Your Top 5 Matches of 1997?

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Pre-Show Stalwart
ok I usaully do top 3 matches but theres so much that happened in Wrestling which deserve to be mentioned ECW Finally Found its feet in the Wrestling World by having their First PPV, Their was the Hart Foundation taking on The USA, Hogan vs Sting after how meny Months of Build up, Stone Cold breaking his neck, Tommy Dreamer finally beat Raven after loosing to him for 2 years, The Montreal Screwjob, The Famous Speech by Vince "Bret Screwed Bret", The Start of the Attitude Era, The Forming of D-X, and so on so heres my top 5 Matches of 1997 in any ordor......

Hell In The Cell Badd Blood 1997
Shawn Michaels vs Undertaker

the first ever HITC match the second time HBK/Taker met eachother, the it self set the standard of how brutal this match can be, Shawn Worked his ass in this match and even for his size made you believe he could hang with the deadman, he even took that spot off the cell through a table.

Submission Match Wrestlemania 13
Bret Hart vs Stone Cold Steve Austin

everyone knows about this match so no point going into detail.

Tables and Ladders ECW November to Remember 1997
Sabu vs Sandman

what a match! this was before TLC was invented these 2 had such a great feud in ECW, Both men went through hell in this match great spots, loads of tables, Blood, Barbed wire could ask for more in a match.

Cruiserwieght title WCW Halloween Havoc 1997
Rey Mysterio jr vs Eddie Guererro

WOW! What a Fucking MAtch this match is what Cruiserweight Wrestling is all about if you havent seen this match its a must.

Singles Match King Of The Ring 1997
Shawn Michaels vs Stone Cold Steve Austin

not that meny people remember this match they remember the WM14 encounter more but this was a really good match the build up was great, and these 2 put on a classic a shame about the ending but great match.

theirs loads more I could list but I want to hear about what you guys like all these matches I've chossen Is the one's that I enjoy watching I look forward to reading your's.
great list, i also liked hunter vs mankind mainly beause it was the last time they used the classic blue cage (that i can recall) stone cold vs owen would have been a good one too if it wasn't for that painful ending. I cringe watching it
Great list

Firt of, what a great year 1997 was! If I could go back and relive one year in would be 1997. The rise of Stone Cold, the NWO storyling in its prime, the Hart foundation reunion, the monday night wars, the montreal screwjob, the beginning of the attitude era, and the change from Raw to RAW IS WAR! And I saw RAW LIVE! for the very first time ever! It was July 97 and The Hart Foundation were waving that red Maple Leaf proudly and we were eating it up in Halifax! Good times.

My top 5 matches:
5)Shawn vs Bret:Survivor Series
(yeah, I know the match was crap. But its such a pivotal moment in Wrestling History that it's worth revisiting)

4)Shawn vs Taker:Hell In A Cell
(First Hell In A Cell!)

3)Rey vs Eddie:Halloween Havoc
(I agree with everything Quink987 wrote. This was what the WCW cruiserweights were all about. In fact, theres probably a boat load of other classic cruiser matches from that years Nitro that we're all probably forgetting)

2)The 1997 Royal Rumble. (Austin wins....sort of. lol)

1)Austin vs Bret:Submission. Wrestlemania 13
(what else could be number one really? lol)
Here are my top 5 matches, and one I'm surprised no one has mentioned yet...

5) Eddie Guerrero vs Rey Mysterio Jr.- Halloween Havoc- Cruiserweight title! Two HOF'ers. 5 star match... nuff said!

4) Sabu vs Sandman- first ECW match I ever saw... too this day I wonder how in the blue hell anyone could put there body through that!

3) Bret Hart vs HBK- Survivor Series... yes I know it had the Screwjob finish... but come on, where would we be without it...

2) Hollywood Hogan vs Sting- Starcade 1997- This was the (supposed to be) the saving of WCW and was a long drawn out conclusion to one of the best story lines ever written (sting vs nwo that is). It had a bit of a screwy ending as well as the Montreal Screwjob, but it was the culmination of everybodys beliefs... either for Sting or for the NWO and Hollywood Hogan!

1)Bret Hart vs Stone Cold Steve Austin---- DUH! do we really need another explanation!
10 man Tag Team Match In your House 16
Stone Cold,Ken Shamrock,LOD,Goldust vs The Hart Foundation

this was another great match from 1997 it was in the middle of the biggest Anti-American feud in the WWE and the match it self was a instant classic. you really thought a Real War could brake out between The USA and Canada.

Boot Camp Match In your House D-Generation X
Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs Sgt Slaughter

not that many people proberly dont remember this match but it was a decent hardcore match, Triple H made Slaughter look like he was back in his prime proberly the best match of the night.

WWF Title Summerslam 1997
Bret Hart vs Undertaker
another great performance from the hitman and the deadman, these 2 always worked well together, the build up was great the involvment of HBK added to the drama and the chair shot heard around the world when HBK hit Taker by accident.

ECW title Barbed Wire Match Born to be Wired 97
Terry Funk vs Sabu

this was such a brutal match and the last Barbed wire match in ECW, Sabu even torn his arm open and then wraped in back up in the match a proper brutal match if Terry Funk is the king of hardcore Sabu must be next to the throne.

so hears some more great matches from 1997 this is properly my favourite year in Wrestling.
5) Eddie Guerrero vs Rey Mysterio - Halloween Havoc - Wow! just WOW!!! amazing match!!! I miss this kind of action out of Rey Rey, and I definitely miss Eddie. This was probably one of the greatest cruiserweight matches I've ever seen in my life!!! It was jut nonstop move after move after move by both men. just sad WCW could never elevae them to be more to the company...

4) Hogan vs Sting - almost a year to build up this match!!! By no means was Hogan ever a great wrestler, but just the build up to this match made it a must see and in the arena they just the crowd on their feet the whole time! It was a great time for wcw fans

3) Austin vs Bret Hart at wrestlemania 13 - contrary to others, for me, this match was not number 1 in my list for 1997. It was good, it was very entertaining. The hatred displayed in the ring by both these men, seemed so real, this was the turning point for a lot of things, wwf was gonna get edgier, the fans started to like the heel attitude. It was just a great match to watch

2) Shawn Michaels vs Bret Hart - Survivor Series 1997, sorry to say, but the Screwjob did a lot of positive things for the business. WWE could finally take off into another direction, rather than stay and please Bret Hart, DX took off strong, Austin came up huge, so all in all the match itself was great, the ending was better because it was all real, no scripts no nothing.

1) Hell in a Cell - Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels - Badd Blood - being the 1st ever HIAC match, these 2 really set the standard as to how these matches should be. It was brutal, Michaels was a bloody mess, Kane debuted and tombstoned his brother, and Michaels put on a wrestling clinic!
5. Steve Austin vs. Owen Hart, SummerSlam

Keeping in mind Austin’s health is infinitely more important than a wrestling match or angle, that botched piledriver robbed us of what could have been an all time classic. The match was already going great until the accident and we hadn’t yet reached the climax. I think it’s safe to say these two had a good finish planned that would have made this an unforgettable match for the right reasons.

4. Rey Misterio Jr. vs. Eddie Guerrero, Halloween Havoc

I rarely go outside WWE for these kinds of lists, just because it’s what I know and remember, but I thought this match was awesome. These guys were on that night and hit all of their spots beautifully. Unfortunately so many have adapted this style over the years that moves that used to dazzle us have become almost routine. This type of match is more effective in smaller doses.

3. British Bulldog vs. Owen Hart, Raw

Shame on all of you who have posted in here so far and haven’t put this on your list. This was a beautiful match and one I wish would have happened at WrestleMania. I am confident if this had taken place at mania it would be on every list.

2. Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels, Badd Blood

This is another match that had a big match atmosphere. The first Hell in a Cell created a lot of intrigue. These two gave it their all and gave us something special. The visual of Michaels and Taker battling on the top of the cell was truly unique. It may seem tame now after Mick Foley set a new standard for insanity during his cell match with Taker, but HBK’s fall from the cage through a table was a great spot. The memorable debut of Kane just added to the match. It’s close to number one, but how could I not go with…

1. Bret Hart vs. Steve Austin, WrestleMania

What can I say about this match that hasn’t been said before? Two guys who put on such a great wrestling match just four months earlier met up again and this time gave us a great fight. Austin trying to fight out of the sharpshooter with blood pouring down his face is one of the most memorable images in wrestling history.

Honorable mention to the ten man tag at Canadian Stampede. Unbelievable atmosphere and one of the most fun matches ever.
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