Your WWE PPV Lineup


With all the complaining off the PPV's all the time in WWE. I too do not like teh themed ppv's like 'Hell in a Cell, Elimination Chamber, and TLC.' So simply use any ppv names past and/or present and make the PPV for each month. Or even go bananas and make your own ppv names.

May- Backlash I always loved the name. It makes so much to be right after WM. It gives some fueds that didnt end at 'Mania an end.

June- Extreme Rules Although I dont like many themed PPVs, his is one I like. It gives the night of extreme. A night where every match is No DQ. This idea works alot better in the 'before PG-Era'

July- No Mercy The name sounds like an actual wrestling PPV "Capitol Punishment"

August- SummerSlam A staple PPV of the WWE no need og getting rid of this one.

September- Bad Blood This is another one that only works in Attitude Era especially with no blood now but I love the name.

October- Night of Champions The night where every title is on the line is needed in WWE

November- Survivor Series Another staple WWE PPV that has no buisness in leaving.

December- King of the Ring By many WWE fans, this special PPV is one tht many want back. One night of tournament for the chance to be 'king'

January- Judgment Day Always liked the name!

February- Royal Rumble We all know about this one

March- No Way Out Elimination Chamber but with the new name. I loved this name and it fits elimination chamber so much because there IS no way out.

April- WrestleMania
January-Royal Rumble
August-Road Wild
September-Summerslam Sunday before Labor Day
October-Helloween Havoc-Every match in the confines of HIAC
November-Starrcade on Thanksgiving Night
December-War Games with SS themed main event
January - Royal Rumble
February - No Way Out
April - Wrestlemania
- Backlash
May - Great American Bash
June - One Night Stand
July - Money In The Bank
August - Summerslam
September - Unforgiven
October - Hell In A Cell
- Cyber Sunday
November - Survivor Series
December - Armageddon
January-Royal Rumble
February-No Way Out
June-Extreme Rules
July-Red,White,and Bruised
September-No Mercy
November-Survivor Series
December-King of the Ring
January - Royal Rumble
February - No Way Out
March - Wrestlemania
April - Backlash
May - One Night Stand
June - King of the Ring
July - Great American Bash
August - SummerSlam
September - Night of Champions
October - Cyber Sunday
November - Survivor Series
December - Armageddon
WAR GAMES is SO FAR overdue!
I'd like to see a ONE Time only needed PPV which needs to happen soon! A PPV that is almost entirely made up of 16 or even 32 team Tag Team tournement to crown new champions and create a real tag team division!
Last week of January/1st week of February: Royal Rumble
April: Wrestlemania
June: Great American Bash
August: SummerSlam
October: Halloween Havoc
December: King of the Ring

I would make Survivor Series an event aired on free TV Thanksgiving Night. You could tape it a couple of days ahead of time or, if you think you can sell tickets, have it live. But make it a holiday tradition, like it used to be. But the main point is that 12 (or 13) PPVs are too many. Make PPVs special.
Never saw a reason to change the older lineup, but then again I don't run a wrestling show.

January - Royal Rumble - great way to kick off the year with the largest battle royal

February - No Way Out - the EC theme can stay, but the NWO name has a longer legacy and marks the point of no return on the road to Wrestlemania.

Late March/Early April - Wrestlemania - don't mess with the best

Late April - Backlash - always found it a bit odd to have two shows in one month, but it makes sense for Wrestlemania to have its own blow-off show.

May - Judgement Day - Good foreboding name with implications of a big showdown.

June - King of the Ring - bring back this hot summer treat with at least a semifinal bracket.

July - Great American Bash - another summer staple that should have been kept in favor of a throwaway theme PPV

August - Summerslam - no need to change the Wrestlemania of summer.

September - Unforgiven - underutilised as the Backlash of Summerslam.

October - No Mercy - Nice name that evokes memories of the greatest wrestling game ever.

November - Survivor Series - Is anyone going to suggest a different schedule for the Big Four? Fack no, they ain't broke.

December - Armageddon - This is where it gets difficult. How to name the PPV that caps off the year while transitioning into the next for the cycle to repeat? If nothing else, use December for experimental PPV concepts or alternating themes.

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