Anyone else SICK of the WWE Title belt?

I dislike the belt when anyone but Cena has it. It defines his reign. When Austin had the smoking skull belt, it went back to the "regular" belt when someone else had it. I even remember the rock tossing it into the river once. I think that could cause a good feud. Orton wins the belt and if cena or orton don't switch brands, have orton destroy the belt claiming he wants better thus reviving the cena/orton feud involving the belt
I don't even think this needs debate. It mildly worked for Cena's original character, but ony anyone else it has always looked ******ed. There's a reason they put the better looking one on Raw unless Cena or Edge are the champ. It just looks silly, Triple H walks the aisle with that badass look on his face, the grandest stage of them all, the world watching, the build-up video is to come, everyone has gone quiet waiting, and then he slings THAT kids toy over his shoulder... image ruined.
Amen! :p

I found it ridiculous when Cena introduced it. I find it even more ridiculous that they actually agreed to have it introduced. I find it ridiculous that they've kept it all this damn time. I think the way it looks demeans its worth.

I would be in favor of the World Title that traded hands at the 98 Mania make a comeback, that was my favorite title hands down. I believe it's called the "Winged" design, it was the one that preceded the Attitude Era title, which was cool in its own right.

It makes sense in terms of Cena's gimmick, don't get me wrong. I understand why it exists. I just wish it didn't.
I don't really have a problem with the WWE championship being a spinner belt.

It's not the spinner belt. It's the same stupid design only it doesn't even spin. If JaRule or Fitty Cent were WWE champs, this would be a great belt. If Cena messes with the WHC belt, I'm seriously going to snap.
yes! the WWE spinner belt is stupid. It made since when Cena had it, then everyone who won the title had it. IT looks so ridiculous on them even when Cena had it. But at least it made since with him because it fit with his theme. Much like the Smoking Skull belt Stone Cold had. But it didn't nearly last as long as this spinner belt has. I'm really surprised they would do this with the WWE title anyway. I'd expect this with the World Title since its basically the old WCW title but just pulled out of thin air. I'd like to see the old Attitude area belt come back!
I couldn't agree more!
I hate that stupid spinner/wwe title belt they have now its horrible.
Think about it, how much more important would that belt seem if they went with one of the older wwe championships they used before. Now its like this bling bling goofyy belt that really sucks. Orton even stated in an interview that he hated the belt.
Back when the WWE title was the eagle belt in the early 90s it felt so much more prestigous to be the champ. It felt like an honor, privelage, award when the wrestlers won that belt, Now its like they want to be in the main event or they dont really care. Half the roster doesnt even care about being the champ all they wanna do is be on tv, get laid, get paid and go home. Basically no passion anymore its gone. When guys like Stone Cold, Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels (in the 90s), Undertaker, Triple H would die for that belt. Now no one really seems to care about it.

Damn Straight. I LOVE Attitude Era belt so much.. actually, any belt before the Undisputed design... I have to admit, I would prefer the Undisputed design better than the current one and it's not all that bad but the Attitude belt kicked ass. I really dont think they should change the way any belt looks, and perhaps the one exception is when the WWF changed to the WWE that it would be accepted to change belt design... but almost every other belt today has stayed the same.

I know the Tag Championship has changed but that's partly to do with the draft and now that we have unified champs, I guess I could see why they would design another belt for the tag titles... but that's not the issue...

Even the Classic WWF Eagle belt - (the one before the attitude era) looked pretty awesome. In my opinion, belts mean next to nothing anymore and that's so sad... Where oh where will we be in 10 years when it comes to championships?
who cares suck it the fuck up stop whining about the belt...everyone here means nuthin to the wwe its not like they r going to take into consideration what u want...its the wwe's choice to have that belt and as long as they want the belt then they r goin to keep the belt so suck it up and live with it...we watch wrestling for the entertainment not for the look of the fucking belts
who cares suck it the fuck up stop whining about the belt...everyone here means nuthin to the wwe its not like they r going to take into consideration what u want...its the wwe's choice to have that belt and as long as they want the belt then they r goin to keep the belt so suck it up and live with it...we watch wrestling for the entertainment not for the look of the fucking belts

A forum is used to discuss opinions. We know that the WWE does what it wants. It's called 'expressing our opinions'. I think the WWE Title belt's look is foolish. And wrestling is entertaining, and part of the entertainment is fighting for championships. When the belt looks like a toy, it takes away luster from the prestige of winning the belt, and effecting the entertainment I get from the show.

The reason for this entire forum isn't because we hope the WWE looks at this and goes...'That's a good idea'. We use this thing because wrestling fans like to interact with one another. The WWE makes its money with or without that stupid belt. Personally, I just wanted to know if I was the only one who hated it. And I'm not.

Mission accomplished.
Times have change.

yes the old attiude belt was good and the best belt was the eagle one.

BUT have any of you seen this new belt with your own two eyes.i have and it stands out alot from right at the back row seats yoy can see its sparkle and just looks amazeing.even when your close up to it that belt just glows on ya and if your fan of wrestling you know how much that belt means.This belt is moden its with the times as you would say.At first i thought this belt was just made for cena and would swap for the old one back wwe just kept it the way it is.

Mr Lariato, I've heard some great things about you, so lets see if you live up to the hype ;) Plus, I'm bored as hell.

Nothing aggravates me more on TV than that stupid, cartoon looking WWE Title belt. This belt was originally the spinner belt Cena used when he was champion. Now, they've kept the look and took the spinner off of it. Why? This belt looks so goofy. More like something a rapper would buy then a belt you win in a pro wrestling match.

Cartoon looking belt?


It looks pretty real to me. Just because it has multiple different coloured pieces of bling on it, doesn't mean it looks cheap or cartoonish. In fact, it looks more classy because of the coloured jewels. It definately looks like the most prized and wanted championship in professional wrestling. It stands out from the rest of the titles.

I would be thrilled to see them go back to the old WWE Undisputed title belt. The one JBL and Hogan had during their title reigns. It's a little nit picky of me, but I seriously hate that belt and it doesn't even suit anyone except Cena. Orton and HHH look stupid carrying that belt.

You mean the belt that didn't even look like it was meant the most prized title in wrestling? Why go back to that ugly belt? That's just silly. It looked like it was just another bland and boring looking Title. Times have changed, and you can either face the facts and move on, or you could hold on to your childhood memories of wrestling when everything was apparently "perfect".


You can't tell me that belt doesn't look good on Orton. It even looks decent on Triple H. But the reality is, who the fuck even cares if it looks good on a superstar or not? You can't design a belt that looks great on everybody, that's just silly.

And if they don't want to go with the old look before the 'bling bling' belt, I say go for a modern looking, eagle design or something. TNA's belts look awesome. The WWE belt looks silly. Any suggestions of what design they should use? Does anyone actually LIKE the damn belt?

So let's change the WWE Championship belt because "it looks silly". Is that seriously your best excuse for changing the belt? Are you aware that the WWE Championship belt is currently the most sold piece of merchandise in the company, and has been so since 2005. The WWE makes a shitload of money on this baby, so why change that just because some internet fans want the belt to look "cool" without the awesome looking jewels. And the Eagle design was used years ago, so how exactly would it be modern now?

Also, the belts in TNA look silly. The TNA World Heavyweight Title doesn't look much different from the rest of them. It doesn't look like the most richest prize in the company. The TNA Tag Team Titles are good looking belts, mainly because they don't look like they are meant to be the richest titles in the company (even though they do look the best in TNA), and they look a little different from the other Titles. Though most of the belts in TNA don't look much different from one another. And yes I do like this damn belt. Not because John Cena first held it (though that's the only reason why everyone actually hates the belt), but because it looks superior to every other belt in the company.
I hate the WWE title belt, It was made by Cena, who made it for the kids. If you ask me I say Screw The Kids, The spinner belt takes away all presteige and I think WWE needs to go back to the Winged Eagle Championship
The current WWE championship looks sweet. It looks like an actual presitigous belt because of all the silver, gold and the jewels on the outside of the belt, plus it looks good on all types of wrestlers. Why the hell would anyone want the old belt back? It looks shit and has nothing special about it whereas the current WWE belt actually looks unique and looks decent.
Mr Lariato, I've heard some great things about you, so lets see if you live up to the hype ;) Plus, I'm bored as hell.

Cartoon looking belt?

It looks pretty real to me. Just because it has multiple different coloured pieces of bling on it, doesn't mean it looks cheap or cartoonish. In fact, it looks more classy because of the coloured jewels. It definately looks like the most prized and wanted championship in professional wrestling. It stands out from the rest of the titles.

You mean the belt that didn't even look like it was meant the most prized title in wrestling? Why go back to that ugly belt? That's just silly. It looked like it was just another bland and boring looking Title. Times have changed, and you can either face the facts and move on, or you could hold on to your childhood memories of wrestling when everything was apparently "perfect".

You can't tell me that belt doesn't look good on Orton. It even looks decent on Triple H. But the reality is, who the fuck even cares if it looks good on a superstar or not? You can't design a belt that looks great on everybody, that's just silly.

So let's change the WWE Championship belt because "it looks silly". Is that seriously your best excuse for changing the belt? Are you aware that the WWE Championship belt is currently the most sold piece of merchandise in the company, and has been so since 2005. The WWE makes a shitload of money on this baby, so why change that just because some internet fans want the belt to look "cool" without the awesome looking jewels. And the Eagle design was used years ago, so how exactly would it be modern now?

Also, the belts in TNA look silly. The TNA World Heavyweight Title doesn't look much different from the rest of them. It doesn't look like the most richest prize in the company. The TNA Tag Team Titles are good looking belts, mainly because they don't look like they are meant to be the richest titles in the company (even though they do look the best in TNA), and they look a little different from the other Titles. Though most of the belts in TNA don't look much different from one another. And yes I do like this damn belt. Not because John Cena first held it (though that's the only reason why everyone actually hates the belt), but because it looks superior to every other belt in the company.

I stand by my statement. Don't get me wrong, I know it's the biggest seller in the company as far as non-t-shirt merchandise goes, hence, why they'll never get rid of it. BUT...I STILL think it's cartoonish looking. The thing SPINS! Well, used to spin, until Orton won it.

I know Austin had his Skull belt, (which kicked ass, btw), and Edge's belt looked goofy, too, so I'm not just singling out Cena. Personally, Cena drives me crazy sometimes, but the dude works hard and is the face of the company. And he's kid friendly...and so is the belt.


This is my all time favorite belt. I know they won't go back to it, but it's nostalgic...and once sells of the spinner belt go down, hell...they might even change it.


This is a great looking belt, because it looks like the old school IWGP Belt seen here...


And the belt doesn't suit Orton or HHH. Sure, it's marketable and kid friendly, but the look of the belt simply isn't prestigious. It looks like an award at the BET Awards. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
I don't like the WWE belt either. I used to literally hate it when Cena had the spinning thing going, but now I've grown accustomed to the design. I still could imagine better ones, but I can live with it I guess. As long as they keep it fixed; in my book, the spinning piece really devaluates the thing beyond measure. Because in that version, it really does look like a toy.

But I've come to realize what I specifically do not like about the design, and I guess in similar threads on this forums other people have brought this up: I don't like the fact that it says "WWE Champ" instead of "WWE Champion". And to make matters worse, the type of writing that is used for the word "champ" also looks pretty imbecile. I guess for me, it would really be enough if they scrapped the "champ", took a smaller type of writing and put in "Champion" or, better yet, "Championship" there. They can even keep the "bling" look of the writing, just do away the smaller/bigger letters. "Champ" just makes it look like people wouldn't care about it.

My favorite design definitely has to be the Eagle as well, but mostly because I grew up with that one I guess... but it still looks great to me to this day. I also kind of liked the Undisputed belt actually, but only the larger design. I guess I just want a world title to look really "serious"; and even if the current WWE title belt most likely really perfectly reflects the WWE's current attitude (or lack thereof, perhaps), I suppose it fits this day and age... but who knows, maybe we'll get new ones soon enough... how long have those two belts now been in use, anyway? Might be we're in for a changeup again in the next two or three years anyway... Anyone got a clue on this?
I didnt read every post because i wanted to post my opinion, so if someone has said this, then simply, that dude was a genious as well :p.

Anywho, I have, and have always, hated the WWE Championship that Cena created. Its such a slap in the face to the WWE legends. That puts the nasty hip hop culture into something as prestiguous and historic as the WWE title, is simply pathetic. So many guys gave blood, sweat and tears to make the WWE title something to be proud of. So for Cena to mix a culture that has so much disrespect and bad role models with something like the WWE title, sickens me.

True, Austin had his WWE Title made into a smoking skull. But only Austin used that title, not everyone after him. It was a custom belt made for Austin, not the WWE in general. So the WWE title should be thrown out and bring back the WWE Winged Eagle, The one that HBK first one, that Bret Hart held, THat was brought in when Hoganes was broken.

People really need to stop bitching. It's a belt. FFS.

I personally like the belt, it's more with the times. I agree the spinner part of it had to go, and like one of the posters above said, it should say "Champion" instead of "Champ".

I like the fact, and I'm sure the WWE likes the fact that the belt has the WWE Logo right in the middle, clearly visible, can't miss it, even if you tried. Pow! In your face.

It's a huge belt, and I remember at first I thought the belt looked stupid, especially when it spun. But it's grown on me and fast. I think every WWE champion has looked fine with it... (Minus RVD and Jeff Hardy...They just look wierd with it...too big for them)

All the belt is, is a representation of who the "champion" is. Just like a crown is a representation of who the king is, and just like those green bills in your wallet are representation of gold pieces (Ok, I worded it wrong somewhere, so sue me, most if not all should get my point).

Now that`s the real deal. Actual belt is nowhere as near and valuable (i mean visually)....still better than Cena`s cd stuff which was ridiculous.
The problem isn't just the belt itself. It's also Cena's reaction (or lack of a reaction) to the belt. Like someone said earlier, they built a feud around the Smokin' Skull belt. The WWE title leaves the brand that Cena is on and he doesn't even bat an eyelash. He just focuses on the World title. If a guy goes through the trouble to make his own version of the belt he should care what happens to it like Austin did. Cena should have said, "If the WWE goes to SD! then I'm going to SD! to get it back." He didn't. He just focused on Punk's World title. To me that says Cena doesn't care about that version of the belt and thus the fans shouldn't care.

I also agree with those that says it looks cartoony. I'd say it looks like a little girl forgot what decade it was and decided to bedazzle the hell out of it. You know who that belt would look the best on?

DEUCE and friggin' DOMINO.

I loved the Attitude Era belt like so many others. That lasted for four years. As of right around this time, Cena's version of the belt (spinning or not) has lasted the exact same amount of time. Think of that. Cena's belt has as much history as the Attitude belt. Doesn't that make your skin crawl? The cool Undisputed title that became the WWE title only lasted for three years so Cena's belt is older than that which is what Cena's belt was loosely based upon.

No offense to the Cena fans, but the belt is just one more drop in the "I'm sick and tired of Cena and all the crap that comes with him" bucket. If anything, just based on how long the last two title designs lasted we're due for a redesign. The Age of Orton has been hyped for so long now. It'd be great if he cemented it with a belt redesign that wasn't just tailor made for him.
I may hate the new spinner belt with such a passion, but the more classic WWE title was never my favorite either. I've always felt the world titles should be the simplest in design and color. The best looking belt in the business I think is the World Heavyweight Championship and I like the design of the ECW title (the straight silver.) That being said, there arent many other one color designs left, so the WWE title should just go back to where it had been before, the one that was introduced as the Undisputed title (see Lesnar with the title). Had a good contour and shape, and was a pretty big piece of hardware.
What I liked about the classic WWE Championship belt was that it looked like your typical World Championship belt that you would find in any form of in-ring sport. It looked like a boxing world championship belt, which made it look more professional. It looked like something that wrestlers really, really wanted, much like Boxer's want pacific world championships in boxing. It was not gimmicky like the current WWE Championship belt, it looked realistic. It looked like it could be taken seriously when placed alongside any MMA/Boxing world championship belt, whilst the current WWE title belt just looks like an enlarged toy.

In the 90's, WWE was seen as a competitive form of sport by alot of people and the belt showed that. The spinner belt represents the entertainment side of WWE, which is a good thing and a bad thing. It's good cause it shows that the company isn't taking itself too seriously anymore. On the other hand, that seriousness that the WWE had back in the 90's was the main reason why WWE was seen as a competitive sport.

I personally fucking loved the spinner belt when Cena introduced it back in 2005... but 4 years on, and with Cena now holding the WHC belt, it's time that the WWE converted back to a more traditional styled WWE Championship belt.
To start I dislike this title. When Cena debuted it, I hated it but understood the reason behind it. Screw the hip hop/black people references, it comes across wrong. Cena is a character and the belt represented that.

While I'd love to return to the Undisputed Title (Brock Belt). I know it wont happen. But maybe when Cena's main fanbase gets older with the character, the belt might change.

He can't be a hip-hop character forever...remember the Public Enemy tag team...looks kinda stupid when your older.
I hate the WWE title belt, It was made by Cena, who made it for the kids. If you ask me I say Screw The Kids, The spinner belt takes away all presteige and I think WWE needs to go back to the Winged Eagle Championship
no you screw you & your selfish self . you are wrong for saying that . people like you are probelm with wrestling . you need to get over yourself . wrestling is always been about the kids . the spinner does not take away any presteige.only selfish people like you who can't except that it is different era then when you were watching are the probelm . this is hip hop era & so deal with . WWe can't not count on fans like you because you guys left WWE hanging yrears ago . so WWe went back to there rooots , the kids not you .
it don't matter what the older fans like you do because you don't matter over the kids & that is not going to change at all . the kids love the belt & so do black people. it is hip hop belt & this era is more about hip hop. kids are buying that belt by the dozens. it is one of top selling WWE products because of cena . you older fans & marks are out number by fans & kids who like it . so it will do you no good to try .this era is all about the kids like hogans era . we are going to have to get used & show repsect for kids because they older fans who 80's did same for me as kid. so do the right thing & get used . let the kids have their time & not ruin it for them by being a bunch of spoiled jerks who can't let the kids have there time like you did.see i will fight you type who ruin it for kids in second .so repsect the kids & stop being selfish ass .grow up & get over yourself .
To start I dislike this title. When Cena debuted it, I hated it but understood the reason behind it. Screw the hip hop/black people references, it comes across wrong. Cena is a character and the belt represented that.

While I'd love to return to the Undisputed Title (Brock Belt). I know it wont happen. But maybe when Cena's main fanbase gets older with the character, the belt might change.

He can't be a hip-hop character forever...remember the Public Enemy tag team...looks kinda stupid when your older.
cena is not just a character . cena in real life is all about hip hop.screw you for dissing hip does it come across wrong ,public enemy never looked stupid . hip hop has no age limit . only ignorant closeminde hater against hip hop like you try to put age limit on it . whne hip hop is over 30 years old . get over it because today's era is hip hop era & not yours anymore . your time has came & gone .
I actually like the belt alot. As some of you may have said before, it's a sign of the times. Like it or not, it's here to stay. Cena did bring that belt in and I thought the whole "spinner" on the Championship belt was cool. IMO that made it connect more with the people and that is what Cena has been all about since he has come in. The kids love it and some grown ups do too! Hell everytime you turn on RAW, SMACKDOWN, or ECW you see the belt on shoulders throughout the crowd. In the end it's not how the belt looks, but who is wearing it.

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