Zack Ryder intentionally left off of RAW as a rib?

Keep in mind folks this is the same company running this promo during all their shows

Ah, that it explains it. I was so dumbfounded by the time I read the part about the fake script that I started posting.
Wow bro, as a huge Ryder mark I still have to chuckle at it, but that is about one of the lowest ways you can go, as well as that one on Henry. As a Ryder mark, I probably wouldn't be as upset if it was someone else, but it is low either way and there is a right to be upset.
I don't get the whole "Vince hates how he's bashing the company" shit, Ryder really doesn't bash WWE at all in his video's he more just pokes fun at his position within the company, Vince's has just grown delusional in his old age... well more delusional anyway
I seriously hope he rips Vince and WWE to one step below getting fired this week on his Youtube show. As R-Truth would say, he should only blame himself, He is actually dropping the ball with Ryder.
I'm not a fan of Ryder at all, but that is like Dolph Ziggler said, a kick in the nuts. Vince is either reliving April Fools day over-and-over or his ego has finally taken over his brain. I find the reactions of the Ryder-marks to be funny, but this even makes me say...

...Just... Just... Ehmm... Just give... The... G;Guyy - a chance?

Just puked in my mouth a bit.
People, I get this wasn’t very nice and pretty much bullying, but why do we seem to think Vince has never done anything horrible before. This is the guy who was put on trial by the United States government.
Vince does seem to need an Attitude Adjustment. Or maybe Cena went old school and just told Vince FU.
Story wasn't in the Newsletter. That said, it seems very plausible, which is another reason I doubt its authenticity. It feels like the kind of story someone would make up by looking at all the coincidences that surrounded RAW.

However, Meltzer is reporting that someone texted him saying the reason Ryder wasn't on RAW was because "Vince hates the internet", and the Mark Henry rib did happen and that was just as messed up, so who knows.

Speaking of the Mark Henry rib, the second one made it to Superstars last week:
What did Henry do to deserve that sort of treatment? Serve the company for over a decade and agree to do humiliating stuff that Vince wouldn't even spring on Jim Ross?
As a huge Ryder mark I'm gonna be really pissed off if this turns out to be true. If Vince thinks this is funny or a good idea then there's something seriously wrong with him. I mean what kind of DOUCHEBAG would toy with another man when it comes to his work simply because it amuses him? To promise Ryder a live match and promo on RAW in his home town and then take it away is completly classless and uncalled for. Woo Woo Woo You Know it.
Poor Zach. That was a cold, cold move by McMahon if true. Think of what it does to Zachs morale and confidence. I feel terrible for the guy.
Vince has done a lot of good and bad things, but this is right up there with the lows.

Anyway, I found this video that made me smile. I'm on my iPhone so I can't embed it. Mods feel free to:

Such a wasted opportunity too. This night, if he wrestled, may have made him the next break out star on RAW alongside A-Ry. Disappointing Vince....I'm just hoping Zach will get what he deserves one day :)
A text? Journalism at its finest. Anyway on the off chance this is an accurate assessment of what happened I am with Brain. This is exactly why there is little need to take the IWC seriously. They react to everything based on what they personally want with no attention to anything else, especially business related circumstances. Like it, or not, this sends a strong message to Ryder, which I assume was the real goal more than just a "rib." I only think it went too far if they never give him a chance, which seems unlikely. It just shows him that when he does get that chance there are rules to play by. It also further builds him up to his "fanbase." Internet fans only like guys when they are being "held back" and often turn on them shortly after they get a push. To build sustained interest in internet darlings you have to go to extremes to make them really want the guy to get his chance.
WTF is wrong with Vince, why is he being such a douche with jobbers? Come on man would it kill someone to give Ryder a 10 seconds apparence giving a high 5 to Cena in his hometown? What makes it soooo wrong?

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