Zack Ryder intentionally left off of RAW as a rib?

In a positive way, he's still young. He's been compared to Marella in this thread (32), Bryan (30) and even DiBiase (28).

He's still got plenty of time.
How conveniently ignorant of you to overlook the other two factors I mentioned about Ted DiBiase that puts him ahead of Ryder.
I wasn't arguing with what you were saying there, just stating that he was, in fact, a Tag Champ.

Wow, big stretch for him to outpop other superstars in his hometown. Let him do that in other towns and we'll talk shop.
Just like all I wanted was for him to be on RAW in his hometown. I've been arguing that a guy who everyone and their grandmother knew would be massively over should have been on TV when he was massively over. I know he won't be that over in other towns (although if they make him a Face and put him on RAW, I think he'll be over).

He's been on Raw since last February. Have a little patience... geez.
16 months? Dude, I spent 13 of those just hoping they didn't release him. Because of his YouTube show I'm a bit confident he'll not be cut.

It's not? So advertising to the public that his character is being misused is not taking a direct shot at WWE creative? You can capitalize the word "EVER" all you want and it still cannot make this fact be ignored.
I don't think it's as bad as you're making it sound.

Like I've been saying, this is semantics. You don't think much of it but apparently someone did. And who are you to judge them? You're an internet wrestling forum poster. Vince owns a billion dollar conglomerate. I'd trust his way of thinking over yours, regardless of the size of his ego.
And I'm bias. I know Vince is trusted more, as he damn well should be. I do think that what he did was going too far, especially if he never told him why they did it.

By YOUR standards. Which basically mean as much as mine or anyone else's that post on this forum.
My standards are pretty basic. fans make signs, fans react to you, have non-shit matches. But you're right, my standards aren't important to VInce McMahon.

16 months, actually.
OK 16 Months. Close enough.

Yeah, because YouTube is expensive.
Time. Time is Money. And supplies, etc.

But money wasn't what I was talking about. He's getting over with the wrestling fans while at his house. I would argue that nobody else in WWE has ever gotten over without at least a little help from the company.

Fuck yeah. You're cool, too. You're just very wrong here.
You're cool too. In fact, more cool than me. Although I'm more right then you're giving me credit for.

Ryder's only 25? That's actually just changed my total opinion on him.
To be fair, he just turned 26 last month.

Oh, and good to hear.
I've seen just about everything Ryder been apart of. He has been around since 2007, and hasn't done much of anything. His promos, on live television, were awful. Sure, he sounds a bit more natural on Youtube, but there he has the power of editing to help him out.

His promos on live TV weren't awful. They were actually good. You should go check out ECW episodes.

I don't necessarily think he's a bad wrestler, however, I still see no reason why he should be taking away television time from someone else. How is he better than who he would be replacing? Why should someone who puts on mediocre matches be moved up before someone like Trent Barreta, or Tyson Kidd?

The matches are above mediocre, they're actually pretty good matches. And although Kidd and Baretta do more flips, Ryder incorporates more in-ring psychology and working the crowd into his matches, it makes them more entertaining. I think people like Hawkins and Baretta should get pushes too, but that's a different story. I know most people can't be bothered to watch Superstars matches, but he's good. People wouldn't know because he doesn't get a fair shot on RAW. Heck, his squash match against Kofi two weeks ago was more entertaining than anything Swagger, McIntyre, or Bourne to name a few have done in months.

Obviously we disagree. I don't buy into the hype. Being somewhat funny on Youtube means nothing to me. Doing something on national television, each week, is a hell of a lot tougher than Youtube. Given what I've seen from him, since 2007, I see no reason for him to move ahead of anyone else.

Call me when Ryder gets a shot on RAW. He has had three shots on national TV. In a tag team that got to speak maybe three times total during their run, but they still won the tag titles. Then he got over on ECW before it got shut down and he was shipped to RAW. Then since then he's been getting great matches on Superstars, but I guess it isn't really national TV, since when it was on TV it wasn't a national station.

That's a lot to say when comparing him to someone that's already won tag team gold, was in main event feuds, and main evented a PPV. I really can't put Ryder on his level because you feel he's had some good matches on Superstars. Sorry, man.

And DiBiase did nothing of note every step of the way. I think that if Ryder has made more of an impression with Superstars matches and a YouTube channel than DiBiase did on the top of the card, it's clear that Ryder is better. And you cannot argue DiBiase impressed in his run at the top of the card, his highlights were taking sledgehammer shots and being the butt of gay jokes about him and Orton.

Yes, obviously Ryder has more charisma. And he entertains you more. So this deserves a push? If so, then let's push Santino, Evan Bourne, Chris Masters... hell, let's push everybody!

Santino has already gotten a solid spot on the card, he is a multiple IC champion and a former tag champion, gets a solid spot almost every week, and if WWE tried top give his character a serious side what-so-ever he could easily be pushed to the main event. That point is mute, as he does entertain people, and does get pushed. You know, like Ryder should.

Bourne is living off one move at this point. He has been around for a few years, has shown the personality of BBQ beef jerky, and has gotten nothing. The only time he entertains anyone is when he does a flip. And he still gets featured on the card more than Ryder. His spot is where he should be.

Masters hasn't entertained anyone since 2005. Ryder has. Ryder is more over by now via Superstars and YouTube.

I respect your opinions but you're really blowing Ryder up far more than he deserves.

I don't think I am. I think he has as much potential and talent as the next guy on the card, and he is over enough and talented enough to get at least something.

What Vince did was no different than any employee in any company who had been promised a raise or a jump in position and was passed up by someone else. The only difference is that this was a bit more public, but that's the business of pro-wrestling. Everything is public and in front of a live audience. So, in comparison with any other business, this happens to employees everyday, unfortunately.

No, because when someone in a company is told he is getting a raise, after they have worked consistently harder than every single other employee, they don't tell him he is getting it, give him the check with the figures on it, tell him to go cash it, and once he arrives to cash the check with his family the bank teller won't give him the money. That is basically what happened to Ryder, only multiply the number of people who see, toss in that people actually want to see Ryder, and the fact that Ryder is good enough to be above where he is now.

But you guys want that for EVERYBODY. Every day someone comes onto Wrestlezone and says "push <this guy>, push <that guy>." It's never ending. And when he gets a little push then you want him to have a midcard title. And once he gets the midcard title you want him to have a world title.

I have never once done this. Other people might but I never have. Just because the majority does it, doesn't mean everyone does. Go give them this argument.

In this business, you need main eventers, midcarders, and jobbers. The deck is always being shuffled. Just about everyone gets a chance to shine. But forcing the issue by making YouTube videos and voicing your disdain about the company on a public forum is just plain WRONG. And right now, it isn't Ryder's time to shine. I'm sure it'll happen eventually but, until it does, everyone needs to get off his dick and let it be.

The only two differences are:

1. People want to see him. And they want to see him NOW. He has been working to get over, and he is finally getting there. People are popping for him, buying his merchandise, chanting for him. They aren't doing that for any other low or mid-carders waiting for a shot. We all understand you have to wait for the chance, but when fans started cheering for Austin, or Cena, or Rock, they didn't have to wait. When they got over, they got their chance. I'm not comparing Ryder to them or stars of their calibre, or even saying he should get a major push like they did. I'm just saying they got their chances when they got over, why can't Ryder? Especially in his hometown last Monday.

2. Ryder was TOLD his shot was coming. That is the whole back bone of this thread. He was told that he had went through that shuffle of stars and he was finally getting the shot to shine, and then it was all taking away from him because Vince had to have a laugh and be over drastic in proving a point. I have been a Ryder fan since around 2008-2009, but I had quietly accepted that he will get a chance eventually, not complaining about it at all unless there was a worthless part of RAW where he could of had an appearance, but last Monday was different. he was told he was getting his shot, everyone exxpected for it to happen in his HOMETOWN, and it was all a joke. Yeah.

Man, you've got it bad for him.

I recognize talent and potential when I see it.
There are guys that did fantastic jobs on NXT, too. But once they were put on Raw or Smackdown, they floundered.

Yeah, but at least they have had a chance, Ryder hasn't even gotten one yet. He hasn't even had the chance to flounder. I'd admit defeat if he got his shot and royally sucked, but it hasn't happened yet.

The biggest problem is that none of you have any patience. You want everyone to break through a glass ceiling RIGHT NOW. Listen, with Ryder's internet popularity, he won't be ignored for long. But for the love of everything that is holy, STOP SWEATING IT RIGHT NOW.

Like I said, that's what we had all been doing. People have been praising him for a time, but it's different now. He was told he was getting his shot and it turned out to be a joke. That's how this whole debate got started. I have no problem waiting for his chance, I just thought it was low that Ryder didn't get his shot for a joke/lesson.
In a situation where you have a 3-Hour Episode of Raw, where you're in Ryder's Hometown, you just HAVE to use him, to please his fans and more than that, himself. It was nice seeing him on Raw the week before and everyone thought, "Will he be back next week?" and most hoped he would.

What with the Mark Henry "Jibe/Rib" and now this, what next? They're gonna start R-Truth they're in a different state to where they are? Look, Vince, just don't do this. You can't "hate the internet", it's where all your publicity is coming from. Take what everyone loves in your stride and USE it McMahon, don't throw it away. We would've liked to have seen Ryder on Raw and believe me, if he's on ANY of the Polls next week for "Viewers Choice" and you believe he won't get picked, I hope everyone votes for him and screws up any plan you have.
Yeah he was mega over, he worked the crowd perfectly, and had a good match with Primo. I get the feeling we'll be seeing more of him in the coming months on one of the two main shows.

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