A New design for a New Undisputed Title?


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Now it looks like we are leading to the WWE and World Heavyweight Titles FINALLY being unified, do you think we'll get another new design for one title, a new 'WWE World Heavyweight Championship Belt' ?
I quite like the new WWE title that debuted this year, and I'll miss the WH Title a lot (in its heyday on Raw I actually valued it higher than the WWE title) but it sounds good to me, and I think it would be necessary.
What will most likely happen upon the unification of the two world titles is they keep the WWE Championship's design and simply retire the World Heavyweight Championship. Same WWE Championship design, but now unified with the World Heavyweight Championship and renamed to either the WWE Undisputed Championship or the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. As much as I like the big gold belt design, the WWE Championship has been the obvious favorite of the federation during nearly the entire timeframe that they have had two world titles. Therefore I predict WWE will retire the big gold belt's design after the belt unification takes place.

I doubt it will happen, but I would like to see an update to the WWE Championship's design after the unification. I'm fine with them keeping the design style that the current WWE Championship has, it has grown on me. What I would want to see get added though as a tribute to the World Heavyweight Championship once they get unified, is if they make the plate behind the WWE logo be golden instead of black. I think that would look cool.
Keep the WWE title design. There's no way they are going to change the title again after barely a year since introducing the current one which Orton is currently holding. I like the design and I don't see the sense in once again replacing it.
I am a huge fan of the Big Gold belt. Despite it losing so much of its prestige over time, it is one of the most iconic designs in the history of professional wrestling. So, yeah, I'll be very disappointed seeing it go.

WWE title design would be barely a year old if the title unification happens before or at Wrestlemania. So if they do unite the titles, I would keep the WWE championship design. As Dagger said, it would be nice to see if WHC is acknowledged in the unified title, but I doubt that'll happen. If, however, they decide to keep World Heavyweight Championship design, I am all for it, simply because I love the Big Gold belt. Did I say I love the Big Gold belt?
They took what felt like twothousandthreehundredfourtynine and a half years to come up with the recent WWE title belt design. They are not going to abandon it now, mere months after introducing it. They will simply retire the Big Gold Belt. For a short while the WWE Champion will probably be referred to as the Undisputed Champion again, but that won't last long.

In a perfect World they would bring back the Winged Eagle belt (or, in an even more perfect world they would recreate the Winged Eagle Belt but in the size of the Attitude Era WWF Championship belt). Alas, they are determined to have more bling bling on that thing these days, so they are simply going to stick with the current one.

The current one, while not perfect, is still much better than that *beep**beep**beep**beeeeeeeeep* Spinner Belt, so whatevs.

It's sad to see the Big Gold Belt go. Really sad, actually. But it's still the right thing to do. While I think it makes a better IC title than the IC title (at least the WHC means something), the whole two World champions thing was damaging to the whole concept of having a champion from the very beginning, even while the brand split was still active. It has to go.

Also: Please unify the IC and US titles as well. Then the one and only midcard title can FINALLY mean something again!!!! :icon_biggrin:
They could just call the unified title the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, that way it sounds like both titles are really unified. That way I will be fine if the Big Gold Belt retires since at least since the "World Heavyweight" lineage is still acknowledged in the Championship Belt.
I don't see them designing a new championship, although I wouldn't have anything against it.

IF they ultimately did design a new title then, personally, I'd kind of like to see something of an amalgam in which aspects of both the WWE and World Heavyweight Championship designs are used. For the center plate, one thing I'd do is place a large eagle on the front, an eagle design similar to that of the original TNA World Heavyweight Championship. You know, with the wings flaring out all majestic. I'd have the eagle gripping an elongated globe, kind of like how you see the world as it's spread out on some maps, in its talons. The top & bottom of the plate would be designed like the current WWE Championship's bottom plate. At the top, the word "WORLD" would be lettered just how the word CHAMPION currently is and I'd keep the bottom to read CHAMPION just as it currently does. I'd also have the gold leaf sculpted into it, especially along the eagle, in as a reminder of the WHC. On the center of the eagle's chest, I'd have the WWE logo emblazoned. As for the side plates, I'd stick with only having two, though I'm debating on whether to keep the customized plate where a wrestler can have his logo or to go with something more traditional. I'm leaning more towards something more traditional with side plates like the WHC in which there's also some heavy gold leaf, the WWE logo on the very top or have the WWE logo in a similar function as the precious stones on the side plates as the WHC. Stylize the logo to have four small ones in each corner of the plate to help hold it onto the strap, a couple of wrestlers in the center grappling and the words WORLD CHAMPION engraved there, WORLD above the wrestlers and CHAMPION below them. I'd probably take the HEAVYWEIGHT out of it all together and simply name it the WWE World Championship.
Be great if they brought the old Undisputed Championship back, never been a fan of the look of the WHC but i do like the new WWE Title so whatever they do is cool by me,
Be great if they brought the old Undisputed Championship back, never been a fan of the look of the WHC but i do like the new WWE Title so whatever they do is cool by me,

I confused. If wwe is hanging both belts in the air, then one person has to get both belts to unify them. What if Orton gets the World title and Cena gets the wwe title. I'm thinking they are just trying to change champions. They say unification match but they could be trying to throw us off.
That was yet another moment where I slap myself in the face and let out a long sigh before harshly muttering "are you fucking kidding me?" beneath my breath. Pro-wrestling angles have been inspiring a lot of those.

So we have a knee-jerk angle where John Cena spontaneously wonders through a microphone "Why don't we unify these titles?". Now what I see in that occurrence is the fact that nobody except John Cena will be allowed to instigate this angle, thus whatever happens of it will come back to John Cena being the only person allowed to have a perspective on anything.

To me, this is another brain dump on part of the WWE to try to connect their current creative stagnancy to a future big money event. They're obviously not just about to end this storyline at a nothing ppv like TLC.

This would all be tits if the WWE hadn't already milked the shit out of a Randy Orton vs John Cena fued during nearly all of 2010. They spent a long time hyping to potential of it, they delivered to fans of both men (of which I'm a fan of neither) and they settled it. John Cena is invincible and Randy Orton will always be second best as long as John continues limiting himself to the comparably light bumps he takes.

There's also the fact that we've had title unifications before. Those matches are about as redundant as matches to award a new champion. WCW "invaded" the wwe and brought all of its titles with it. Fast forward to Chris Jericho becoming the "undisputed" champion, and Mick Foley doing a forced rant on how there's just too many titles and nearly all of them were merged (even the ones nobody cared about). On one hand you had a ppv main event with a twist finish to award an over heel status of being the number one pro-wrester in the world, on the other hand you have Mick Foley up and deciding to dump a bunch of titles in matches that were only good for our ability to forget them.

In this case, we have John Cena up and deciding that he feels like risking his status as world champion if only to dump a world title from it's ability to stay active in pro-wrestling history. I think his explanation was something like "I'M JOHN CENA!! BLAH BLAH BLAH!! IT'S TIME WE HAD ONE CHAMPION!! BLAH BLAH BLAH!!".

So yeah. Umm. They literally JUST created the design for the new WWE Championship, a bejeweled symbol of Stephanie McMahon's wet dreams. Now they're talking dumping a belt design so they can recognize only one champion. Funny considering the whole point of creating the "World's Heavyweight Championship" out of the Big Gold Belt was to give a drama queen named Jean Levesque the ability to wear a world title belt without having to work Tuesdays. No explanation, angle or even title match. A stupid blonde bitch that goes by the name of HHH whined about having to tape matches on Tuesday and was thus granted a world title that had been retired already.

Do you see the redundancy? It's the idea of solving a problem with a solution, that over time develops into a problem for which the original problem is the solution.

If Daniel Bryan is on the card, I'll invest in it. Rest assured I'm not paying to watch MC Spanky McCamoshorts flop around with a convicted deserter while they promote a pro-wrestling angle that was a poorly executed exercise in stagnant redundancy.
I can write a whole thread on why this is a bad idea. I've said it millions of times before to the unification crowd, but

(1) House shows are better when there's a champion in each one,
(2) Wrestlers benefit from trying out being Smackdown's top guy before being WWE champ,

and (3), which is the MOST IMPORTANT, chasing the title is a GOOD STORY. It will always be a good story and it will never be tiring. But once they retire one of them, we'll have Creative trying to come up with even MORE storylines for the main eventers.

While Orton and Big Show are feuding, it will no longer be John Cena coming back and facing Del Rio because he wants to be champ. Nope, it's going to be John Cena coming back and calling Del Rio a poopie-face spawning a "heated rivalry". This is only going to result in worse TV and no matter which side you're on, you have to agree this is a BAD thing.

I'm really hoping they don't retire any of these designs. In fact, I hope they pull a Jericho and have the winner hold both titles until he drops them to different people. This unification has to be very short, like the Eurocontinental reign.
Not a chance.
They just debuted a new design less than a year ago. There is no way they re-do it.
If they are committed to actually having one champion, they will just use the new WWE Championship and the big gold belt will cease to exist. They didn't spend all this money on the current WWE design just to ditch it a year later. This design will last 5-10 years.
If there were to be an undisputed Championship Belt, i would hope that it would be something with longevity and prestige, most certainly not like the spinner belt. I would like to see something that is classic, yet has a modern feel to it. I think that keeping the shape of the current WWE Championship, while working some of the intricate detailing that the World Heavyweight Championship has into the area that currently has the WWE logo would be suiting. It would be a modern, classy morph of the two iconic championship belts.
I'm not sure about it, they might bring in a new belt even though there has only recently been a new design of the WWE championship. You just never know what they'll do.

Most probably they will keep the WWE title design as the undisputed title.

I've always seen the WWE belt as the real champion anyway. I don't think the WHC was ever truly meant to be the real deal, smackdown was more entertaining than raw during the period the WHC was being pushed anyway and that was a decade ago.

The only time the WHC had any true value to me and when it had a case for having true value was when WCW was the top rated program due to Hollywood Hogan and the belt was held by him.
I confused. If wwe is hanging both belts in the air, then one person has to get both belts to unify them. What if Orton gets the World title and Cena gets the wwe title. I'm thinking they are just trying to change champions. They say unification match but they could be trying to throw us off.

i think your going to be right on this one the match at tlc will be both men on top of ladders holding each others title so cena has yet another title reign then a match at the rumble in a cage/cell with cena winning and facing d bryan at mania for the title
I wish they'd bring back the old Undisputed Title design from 2002, I've never been a fan of the current belt, though I do realize that there is no way they'd change it so soon. Sad to see the Big Gold Belt go as well but the current version isn;t as good as the old ones anyway, the older versions were bigger.
I think a new belt design is necessary if they do go through with this. It's too big a deal, even if they did just recently debuted the current WWE title.

As far as whether they should do it, the bottom line is this is a trade off. If you continue with two world titles with this soft brand split then yes, you will have multiple world title feuds but neither title will matter all that much anyway. I personally believe having one world champion with the whole roster gunning for that guy could breathe new creative life into the WWE. IMO A lot of people get too invested in who's getting pushed and what they deserve, and get that warm fuzzy feeling inside when some guy that would have been European or WCW TV champ in the good ole days gets a chance to hold a "World Title". I personally could care less about that stuff, I just want good TV.

During the Attitude Era there were many great IC title matches and feuds. The European title had it's moments. Everyone remembers the wacky HC title picture. Dudleys/E&C/Hardy's for the tag titles were classics. And the guys who wrestled for midcard titles back then were way more over than so called "World" champions like Alberto Del Rio, and Sheamus. That's not even debatable. Having two world champs means you're forced to elevate guys to the main event that may not belong there. And then you get the trickle down effect where nobody cares about the midcard because everybody who's anybody is going after the 2 titles.
I think it is only fitting that if they unify a new belt be designed.

I wrote this on 2/19/2013 when we first saw the then new, now current, WWE title, and I feel almost the exact same way now as I did then, so I'm just going to quote myself:

Here's my thoughts on this:

Whether I like it or not, I completely understand why things must change every few years, the entrance way, the theme songs, the ring aprons, etc. etc. You have to keep things fresh and relevant. However, I think this should apply to everything in wrestling except for 1 single item, care to guess what that item is? THE WWE CHAMPIONSHIP TITLE BELT.

It's funny how in so many ways the WWE attempts to emulate aspects of other sports, but the one thing they probably should be emulating they don't. So I'll just spell it out. In all of professional sports, the NFL you have the Lombardi trophy, NHL the Stanley Cup, etc. etc. those organizations change up things all the time, team logos, stadiums, etc. but they NEVER change the championship, and you know why? BECAUSE THEY REPRESENT HISTORY, LEGACY, LINEAGE, TRADITION. The title belt is the one element that unifies generations, think of how incredible it would be to see a video package with every WWE champion from the last 60 years, and they all had the same belt? To know that in 2013 The Rock is holding the same title that Bruno or Hogan did before him. It would mean something! I realize at this point they've already had so many different designs, but the best thing they could do is go back to the winged eagle and stick with it permanently.

It seems to be a consensus that nearly every fan likes it, and it carries the most value in that guys like Hogan, Austin, Michaels, Hart, Warrior, Undertaker, etc. all held it. Bringing back the old IC title was one of the best moves they could've made, they just need to restore honor to it, but that's a whole other topic. Bottom line: this belt looks like cheap shit, like a toy, and does nothing to speak of the heritage it should encompass. It is a mockery, just like the spinner before it, of the rich history the title should represent. The WHC in that regard is a far more valuable belt.
If they're going with a single belt design, I hope it's more enticing than the bland and horribly generic undisputed title Lesnar, Taker, and others wore years ago.

An undisputed world title belt should command attention, so I would like to see a more flashy and vibrant design, not something cartoonish like Cena's old spinner belt (the design itself was fine, but the spinning WWE logo garbage was ridiculous).
You seem confused on what the belt is actually for.

#1 It's used as a prop for story purposes. It's not meant to signify who is the best or anything like that. Khali and Miz have held the title. It's not as significant as the NFL Championship and you're fooling yourself if you think it is.

#2 It's used as a marketing tool. When Orton goes to a talk show and brings the belt, he'll be showing WWE's giant logo on his shoulder all night. It's important to them for the logo to be front-and-center on the title.

#3 They want to sell replicas. Those replica belts are cash-chows. Really expensive items that lots of people buy. It's much easier to make a toy replica when the belt already looks like a toy. It's the best way to make money. And replacing the belt every few years, insures that the hardcore fans will spend money on the new belts. Keeping the same title for years will lower their replica belt revenue.

Those are the main reasons why they have title belts, and none of them have to do with tradition and history or w/e. If you want belts that actually mean something, you should be watching another form of entertainment.

I for one want them to keep the WHC. Not because of its history, but because it's by far the best-looking title in all of professional wrestling. They will probably retire it in favor of the WWE logo belt, which is sad, but makes complete sense business-wise.*

*Well, it doesn't make sense to retire any of their titles at all, but if they're going to retire one, it might as well be the one that doesn't have their giant logo smack in the middle.

I think it is only fitting that if they unify a new belt be designed.

I wrote this on 2/19/2013 when we first saw the then new, now current, WWE title, and I feel almost the exact same way now as I did then, so I'm just going to quote myself:
Just because both belt holders are fighting doesn't mean they are unifying anything!!! It is a simple Champion vs Champion match used to boost buy rates for their worst PPV of the year!!!

At TLC Orton will grab one belt and Cena the other. IF Orton or Cena does become the double Champion then they will probably defend the belt in a 2 fall Triple Threat match ala Angle/Jericho/Steven Richards at Mania 2000.
I fully expect WWE to "swerve" us and have Cena and Orton pull down 1 title each, giving each wrestler another worthless title reign. I highly doubt we will see one man leaving TLC with both Heavyweight titles, it just seems a strange choice of PPV to do that. If WWE were really serious about making an Undisputed champion again, it would be done at Wrestlemania, the biggest show of the year, not at TLC.

However, that being said if they DO end up uniting the belts, I don't think we will see a new title belt design. The original Undisputed title had a great design, that I still think should be used today as the WWE title belt but I don't see it being brought out of storage and used again. As WWE have only used the current WWE title design for a short time, I don't think they will get rid of it so quickly.

Ok, so we find ourselves still with two titles 2 days after mania 30 with Bryan being weighed down by two straps.

They need to sort this, you simply don't carry around two belts that represent one title
They're going to eventually have just 1 belt I think they want to push the visual of the two title into everyone's mind for a little bit longer. I originally thought that there was no way that THE belt was ever going to be anything but the new design for the wwe championship renamed but not that they seem to be trying to re-brand the wwe logo again I can actually believe them debuting a new title who knows anymore.

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