Nobody happy with HIAC PPV


Pre-Show Stalwart
Under the Wrestlezone headlines, it's being reported that the creative team is unhappy with the Hell in a Cell PPV concept. Apparently, as are the wrestlers. They all don't like the fact that there are multiple cell matches in one night, because they take the quality away from one another, and there's no blood aloud in any of the matches so that takes away from it too. We all knew this was a shitty idea. We saw their mistake from the beginning, but now they finally realize it.

I hope creative learned their damn lesson. Hopefully this will be the first, and last Hell in a cell themed ppv. So do you all think this will affect the other themed ppvs? Because the TLC themed ppv is approaching soon, and that can be just as big of a problem than the HIAC ppv. Bottom line, all of the themed ppvs have the same concept if you ask me, it just ruins the quality of the match, which is what happened to the elimination chamber, having 2 in one night.
Can`t see how they came up with such a stupid idea in the first place. It`s just cliché and will ruin one of the most original and feared structured in wwe history. I`m bored already on hearing there would be 3 HIAC matches and the announcements of these matches were all except exciting. And calling the PPV Hell in a cell is meh. That thing is failing and clearly shows lack of creativity. Good storyline with the proper players leading into a normal PPV is still the winning formula. Am sure I would not even want to hear about a HIAC match for quite a while after this. And am not bloodthirsty or something but no freaking blood in a Hell I a Cell match???? Seriously whatever happened to "the steal will rip flesh, there will be a blood bath bla bla bla"
Cyber Sunday is a creative concept, one night stand was one too(or extreme rules) but concept PPV (and I`m talking of the upcoming tlc match also) is just terrible.
They`ll ruin HIAC before ruining TLC next. It`s basic stuff, you get too much of something, people will reject it... every time.
Two thumbs down for coming up with this...I was really surprised they did, terrible idea.
I am sad that some of those great Hell In A Cell matches from the past will be sharing the spotlight of 3-4 Hell matches in one night. The audience is going to get extremely bored of this famous an infamous match. Similar to the once importan Last Man Standing match, the Hell in the Cell will be overused and lose it's importance as the big match.
Honestly, I'm apalled that the WWE, allegedly the industry leader in professional wrestling, would go TNA on us. We get it, people like Lockdown. That's all good and well, however to see the WWE try to replicate this with one of their own PPV's is disgusting. And what's more, it comes at the expense of killing off the prestige and, for lack of a better word, impact of one of the most brutal match stipulations in all history. Hell in a Cell is meant to be the be-all end-all of a feud, used when the feud has come full circle and it is time to decisively determine the winner. But now, VKM and friends are using it to help advance Cena-Orton and Taker-Punk, which ultimately demeans the intimidation and "wow" factor, if you will, of a match that is remembered for big spots, ending long-running feuds, gore, and... well, more gore. And the matches have to live up to this status quo all without bleeding. Good luck with that gore and blood part. In summary, while it's fantastic that creative has finally realized they've shot themselves in the foot, it's a case of too little, too late, as matches come this way that must be INCREDIBLY technically sound and overwhelmingly impressive in order to make up for the traditional structure of a HiaC match.
I agree that the Hell in a Cell ppv concept is a bad idea. It is simply going to be boring unless there are crazy spots in the world title matches. As for TLC though I think it could work. What if you deconstruct it and have a 2 out of 3 fall match. Fall 1 is a chairs match where there is a chair on a pole or something or where there are tons of chairs but its the only legal weapon. Then the second fall is a tables match and the third and final fall a ladder match. Concepts that can be adjusted are alright and I really dont mind no way out with the multiple elimination chambers. For that matter I didnt hate breaking point. The key is some sort of difference in each of the matches and you just don't get that with HIAC
well im going and im gonna enjoy it no matter how shitty it is
i just dont understand how we have a hell in a cell themed ppv with a pg rating
the only way i see this working is if wwe adds DLV
if you guys can remember smackdown was always tv-pg but with dslv thats how they got away with all the blood violence and sex
hopefully this is the solution!!
well im going and im gonna enjoy it no matter how shitty it is

I really like this attitude.

Anyway, I'm honestly not sure how I feel about this. Wrestling fans both hate and love change. There's no real middle ground there. This is a really new concept so I'm wary of saying "It's going to be horrible" before I've actually seen anything from it. The word, both from fans and now seemingly creative is negative, and I'm leaning towards that while trying to stay open minded. If we go into it thinking it's going to be horrible we probably won't enjoy it. Maybe WWE will surprise us and this will all work out. Maybe.
Can`t see how they came up with such a stupid idea in the first place. It`s just cliché and will ruin one of the most original and feared structured in wwe history. I`m bored already on hearing there would be 3 HIAC matches and the announcements of these matches were all except exciting. And calling the PPV Hell in a cell is meh. That thing is failing and clearly shows lack of creativity. Good storyline with the proper players leading into a normal PPV is still the winning formula. Am sure I would not even want to hear about a HIAC match for quite a while after this. And am not bloodthirsty or something but no freaking blood in a Hell I a Cell match???? Seriously whatever happened to "the steal will rip flesh, there will be a blood bath bla bla bla"
Cyber Sunday is a creative concept, one night stand was one too(or extreme rules) but concept PPV (and I`m talking of the upcoming tlc match also) is just terrible.
They`ll ruin HIAC before ruining TLC next. It`s basic stuff, you get too much of something, people will reject it... every time.
Two thumbs down for coming up with this...I was really surprised they did, terrible idea.

completely agree. people say that blood isnt needed but without a doubt its going to make a big difference since there will be no telling that the match "its an all out war" or "not for the weak of heart". WWE screwed the pooch big time more concept PPV
It was a very bad idea introducing new PPVs this year all together. For one, Wasn't Breaking Point supposed to be a Submission win only PPV? And Look how it turned out. Wrestlers went to pin for the win instead of making their opponents sumbit. I guess WWE creative realized that not many wrestlers have a submission as a finisher so they decided to scrap the idea in the first place. Just because John Cena has the STF and Undertaker has the devil's triangle and Chris Jericho has The walls of Jericho and CM Punk has the Anaconda Vice doesn't mean that all the other wrestlers in the rosters magically will be able to make other wrestlers submit without knowing any original submissions. I feel that it was only introduced to have the screwjob storyline as horrible as it may have been carried out, played out for CM Punk and The UnderTaker.
Having 3 Hell in a Cell Matches in one night really does take away from the historic prestige that this match has. Basically all I could say is blame the fact that the WWE went to PG to get the kids more involved in the WWE world when really, the kid's parents were already doing that themselves. So the matches really have to be so clean and less hardcore that there is basically no point to Hell in a Cell matches or No DQ matches all together. Wrestlers may as well be going to the ring draped in bubble wrap. Jesus Christ. Big mistake WWE, BIG MISTAKE!!!
I don't understand why they bothered with a HIAC PPV when they know it can't be as violent as it once was. I always loved these matches for the blood. Kinda lame now without it......I still like the PPV, regardless, just don't like it PG.
It's not a secret that I haven't watched WWE in a while, and this is one of those reasons. They thought this up, thinking it'd be huge, and it's blowing up in their faces. I'm sure that upon rewatching, each individual main event might look like a good match, but running them together is going to make them all seem the same, and with no blood, it's basically going to be a match inside of a cage with a roof.

If they really wanted to be innovative, they'd give us a PPV with old-school gimmick matches. Give us a Texas Bullrope Match, a Steel Cage (with the blue bars), or hell...A Weapon On A Pole Match! Something that hasn't already been used between HHH and Orton or Edge and Undertaker.
You would think they would catch their mistake early, but no I hope this is the last themed PPV and they still have time to change TLC so do it.
I dont mind No Way Out 1 chamber per brand doesnt kill me but No blood ( yeah that makes sense) whats next Thumbtacks and no screaming?
Whoever though this was smart should be punished Not fired we all make mistakes but never again.

P.S Whooo first post!!!!!!!! lol
Under the Wrestlezone headlines, it's being reported that the creative team is unhappy with the Hell in a Cell PPV concept. Apparently, as are the wrestlers. They all don't like the fact that there are multiple cell matches in one night, because they take the quality away from one another, and there's no blood aloud in any of the matches so that takes away from it too. We all knew this was a shitty idea. We saw their mistake from the beginning, but now they finally realize it.

I personally like the idea of a Hell in a Cell PPV. The only problem I had was that some of the matches were going to be in a Cell and some were not. Creative are absolutely right that it will detract from the other match. I mean come on! Would you rather see a singles match or a Hell in a Cell match? I know what I would rather see. I don't think it is fair to say that the entire event was a shitty idea, rather the fact that they have decided that some of the matches will not be in a Cell is the shitty idea and are just asking fro trouble with that call. Nevertheless, I thought it was a good idea and I am looking forward to see what comes of it.

I hope creative learned their damn lesson. Hopefully this will be the first, and last Hell in a cell themed ppv. So do you all think this will affect the other themed ppvs? Because the TLC themed ppv is approaching soon, and that can be just as big of a problem than the HIAC ppv. Bottom line, all of the themed ppvs have the same concept if you ask me, it just ruins the quality of the match, which is what happened to the elimination chamber, having 2 in one night.

I disagree with you. I like the idea, as I have stated previously, and I think that we should wait and see what the actual PPV is like before we throw insults about it around. However, I really hope that this signals the end of the themed PPV series. To be honest, these matches are better left alone and pulled out just when they are needed. The Hell in a Cell match is a great match type and I enjoy watching it. Some of my favourite matches have come inside a Hell in a Cell and I am greatly looking forward to this one.

I also don't agree with you about the Elimination Chamber. I honestly thought that No Way Out was the best PPV of this year and it was because of the two chambers.
Before I heard the HIAC PPV was happening, I was hoping that the next Cell match would involve two guys at the end of a bitter, personal and intense fued, and also to signal the end of the PG era (when that happens). It should have been left alone for YEARS. Then announced when nobody was expecting it, for maximum impact.

I'm glad creative realise they have fouled up here, three HIAC matches in one night with no blood is going to become tiresome very quickly.
I hope creative learned their damn lesson. Hopefully this will be the first, and last Hell in a cell themed ppv. So do you all think this will affect the other themed ppvs?

i hope so too! it totally kills the concept of hell in a cell, it's just not special anymore if there are three matches in one night. i still have a hard time liking no way out with two elimination chambers in one night.

Because the TLC themed ppv is approaching soon, and that can be just as big of a problem than the HIAC ppv.

i have to disagree here, since i've read that wwe is planning on having not just tlc matches, but a ladder match, and a tables match. although is still don't like themed ppvs.
Blood is needed in Hell in a Cell and the damn PG rating isn't going to help it one bit. I can understand creative not liking the concept of this PPV. All main events are Hell in a Cell matches? Really? WTF? Hell in a Cell is used to end a feud! Undertaker/Punk will continue. DX/Legacy will continue. Cena/Orton may end here, but with the main event scene on Raw looking bad, I see them STILL fighting...I don't blame creative one bit if all 3 Hell in a Cell matches flop. You need the blood and violence to pour from these matches and all 3 have potential, but sadly will be held back.
Well I think everybody should quit bitching and griping about it because guess what? THE PPV IS GOING TO HAPPEN ANYWAY! You might as well suck it up, watch the PPV, and enjoy the 3 bloodless hell in a cell matches. You people don't realize that the problem isn't that there's 3 in one night. The problem with 3 of these matches and the fact that they're supposed to be bloody, brutal, and well... seem like hell... is the PG rating. I mean how can you have a match that's supposed to represent "hell" with no blood, brutality, or anything edgy? You can't. With the PG rating, and being more family friendly, I'm surprised WWE even still uses the word "hell" in their programming. I know if I was 8 or 9 or something of that nature and run around say "hell," my ass would get it. HIAC with a PG rating is going to be nothing but a glorified cage match.

Yes HIAC matches in the past were great, but it's not the cell that made them good. It was the superstars in the match. You could have the same type of matches inside a regular cage. I know Foley couldn't get thrown off or fall through a cage, but still. The Cell needs to look like hell, the superstars need to look like they're going through hell. The PG rating is what will kill the HIAC match, not the number of them in one night.
It's a shitty idea because we've seen this story before. Do someone remember steel cage matches in NWA days. Steel cage matches were probably one of the best match type ever. Why don't people don't care it anymore ? Instead of being used for ending or blowing off the feud it's been started to be used whenever WWE thinks there should be a gimmick to put on and right now no one gives a shit about steel cage matches. It's not enough. What about i quit and last man standing matches or no dq matches do you really still get excited when you hear these matches ?

So story will repeat itself. What makes gimmick matches so great is after a long and heated feud you have a chance to see the end of feud with a brutal match. Right now we'll see DX vs Legacy feud in HIAC. WHY ? They haven't even been feuding for 3 months. What the fuck is the reason. At least HIAC was still exciting even though we are in PG right now one of the best gimmick matches of all time will be just like an ordinary match.
This is pretty much the final straw on the end of the hell in a cell. The reason for that is because hell in a cells have recently sucked because the expectations used to be so high. We think of hell in a cell as a bloody, awesome battle between 2 people who absolutely hate each other. We don't see many at all (which is how they should keep it) so it kind of helps that when it came around, we would be excited. But since the matches will not be how they SHOULD be, we will witness 3 awful matches in the same night.

If wwe wants to somewhat "fix" whatever they have already ruined, change the tlc ppv becuase it the exact same thing.

There's a problem when the wwe creative team, the wwe wrestlers, and the wwe fans all hate something that is going to happen.

side note: It sucks how wwe has absolutely no competition because if they did, this would be pretty close to a downfall. But since wwe gets 4 times as many viewers (raw), vince will still be there with all his money looking at his wrestlemanias and wrestling dreams thinking about when he had to actually try to be entertaining and actually succeed.
I really think this concept is going to fail. I really hope it doesn't cuz if this PPV fails, I think that the HIAC will end up like Steel Cage. This is going to suck because HIAC is supposed to be the mac daddy of gimmick matches.
Anyways, this PPV might work because it has the first 2 on 2 tag team match with Legacy and DX. But it ultimately won't because I don't see how creative is going to make the other 2 matches different and interesting. Plus no blood adds to the fact that it won't be as good. It just won't make HIAC seem as vicious and feared as it used to be. Unless Orton "RKO's" Cena off the Cell, this PPV won't work.
This is the reason why I am selling my tickets on ebay. As soon as I heard the rematches from the last ppv with Cena VS Orton, DX VS Legacy and Taker VS Punk. I am like ok the main events are the same as the matches from the last ppv.

The only match I am really looking forward 2 is Jericho match. But either way I am happy that I am attending ROH tonight in NYC this should make up for the boring wrestling of next weekend.
I have question, why are PPV's PG? I guess I haven't noticed. I am a fan of the HIAC Cell match, but having too many HIAC matches and having them not end the fueds is going to take away from the purpose of the match.

What size cell are they going to use? I hope they use the smaller "original" cell. It allows the opportunity for a big spot, ala Mick Foley. If they use the giant cell they matches will be boring and uneventful.

Onto the matches:
I am interested to see the three main events though. Punk vs The Undertaker could really establish Punk's Main Event status, it will give him a win over probably one of the HOFers on the roster. Its a shame they brought Kane back to feud with Kali, they could have saved him and then brought him out and had him help Punk win, much like Michaels in the first ever HIAC. If Punk wins there is no way they will have him win clean, not sure if there is anyone who could return or turn to help Punk, if no one does the Undertaker will walk out the WHC.

Orton vs. Cena, also has the potential to be great. If there was one match to have a big spot I think it could be this. Not sure either guy has ever done a big spot, but I think the match could end on the top of the cage with Cena giving Orton an FU off the top of the cell through an announce table or through the center of the cage and Orton falls through the cage into the ring. They could sell his injuries in stopping the match rather than having him lose. Play an injury angle for a little while to give Orton a little break and lead into the new year/wrestle mania. On the other side I can see Orton giving Cena a punt that knocks him off the cage. It would really drive "The Viper" in him. I really hope their is a big spot in this match.

And finally, DX vs. Legacy, this fued has about run its course, but I'm not sure what the WWE is planning on doing. I would love to see Triple H turn on Michaels and lead to a mega fued between the two culminating at Mania, will the WWE do that? Probably not. I think Ted would come away from this match looking dominant. Possibly to lead to a small singles push. This match could go either way, I hope Legacy goes over and comes across looking good. Losing can only hurt Legacy.

Lastly, I hope JR calls all the HIAC matches!
I don't know why WWE doesn't have their PPV's TV-14. I thought that they did but I guess not. I mean if you are paying 40 dollars for a PPV or even 50 for one in HD, why not let it be TV-14. It's not like its on network television. I don't have a problem with the matches but how can you have a PG Hell in a Cell? Also, WWE is right that too many Hell in a Cell matches will take away from the PPV. I understand maybe 2 main event Hell in a Cell matches but 4 or 5?

If you base your PPV on one type of match, then you wont have variety or be able to have those matches on Raw or Smackdown because they were on a PPV. If it was a regular PPV with Hell in a Cell. Ladder,TLC matches, and regular matches then fans won't be bored. Everyone in created needs to be fired and wiped clean with a new team. I know most of those people are McMahon's but they need someone that knows about the business and not Hollywood writers.

It may be a good PPV, may be terrible. I just don't think anyone is willing to take a chance and pay 40 or 50 dollars on something mediocre.
I'm also pretty disappointed with this, as I am with the upcoming TLC PPV and the previous Breaking Point PPV. Although Breaking Point did turn out to be pretty decent, I just feel like, specifically, the Hell in a Cell PPV is going to be the worst one. They can't even book any of these matches with blood, which means we're bound to get at least one bad one out of this. I have faith in the Undertaker, Triple H and HBK as they've all been in possibly the best Hell in a Cell matches to date. But I just can't see what hasn't already been done. I also hope that Vince realizes what he's doing, and next year scrapes the whole gimmick ppv thing.
Considering that I've never seen a Hell in a Cell match,I'm actually quite excited.I don't care if it gets repetitive,because they'll probably scrap this concept after the first time around.As long as I get to see No Way Out's EC matches,I'll be happy.But unlike everyone else,I'm looking forward to how this plays out.

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