You're In A Fight, What Wrestling Move Do You Use?

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AJ Style's flying forearm shot, Punk's kicks, Koslov's headbutt, then probably kick 'em in the stomach and a Fame-asser or an axe kick. Codebreaker/Pay Dirt would be fucking hilarious too.
Do me a favor guys, please don't ever try to do a wrestling move to someone who's trained to fight. Really not a good idea. I'm sure this is just a fun least I hope so.

I've trained MMA for years...let's look at the breakdown

Superkick - you'd be so nice as to give me your leg so it can be broken...anyone trained would see that coming a mile away...after that I hope you like limping.

Pile Driver/Rock Bottom (basically any exaggerated move to lift them off the ground without their assistance) - tell the truth, is anyone talking on here really strong enough to lift a 200 - 300 lbs man (and YES they are out there). Maybe if you do it to a High Schooler....

Clothesline - oooh goody, not only do you knock them silly (for a few moments) if they're big enough you break your arm too! What fun. If you make sure you bend your arm slightly, maybe you'll just dislocate your shoulder.

Rock Bottom - A HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Obviously a joke.

Walls of Jericho - this one might just work if you knock them loopy...but then again you deal with someone who's been trained and they won't be in it for long.

Armbar - now THIS one will work. Executed properly...NO ONE is getting out.
Throw them down and apply the armbar from the side and lean back and they're in for a fun time.

Spinebuster - if they're running toward you...then great...but then you have to deal with the whole manslaughter/murder thing...cause if they hit the back of their head, they're done...then you be away for a long long time.

Sleeper - good move...done it before in a play fight (friends fighting)...what's even more fun is when they try to stomp your feet or hit you anywhere behind...drop down...they have to go with you and then THEY'RE DONE.

I'm sure there's more...but I'll write about those later.

Kata-ha-Jime/Tazzmission. Could legitimately expel all air from their lungs, effectively crushing their larynx or whatever. Well, that or stiff shots combined with an Alabama Slam through a table or haystack.
Funny topic... Well the more "spectacular" wrestling moves just don't work unless the person it is being done to helps you... I'm thinking of things like Powerbombs here, but even a Bodyslam is nigh impossible to do unless you are pretty big and your opponent is pretty small, if they're not helping you lift them up... Of course, if you are around 250 pounds, and your opponent is not - I guess you can do pretty much any wrestling move (if you get a hold of them).

For me (of rather average stature) I think mostly submission moves would work. I've actually found the Cobra Clutch to be quite useful, as it can really do some nice pain to the shoulder. However I believe a real choke would be more useful, if you can get it applied... But well, in "reality", most people will indeed fight back (like trying to punch you overhead and what not) instead of just waiting for a ref to lift your arm once, twice... but NO THE THIRD TIME IT STAYS UP!!! lol...

A Spear can hurt too if done right and with sufficient impact... big risk of missing though, could mess yourself up pretty bad.

I suppose in a real fight, most wrestling moves won't work too well as most of them just need the opponent to help you execute them.
Do me a favor guys, please don't ever try to do a wrestling move to someone who's trained to fight. Really not a good idea. I'm sure this is just a fun least I hope so.

I've trained MMA for years...let's look at the breakdown

Superkick - you'd be so nice as to give me your leg so it can be broken...anyone trained would see that coming a mile away...after that I hope you like limping.

Pile Driver/Rock Bottom (basically any exaggerated move to lift them off the ground without their assistance) - tell the truth, is anyone talking on here really strong enough to lift a 200 - 300 lbs man (and YES they are out there). Maybe if you do it to a High Schooler....

Clothesline - oooh goody, not only do you knock them silly (for a few moments) if they're big enough you break your arm too! What fun. If you make sure you bend your arm slightly, maybe you'll just dislocate your shoulder.

Rock Bottom - A HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Obviously a joke.

Walls of Jericho - this one might just work if you knock them loopy...but then again you deal with someone who's been trained and they won't be in it for long.

Armbar - now THIS one will work. Executed properly...NO ONE is getting out.
Throw them down and apply the armbar from the side and lean back and they're in for a fun time.

Spinebuster - if they're running toward you...then great...but then you have to deal with the whole manslaughter/murder thing...cause if they hit the back of their head, they're done...then you be away for a long long time.

Sleeper - good move...done it before in a play fight (friends fighting)...what's even more fun is when they try to stomp your feet or hit you anywhere behind...drop down...they have to go with you and then THEY'RE DONE.

I'm sure there's more...but I'll write about those later.


Um, The superkick is obviously deadly, it ended Ric Flair's career. Even though Ric gets beat up by his girlfriends boyfriend, doesn't discredit the Super Kick. I one time was being mugged by Tito Ortiz, or someone hispanic, hit the ol' super kick, and I think he died.
Uh...Ric Flair's career ended because it was scripted to end...not because of the superkick. I'm sure someone who's "knocked out" would start crying while being covered after being hit with the move.

I was there for that match...not a dry eye in the house.
Somebody said 'The Pounce' - That would definately look so cool if the guy is dazed and doesnt know where you are and then BAM!!! a POUNCE!,

A headlock, but a really hard one that put the face into the dirt, cant breath while you are face in dirt.

The Heart Punch

The Cobra Clutch, Not exactly effective but if you take it to the ground you can use knee lifts.

Ankle Lock and Figure Four - Both extremely painful and each can break bones.

Clothesline from hell - Eventhough Kane didnt see JBL's clothesline down there it would be good enough to work.

Texas Cloverleaf - My favorite submisssion - Painful and rarely used.

Elbow drop - If you put the point of the elbow into someone's chest hard enough it will really hurt

Booker T's axe Kick - definately devastating if done to the back of the head or middle of the spine

Khali Chop LOL!!! Sounds stupid but if you take the time to chop yourself in the head and then think about how it would hurt if you really meant to hurt someone with it.

A regular Body slam would also do some good damage

Moves that would be awesome to see happen but impossible to do:

* Bourne's Shooting Star Press (With the feet grab) off of the dugout or backstop of a baseball field ,* Jackknife Powerbomb - This is more vicious that the normal bomb
* Moonsault (standing or off of something), * Melina's Split Leg Drop, * Vader Bomb (only if you are much larger than your opponent), * Canadian Destroyer,* Van-Terminator, * The Kendrick (formerly known as Sliced Bread #2) * Swanton Bomb *Tombstone *Doomsday Device (You will need help on this one) *The 3-D (again - help required)
Uh...Ric Flair's career ended because it was scripted to end...not because of the superkick. I'm sure someone who's "knocked out" would start crying while being covered after being hit with the move.

I was there for that match...not a dry eye in the house.

sarcasm tags obviously not working yet. asian so ill just use the green mist that tajii/hornswaggle have used

or if i dont learn that i usually just punch them then if theyre like...ow, i just go for rear naked choke
or the kendrick! (does that actually hurt cause my friend stunnered me and i didnt really think it hurt that much and that looks more painful than the kendrick)

o and a spinebuster....i use it alot against friends i like using it...if we werent on a trampoline it might have hurt :)
get the, addicted to meth. Then when they have to sell all their positions for meth money, buy it, and take away his family. Hed have no fight left.
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