AJ Styles V Dolph Ziggler - Best of 7


Pre-Show Stalwart
When AJ eventually loses the US Title back to Kevin Owens, how good would it be to have him in a best of 7 against Ziggler? Both pure wrestlers, no bs; maybe they could have a stip that the winner gets a World Title match at the Rumble. Thoughts?
Not very. Why would I want to see the same match seven times in a short period of time?

And Ziggler is the drizzling shits.
They've wrestled a couple of times I think. Wasn't really anything special about it. I still don't get why people think Ziggler is a master ring artist. He's good, but he's not Styles, he's no Bryan, he's no Cena, no Punk in the ring. He's just good.
The matches would be fun, but ultimately the whole thing would be kind of pointless. For me, a key element to make such a thing a success is if both guys are on a relatively similar level and that's not the case here. Over the course of the last 3 years or so, Styles has become a bigger deal than Ziggler ever has been, by far and away, and the reasons why are his successes in New Japan and in WWE. From an overall perspective, Styles has been doing the best work of his career during this time period when most others in his age group are on their way down rather than up.

Ziggler's a talented guy overall, but the days in which most fans would/could buy him as a main eventer have come and gone. If you could take the Dolph Ziggler circa 2010 through the first quarter of 2013 and put him against Styles today, then you'd have a much more interesting scenario, like a young lion stepping up to challenge an older one for supremacy kind of thing. That was the time period in which Ziggler was a young up and comer with a lot of promise, before he'd suffered several significant concussions that effectively put the kibosh on any chance of being a solidified main eventer.

So yeah, I think you'd need someone that's young, hungry & with a lot of promise or someone that's on a similar level as Styles for a best of seven series to have the most impact. Unfortunately, Ziggler is pretty much damaged goods at this point and seems more like someone that's just waiting for the final few years of time on the clock of his career to wind down.
It depends. If we're talking about the best of 7 in one night, much like how the Hardys vs Sheamus & Cesaro iron man match at GBOF ended up being, then I'd be all for that. Give them 25-35 minutes and have Styles win 4-2. I think that would be fun to watch. However, if we're talking about a series of matches that lasts a couple of months, then no thanks. Styles is just frankly on a whole other level than Ziggler and I couldn't see the point in holding him back. I don't like the stip of the winner getting a World Title shot either. Ziggler has no business even being included in the conversation for a shot. It went over like a lead balloon when he was #1 contender at Summerslam last year and I think that's the last opportunity he should get unless by some miracle he can rejuvenate his character and get over again. But for now, it seems like his time has come and gone and it doesn't look like he'll ever be at that level again. Anything can happen, but if they kept him just as he is now, he'll never be more than a preshow/opening match talent.

I'd much rather see a best of 7 between Styles and Owens for the US Title because in all honesty that would be hard to predict.

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