you would like to see happen with Kong now that she's in the WWE. All answers are welcome as long as they have a point.
Being in the PG realm of WWE, they will not put her in with the guys. Even in the early Attitude Era, parents were complaining about guys taking on Chyna and the treatment of women in general.

As happy as I am she is with WWE, Im guessing she will be used the same way she was in TNA...a monster of a woman that all the Diva's will have to join forces to beat. If WWE would've kept that amazon chick, I could see a decent feud out of that.

If you really want to get her over...have Big Show face someone small and completely dominate. As Show goes for the win, have her music hit and she comes out and gets in the ring. Show looks on in surprise and then laughs. She then proceeds to beat on him and bodyslams him ala Hogan vs Andre then throws him out of the ring. Oh course Show would have to be either a tweener or full heel for his to really get over. She could be made out to be a hero.
This is going to be a train wreck. Kong doesn't fit in with the Diva's and so she'll have to be a bodyguard type of character. How long will that last? I'm bored with her already and she hasn't stepped foot in a WWE ring. Even in TNA she was out of place with the knockouts. She's indie at best. Maybe Bubba the Love Sponge will hire her on his show!
I'd like to see Kong snap 75% of the Divas in half. She can wrestle, not just be good for size and shock value. Do we think that Eve or Alicia Fox is actually going to beat Kong?

I think they will bodyguard her at first. Probably use Kong to protect Laycool. That way it stops her from going for the title right off the bat, and it gives Kong a chance to be ruled and kept on a leash. They can stretch it out for quite a while, then actually let Kong compete when she turns on Laycool. Then expect squash matches in 15 seconds, till it builds against whoever has the title (Beth or Natalya). Then we can see some decent Divas matches.

Don't get it wrong tho -- once Kong loses the title, she will be misused and put in love angles (with Santino or insert lesser card talent here ______). But expect the ride until then to be fun.
I think Awesome Kong is going to change the game up fast!
I am actually happy that she is in the WWE.
As everybody knows WWE likes attractions.
They like people like; Andre The Giant, The Big Show, Giant Gonzalez, The Great Khali, and so on and so forth. They are not your normal sized guys like CM Punk or etc. So now you bring in a women like Awesome Kong the attraction is right there a WOMEN like Awesome Kong who is different from your regular lean and fit divas not only because of the look, but because of the fact she can wrestle also that is just unheard of.
Awesome Kong will switch the script on the divas quick. The Divas will actually have to work. I see nothing, but good things happening to the Divas Division. WWE has been missing someone like Kong in the Division you have so many feuds now that could happen; Kong vs Phoenix, Kong vs Natalya, Kong vs Gail Kim, Kong vs LayCool, Kong vs Melina, a lot of feuds can go down with Kong in the Division.
My only fear of this all is the fact that WWE is known to drop the ball. Hopefully they don't drop the ball with Kong because she could possibly be the savior to bring like back into the Divas Division.
I think Kong will work the same way she did in TNA, I'd start her off as Melina's back up against Natalya who has Beth as her back up. By the time it all plays out the WWE will have a Diva's match in Kong vs Beth that will actually be a relative draw, as Beth would be the kind of physically imposing challenge Kong never faced in TNA.
This is going to be a train wreck. Kong doesn't fit in with the Diva's and so she'll have to be a bodyguard type of character. How long will that last? I'm bored with her already and she hasn't stepped foot in a WWE ring. Even in TNA she was out of place with the knockouts. She's indie at best. Maybe Bubba the Love Sponge will hire her on his show!

I hope she knows what she's doing because bigger women in the WWE haven't exactly been treated very well.

I'm smelling something stupid like another Bertha Faye.
Im not sure if anyone has started a thread about this yet so Im going to. Kia Stevens aka "Awsome Kong" from TNA has signed with WWE on 29th December.
Her arrival will send shockwaves through the divas as she is not your typical diva in many ways. She will bulldoze through most of the locker room and could even lay waste to a number of male wrestlers as well. Not since Chyna has there been a more dominant female in the WWE and Im wondering with whom she will be signed with. Smackdown is the most likley one to put her in and she could have a handicap match with Ley cool and still beat them. What are your thoughts and who will she have storylines with?
Not a huge fan of the Divas division BUT my interest has grown a little since Natalya got the belt and Beth Pheonix returned. Now Awesome Kong has signed with WWE I am very interested to see how she will appear in WWE. She is a very good worker and certainly adds something different to the Divas roster.

In my opinion, the current plans were probably going to be Natalya/Beth at Wrestlemania for the gold. It's the match that most of us want to see. Now that Kong has entered the frame, for my money IT HAS to be Kong vs Beth for the gold at WM.

Melina is number 1 contender, I'd have Natalya go over her then possibly have Kong challenge her and get destroyed on Raw. Kong dominates for a couple of months and Beth steps up.
I think it is great that the WWE have signed up Kong, she is by far the most dominant woman in the business today. I really hope WWE dont fuck up with her and make her a comedy attraction or give her a lame ass gimmick like a Rosie Lottalove or a big love machine etc.

Kong can legitimise the Womens division as she obviously is not one of your regular sex goddess style divas, and I really hope they end up putting her up against some of the men like happend with Chyna, because this is something that hasnt been done in a while. They have the opportunity to do something special with Kong as she is even bigger and stronger than Chyna and could complelely dominate the womens division for a long time.
I see Kong being used in 3 ways for the WWE. The first as a monster heel that takes out every diva in the division, the second as a woman that wants to challenge the guys, and eventually the third as Santino's or Great Khali's girlfriend. I wouldn't be surprised at all to see a monster like Kong become nothing more then a valet for a comedy jobber in WWE. I hope I'm wrong, but with a woman of her size you know WWE will use her in some sort of comedic role.

There is potential for her to feud with Beth Phoenix, Natalya, and maybe even Gail Kim. I hope she doesn't wrestle men and become the IC champion like Chyna. We will have to wait and see how WWE uses her.
With the recent signing of Awesome Kong to the WWE, I just want to get your thoughts on what her role will be at Wrestlemania 27, if she has one?

Personally, I see her coming out during the Rumble and making an impact before walking out, to shock the crowd. Then showing up on both shows destroying random Divas. In the end the result could be Awesome Kong vs Beth vs Natalya vs Melina for the title at 'Mania.

Will they hold back her debut until after 'Mania?

Will she debut at 'Mania?

Will she make an impact big enough before 'Mania to land a spot on the card?

How would you book her going into 'Mania if she does debut between now and then?
Knowing WWE booking i get the feeling she may debut as muscle/bodyguard for someone like Melina or Tyson Kidd (since his bodyguard was sent back down to FCW) before breaking off on her own. Let's face it this is someone who for the most part is considered a TNA wrestler and how often does someone from TNA debut with an instant impact (pun intended)? R-Truth, Low-Ki, Chris Harris. No, No, & No. Not saying she wont be but everyone knows that with very few exceptions if Vince didnt create you, you better get in line and wait your turn.

The one problem i have with her is she is in a postion much like Chyna. She is such a monster that there are very few "divas" that could really give her a good match or even beat her. So after she gobbles up the "divas' and runs with the title who is gonna beat her? Eve? LayCool? maybe Beth or Natalya but how many times can we be forced to watch that matchup? Do you put her with the men? Does anyone really wanna see that?
I would like to see her show up at the Rumble and make some kind of impact. I hope in the Diva match. But I have this feeling in the pit of my stomach that she will be one of the mystery people in the Rumble match. I really hope she just sticks with wrestling Divas and doesn't get thrown in with the men. So I wouldn't mind seeing Awesome Kong vs Beth vs Natalya vs Melina at WM. Well that is as long as they have time to put on a good match. Not some 5 minute restroom break.
She won't be wrestling men...having dudes even pretend to beat up women isnt exactly PG. I think she will start by messing with Natalya or Beth Phoenix...who are the only divas who can really wrestle. Shes probably gonna dominate the Divas division and title for a long time and I do see her involved at Wrestlemania in some way. Perhaps she debuts there but I think the E will want to build her up as an attraction at WM so she prolly will debut around the Rumble. But again I say SHE WILL NOT BE WRESTLING MEN. There was talk of a female bodyguard for Nexus not too long ago...wouldnt be surprised at all if that's how she's brought in.
Well the story line could go a couple ways. WWE could just throw her in on ECW (Just kidding) I mean NXT as a valet to one of the other up and coming wrestlers, but who am I kidding, that would be stupid (ok I wouldn't put it past WWE to do some thing stupod).

They could debut her as a "diva" but we all know she won't clean up that well.

But the bang for the buck would be.................and this will take away a few TNA watchers.................Let her debut at the Rumble. Whether or not its in the Rumble as a participant or as a valet. Me personally, just for WOW factor, I think I would let her debut at the Rumble as a participant and have her eliminate a couple of the guys.

This would set up a story line between her and any other wrestler, her and any other diva.
You could just do the Rocky 4 setup. Kong comes in, crushes Natalya, injures her, takes her belt and sets up a grudge match between Kong and Phoenix. Phoenix wins, Natalya returns and wants her belt back, Phoenix won't let her have it, triple threat at Summerslam.
I hope she returns at mania and takes out at least natalya and beth, which are both of the dominant divas in wwe. This would make an impact and prove her dominance
I think Kong should debut soon so they can position her strongly for a Mania match. The obvious program is with Beth but I think they may hold off a one on one until Summerslam.

For Wrestlemania I could see a 6 Diva Tag match with Laycool and Kong vs Beth, Natalya and ????

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