Nobody happy with HIAC PPV

My big problem that i have with this concept is that the Hell in a Cell match should be use to end a long running feud. The 3 cell matches that are on the card are feud that lasted for 9 weeks in the case of legacy vs DX and orton vs cena and about 6 for the undertaker vs c.m. punk feud. That not enough time to conclude these feud so they probably will continue these feud until at less survivor series so they are just waisting the hell in the cell match to continue a feud. If these feud continue pass this PPV they won't make sense anymore since they put each other through hell, so what else can they do to each other after this.

This type of PPV is something that TNA would normally do and look how well these theme PPV turn out for them. Outside of lockdown, not one TNA theme PPV sold well. The WWE is trying to copy TNA'S idea for lockdown but without blood and without having every match in the Cell.

The best thing they could have done is keep the name No Mercy for this PPV and make the Hell in the Cell match a staple for this PPV. Have your most important feud inside the Cell, in this case am guessing Cena vs Orton and the rest of the card stay normal. This way the HEll in the cell match seem unique and isn'T over shadowed by another hell match and the PPV comes out looking good. Now we get 3 hell matches with feud that don't have enough build up to get to this stage, so you will get is 3 average Cell matches that probably nobody will remember.
I guess Im in the minority here because I am excited for the HIAC PPV and I have seen every HIAC Match since its inception. I also don't see how this is copying TNA's Lockdown considering only 3 Matches are in the Cell itself. WWE never said every Match would be inside HIAC unlike what TNA does for Lockdown,now that gets repetitive. Yes it would be nice to see some blood but if not I guess I can roll with it. So im looking forward to watching the PPV and seeing how it turns out.
i like the hell in a cell ppv idea i just dont like the pg era. i think that the wwe and world titles. should be in a hell in a cell not dx vs legact and do you guys remember after dx saying they beat vince in the cell. moments later king says that dx has never been in a hell in a cell match together. and the tlc dont blame vunce there was a poll on wwe website that ask the fans what themed ppv they wanted and most of the fans said tlc. well i voted for the tournament type ppv.
The WWE creative better pray to God that all goes well, 'cause they are taking a huge risk by gambling the with so much on the line, they could've just given us a few highlights of past Hell in a Cell feuds and matches and give us just one Hell in a Cell match. I for one would've preferred the Armageddon Hell in a Cell (6 man). It didn't end all of the feuds involved in it, so it would've been acceptable to continue some feuds. My pick for the match would be from the Smackdown brand: CM Punk, Undertaker, Matt Hardy(Where the hell is he?), Batista, Chris Jericho & Big Show. But that's just me.

Side Note: Where the hell is Matt Hardy, he taps to Punk and poof... he pulls a Houdini. What? WWE lost interest in him already?
I think the idea of themed PPVs are WWE's way of trying to get new watchers and HIAC is one of their most popular matches so having a PPV made up entirley of them sounded good on paper, but Hell in a Cell matches are greuling so i think they realised what would happen to the wrestlers but it was to late to change it
WWE never said every Match would be inside HIAC

this is true, but it wold be kinda stupid (if that's the right word to say) to have three hell in a cell match and a couple singles matches. maybe it's just me that believes that. but just like some think, i don't think this pay per view is gonna "boost" the HIAC match, 'specialy due to the fact that WWE doesnt allow blood (as many people have said)

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