You're starting to drive me over the Edge now......


I just can't understand it........ Why is Edge still showing up on WWE programmes?

I could understand Edge appearing going with WWE during the recent European tour. He was booked to appear, and fans could have demanded their tickets be refunded if he didn't show up. However, all he/WWE has to do to avoid this situation is have Edge show up, maybe cut a promo instead of having a dark match.

I just can't see any benefit to having Edge show up anymore. He's helped Christian defeat Alberto Del Rio at Extreme Rules, but what was the point in doing that? It makes Christian look weak, as he can't win the title without having his buddy help him out.

The Christian/Del Rio fued doesn't need Edge to be involved in any way. Del Rio injured Christian, putting him out for several months. They could use that as a storyline for the fued, make it personal between the two people who CAN actually be involved in the matches, instead of getting Edge involved. It's almost like WWE are still trying to continue with the Edge/ADR fued. Why? Nothing can be done because Edge is retired........ Unless his retirement is a work......... Which it isn't.

So I ask you, do you like seeing Edge involved in the Christian/Del Rio fued?
Do you think he should still appear in WWE?
Could his retirement be a work?
Edge helping out Christian didn't make him look weak at all. If Brodus wouldn't have already interfered, I'd have agreed. But since Broudus did interfere and he had already cost Christian the match when he had the title in his grasps, I loved that Edge gave him a hand much like Christian helped Edge at Wrestlemania when Brodus interfered.

Edge came out to celebrate with his best friend who had just won the World Title. he let Christian had his moment alone and then came in for the hug. This was an awesome moment, I'm struggling to comprehend why people keep trying to suggest that Edge's involvement does anything but enhance it.
Edge showed up because well Del Rio ended his career. He says can't wrestle anymore! that doesn't mean he can't still show up. No. The Injury is not a work. It is legit. He was there to see his best friend live a dream.
I don't really see how Christian was made to look weak. Edge appeared to see his buddy claim the title which was a great pay off for the fans.

So I ask you, do you like seeing Edge involved in the Christian/Del Rio fued?
Not physically. I believe Edge's involvement has matured.

Do you think he should still appear in WWE?
Not yet. He needs to return to TV later this year, possibly as Raw GM if/when they decide to ditch the terrible laptop/iPad/telepathy GM.

Could his retirement be a work?
No. A retirement work wouldn't be such an emotional ordeal for any superstar.
Christian didnt look weak at all!
If anything Edge being there made the occasion that much more emotional.

Like others have said Brodus' interference led to Edge's (you cant call it interference, all he did was blow a car horn)

I find it amazing that Edge, firstly started to cry but he let Christian have his moment when he left that ring. That was fantastic of Edge and besides Christans win got the biggest pop of the night from what i could tell.

I doubt Edge will appear on TV again for some time (maybe another appearance this Friday on SmackDown to congratualte Christian)
It was probably the last time you will see Edge in awhile. They did it solely for that "feel good moment", which it was. I'm glad he came out and helped Christian in some way, but not in way that jeopardized him going back on his word, "wrestling" wise. I loved seeing them both in the ring; sharing the moment that they both worked for since they were in the indy circuit. Gives you goose bumps.
I think it was obvious that Edge was there with the team and obviously showing up for Christian's WHC win at the end. When I saw Brodus Clay interfering, I knew that Edge was going to do some kind of distraction in retaliation. What caught my attention was Broadus Clay bleeding, that just looked hilarious.
I loved it as a matter of fact, when del rio bounced off the ladder onto the floor, i thought christian had it. Then brodus clay came out and almost cost christian the match and Edge evened the odds for his friend. It does not make Christian look weak, he has beaten both brodus and del rio on his own in the past.
So I ask you, do you like seeing Edge involved in the Christian/Del Rio fued?
I think that was a bit of a good bye appearance. I didn't mind it. Given the choice I would have preferred Christian winning on his own, but I suppose one could argue that it was also important not to make Alberto look weak. Overall I was happy Edge was there.

Do you think he should still appear in WWE?
Of course. Guest appearances here and there are great. He might eventually become a GM or a color commentator even.

Could his retirement be a work?
No. It's actually not that hard to tell when the WWE is being serious and when it's all just a wrestling storyline. Sometimes they manage to blur the line a little, like when HBK pretended to pass out in the middle of a match, but in things like this you simply know beyond doubt when it's a work and when it's real life. And this was as real as it gets.
All it was Edge coming out and making sure his best friend would become World Heavyweight Champion. It didn't make Christian look weak nor did Edge steal any spotlight from Christian. He was just countering the interference from Brodus Clay who got involved minutes earlier. Nothing more and nothing less.
Edge showed up because well Del Rio ended his career. He says can't wrestle anymore! that doesn't mean he can't still show up. No. The Injury is not a work. It is legit. He was there to see his best friend live a dream.

Del Rio didn't end his career, nor did they mention or play it off like he did.

Edge's career was ended by years of bumps and hits after his neck surgery. Del Rio didn't do anything to quicken the end of his career, and they didn't even add that implication to the storyline.
The reason why Edge is still showing up because his contract is not yet expired and this is the storyline what WWE made for him, Edge is now working internally for the WWE but not as an active wrestler just like what happened to Finlay and some WWE Stars back then.. I think this year Edge's contract will expire or Q1 2012:lol:

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