Alberto Del Rio Injured?


There are some conflicting reports that Alberto Del Rio was injured during last night's Raw. Some are reporting that he suffered an injury to his groin area. Lotta that goin' around lately what with Kurt Angle, then Mark Henry and now possibly Del Rio.

Other reports are saying, however, that he suffered an injury to his arm/shoulder region.

Del Rio landed pretty hard when he flipped over the top rope towards the end of the Raw main event last night. It was said he started to favor his arm then and started to favor it even more after taking the missle dropkick from Daniel Bryan during the match. Del Rio slid to the corner and was talking with the ref. Current word is that he's ok, just sore, and he's going to be undergoing further evaluations.
I know you're a mod but I don't see how this deserves a thread. The reports say that it's likely he won't miss any ring time so this is not going to affect the booking going into the Royal Rumble. Non-story.

It wasn't meant to be a burn. We're not all out to harass and belittle people.

On topic so this doesn't get marked as spam.....I hope they take a little caution with Del Rio and don't have him in a match next week on Raw. He can still cut a promo or do a run in or something but they shouldn't take any chances. It's just going to be easier for him to get seriously injured if he isn't 100% and that would be a big loss going into Wrestlemania.

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