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But the thing is, if these accounts were accidentally created or if you had someone else using your computer, then why didn't you tell us about the accounts as soon as they were created so that we wouldn't assume that you broke the rules. If I'm not mistaken, DC's sister posts here and they share the same IP address. When DC's sister first created her account, he immediately came to the rest of the mod team to tell us about the account and to let us know that the account was not his. I'm sure you wouldn't have gotten banned or placed in the prison if you had come to us first, but instead we found the accounts and assumed that you had created them yourself, thus breaking the rules which resulted in your ban.
I didn't think that people would be naive enough to think trhat I would have more than one account myself. Anyway, I do recall me saying that Top bananas was my friend, and Jake just told me that could get me banned.
Oh and yeh, like I say the people who trust me will believe me. AKA Ace, Luth, Enforcer and hopefully spiral etc.
Its not that I didn't believe you as such, more so that the rule has to apply to everyone unless we were notified before hand. I dont recall you saying anything about the guy... to me anyway. Personally I dont see the point of you even being in here, it should either be banned or unbanned this is the place for people to come to learn how to post and being an ex-Mod that isn't an issue.
I aren't fussed to be honest. I would only stop by every know and then to post a little, and my main reason would be to have the banter I used to have with the lads and lasses from the bar room.
Yeah release him....Jake has a vendetta against him and has for a while..he on numerous occasions stated he disliked abyss so this is obviously purely for his vendetta.
Meh. Could care less. Abyss was one of the worst mods and posters to ever grace these forums. Anyone who can't put together a decent sentence that makes even slight sense shouldn't be a mod.

Sorry AJ ;) xD
Actually my spelling should improve I have downloaded Firefox and it has spell check something that my internet explorer didn't have.
Sweet! AJ's finally gettin' rid of the old noobposteritis! You're a great poster but the typos that usually plague your stuff makes you come off amateurish.

You still most definately deserve your mod spot though and you're a great poster.

Unlike Abyss.
I just downloaded firefox too. My problem is I type to damn fast and don't pay attention to spelling, punctuation, ect. Now I hope seeing that bright red line will make me pay attention.

Anyways, Abyss, you had two accounts, rightfully or wrongfully. I don't see ya as a trouble maker though.
Fear what is your problem? I have been here longer than you have, I was a mod before you, and you seemed to be ok with me, so what has happened?

You should at least give reasonable evidence to back up your theory that I never deserved to be a mod or even a poster on this forum, and I hope a lot of other credible people disagree with you there.
Hey guys leave Abyss alone, the kid's been a great poster here on WZ in his short spell. I'd like to see him get the benefit of the doubt and released, he's not the only one who's had multi-accounts.
When Paris get's released you can get released.


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