AJ Styles promo


Championship Contender
There's no denying AJ has awesome mic skills. And as cheesy as Cenas promos can be, they are awesome. Tuesday night was great from both and I thought one of johns best in a long time. He played up his love for the WWE and they ate it up. He truly does love his job. AJ has different mic skills. He drops the truth and can get the crowd either way. But I think we have seen the last of the "Beat up john Cena" promos. It just felt different with the club not there to bounce the snappy one liners off of. I'm sure we'll hear it every now and then but I think that part of this feud is over.
To tell you the truth and as much as I like Styles, he was in way over his head the other night. Not many can go up against Cena on the mic, Styles held his own for a while, but by the end the whole thing kind of didn't make any sense. You could tell it was just a time waster.

He's not the first person to beat Cena in the ring, so him asking why Cena was still there is ludicrous. Was he trying to say that everytime a superstar gets beat then they have to leave the company and not ever wrestle again? That would include Styles himself then, and just about every other wrestler on the roster.

They should have come at it a better way. Cena won out in the end with his Hustle, Loyalty and Respect, for the fans and the industry as a whole. While I get what Styles was going for with the hating on the crowd, it didn't come off like he totally even believed it himself. When you have to repeat yourself over and over again, I always wonder is he trying to convince me or convince himself.
There's no denying AJ has awesome mic skills. And as cheesy as Cenas promos can be, they are awesome. Tuesday night was great from both and I thought one of johns best in a long time. He played up his love for the WWE and they ate it up. He truly does love his job. AJ has different mic skills. He drops the truth and can get the crowd either way. But I think we have seen the last of the "Beat up john Cena" promos. It just felt different with the club not there to bounce the snappy one liners off of. I'm sure we'll hear it every now and then but I think that part of this feud is over.

My hot asian wife agrees!

I'm going to be the first to say that after Dolph Ziggler loses at Summerslam, expect a heel turn and your newest member of the expanded Club.
Tuesday did not give me the impression that it was one of AJ Style's better promos. Quite frankly, he appeared lost and kept circling around the phrases. It's almost as if he forgot his line(s) and was making it up as he went.

John Cena looked baffled in the ring, and I'm not talking about his usual face he makes at opponents during promos. It really seemed like John was trying to figure out where AJ was headed.

I'm an AJ fan, but I felt really confused about the direction AJ was headed with the promo up until he randomly threw out the Summerslam challenge.
It really seemed like John was trying to figure out where AJ was headed.
Geez, a promo from an arrogant heel in which the logic could only make sense in the head of the arrogant heel? You don't say!

The promos between Cena and Styles have been outstanding. Both men have done a terrific job. When Styles first came into the company, his face promos were bland and weak, but since his heel turn and feud with Cena, his promos have been on a whole other level. And, of course, Cena almost always promos really well.

It's been a great feud. Their first match was decent, but I'm hoping their last match will be as great as the promos have been.
I would argue AJ held his own, but here's the thing: it's the same old heel vs Cena promo.

It's the same promo we've seen out of Rollins, Wyatt, Owens, and countless other heels that Cena has been paired with. There was nothing new. It's almost a trope now.

The heel rides down Cena for being the poster boy and for holding back talent. Cena yells about how he's never leaving WWE and is wrestling 4life. Heel throws in a few insults based around Cena's catchphrases and motto. Cena ultimately wins feud.

I'm a pretty big John Cena fan, but this promo gave me so much deja vu i didn't know what was going on. It's the logical gripe between the characters Cena and Styles, but it's the beef we've seen almost every year since Cena first won the title a decade ago.

AJ is no slouch on the stick, but he's not exactly your go to promo guy. They ought to take this to a different place, but they won't. Odds are Cena wins at SummerSlam, The Club probably gets involved, and Styles winds up winning the WWE title before years' end anyway.
I've been really impressed with AJ's mic work since he turned heel. I was his biggest detractor on his mic work in TNA.

This promo was fine. By no means great but not awful. I disagree with the people that are saying that AJ said nothing new. His schtick about Cena being too mainstream popular to stick around WWE was an interesting forehanded insult. Cena fired effectively back with one of his usual "I love this too much to ever permanently walk away for anything" diatribe that we've heard before but still works.

So it was fine. It's not selling me on anything or making want to see what happens next but I wasn't bored.
It's clear I didn't listen to the same promo as other people in this thread.

That was one of the best promos I've heard if not the best ever. There was just something about it. It came off as personal and as if Styles meant what he said and wasn't reading off a script. It was genuine and made me infinitely more interested in Styles vs. Cena at SummerSlam. Cena's 'I love what I do' comeback was also very good. Have we heard it before? Yes, but this has been the story for every Cena feud of the last 3 years, and they have all been really good. Cena has had the same character for 12 years. What does it matter? If it's great, it's great, and that definitely was. Some people just find a problem with everything.
I didn't really get the point of the promo. AJ said at the end of it something about there's the Cena that doesn't back down from a challenge. That Cena has pretty much always been there. The way AJ framed it made it seem he had to drag that out of Cena.

AJ still needs to work on his mic skills but he is improving. I didn't hate this promo but I don't think it was that great either. It got turned up to eleven randomly and wasn't smooth.

AJ should have made a bigger deal out of beating Cena. Expand on the "why are you even here" line. He should have pushed his win and saying obviously you should just leave for Hollywood now because I'm just so much better. Instead this was more implied when it would have been better to say it. Expand on why you dislike Cena and the crowd. AJ seemed to be going okay hit this line, now this line, now this line.
AJ Styles has always had solid mic work. I am glad he turned heel so he can show his skills. His dig against calling everyone from nashville idiots(TNA/Dixie) was hilarious! It was a great inside jokes for us hardcore fans.

And AJ Styles did a great job despite what he had to work with. It's not AJ's fault that everything against Cena has been said 1000 times before. He did try to switch it up a bit and insult the kids(which was great). I felt it was different enough.

Meanwhile....Cena gave the typical "I love kids/WWE and I am never leaving speech". Which made me groan hard. Cena is great on the mic and very confident....but his words have been done to death. I agree with D-Bryan on the after show. Insulting AJ saying he doesn't love WWE/would leave in a heartbeat was stupid.

It's not the rosters fault that Cena Buried everyone and they will never made John Cena money and they are forced to work wherever they can. AJ loves wrestling just as much as Cena does. He sacrifices for his 3-4 kids. The man moved to Japan to make money for his kids future. You think AJ wants to be away from his kids?! Hell no! He would love to make John Cena money and never have to worry about that.

John Cena comes off as a cocky jerk. He is a phony. He doesn't love the fans. He loves the money. He loves his mansion, Nikki and 12 cars in his driveway. He loves $35 million dollars sitting in his bank account as he travels in a house sized tour bus all to himself.
AJ Styles has always had solid mic work. I am glad he turned heel so he can show his skills. His dig against calling everyone from nashville idiots(TNA/Dixie) was hilarious! It was a great inside jokes for us hardcore fans.

And AJ Styles did a great job despite what he had to work with. It's not AJ's fault that everything against Cena has been said 1000 times before. He did try to switch it up a bit and insult the kids(which was great). I felt it was different enough.

Meanwhile....Cena gave the typical "I love kids/WWE and I am never leaving speech". Which made me groan hard. Cena is great on the mic and very confident....but his words have been done to death. I agree with D-Bryan on the after show. Insulting AJ saying he doesn't love WWE/would leave in a heartbeat was stupid.

It's not the rosters fault that Cena Buried everyone and they will never made John Cena money and they are forced to work wherever they can. AJ loves wrestling just as much as Cena does. He sacrifices for his 3-4 kids. The man moved to Japan to make money for his kids future. You think AJ wants to be away from his kids?! Hell no! He would love to make John Cena money and never have to worry about that.

John Cena comes off as a cocky jerk. He is a phony. He doesn't love the fans. He loves the money. He loves his mansion, Nikki and 12 cars in his driveway. He loves $35 million dollars sitting in his bank account as he travels in a house sized tour bus all to himself.

You don't just make John Cena money from booking. You earn that. Austin, Hogan, Rock, Cena. You don't make those type of guys because you can't. When you have those type of guys, you treat them differently because they are special.

Cena gets a lot of money because he is worth more than what he gets paid. That is the basis for pretty much anyone. Especially in the entertainment field. John Cena is rich, that is why you think he is a cocky jerk. If he just loved money, he would have left for something that wouldn't kill his body every time he does it. Of course money is a factor because money is near always a factor. Tour bus prolongs his career. If he can afford it with his schedule, why not?

AJ Styles is not worth what Cena is. So AJ should be paid less.

Cena's promo was him trying to point out he won't go away (due to what AJ said) because he loves being in WWE.

Styles has not always had solid mic skills. I found him lacking badly in TNA and same when he was a face earlier this year. As for this promo, I feel it was sort of random and not well put together. Made it appear odd as to what both of them said.
Styles part started slow and looked to be ending badly and awkward, but he bounced back well performance wise. However, there wasn't much substance to what he was saying (like others have mentioned). He definitely should've elaborated on why Cena should leave, i.e. go back to Hollywood since he's not the top guy here anymore.

I do wish they would try some other approach to heels feuding with Cena...it was the same ol same ol resulting with Cena pandering to the crowd with how he loves the business and yada yada yada...it's annoying. Unfortunately, it will never change.

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