5 Dream matches that NEEDS to happen

Which "Dream match" do you want to see most out of my list??

  • Rock vs. Orton

  • Cena vs. Reigns

  • Sting vs. Undertaker

  • Shield Triple Threat

  • Reigns vs. Triple H

  • None of the above

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That N Word

Actively evolving
What are 5 dream matches that NEEDS (literally needs) to happen and at a big PPV one day.

The Rock vs. Randy Orton I have no idea why this haven't happened yet. Originally, Orton was meant to be The Rock's successor and things changed. The two was on opposite sides in a handicapped tag match in one of the WrestleMania XX main events. Shortly after, the two begin a feud on an episode of Raw which was suppose to end a match at Summerslam '04. But things happened and The Rock left for Hollywood full-time. In 2012 there was speculation that Rock would face Orton at WrestleMania 29 but plans quickly changed to Rock vs. Cena II. This is a match in my opinion that NEEDS to happen. And it needs to happen at WrestleMania (32 **Hint**)

John Cena vs. Roman Reigns Whether for the strap or not this also is a match that needs to happen and I think will happen at WrestleMania 32. It's this generations Rock vs. Cena, Rock vs. Hogan, HBK vs. Austin, Hogan vs. Andre, Rock vs. Austin, Hogan vs. Warrior. If WWE succeeds at making Reigns "the guy " this year then there is always the Cena heel turn that could take place.

Dean Ambrose vs. Seth Rollins vs. Roman Reigns I fully think this will happen at Summerslam 2015 and again at a future WrestleMania.

Sting vs. Undertaker- At this point I doubt it will happen and it shouldn't at this point. But it needs to and at WrestleMania 32 with matches such as Bryan/Wyatt for the title,Cena/Reigns,Rock/Orton,Triple H/Ambrose,Rollins/Batista.

Triple H vs. Roman Reigns This match was suppose to happen last year but didn't. I can see this match happening some time in late- 2015 or early 2016. Triple H would be a face and Roman would still be his badass tweener self.

Honorable Mentions: The Rock vs. Daniel Bryan, Sting vs. Bray Wyatt, Randy Orton vs. Batista vs. Triple H (With Flair as ref), The Rock vs. Cena III (With a stip) (sadly)

What are 5 matches in your opinion that needs to happen. Not that you want to happen but that you think NEEDS to happen???
What are 5 matches in your opinion that needs to happen. Not that you want to happen but that you think NEEDS to happen???

Ah bugger! if you had asked me to pick the 5 dream matches that I want it wouldn't have been so tough for me to choose but smart move hmm so I had to ask myself a lots of questions and came up with a few..

The Rock vs Triple H
Well they have something still fuming between. It all started when Rock made his return to mock Rusev And during the backstage segment with Triple H it seemed like they were teasing a match. This should happen at some Wrestlemania and that should end the In-Ring career of at least one of the legends!

Chris Jericho vs Bad News Barrett
Barrett exaggerated for winning the IC title for 5 times. He built it up so well so Chris Jericho should return and interrupt him. This will get hot at the point when Chris mentions he's a record 9 time champion so if he gotta be the man he gotta beat the man! This will elevate Barrett to more higher level!

Kurt angle vs Rusev
This will be an awesome feud really awesome between two real Patriots! On one side we'll have the Olympic Gold medalist And on the other we'll have the Gold Star Medalist!! But this never likely gonna happen!

The Miz vs Damien Sandow
Well you should note here that it isn't Mizdow! The Miz vs Damien Sandow should happen. Say couldn't take the abuse the Intellectual savior returns to take his revenge on the egoistic Miz

Well only four matches had came up in my mind when I saw this post! couldn't think more!!

I want to see Reigns vs. HHH. I think HHH can bring the best out of Reigns. To be the man, you got to beat The Man. HHH right now, is still the top heel in the business.
It's a little hard when you say dream matches because they are matches we would want to see. But this is a very interesting topic and some of the choices are tough to make. Here are some of mine, apologies if they happen to be some of the choices you have already picked.

Randy Orton vs Brock Lesnar
Easy decision to go with, it's something different and refreshing. I think it should have been Orton who replaced John Cena in the RR triple threat match with Rollins. Or it should have just been Orton vs Lesnar. It's what a lot of fans including myself want to see and quiet frankly need to see. But I feel like there is no chance of it happening anymore.

Sting vs Undertaker
This has already been mentioned but I feel like this is something that needs to happen while two legends of wrestling are under the same company. It seems as more of a match fans want to happen. But I say its really something the WWE needs to do while there is still time. There a few words that come to mind when I think of this. ONCE IN A LIFETIME!!

Daniel Bryan vs Cesaro
If Cesaro ever gets a big break in WWE and fights his way out of the slump his been thrown in, a match against Bryan is what he needs. His incredibly talented and a great in ring performer by no means. Throw him in a match with who I feel is most likely the best wrestler in the WWE right now, and you have a match that will blow the roof off any arena they compete in.

Daniel Bryan vs Dolph Ziggler
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the first time these two faced off I believe was at Bragging Rights in 2010. Both were respectively IC and US champions at the time and I felt like it was the best match of the night. They were two young talents showing us there was a good future lying ahead for the WWE. Fast forward 2015 and these guys have proved themselves to be critical to today's WWE roster. Whether it's soon or in a year, this needs to happen at a big PPV.

Seth Rollins vs Randy Orton
This needs to happen at Wrestlemania. They had quiet a good match the last time they met on RAW, imagine what it will be like at Wrestlemania. There is a story to continue on from and it will be a great feud for the two of them. Orton against the Authority? Sounds good to me, make it happen WWE.

These are in no particular order, just jotted down what came to mind.
Out of the matches you listed, Randy Orton vs The Rock is my favourite choice.
However there are some other matches that definately need to happen:

Randy Orton vs Brock Lesnar
The two youngest World Champions in WWE history. If WWE can somehow get Brock to extend his contract then this should definately be their #1 priority.

Batista vs Brock Lesnar
Beast vs Animal. If only they could extend Lesnar's deal and have Batista come back for one last run, this time booked correctly. This is an instant money-maker.

Kurt Angle vs Daniel Bryan
It's a shame that WWE and Angle couldn't come in terms. This match would truly be a wrestling classic, passed down from generation to generation.

Kevin Owens vs Brock Lesnar
Probably a long shot, but KO could really be the next Brock Lesnar. He has a badass look and tremendous athletisism for his size. Add to this Owens' fight gimmick and Lesnar's MMA gimmick and you got yourself a story and a match.
IMO these matches need to happen.

5. Brock Lesnar vs Batista/Randy Orton :-
This is the match dreamed by a majority of fans and this match will be a dream coming true. If anyone has to dethrone Lesnar,it should be the one who stood toe to toe with Taker because Lesnar is the man who broke Taker's streak and who better than Randy Orton or Batista. Probably, Batista will be better. Anyways,this match needs to happen.
4. Randy Orton vs The Rock
Many fans have been dreaming for this match since The Rock came back. But, a small part in my heart thinks that The Rock's magic is dimmed upon his return. I know he gets great pops but not what he deserves to get. Lets face it,this match will also be a fantastic matchup. Crowd will be split.
3. Bray Wyatt vs Taker
This match is about to happen at Wrestlemania 31 and it needs to happen. This match will solidify Bray Wyatt as a dark character who has supernatural powers. Hell,he can also carry Undertaker's powers in future.
2. HHH vs Roman Reigns
This match needs and will happen. The direction they are going in right now can be the origin of this feud. IF Reigns looses at Fast Lane then,he can call out HHH for screwing him.
1. John Cena vs Steve Austin
I know it is impossible but,can you imagine the crowd where it happens. This match is the biggest draw Vince McMahon has in his pocket. It will be sold out arena. Face of Attitude Era vs Face of PG Era. This is the biggest match in my dreams.
1. Daniel Bryan vs Brock Lesnar
The match itself would be an amazing, hard hitting extremely psychical match and tell a great story.
2. Bray Wyatt vs The Undertaker
Obviously this is gonna happen this year at Wrestlemania.
3. Roman Reigns vs Dean Ambrose vs Seth Rollins
For obvious reasons.
4. Paige vs Trish Stratus
I would like to see Trish put over Paige
5. Steve Austin vs ?
I just wanna see Austin have one last match at Wrestlemania 32.
In all honesty, I can't say that I'm particularly interested in any of those matches.

For Rock vs. Orton, I couldn't care less. I'm personally over the novelty of The Rock showing up every once in a blue moon to wrestle, I've been over it for a while. Orton, while I like the guy and think he's a damn good wrestler, is about as stale as John Cena is. It's not all his fault, it's just hard to keep someone interesting from a character standpoint when they've already done everything there is to do in WWE before turning 30. As for The Rock, it's highly unlikely he's ever gonna wrestle again because he has a far too lucrative film career going right now. He's risking getting hurt every time he wrestles, he's actually gotten hurt during both WrestleMania matches with Cena, though the second one was much more serious. He gets hurt badly enough, his movie career might be in the dumpster.

Cena vs. Reigns might be a pretty decent match, depending on how far Roman Reigns develops. If he ultimately has progressed as far as he's going to, then I don't think I'll care for this match. It'd be booked as a "passing the torch" sort of scenario but, again, if Reigns doesn't develop a good deal more, then the torch would be passed to a far inferior talent. Reigns isn't anywhere near as good as Cena is and unless that changes, it's just another match for a lot of fans to crap all over.

If Taker vs. Sting was gonna happen, I think it'd happen this year. By the time WrestleMania XXXI happens, Taker will officially be 50 years old and Sting will be 56 years old. I'm not all that convinced Taker should return to take on Bray Wyatt, considering how out of shape he was last year. Taker got hurt early on in the match with Lesnar and worked his ass off, he's got tons of heart but the wear & tear of wrestling, old nagging injuries and age have gotten the better of him. WrestleMania XXX was the first time Taker really came off as looking old and over the hill in my eyes. If this match was to happen, I'd have serious doubts as to the quality. I'm sure some fans would get a huge nostalgia kick out of it but if the match happened and it sucked, a lot of those same fans would be griping about how much it sucked and how WWE never should've signed it anyhow.

A Shield triple threat match would be fun but, all in all, I think there'd need to be a real reason for it. I don't wanna see it just for the sake of seeing all three of them facing off in a threeway dance. MAYBE if the title was involved and there was a compelling story, it'd be worth watching. With Ambrose & Rollins carrying the match, I've little doubt it'd be top notch and, just like in the days when they were a unit, they could cover up Roman Reigns' weaknesses.

In my opinion, Reigns vs. Triple H is a match that should have happened already. It was reported that it was slated to happen last year but it never came about. Having a singles feud with guys like Triple H, Orton and/or Cena and scoring wins over them would give Roman Reigns something that he doesn't have a whole lot of right now: credibility. Reigns hasn't built credibility heading into WrestleMania and even if he does beat Daniel Bryan, I don't see it as enough. Bryan's a big star and hugely over but, aside from him, the only guy of merit he's beaten really is Big Show and, let's face it, it's not like a whole lot of fans give a damn about Big Show and haven't for a long time. As for Reigns vs. Triple H in the future, I dunno really. It just seems like an instance of WWE putting the cart before the horse, which really fits the situation of Reigns winning the Royal Rumble.
Most matches mentioned here would be amazing classics so I'll go with some not mentioned.

1. Sheamus versus Lesnar
This should have possibly happened at one of the B-PPVs. I think it would have been an hard-hitting classic!

2. Cesaro versus Lesnar
A lot of people wanted to see this happened when Cesaro was a "Heyman Guy." It's too bad WWE dropped the ball on it.

3. Bray Wyatt versus Luke Harper
This match could be another classic in the making, although, I don't know where the WWE is going with The Wyatt's story.

4. Triple H versus Randy Orton versus Batista
I don't know if this did not happen before because I stopped watching WWE in '06 and starting watching again in '13, but this should have happened a long time ago. It could happen now just to see who was the best out of Evolution. You could also have Ric Flair on commentary!

5. Dolph Ziggler versus Chris Jericho (Ladder Match)
Rather it be for the IC Championship, etc. I think it would be an hell of a match! It could cement Ziggler as one of the greatest performers in ladder match history.

I'm only naming five. There are too many, lol.
In my opinion, Reigns vs. Triple H is a match that should have happened already. It was reported that it was slated to happen last year but it never came about. Having a singles feud with guys like Triple H, Orton and/or Cena and scoring wins over them would give Roman Reigns something that he doesn't have a whole lot of right now: credibility. Reigns hasn't built credibility heading into WrestleMania and even if he does beat Daniel Bryan, I don't see it as enough. Bryan's a big star and hugely over but, aside from him, the only guy of merit he's beaten really is Big Show and, let's face it, it's not like a whole lot of fans give a damn about Big Show and haven't for a long time. As for Reigns vs. Triple H in the future, I dunno really. It just seems like an instance of WWE putting the cart before the horse, which really fits the situation of Reigns winning the Royal Rumble.

Reigns has scored a lot of single wins against former champions in 2014. He won a 20 man battle royale, and he beat Randy Orton at Summerslam?!!! And a few times after. Reigns has being built just fine IMO. The Rumble win only adds to that.

As for the thread - Lesnar vs Batista, Cena vs Reigns, Wyatt vs Rusev.
None of those really interest me. The only match left for me that I can consider a "dream match" and could actually possibly happen...

The Rock vs. HBK

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