Zodiac Signs

Dark Blaze

Say what I want, when I want.
So the other day I was just thinking, does your zodiac sign really influence the type of individual you are? What traits you carry and what not? Does it really matter? Or is it all what you make of yourself? I guess this just ties into the question, does fate or destiny really exist? I mean, normally I wouldn't believe such crap, but there are times where I realize that sometimes I behave like people of my sign are said to. There are also times though, when I act completely different from the norm so to say.For example, I am a Capricorn, who are said to be practical, organized, cautious, focused and trustworthy individuals. Some traits I exhibit (cautious at times, and I can be focused when I need to be). However I am one of the least organized individuals you can find. We are also said to like long term relationships- something that still escapes me and hate indecisiveness (that's me there).

So it's obvious that some of the characteristics are exhibit coincide with my sign, is that because of the sign I happen to fall under? Or is that just who I am? Why don't I exhibit all of those characteristics? Am I just my own person, or does your sign really determine the type of individual you are, or how you react to certain things? For instance, Aries, I've heard are said to be pretty hot tempered and impulsive and I have met Aries who behave just like that. Is that just a stereotype? Just a coincidence? I wonder. I guess it also depends on the environment you were raised in.

If you're interested in this, you can google or wiki your sign and determine whether or not your personality traits match those that belong to persons of your sign, is it because of past experiences you are what you are? Is it because you choose to? Or is it really because of the constellation you just happened to be born under? Have you met or interact individuals that act just like a typical Pisces for example or are just completely different from the norm? What makes you, you? Your sign? Or Yourself?

I believe that you are who you are because of your choices. But there are times that make me wonder if I'd be different if I was born under a different sign, doubt it.


Table to determine your sign, if you're not sure, using the tropical astrological column I suppose.
I was born on October 23rd, which annoys me because it's in the middle of Libra and Scorpio; some people saying I'm a libra, others a scorpio. I don't really believe in horoscopes, or that the time you were born influences the sort of person you are. If you really look into horoscopes from most magazines you'll see they're written so that they could mean anything. People are so intent on believing them they adapt what they say to their life in any way possible.
My girlfriend's Psych teacher did a test on horoscopes. He gave half the class their own horoscopes, and the other half a wrong horoscope. Now all the people in the class believed they had received their own horoscope. When he asked who had a horoscope who matched their own selves, most of the people in the class said it did. Conclusion: Horoscopes are very broad and almost everytime it will match your own personality.
Horoscopes are pretty much like Magic 8 Balls or Chinese Fortune Cookies....entertainment that some people actually believe in. There was a thread on superstitions and I posted a long thing about that, so I won't bother, all I'll sum it up in is: superstitions are dangerous to believe in because there's no scientific proof at all that they exist and too many people base their lives around it, which could be detrimental as you're not making choices by comparing pros and cons via logic, but just listening to randomized jargon.

Horoscopes are like that. They're broad enough and wide-ranged so people can read it and fool themselves into changing their interpretation until it fits them. I don't know how many people I've run into that have read something like "you will be rewarded with riches today" in a newspaper horoscope, then said "I guess I'm hitting the lottery". When they don't hit the lottery, they go through their entire day and all the meanings of "riches" and eventually they settle on something as trivial as "I found a penny" or "maybe by 'riches' it means that I'll smile a lot" lol.

Stars aren't some universal governing council for the law of the cosmos or anything. They're simply matter. By the rationale that stars can dictate personality and tell you the future and such, you could also say that the amount of styrofoam in a garbage bag will tell you if you should marry the person you're currently dating lol.
I don't think too much about my zodiac sign or whatever. I agree with what Saint Blaze said "You are who you are because of your choices." Simple as that. I don't believe that a zodiac sign has any bearing on a person's traits and what have you. Horoscopes are always vague and always complete bullshit. I don't understand why people pay so much attention to these messages when they are, as has been stated, vague words that can mean pretty much anything.
Zodiac signs don't mean anything. I'm a scorpio, and I don't know what i'm supposed to be like. Every place I went to says something different. One place says I'm supposed to be talkative, which is the exact opposite of me, and another place said that Scorpios like power, and I like to stay at the back of things. Star signs are just made up and they are just another thing for people to believe in.
I'll say this from the off, I have never really followed my star sign, but I do like to mention to people that I am a Leo, because for me the Lion as a symbol is the best of all the Zodiac signs.

Anyway, I just looked on wikipedia as to what I should be like as a person (for the first time in my 17 year life) and this is what it says.

(I believe I am the ones in bold)

Creative • Proud • Risk-taking
Fun-loving • Dramatic • Dignified • Theatrical
Passionate • Affectionate • Ardent • Loyal
Loves attention • Very strong • Independent
Noble • Leader • Sunny • Bright
Magnetic • Kingly • Powerful • Enthusiastic
Protective •Adoring •Playful • Inventive
Generous • Supportive • Warm • Broad-minded
Expansive • Faithful • Warmhearted • Loving

Pretty amazingly I am all but one of those things (a lot of things are things people say about me, but I have to infer some of them obviously). Whether this is conclusive, or simply coincidence, or just being very broad I am not sure, but I'm not so naive as to rule this out, before it became magazine fodder, a lot was made of the stars actually having some truth in them, just because a modern remake is dreadful does not mean the original ideas were wrong.

Things I should not like (wikipedia)

Bossy • Patronizing • Egotistical
Pompous • Dogmatic • Pushy
Materialistic • Over-dramatic • Argumentative • Possessive
Interfering • Jealous • Self-serving
Voracious • Arrogant • Intolerant

I don't believe I possess many of those character defficiencies, but I have been accused of almost all of them at times, possibly my inability to admit my own faults (but of course I don't pick them in others either) is something that means my bias is too strong, but I have been accused of many of the above things aswell.

My Ideal Job should be:
Politics or governmental work • Business • Lawyer • Photographer • Entertainer • Music and Art • Fashion Designer

I would be interested in the first 3 of them, and have been told that I should pursue a career in Law or Politics many a time, but my independance has stopped me from pursuing an actual career before I get into the swing of a university degree.

Things I should like
Spotlight • Speculative ventures • Luxurious living • Drama • Adornment • Fashion • Pageantry • Grandeur • Kids

I do enjoy a lot of those things (maybe not so much fashion, but I do show a care for what I wear, but Im not obsessive), Im accused of always wanting the spotlight, but I think it is more myself wanting to be heard, regardless it is something people say about me - Again Broad/Coincidence or Truth is up for debate - Im just giving some raw data about myself.

Things I should dislike

Dislikes Doing things safely • Small minded people • Penny-pinching • Being compared to others • Loneliness

Once again I am with all these things - Look at small minded people, earlier I called people who rule this out "naive" without seeing this was something that I should dislike, and it has shown that it is plausible that something about the stars is right. I do also dislike all of the above, expecially being compared to others.

Right this one is a little harder to believe, but does it determine our looks?

tall, with thin waists, trim athletic legs, strong physical features, well-defined appendages (hands, feet, etc.)

I am not tall, standing at a paltry 5"9 at 17 is not considered tall, its's average. I am extremely thing though, not unnaturally, I am simply thin and my waist is also thin. I do have an athletic pair of legs, after many years of running sports which I stopped about a year ago, but my body is not physically strong, strength for my size and build is probably above average, but i'm by no means a powerhouse. My hands and feet are above what many people expect for my height, I have pretty big hands, with long fingers, Im guessing well-defined means very standard shape and that's apt to describe them, the same applies for my feet (which are a size 10 UK). I could go into other bodily appendages, but erm.... not sure I would keep it clean.

So anyway, whether wikipedia is lying or just being very ambiguous does not rule something out - This is the world, something noone will ever understand, only an all knowing God could do that (we are not here to prove whether there is one, but if there was then it goes without saying that they would be the only ones to know everything), so I see this as something that is completely plausible. Just because time has dictated that it is cooler to read the latest edition of Smash Hits magazine with news on how your boy trouble will be solved depending on when you were born does not mean that the raw astrology which can dictate who or what we become is false, whether or not I would call it probable I am not too sure, but certainly it is possible and the stuff about me makes it seem so, at least for me.
To me horoscopes are a story someone has just made up to keep people amused. I mean can half a billion people really have the exact same lives because Jupiter has entered some house? No, it's ridiculous. Add to that the fact that several people make up different stories and you have the sheer idiocy of the thing.

According to my sign, I'm not very compatible with a Libra (marrying one), a neat freak (looks around room - nope), yet according to other things I'm untidy (that's more likely). I don't believe I'd be different otherwise. The person is who they are regardless of birthday
I did a research project into Astrology a few years ago, and there have been studies that show some correlation between people's atrological charts and their life. However, the evidence is quite tenuous and only refers to your full chart. The most significant thing was that if Mars was within 10 degrees of the horizon at birth, then they would be better at physical activities.

However, all of the evidence was quite trivial and it was based on complete charts not just the simple sun signs that you get in horoscopes. The massive generalizations of horoscopes are without a doubt a load of rubbish. I heard recently from a friend of mine that when he did work experience on a newspaper, his job was to write the horoscopes, so I think we can guarantee that horoscopes are not to be trusted.
Exactly, just because it has become diluted does not mean fate is not in the stars. I mean, this is a world where we know nothing (that is a fact unfortunately) so we will never know, we can only say "probably" at most in my opinion. Astrology is actually plausible, I mean, it is not going to be in any way related to this fabricated stuff in newspapers and magazines, Im sure I could buy an edition of all the Sunday papers and a selection of magazines and I would get a whole lot of contradictory statements, these are made as self-esteem boosters, nothing really from the stars.

I see it like this; If environment, family, social status etc. all do affect what make us what we are from when we are born, then why can the biological birth clock not affect what sort of person we turn out to be, of course every rule will always have it's exceptions, but I think there could well be something in time of birth and who we become.

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