ZeroVX thinks....

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He built a situation room at cabins for his entire staff, who went with him. Bush's idea of taking a day off was clearing brush during an economic briefing. Obama went surfing.
But anyway, that moron was saying that he should just get away with from it all and take a break. This is how terrorists, trying to bomb airplanes over major cities get interrogated by lawyers instead intelligence officers.
While I agree that the president, like any other person, needs to take time off sometimes in order to raise their spirits and motivations to do a better job, there shouldn't be like any set specific "day" or something that he gets to just slack around on and eat cheese doodles. But yeah, what's the problem with letting the president relax sometimes? He is a human being, not a robot, he can't be at political conferences 24/7 or some shit. I never disagreed with Bush taking some vacation time, except that he just took it at REALLY shitty times for the country.
And he couldn't do that, say, IN WASHINGTON? Also, I'm guessing those were flights on Air Force One and government money spent to build that situation room. Heaven forbid he use the ones that already exist in Washington.

Yes forgive Obama for taking a day off in his home state at Christmas. Whatever was he thinking?
I'm sorry. If you're the President, you do not get a day off after inauguration day, which is a party day.

Bush never really took time off. He just did his job elsewhere. The entire top level staff and their assistants went with him everywhere.
And he couldn't do that, say, IN WASHINGTON? Also, I'm guessing those were flights on Air Force One and government money spent to build that situation room. Heaven forbid he use the ones that already exist in Washington.

Yes forgive Obama for taking a day off in his home state at Christmas. Whatever was he thinking?

He built that situation room at his own expense just so he could go to his ranch and work there. Air Force One, well, yeah, privilege of the job.
I'm sorry. If you're the President, you do not get a day off after inauguration day, which is a party day.

Bush never really took time off. He just did his job elsewhere. The entire top level staff and their assistants went with him everywhere.

Well fuckin' obviously if something important comes up they'd have to go get the president, but otherwise what's the difference here with Obama takin' a day off and Bush takin' a day off? Do you think Obama travels alone?
So the fact that Bush worked on his ranch is different than Obama playing basketball?

Yes. Bush was working. Obama was mugging for the camera and trying to distract from how bad of a job he was doing.

Sorry, but I'm pretty sure clearing brush and surfing are about equal amounts helpful to the country.

Well, no. You can have important conversations while clearing brush, not while riding a wave.
Well, no. You can have important conversations while clearing brush, not while riding a wave.

Well fuckin' obviously if something important comes up they'd have to go get the president, but otherwise what's the difference here with Obama takin' a day off and Bush takin' a day off? Do you think Obama travels alone?

But when the underwear bomber incident happened, they didn't go get him for three hours and the guy got questioned by a DA instead of interrogated by intelligence officers. Huge mistake that could have been avoided if Obama wasn't trying to be normal. When you take that job, you need to understand that you are eschewing any sense of normalcy.

I promise you, if I were President, I wouldn't stop meetings to give an infraction to an RVD mark.
But when the underwear bomber incident happened, they didn't go get him for three hours and the guy got questioned by a DA instead of interrogated by intelligence officers. Huge mistake that could have been avoided if Obama wasn't trying to be normal. When you take that job, you need to understand that you are eschewing any sense of normalcy.

I promise you, if I were President, I wouldn't stop meetings to give an infraction to an RVD mark.

And this is different than Bush waiting six days to address the shoe bomber and then had him in front of a civilian
I think the fact of the matter is, anyone who agrees with ZeroVX loses. '.' FTS wins.
I am telling you that Bush didn't take days off, didn't make brackets, wasn't shooting jumpers with CBS, wasn't going to games. He was working on winning war and making the country better. If you had any bit of unbiased nature in your body, you would realize that he was doing a pretty good job until he lost congress. Obama, on the other hand, made unemployment rise his first 11 months in office, borrowed a trillion dollars and didn't stimulate the economy, took two vacations, didn't respond to a terrorist act, and I could go on and on.
And this is different than Bush waiting six days to address the shoe bomber and then had him in front of a civilian

Because Bush was active in the decision instead of snorkeling. I mean imagine the odds that the non-Christian jihadist we're fighting would want to attack us on fucking Christmas.
I am telling you that Bush didn't take days off, didn't make brackets, wasn't shooting jumpers with CBS, wasn't going to games. He was working on winning war and making the country better. If you had any bit of unbiased nature in your body, you would realize that he was doing a pretty good job until he lost congress. Obama, on the other hand, made unemployment rise his first 11 months in office, borrowed a trillion dollars and didn't stimulate the economy, took two vacations, didn't respond to a terrorist act, and I could go on and on.
A bracket takes all of 10 minutes to fill out and you fucking know it.
Obama seems to take a lot more time off than Bush...just sayin'. One's vacation time was misleadingly documented by Michael Moore, while the press, through their adulation of him, inadvertently shows how much time the other one truly does take off.
First year in office, vacation days.

Obama: 26

Bush: 69

Note: neither of these include time at Camp David.
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