How to play Dolph Ziggler?

The Wolf

Pre-Show Stalwart
OK Dolph Ziggler is Mr. Money in the Bank & is currently in a feud with John Cena so I wonder how is the best way to use Dolph Ziggler & when should he cash in.

Honestly I would LOVE to see it played out with him winning the Rumble & cash in right after the EC. Use Rumble win to challenge Punk to a Title vs Title winner take all match @ WM 29.

Reasoning is 1) Punk vs Ziggler I believe would be a great match both have speed & able to work scientific matches able to surprise u 2) I believe WM should end with 2 full time active stars 3) Ziggler reminds me of Y2J mixed with HBK ( I know Y@J tried 2 imitate HBK but they do have slight differences)

As far as Cena I would say have him help Ryback against The Shield or be the one to beet Antonio Cesaro & help rebuild the Title
I'm still hoping that Dolph will finally be the 1st Wrestlemania cash-in. To be honest, I don't care whether he wins or loses the cash in, I just want to see, for the 1st time, someone actually cash in at Wrestlemania.

Let's say, for instance, Del Rio defends his title at WM against Sheamus, Orton and Big Show in a fatal 4 way and assuming Dolph already wrestled a hard match earlier. After a long, hard fought match, he wins and celebrates in style. As soon as he heads toward his car, Dolph attacks him, drags him back to the ring and cashes in, both men fighting already beaten with Dolph winning the world title.
OK Dolph Ziggler is Mr. Money in the Bank & is currently in a feud with John Cena so I wonder how is the best way to use Dolph Ziggler & when should he cash in.

Honestly I would LOVE to see it played out with him winning the Rumble & cash in right after the EC. Use Rumble win to challenge Punk to a Title vs Title winner take all match @ WM 29.

Reasoning is 1) Punk vs Ziggler I believe would be a great match both have speed & able to work scientific matches able to surprise u 2) I believe WM should end with 2 full time active stars 3) Ziggler reminds me of Y2J mixed with HBK ( I know Y@J tried 2 imitate HBK but they do have slight differences)

As far as Cena I would say have him help Ryback against The Shield or be the one to beet Antonio Cesaro & help rebuild the Title

And you live halfway between fantasy and delusion????

None of this will ever, and I mean EEEEEVER, happen. If they are going to unify the belt, it will not be Punk vs Ziggler as a headliner at this years's Mania. That will not sell tickets.

I would love to see Ziggler win the Rumble, don't get me wrong. Further, I would love to see Ziggler vs Del Rio at Mania. I would finally love to see Ziggler and Alberto have a good 10 minute match and then have Big E show up and destroy Del Rio, getting Ziggler disqualified, for him then to turn around and cash in a win the belt. We talk all the time about wanting new ways to use the briefcase as opposed to the surprise cash in. Both RVD and Cena have cashed in with notice, so that has been done. This angle would add a new wrinkle to the MITB briefcase.
I believe he's currently fine where he is! He is feuding with the top guy! He's only second behind punk as raws biggest heel, and he's getting lots of screen time!

I understand why some people are not enjoying his feud with cena, due to cena kicking out of all Zigglers signature moves. But you gotta remember, ziggler has a PPV main even win over cena, and those two are putting on PPV quality matches on Raw currently (which I am loving!) and he's getting closer each time.

Plus, I don't think Zigglers finishers are strong enough to knock off the 12 time world champ!

Lets face it ...

The Zig Zag is pretty lame.
The FameASSer ... Really?
I don't think he can really get away with having the super kick as his finisher (as much as some guys like to think he's HBK II)

These are all good moves that he does well, but I personally don't see them as top quality finishers.
I do however LOVE that delayed DDT !

Anyway ... The question of when to cash in ... It's got to be mania! I don't think it's been done there before and would be the perfect climax after all the failed cash in attempts this year.

So in conclusion I believe another marquee success over cena to end the fued (maybe eliminating him at the rumble??) a successful Wrestlemania cash in and PERHAPS an improved finisher is what dolph needs to get to the top!
The first step is for him to cash in the MITB. I would think it will be by the end of the month ,giving him time to grow with the belt, as being involved with Cena suggests he willl be World Champ come mania. Moreover, i cannot see ADR or the Big Show holding the belt at the biggest night of the year.

For me, the RR will be won by the Miz and he will face Ziggler at Mania; however, there are several different paths for that match to become a reality. I would think that he keeps the belt until the summer at least.
As much as I think it would be a great idea, I don't see a title unification happening any time soon. And especially not with Ziggler, whiles he's still in his infancy as a true superstar. They are merely using this feud with Cena, to rub some of his main event stink off on Ziggler, so they can move him over to smack down full time after Wrestlemania and give that show a true star. The world title picture on smack down is so bad right now, Vince wouldn't want to stick his newest star in the middle of it to get dragged down too.

I think this feud with Cena will continue past the Royal Rumble, with Cena winning it, unfortunately. I think they'll have one more match at the elimination chamber, since both don't need a title shot there. I think Ziggler wins that, with outside help, and carries that streak over to smackdown where he cashes in and wins at Wrestlemania, over Del Rio or Big Show or whoever the place holder for that title is at the time.
I don't see him cashing in before WrestleMania, and if he does let's say cash in at the Royal Rumble, won't make it to WrestleMania as Champion, and that, even though I don't want to, is how I see it.

I thought the same with Bryan... when he first won the Championship of the Big Show at TLC, I didn't think there was any way that he would carry the belt into Mania, I don't think I'm wrong this time though, I really don't, it wouldn't make much sense to cash in at either the Rumble or Elimination Chamber, and I'll tell you why.

If he cashes in at the Royal Rumble after a successful defense by Del Rio and wins the title... what happened to making Del Rio the top Latino baby-face in the company? Give him a two week reign? I doubt they would do that to Del Rio, unless the whole report about making him the top spanish baby-face wasn't true, (which I wouldn't completely doubt), but I do believe it's true, so that's why I don't think it'd make sense.

And I mean yes, could he cash in at Elimination Chamber, yes, I suppose he could... BUT that's been played out so many times, Edge did it, Batista although wasn't Money in the Bank also did it a few years back, it's just a generic way of doing things and I don't think it would be as much of an impact if he did it after an Elimination Chamber match considering we've already seen that a few times... plus I'm going under the impression that it's Orton vs. Sheamus for the WHC at WrestleMania.

I see Ziggler cashing in somewhere after WrestleMania... at WrestleMania would be very cool considering it's never hapened before. It'll be interesting to see.
If they REALLY wanted to push him and make him established, they'd have Rock vs. Cena for the WWE Championship and have Ziggler cash in at the end of the match and win.

I know what you guys are going to say:

"The briefcase is for the World Heavyweight Championship. You cannot use it on the WWE Championship."

To that I say, when the hell has the WWE of recent EVER paid attention to their past. They had Cena, who is a Raw superstar, fighting for the briefcase at TLC. If WWE really cared about what the briefcase is supposed to be used for, then why did they have a Raw superstar in a match for a Smackdown briefcase?

WWE remembers their past storylines like an Alzheimer's patient remembers his last name.....
Hate to say it but Ziggler's a mid carder at the moment. Vince forcing him down our throat won't change my opinion either. He needs to get over on his own without a manager and work on his mic skills. He might be number 15 in the most over guys on the roster and that's not a good thing for a guy who's holding the money in the bank case. He's great in the ring but his job as a heel is to make me want to see him get beat up. I don't think he does that all of his heat is coming from AJ and Big E.
Have him win the Rumble from Number 1. He and Cena are first in and survive to the end of the match.

From there I can see there being 2 possibilities

The next night on Raw he's boastful how he is a double number 1 contender, Vicky comes out and says that he can't have both so he has to decide by the end of the night, at some point in the night Alberto gets laid out in the ring and Dolph cashes in to win the World Heavyweight title. His Rumble win is then put on the line at Elimination Chamber.

The other possibility is that he is allowed to be a double number one contender, chooses to face the World Heavyweight Champion at Wrestlemania. He loses the match by DQ leaving the champion out cold, then he cashes in MITB straight away.
I don't think they will have Ziggler win Royal Rumble instead having him cash his MITB contract after ADR vs. Big Show match. I think this will be a great opportunity for Ziggler to hold on the WHC until Wrestlemania . But as I see Del Rio picking up speed, getting over with the crowd, you very might well see Dolph cashing in at Wrestlemaina and being the first to do so. If wwe goes in that direction it will also work out. Either way its a win win situation for the show off.

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