Aren't we tired of Super Punk yet?

I like what Sly did here. He's basically calling out everyone that whined about Cena yet Punk does basically the same thing and no one says anything. I like Punk as champ and he's been very interesting as a heel. It took me about 10 years to get tired of Super Cena so Punk has a ways to go yet. :)
Super Punk?!

Are you serious? Punk's title reign has been a breath of fresh air for the WWE. The ratings are down because wrestling in general is down as a whole. It's not Punk's fault. If anything, Punk's doing well in spite of the terrible booking they've done during his title reign.

John Cena's only entertaining to a handful of adults over 18, cougars, and their kids. CM Punk is a choice for a new generation. He's revolutionized the promo and made Raw tolerable the past few months.

So Sly, once again, your Cena markdom comes out and shines its crew cut head. Cena's time's up, PUNK's Time is NOW, NOW!
When will people stop falling for this? Sweet jesus. He's being sarcastic, meanwhile he's calling BS on everybody that bitched about Cena's reign, yet is in love with Punk's. I for one totally agree. This thread is total win because it's filled with a bunch of people who actually bought his "argument" hook line and sinker. I didn't get through all 11.5 pages without laughing my ass off at least 20 times at the people who bought this.
How is it CM Punk gets to win every title match he's in? It's the same thing all the time, where Punk looks like he is about to lose, and then somehow leaves with the title. Punk only has like 6 moves anyway. I, for one, am getting sick of seeing Super Punk hold the title for forever. Not to mention, he keeps carrying around that stupid spinner belt.

I hope Super Punk loses the title soon. Maybe he can lose it to a good wrestler like Ryback, someone who actually looks legitimate in the ring and not some phony. Maybe Ryback can be Punk's kryptonite lol. And then Ryback can come out on Raw the next night, talk about how Super Punk's belt is such a kiddy toy, and bring back a title with prestige, like the Attitude Era belt.

It's time the WWE kills Super Punk. We're all sick of him, the ratings keep getting worse and PPV buys keep going down. Punk only knows 6 moves, and he keeps saying the same things over and over on the mic, things which make intelligent fans roll their eyes. Only little kids actually boo him like he's supposed to be booed. He's obviously doing a terrible job as a heel.

I say we start a petition to get the WWE to quit shoving Super Punk down our throats. Who is with me?

Punk has had one dominant year and people already starting with the SuperPunk crap?

Speaking of phonies, you might not want to drop Ryback's name, seeing as how he's just a Goldberg ripoff and nothing more.

Oh, and you might wanna do a little research. Ratings have gradually slipped for years even with Cena as the man. He hasn't really never brought the ratings up a whole lot himself.

One great year doesn't make you Superman, so there is no SuperPunk. Not to mention the SuperCena reference comes from his Superman comebacks, much like Hulk Hogan, not just winning a lot of matches. You don't know how to use the term right, and you wanna start a petition? All the best with that.

Just say you hate Punk and get it over with, saves a lot of time.
Um, no, he's pretty much right about Punk and the numbers. From the point Cena became a Raw mainstay in '05, the numbers have actually been consistent; if anything, they're higher than the 2003 numbers, the absolute dregs of WWE business, an before Cena and Batista were pushed to the moon.

I don't think Punk has been bad on television, but people seem to tune out when he's on your television, an that's quite the problem.
How is it CM Punk gets to win every title match he's in? It's the same thing all the time, where Punk looks like he is about to lose, and then somehow leaves with the title. Punk only has like 6 moves anyway. I, for one, am getting sick of seeing Super Punk hold the title for forever. Not to mention, he keeps carrying around that stupid spinner belt.

I hope Super Punk loses the title soon. Maybe he can lose it to a good wrestler like Ryback, someone who actually looks legitimate in the ring and not some phony. Maybe Ryback can be Punk's kryptonite lol. And then Ryback can come out on Raw the next night, talk about how Super Punk's belt is such a kiddy toy, and bring back a title with prestige, like the Attitude Era belt.

It's time the WWE kills Super Punk. We're all sick of him, the ratings keep getting worse and PPV buys keep going down. Punk only knows 6 moves, and he keeps saying the same things over and over on the mic, things which make intelligent fans roll their eyes. Only little kids actually boo him like he's supposed to be booed. He's obviously doing a terrible job as a heel.

I say we start a petition to get the WWE to quit shoving Super Punk down our throats. Who is with me?

2 years ago you probably would be the one that bitched about cena being champ, and was pushing for punk to be champ....Point is typical smarks like you are never gonna be happy with what is goin on in WWE. So shut up...Thanks :)
Um, no, he's pretty much right about Punk and the numbers. From the point Cena became a Raw mainstay in '05, the numbers have actually been consistent; if anything, they're higher than the 2003 numbers, the absolute dregs of WWE business, an before Cena and Batista were pushed to the moon.

I don't think Punk has been bad on television, but people seem to tune out when he's on your television, an that's quite the problem.

In 2005 ratings were up because of Batista and Cena only came in the last month and half and ratings went down lil bit, besides the roster was 10x better than now, so stop blaming Punk for numbers that he proved wrong on the weekly breakdown when his segments gains the most while others loses tons of them. I label Batista for the success of 2005 not Cena sorry, even in 2006 Edge got higher numbers than Cena and since Cena got the title in the late of 2006 to 2007 ratings went down 39% for the last 2 years, Cena cant draw for the whole generation, only to millions of kids, girls, and old/sick people. Also he had tons of chances and victories which made him a big star anyway despise his lack of skills he failed to get the crowd on his side and got shoved down our throat (for real).

Punk gained a million viewers 6 times this year more than anyone nearly in the last 2 years. People should blame the 3 hours program because in the first 4 week of it the show was getting decent/good numbers but when it kept going people got sick of it and got stale real fast and lost interest because of the lack of starpowers, that can hold the 3 hours program and they did it time to time but even if it was constant working with them may result the same and the writers will get out of ideas and storylines (already happened), 3 hours is too much for anyone and it never did good numbers even in the past.

The ones that question Punks matches, on not being good or great are obviously haters who doesnt wanna admit the truth, before others with a brain can start showing the facts. Noboby in the company have overshdowed the cycle of great matches of his in the last few years. He doesnt have enough wrestler that he can pull the same quality matches. Also the ones who said Brock/Cena or with Triple H were better than his matches are tricky as Punk didnt face Brock Lesnar to prove who had a better match which just shows that the opportunities goes to Cena and Triple H, not to Punk which I assure you that it will be as much as good or even better, you people should compare the matches that both wrestlers had with the same opponents, and when we go by that it will appear to be that Punk beats them on that easily.

Also about questioning Punks promos saying its boring, I answer that by logic and truth.
Punk promos with Foley, Vince, Jerry, JR, Bret Hart, etc. Are all great heel promos and nobody this year could or will touch that only Punk can. Also about the limited moves that may so called facts by the OP or the same person who posted the same shit which I think both are actually the same users. So, the fact is every top wrestlers have limited moveset (Cena or Ryback have shitty ones thats why a lot of people complain), because I assure you that Punk has a lot of his own moves 6 or 7 original ones, used over 100 moves not just chops, kicks, punch, etc. No! I mean a real moveset. For example, he has not used the Pepsi Twist, Devil Lock DDT, Reverse Huricanranna, Shinning Wizard, Punk-Handle Piledriver, Welcom to Chicago MotherF***er, etc. In WWE. Even tho he does a lot of moves often on matches, so I dont know what the OP or some of you are trying to say.

Give me a Cena or Ryback promos or matches that can handle the great cycle of matches and promos of Punk this year, he seems to do the most great work unlike the others. Cena doesnt gain good numbers, he seems to lose them lately, same thing goes to Ryback. Stop blaming Punk and just enjoy and get excited for Punk/Rock which people who voted for, over Cena and Big Show, so hes popular and can handle hmself very well. So, shut up and stop whining about something that people have chosed before and now sudenly when Punk turned heel some unintelligent fans are whining more than Punk, just get over it , its scipted. It doesnt matter how tough you look its about how skilled youre.
Sly deserves a WWE contract with that kind of work. The guy posts one mock post like people have done CONSISTENTLY for Cena, and everyone goes ape shits. If only I had that kind of ability, I'd be working with WWE right now. Such a great job there, Sly.

Seriously people, cool your jets. CM Punk is doing just fine, and Cena will always be on top until he retires... which probably won't be for a while.
Ah, but you see, the double-standard isnt a double standard.

People rail against Super-Cena because ever one of his matches and title defenses go exactly the same, no matter the odds, no matter the opponent. Shit, remember his series of matches with Kurt angle? I thought the next stipulation would be "Olympic style wrestling match, in Kurt Angle's childhood home's backyard, with Kurt starting out five points ahead" and Cena still would have beat him. I think one time during that title reign they gave him "even if Cena wins, he loses, and loses the title" match....and HE STILL WON AND KEPT THE TITLE.

Every match would go the exact same. Flurry of offense from Cena, get the ever loving shit beat out of him for 57 minutes, get shot with a cannon, get run over by a car, and at the end of the match, he would "Cena-Up" and not only win after executing 7 moves, but suddenly, show ZERO wear and tear of any of the injuries suffered earlier in the match. Like, I just literally saw Cena have his arm sawed off, and he would no-sell it.

Punk isnt SuperPunk, he is more like "Scummy CEO with fucking phenominal lawyers" punk. Sure, he overcomes the odds on a weekly basis, but there is some intruige as to how is going to go about doing it. What clever scheme or seemingly fateful intervention is going to deliver him this time. With Super-Ultra-Mega-Cena, there was none. You knew exactly what was going to happen on a weekly basis(though I would argue it made the Edge cash-in all the more visceral and effective)
Okay, Super punk? 6 Moves?

Okay, Ryback has 2 moves, clothesline and Shell shocked

Cena, Has 5 moves and same thing as punk, Looks like about to lose and look, shoulder block, oh another shoulder block, Oh, spinning suplex, Oh 5 knuckle shuffle, Oh! AA!!

Don't say what I said is wrong, You over exaggerated about punk to

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