Alberto Del Rio Wins The Royal Rumble

Well, if they wanted a sort of blank slate with this Wrestlemania story line, they've got it with Del Rio. As far as I can tell, Del Rio is one of the few that has absolutely no current story line with the current champions, which means that it's going to be a story solely about the championship, whichever championship Del Rio goes for. I just hope that the WWE can actually come up with something interesting beyond just the championship in regard to this story, because if they can't, I doubt if anybody will care who Del Rio faces or who wins at the end of the match.

I'll admit I'm a little disappointed with Del Rio winning. I think there are many others with current story lines that might actually be able to factor into the headline Wrestlemania story, but that's life. I'm willing to give the guy a chance and see what he can do. He's a generic but very easily hatable heel, so he might actually step up his game between now and Wrestlemania.

I don't see him winning at Wrestlemania, though...or at least hope he doesn't.
I'm not sure how to feel about all this. I'm glad somebody new won the rumble, I really am but I feel its to early for Del Rio. He hasn't been with the wwe long enough to really showcase much, sure hes been in a few main events and a couple noticeable feuds but a Royal Rumble win? I'm not convinced hes ready for a main event spot at wrestlemania just yet.

I know WWE has billed him the next big star but I truly feel hes getting push to least with somebody like lesnar it was believable..he was a monster..plowed through the locker room with ease. Del Rio on the other hand hasn't shown me much other than he has a pretty smile. Don't get me wrong, hes great talent and will definably be a big player in the wwe sooner rather than later but I just feel wwe dropped the ball with this one..Shocked and a bit disappointed with this rumble to say the least.
This is a pretty solid move when you think about it. Why would you want to see a rematch of the Miz/Orton, Cena/Orton, Cena/Miz, etc.. Time to bring someone new(er) into the equation, ADR is going to be the perfect heel and if he goes up against Edge, it could make for a very interesting story line.
I like Del Rio, but I think its too soon. Hes been around for about 6 or so months, and I feel that pushing hinm too early will ccause what i like to call that i just came up with "Swagger Syndrome" He may win the Title, win one defense,lose it, and then be nowhere to be found. So, Ithink it might backfire
After seeing the finish of the Edge/Dolph match, I was sold on Christian returning and winning the rumble. The finish of the Edge match has to be a foreshadowing to a Christian/Edge match at Wrestlemania....
The best thing? I'm sorry I forgot the name of the dumbass who said this, and I'm too lazy to scroll up, but the best thing?

What about John Morrisson? Miz and Morisson, so much history. Two young guys main eventing Mania. Youth Movement at its best. But nooooo. They gotta give it to Del Rio so he'll go and face that half-assing racoon-eyed jackass Edge ... a-a-a-a-AGAIN, and Miz vs Cena in the coming future .. a-a-a-a-AGAIN.

This is bullshit. The entire Rumble was absolutely dreadful. Nothing was done right. Alberto Del Rio is mediocre, it's not time for him to win a 40 MAN ROYAL RUMBLE. Anyone who disagrees is a blind piece of shit of a WWE mark. Period. Del Rio is not big enough of a star to win THe Rumble. Any Rumble. This is just another case of WWE shoving shit down people's throats and of course you're all gonna like it and ask for more because WWE said so.

What was the point of this rumble? Nexus buries half the roster, Hornswoggle buries the other half, Diesel and Booker T last 2 minutes in the ring (are you surprised?). Miz eliminates Cena when he's in the middle of a feud with Randy Orton (?) and the rest is a clusteruck.

This is absolutely dreadful.
I think this was a ******ed move by WWE, Their are plenty of other names that should and could have won and put over the main event for WM27 alot more than Del Rio... Look at punk, Barrett, Booker T, Kane, Mysterio, JoMo would have all been more sufficient... I think Del Rio isnt going to be a very big draw as far as the future of the company goes, no dis respect at all but A Heel from mexico that is not even close to the caliber that mysterio, eddy, even Juventud G was, is not an Ideal candidate to put the weight and future of a buisness just waiting to fail on!!! How many Del Rio shirts outside of Mexico would be sold here in the states?? Answer me this!!!
This is a very smart choice by wwe. They are currently in a youth movement and what better wrestler than ADR. He has the look , the talent , he is very good on the mic. I dont understand they hate for ADR. Who did u guys want to win someone that is already established , or someone that is gonna carry the company for years to come.
First off, I have to apologize to all the posters in this thread that don't know what punctuation is. If you are unable to read my post, just skim through really fast.
Now...I'm far from a fan of Alberto Del Rio. BUT, as far as I'm concerned, that just means he is doing is job as a heel well. There are quite a few superstars in this match that I would have liked to see win. But, I'm kind of glad that Del Rio took this match. It's new, it's fresh and it's different. I also know that based on past events, just because Alberto Del Rio won the Royal Rumble, doesn't mean that it will be solely him and one superstar in the main event at WrestleMania. They can easily throw one more experienced superstar into the match for whatever title he chooses to make it at least a triple threat match. Then Del Rio would have 2 guys to help him out for anything he might be lacking in the ring (which I don't think is all that much).
I say "Great Job Alberto. Keep up the good work. You make a great heel!"
One bad thing about Del Rio winning is that it opens the door for Miz and Cena at Wrestlemania. Del Rio is a fresh face in the main event scene. He cuts good promos and can actually wrestle. I would rather him than the same old names. That Santino fake out almost had me.
But will he?

I always thought you had to enter the ring before the next guy was announced or you where disqualified. So they can use this as an excuse to take him out of the main event if they choose. I agree if he is in the main event at mania I will not be spending any money on it...

Well, if thats the case, its even worse. Then we have Marella on the main event of Wrestlemania :lmao:

For the last few years there had been returns who end up winning RR, it was cool but they had to stop it at some point. Putting Del Rio, Barrett, JoMo etc on the main event for the belt without winning the royal rumble would be difficult. These are rising stars and they had to have some credentials before headlining wrestlemania. Winning the rumble would be a good one. Although i am not a Del Rio fan, i understand the point of him winning and it makes sense.
well im happy!! and also... as it was said before... it would be amazing to get Christian involved there w/ Edge and ADR.... im happy with Del Rio winning... Barrett would have been fine too... anyone except for Cena or Orton... i personally enjoyed the ppv like i havent enjoyed one in a long long time!
del rio is the best thing WWE has these days.

I can see him being a champion easily

good choice for sure

del rio vs edge for the title at wrestlemania with del rio winning and edge taking time off
it was absoult bullshit this guy is to green right now if you watch some of his matches rey is tellling him he is doing it wrong but anyway it was to early he hasnt even one a title yet I dont know anyone who thinks hes good he has talent but it isnt going to stay vicke will screw him out of it and will be ziggler vs edge vs adr vs booker t in smackdown mainevent at wrestlemania:disappointed:
What's with the Del Rio hate? This is the best young star in the company. He is great in the ring and on the mike. The only other guy I would have also been happy with is John Morrison, but I think Del Rio is better on the mike and has a better character.

John Morrison's character is just like Cena's, do the right thing and do your best, and his promos have not been that impressive as of late. Del Rio has this cocky heel persona that I enjoy simmilar to that of Jericho and the Rock.

While I'm not sure where this will go, I think Del Rio is a good choice given all that is going on with the New Nexus with Cena/Orton.
I thought it took alot of balls for the WWE to try this one. I think Del Rio was the perfect choice for this opportunity but I thought he would miss his chance because he was too young or too new to the WWE ring.

The WWE decided to take a punt on an over youngster and I couldnt be more happy. I marked out like a motherfucker when he won. I think he has all the makings of a superstar and if he can take the bull by the horns during the road to wrestlemania, then we will have a new mainstay of the WWE roster on our hands.

Just My opinion
this was definitely a shocker which is good... as for the future though, i'm kind of bummed... after seeing Edge win with the Killswitch I thought for sure we'd end up with Edge vs Christian at Wmania but right now it looks like Miz Cena and Edge Del Rio at Mania.. though who knows, one of em may not have the belt come Mania since Elimination Chamber is on the horizon coming out of Oakland, CA Where i will be!!!! woo hoo!!! haha just had to throw that in... but yea... hopefully something big comes out of that event that helps change the current direction of Mania. Overall, I'm pretty happy with the rumble (really wish i could could have avoided the IWC before though to be fully surprised by BDC and BK) and tell me you weren't cheering for Del Rio after you remembered santino was still in it!!!
I guess I'll take del rio over cena, but now I pretty much can tell you 5 matches at Wrestlemania that havent even been announced yet:

Cena vs Miz for the WWE title
Edge vs Del Rio for the WHC
CM Punk w/ Nexus vs Orton
King Sheamus vs HHH (if he returns)
Wade Barrett w/ The Corre vs Taker, Big Show or Diesel
Im assuming Booker has a long contract so add him to a match, maybe against Kofi to help put him over? lol
And hell I'll even add in Daniel Bryan, Gail Kim and *insert random diva* vs *insert new guy* and The Bellas for a mixed tag match with Daniels title on the line since WWE is ACTUALLY pushing the diva division slightly
Now Im not saying this is a BAD car necessarily but is it a card worthy of the name Wrestlemania? I cant honestly say it is

the ONLY way I will be happy with this card is if at Elimination Chamber John Morrison beats out Orton, Cena, Punk, Miz and Sheamus for the title setting up for John Morrison to face a new guy for the title, itd be fresh and new maybe del rio to face him and let edge face ziggler again? idk but it seems like Punk/Orotn and Cena/Miz are here to stay :/
All I can say is it was a good Rumble Match it was exciting for a good majority of the time. Finally someone that is not an established champ won, it had almost been 15 years since that happened. And Supercena lost, THANK GOD! (yes I know he will face Miz at Mania but he did not need to win the rumble)
WWE pushing Del Rio for Mania is just way to soon. Im not hating Del Rio, I just feel this is way to soon for him. Im glad that we get a fresh face at Mania, but how about someone that we know can hang? JoMo would have been a better choice, as far as I am concerned. Hell, I would have rather have scene Cena win then Del Rio. Del Rio has awesome potential, but its not his time yet. In my opinion.
I'm not sure how to feel about all this. I'm glad somebody new won the rumble, I really am but I feel its to early for Del Rio. He hasn't been with the wwe long enough to really showcase much, sure hes been in a few main events and a couple noticeable feuds but a Royal Rumble win? I'm not convinced hes ready for a main event spot at wrestlemania just yet.

I know WWE has billed him the next big star but I truly feel hes getting push to least with somebody like lesnar it was believable..he was a monster..plowed through the locker room with ease. Del Rio on the other hand hasn't shown me much other than he has a pretty smile. Don't get me wrong, hes great talent and will definably be a big player in the wwe sooner rather than later but I just feel wwe dropped the ball with this one..Shocked and a bit disappointed with this rumble to say the least.

They're giving the guy a chance. Cena and Orton will more than likely be in major matches at the Royal Rumble anyways. The Game isn't back yet, and Edge already has a title. Sticking Del Rio in as the winner was a great move. He;s got charisma, and is actually MORE than ready (He's more experienced at this kinda thing than Cena...) and will put on a great match.
Fuck yes! Fuck yes! FUCK YES!!!! It's fucking great to see Del-Rio win the rumble; I am just literally just jizzing my pants with happiness at the momment for Del Rio.

But all marking out aside, Del Rio winning the Rumble gives a refreshing feel to the Rumble that it hasn't given in a long time. And that's seeing a young, fresh, new wrestler get his boost to the main-event scene as a result of the Rumble. Think about it. Before hand, the winners of the Rumble had consisted of the same old crusties: Edge, Cena, Taker, Orton - people we have seen in the main event scene a gazillion of times. But with Del Rio winning this Rumble, you get the return of the feeling you had when people like Benoit, Rey (etc) won the Rumble. Ultimately, you have a mega push for Del Rio up to the main event scene; and of course, Wrestlemaina.

Del Rio deserved this all the way. Since it was noted that he had signed a contract with the WWE, it was right away shown that Del Rio would have a bright future in the business. Build after build, hype after hype, Del Rio not only reached expectations of the WWE (and the fans), but excelled at them. And I believe this is the reason he was given the win tonight at the Rumble.

Great mic skills; great in-ring the ability; great look - Del RIo has just about everything it takes to be a champion, let alone a main-eventer. It's pretty obvious here that Del Rio will end up facing Edge (not Miz) at Wrestlemaina. While I can't say I'm too excited to see Edge be the one Del Rio faces, I can say that I will be marking the fuck out for the match soley because Del Rio will be in it. That being said, I'm 90% positive that he will win the World title at Wrestlemaina. Afterall, it IS his destiny to become champion.
finally! a "main event in the making" wins the rumble instead of the predictible injury returner (who already is in main event *coughtriplehjohnhcenaedgecough*) or the main eventer when writers couldnt come up with a better finish (Cena, Orton)

Look at the past winners
2002- Trips (already a former champ and main-evented almost all 2000 ppvs. Injury return)
2003- Lesnar (sure, already a former champ there, it solidifed him)
2007- Undertaker (just unecessary, but cool to add to his repitore)
2008- Cena (undeserving)
2009- Orton (already a main eventer)
2010- Edge (injury main eventer) big friggin deal!!

2004 and 2005 were exceptions- Benoit won in 2004. Finally his talent solidified his status and won the title.
2005- in what could of been a 94 Luger/Hart finish. Both Cena and runner up Batista began their climb this year.

I hope Del Rio goes all the way and makes Edge tap out in the main event. He has the ball, now must run with it. And ruin with it he will. GO DEL RIO!
I have been really feeling a disconnect with the current product, so I cannot really say this excites me. On the one hand I am glad someone other than Cena or Orton won, but at the same time if TNA took a talent of this level and allowed him to win a match of this calber I don't think people would be heaping praise on the decision.

I don't see this joker headlining WM this year - I expect he will lose his shot to Orton or Cena and end up facing Santino at WM.
Everyone who says they wont buy WM becasue of del rio is a fucking loon. Del rio is a new face that won the royal rumble and thats a great thing instead of say cena or orton.

before the RR went on the air i said that cena winning would be the best thing becasue if Orton won the WWE title then it would be Orton vs Cena @ WM27 which would be a match for the ages, but, what would they do with the miz and the nexus? so theyre gonna have miz vs cena and orton vs punk and edge vs del rio at WM and HHH vs sheamus and Barrett/Corre vs Taker at WM, sounds good to me.

im so happy for del rio a new face, along with Booker and Diesel which was incredible. and i thought awesome kong or HHH wouldve come back but HHH will come back within EC and idk about kong but thats no here no there, Alberto Del Rio vs Edge at WM27 i dont get why some people say that ADR isnt WM material its been a newcomer go against an accomplished veteran before at WM like lesnar and angle, batista and hhh.

the way i see its del rio is no different, maybe not completely better, i guess i'll have to get used to him.

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