Your Top 10 Favourite Wrestlers Right Now


Getting Noticed By Management
Who are favourite top 10 wrestlers as of today that are currently active.

My list would look like this:

1.Mr. Anderson
2.Jeff Hardy
3.Daniel Bryan
4.Sin Cara
5.CM Punk
6.Austin Aries
7.Kevin Steen
8.AJ Styles
9.Michael Elgin
10.Davey Richards


1.Mr. Anderson- I find Anderson so funny. My favourite of all time is The Rock and Anderson is entertaining in the lot of the same ways. I know most people will say he's stronger on the mike and his personality outshines what he does in the ring but my favourites of all time tend to have a lot of personality. And he's actually not that bad of a wrestler. See wars with Kurt Angle.

2.Jeff Hardy- Hardy's got a lot of haters over his substance abuse problems, but I like his daredevil moves and crazy outfits and face paint. It reminds me old school Sting and the Great Muta.

3.Daniel Bryan- Daniel Bryan is the hottest wrestler right now. It seems he can do no wrong. He's a great wrestler and is always on. He's got this energy and passion just coming out of him and he's just hitting it out the park every single Raw, Smackdown and PPV.

4.Sin Cara- I'm a mark for highflying, death defying luchadore. I really enjoy that style. Sin Cara seems like a young Rey Mysterio with a more edgy side. I would actually put Cara above Bryan if he didn't have so many injuries and unfortunate botches, I think that really hurt his momentum.

5.CM Punk- CM Punk at one time was at the top or near the top of my list. Don't get me wrong he's still great but I'm not feeling that passion from him. Punk is at his best when he shows what he really believes in his promos. I don't think the way he's been booked over the past year is terrible but I do think there could have been a more effective way to present Punk, to make him a bigger star and make the WWE more money.

6.Austin Aries- Austin Aries is a breath of fresh air in the wrestling business and him being on top of TNA is a really fun dream scenario for me. To see it every week on TNA makes watching that product even more enjoyable for me.
I guess I would rank him higher but the guys above I have been following for a long time or just really like their style.

7.Kevin Steen- This is a guy who can talk, this a guy who can wrestle, and this is a guy that creates chaos and havoc whereever he goes. He's a little Steve Austin, he's a little Brian Pillman. He's out of control and really wants to give Jim Cornette fits. That's a great recipe for a wrestling show.

8.AJ Styles-There was always a reason to watch TNA from day one in my opinion and it was AJ Styles. I do think he doesn't get as much credit as he deserves. I know that if his name is a TNA card (which it almost always is) I'm going to see something amazing and that will blow me away athletically.

9.Michael Elgin- He's ROH's resident big thick bruiser that can hurt people. He's like a mini Vader. He's got the impressive power moves like the fall away slams and spinning powerbomb. But he really showed the wrestling world that he can hang with elite of the business as he put on match with Davey Richards ealier this year which was a good technical war as anyone has had in the last 5 years that I've seen.

10.Davey Richards- Intense, hard hitting, firely, relentless. A vast array of submissions and swift hard kicks and had a great shooting star press. If you put this guy in a ring with anyone you'll have a good to great match and if you put him in there with someone great you'll have a match of the year easy.

Who are your top 10 favourites as of today?
No order

John Cena - He's got his haters but I'm not one of em. I appreciate how hard he works for the company, he busts his bone off and deserves everything he gets. He gets a lot of shit for his matches & promos but he can be good when he wants to be and when the situation really calls for it like his feuds with Punk last year and The Rock.

Austin Aries - I've never seen the man deliver a bad match, he has a great look and a great moveset too. I mark whenever he does the Suicide Dive through the bottom rope.

Dolph Ziggler - You gotta love the Showoff gimmick, he reminds me of a young, cocky Shawn Michaels. He's getting better on the mic and delivers great matches. And he sells like he's getting shoot with a bullet.

Kurt Angle - His career hasn't been the same since his move to TNA but he's still putting on great performances at his age & with his injuries. My only problem with him is how he has become such a TNA fanboy and talks a lot of shit about the WWE & lie about things while he's at it but at the end of the day, Kurt is still one of my favourites. I also wished made it into the Olympics this year even if he would lose, it would still be great to see him in it.

Samoa Joe - I remember when Brother Ray told Joe a few years ago, that he was the last of the badasses in the ring and I truly believe that. There isn't much badasses left in wrestling and I'm a huge fan of badasses. Joe can deliver a badass promo and put on just as badass matches if given the chance to shine.

Zema Ion - You're probably thinking "WTF" right now but he's good in my book. His entrance song is one of my favourites currently and I like his look, he reminds of Kazuya or Jin from one of my favourite games of all time, Tekken. He could put on some decent matches too.

Ryback - I don't care what anyone says, this man is the future of the WWE. Call him a Goldberg ripoff all you want but he's just as impressive as him and unlike Goldberg is actually a catchphrase machine, "Feed Me More", "Done", "Stupid", "Finish Him". His attire also looks good on him, I see people always suggesting WWE should get rid of his attire but it makes him look more badass imo especially since it has the Terminator skull logo on it.

Prime Time Players - Never supported them when they were in singles on NXT but together, the boys have charisma & personality with their over the top dancing and "Millions Of Dollars" catchphrase, they crack me up whenever they go over the top actually. Even without A.W by their side, I see them going places. They have charm.

Damien Sandow - His gimmick makes him a good mic man and he's pretty good in the ring too. If given the chance, I can see him putting on good feuds with the likes of Jericho and some other main eventers. He has potential and I'm gonna back him.

CM Punk/Daniel Bryan - I'm undecided when it comes to who I like more. They're both talented wrestlers, Punk is awesome on the mic and is a like a PG Stone Cold to me but I do find him quite him overrated by the IWC & he believes his own hype and that bugs me. And Daniel has the whole "YES" and "NO" thing which has frankly come to annoy the shit out of me cause it doesn't do anything for me and because he also stole it off Diego Sanchez and just ruined it for him. With Austin's "WHAT?", that always made me laugh especially when the wrestlers would react to it like R-Truth, Undertaker, Kurt Angle did. I wish it never took over "WHAT?".
Like this thread for the fact that everyone can take their "Top 5" out of their signatures now.

1. Punk - He's the guy that I tune into see. I can't help it. I'm drawn to what he does.
2. Bryan - Man he's good at what he does. He's gold right now.
3. Ziggler - I'm buying what he's selling -- no pun intended. (RAGDOLL)
4. Roode - Best heel in the business right now.
5. Ambrose - Once he debuts, he's my number one. Until then he's here.
6. Sandow - Loving his mic skills and wrestling ability.
7. Hardy - Number one all time, but hating his TNA role right now.
8. Orton - He puts on great matches and gets the job done.
9. Bully Ray - He's so entertaining. His stupid little catch phrases have me sold.
10. Samoa Joe - Great, great wrestler. Love his matches.
My top 10 favorite wrestlers in random order:

CM Punk: A great character and performer in the ring. I couldn't ask for more as the WWE Champion.

The Miz: A cocky character since his time with John Morrison. I always thought he was hilarious, a great heel, and a good performer.

Chris Jericho: The best in the world! What else can I say?

Dolph Ziggler: A star with a lot of potential to become one of the biggest world champions in WWE history. When I heard the pop when he came out after winning the Smackdown MITB I instantly got behind him and I love his character.

Christian: I always though Christians was a great performer.

Alberto Del Rio: A great heel.

Daniel Bryan: A great technical wrestler and awesome face for the WWE.

Kane: I always have been a fan of Kane. Since I was a kid I was scared of Kane and believed he was really a burn victim. However, as I got older I realized he was only playing a character. When he was more of a monster he was awesome. A huge wrestler who can cause chaos everywhere he went. Even though he has gotten older I still think he can pull it off. Kane only needs the right wrestler to work with to come off as a monster instead of giant who destroys jobbers or other big wrestlers.

The Undertaker: Like Kane, I always like the Undertaker. I saw him though his ministry days, to the American badass, to coming back as the Dead man and becoming a legend.

Cody Rhodes: The son of legendary Dusty Rhodes. I can see Cody Rhodes becoming a legend in the wrestling business like his father and becoming a huge star in the WWE.
In no particular order

CM Punk - my favorite WWE title run in a while. Great in the ring and on the mic.

Daniel Bryan - never thought he would get over like he did, but i am glad. One of the most entertaining performers right now.

Chris Jericho - one of my favorites of all time. Liking him as a face against Dolph a lot.

Bully Ray - One of if not the best heel in wrestling right now. He has me entertained everytime he is on my screen.

Bobby Roode - Right up there with Bully in the best heel in the business category. His title run made people notice Impact.

Kevin Steen - great on the mic, and was the first guy to really get me into ROH. I liked it before, but Steen has made it must see for me.

Somoa Joe - Glad to see he is finally getting another push. Loved him in his undefeated run. It's good to see him back to being a badass.

HHH - Anytime HHH is involved in a feud I know I will be entertained. A sentimental favorite of my from the attitude era.

Alberto Del Rio - He is just a character that I have liked since his debut. I think he does well on the mic, and can hold his own in the ring. He is a guy I don't get all the hate for.

Austin Aries - he is still growing on me but he took TNA by storm. Love to watch his matches, and he has the mic skills as well. Was the only guy I could have seen besides Storm taking the belt off Roode.
1.) Bully Ray: Here atop my list sits the best character in wrestling today. No, it's not the WWE Champion. Nope, not the TNA Champion either. It's Bully Ray, the best heel TNA has churned out in quite some time. The next person on my list has a bit to say about that too, but Bully edges out Roode juuuust enough to make the top spot. A damn fine ring worker, true to his character every second of on-air time, Bully Ray is just phenomenal. For TNA to lose him right now would be a crushing blow; one I hope we don't have to see.

2.) Bobby Roode: Or should I say, "Bobby...Roooooooooo." I'll admit it, I hang on this guys' every word. He's so good, that I can't fully support Austin Aries' reign as Champion because I miss Roode on top that much. If there was ever a guy to finally take the TNA ball and run with it, it's him. Once he was given that shot on top, he sprinted and never looked back; it's almost impossible to imagine Beer Money Roode now, even though that version of his character was also excellent. And now the question we've been left with after this week's Impact: what's next?

3.) CM Punk: For the first time since John Cena held the title against Edge, when I think of the words "WWE Champion" and image of one man comes to mind. CM Punk has brought life to a dying brand, and more importantly a dying title belt. Not everything he does deserves to be worshiped - I've become at least a little more of a realist about Punk's work - but he is damn good. I will say this: CM Punk is never bad.

4.) Daniel Bryan: YES!

5.) Chris Daniels/Kazarian: The World Tag Team Champions...of the World. They're great in the ring, they're great out of the ring. As they'd put it: Daniels and Kazarian are two planets worth of great! As I said with AJ, their current storyline blows. But leave it to these two clowns to still make some of the segments a highlight of Impact Wrestling each and every week. "Phenomenal Fetus" +10

6.) Austin Aries: I feel bad for putting the TNA Champ so far down the list, but I'm simply just not sold on him as a World Champion yet. His win did a lot to change my mind, and his retention got me close. Hopefully after BFG I'll believe it, but I'm not sold on his mic work. His in-ring work is obviously second-to-none (well...maybe), but when you're carrying a company ring work can't be your only crutch. Nobody is good enough to carry the industry on one attribute alone; even Bret Hart carried with him a persona of respect from the Dungeon.

7.) Dolph Ziggler: The best salesman in wrestling today. And of course, by that I mean his ability to make even the easiest of maneuvers look 100 times more shiny. Mr. Money in the Bank is a future World Champion in the making, and his upcoming match with Jericho is going to be off the charts good. My only issue right now is that if he sticks with Vickie, I see him becoming a little bit more stale each week as he plows his way into the main event scene. It hasn't happened yet, but I can see the gradual decay on the horizon. THe best in the business reinvent themselves and rise above; it's about time Ziggler showed the world he's at the top of his industry.

8.) AJ Styles: He's been given some of wrestling's shittiest stories - his current angle not withstanding - but every time he resolves it in the ring, where he belongs. I don't care about the Claire Lynch story; not even enough to look up if that's actually how you spell her name. I tend to black out large chunks when they try to further it on Impact. But Styles is still one of the best wrestlers in the world, and after his last few PPV matches he deserves this spot on principle.

9.) Chris Jericho: I am a HUGE Chris Jericho fan, but as with most things in life, it's "what have you done for me recently?" He's put on great matches, and recently I've loved his stuff with Dolph Ziggler. Sure his return as a whole kinda blows, and he'll be gone really soon too, which sucks equally as much ass. But for now Jericho is still on my good side.

10.) Ryback: Put your skepticism aside, because he's REALLY on my list. Legitimate feud or not, WWE has taken the slow and steady approach with Ryback, and I've loved every minute of it. They've made me slowly invest in his character every week; that's a good thing because it both keeps my expectations in check and gets me excited to see what he's going to do the next week. I love the way he's booked too, as with bigger guys like Tyler Rekks he does take some damage before bulldozing his way through talent. He's one of the few monsters that's able to at least somewhat put over the guys he's beating every week. I'm excited to see him given a real feud and a real opponent that I can put my interest fully behind, but I'm also not going to rush things. If Ryback is in a mid-card title feud by say, Survivor Series I think that would be just right.

Honorable Mentions

Half the TNA Roster: There are certainly a lot of great talents I didn't list above; many of them from the TNA roster. I've always thought Magnus a great mic worker, and he's proven to be more than a solid ring worker. Him and Samoa Joe have excellent chemistry both as partners and opponents, and if they develop a serious feud they both be gunning for a spot on the least. RVD, Kurt Angle, Jeff Hardy, and Ken Anderson are all great wrestlers, but they've been caught in the middle of the BFG Series with not a ton of room for story-telling. The few lines Hardy has been given he delivered with apathy. James Storm has been great, but there's just something about his character that doesn't quite appeal to me. Like I said, TNA has a TON of great talent right now. I couldn't list them all, but they should be damn proud to have a far-superior roster.

Sheamus/Alberto del Rio: I'm not a big enough fan of either to list them individually, but they've taken their feuding to the next level and I have to really hand it to the both of them. Hopefully they can continue to be interesting, as they have great chemistry together, but I worry about their respective futures after this feud comes to an end.

Big Show: Believe it or not, I'm a big fan of heel Big Show. When WWE really lets him loose, and allows him to be a true monster I think he's one of the better characters in the company.

The Miz: Oh Miz, you cocky cock. Few people have the ablility to get under the fans' skin like the Miz, and that alone is why I respect him. He's a slightly above average in-ring talent too, which helps. After a rather lame Christian reign, I'm glad to see the Intercontinental Championship around the waist of a guy I know WWE puts stock in. No offense Christian...
1. Bully Ray - Who would of thought Buh Buh Buh Buh Buh....bubba ray would one day be the most compelling, entertaining in heel in the buissness! Promo work and in ring work is just fantastically entertaining.

2. Kevin fucking Steen - he has made ROH interesting once again.

3. Daniel Bryan - He has proved over the last year that he is undoubtedly the best wrestler in WWE and ten times better than the overrated, self righteous, hypocritical, douchebag liar that is CM Punk.

4. Samoa Joe - really starting to gain momentum again and looking like his old self again.

5. Prince Devitt - honed his style in Japan to perfection and always puts on great great matches.

6. Curt Hennig - yeah he is sort of dead but I have been getting into his AWA stuff recently and loving it.

7. Ryback - what an I say? I like watching him beat up smaller guys! Keep up the good work with BAS!

8. Robbie E - the guy is funny! And I don't care what people say about his in ring work, he is good! I like his annoying, brash attitude and he is entertaining on the mic. Also his bump at hardcore justice was great!

9. Eddie Guerrero - same as Hennig

10. I'm bored now And can't think so I'll say the first wrestler I think of....das wunderkid Alex wright yaaaah!
CM Punk The ultimate showman. He's a god on the mic, his in ring skill is endless, and hes brought the buisness to the next level. Hes a great heel, and hes a great face, so hes good for any angle.

Ryback Exactly what the WWE beeds right now. Hes the perfect fit for the new age, and Ithink hes quite impressive. As soon as everyone stops giving him goldberg chants, he can get a big push.

R-Truth This guys really something. I think his fast, energetic in-ring skill is phenomenal, and I think hes getting really good on the Mic. Its about time he gets a push.

Austin Aries This is the perfect fit for TNA. They are going through a rough time, and I think Austin Aries is going to put them on the map.

Sheamus Love hin or hate him, this guy is a great face. He has a huge moveset with a wide variety of signature moves. I think his mic skill could improve, but other than that, i'm a fan.

Daniel Bryan In ring genius. Hes a fantastic heel, And hes getting better and better. But, Seeing the same thing every week is starting to become a bore.

Primo and Epico These are the guys that are going to save the tag team division. True luchas, and they never bore me.

Sin Cara Say what you want about him, but I really like the whole mysterious gimmic. And no, he is not and never eill be Rey Mysterio, but I still love him.

Dolph Ziggler Both great on the mic, and in the ring, he never lets me down. I think he really gets under the skin of the fans, andthat exactly what a heel needs to do.

Jack Swagger Its really a shame how the WWE is using him. Hes got a great gimmick, a large moveset, and hea in good shape. I think that if used right, he could be as great as Kurt Angle.
10. Brock Lesnar- He's nice to have back, it's great to see the dimmed lights for his matches, the fight feel they're giving his matches and a different Lesnar enter the WWE. I'm enjoying this run and hopefully he goes out better this time. I still dont like him like that at all and wasnt a big fan when he came in cause he was pushed just cause he was a monster and left to fail at the NFL and UFC he dominated and got crushed on and off, so he's back... I just want to see Taker/Lesnar with their MMA gloves on in a Lion's Den Match next year or something similar if they want to have a "Brocktagon cage built around the ring instead of have them fight in that small off to the side Lion's Den cage

9. Damien Sandow- the soon to be greatest heel in the current WWE landscape, he's ingenius, stays in character when you meet him outside the ring and just has it.

8. Naomi Knight- the greatest female wrestler in the WWE today, if only given the chance to shine in the ring on TV in weekly competition she'd be over and Divas Champ by now. The most athletic and flexible Diva with the best wrestling ability on the roster. (bring on the Sara Del Rey arguments, this girl is good and more deserving of a top spot that a dance side kick to a waste of a spot in Brodus Clay)

7. Triple H- he's one of the few stars still around from that great era and its good to have anything from a match here and there to DX reunions, HHH is great and he needs to win another title

6. Randy Orton- He was better with his Legend Killer gimmick and IED bit from 2009, but he stays in my top because I know what he's capable of, and I like it. He's truly better than Cena

3. The Undertaker- It's The Undertaker. The greatest gimmick of all time.

2. Mickie James- the best currently active female wrestler in the world today and the main reason I really started watching TNA

3. CM Punk- my favorite ful time Superstar and the best in the world

2. AJ Lee- she's the best thing going today of any man or woman in that company. AJ is THE Breakout Star of 2012! I want as much AJ as possible. She's quite the character AND can wrestle AND she's hot and I know all this to be a fact.

1. The Rock- simply he's my favorite and the greatest of all time
1) CM Punk, he is the reason why I watch wrestling right now. His in ring work is superb, his mics skills are almost untouchable, and his personality in and out of character is almost identical to my own. I also love how he pays tribute and respect to those legends that came before him, that means a lot to me.

2) John Cena, I know he and Punk are pretty much polar opposites so it may seem strange to see them at 1 and 2 on any list, but I have always liked Cena. He is entertaining in the ring and the work and person he is outside of the ring is just amazing and he sets an example that all other celebs should strive for.

3) Daniel Bryan, I love the guy, I mean he has taken two simple words "Yes" and "No" and turned them into two of the best catch phrases ever. He ability in the ring is is unquestionable, he is one of the all time best when it comes to that, but he much like Kurt Angle has tapped into another aspect of the badass that can still come across as silly and funny right before he takes you to the breaking point and makes you tap out.

4) Sheamus, for one reason and one reason only, Sheamus looks like he could legit beat the shit out of anyone that steps in the ring with him.

5) Dolph Ziggler, to me he is the next big thing and WWE if foolish if they don't capatilze right now while he is so hot.

6) Ryback, the dude is a beast and like Sheamus looks like a legit badass that could kick the crap outta just about anyone you put in front of him.

7) Samoa Joe, how I wish he could be in the WWE having matches with guys like Punk and Bryan, instead of doing next to nothing in TNA right now.

8) Kane, always been a fan of the Big Red Machine and I love that he is back in the mask and just being a force of destruction.

9) Brodus Clay, he is a throwback character that reminds me of all time greats like Dusty Rhodes and Boogie Woogie Man Jimmy Valiant. Clay is one major feud away from being a legit superstar that will be remembered for a long time to come.

10) Austin Aries, again I would prefer him in WWE but he is doing a breakout job as the TNA Champion right now.
1. Jeff hardy, it is such a shame he had substance abuse because if he didnt he may be the face of the wwe right now. Always love his matches and promos everything about him is awesome.
2. The Rock, nuff said
3. Daniel Bryan, he should be where punk is right now the next Stone Cold in my opinion.
4. Mr Anderson, Dont no why but i love him and wish he would come back to the WWE.
5. Bobby Roode, PLEASE BRING HIM TO THE WWE, best heel for years.
6. James Storm, loved the feud between him and Roode.
7. Undertaker, still get chills from his entrance.
8. Randy Orton, should be where sheamus is right now and is a great tweener.
9. Legacy, I would of kept legacy around for a few more years cause that stable was Awesome.
10. Dolph Ziggler, love him but should not of left the mid card.
10. Prime Time Players - I love their attitude. Darren Young is solid in the ring and Titus has a good ring presence, even though he's still pretty green.

9. Kofi Kingston & R-Truth - Although I'd like to see Kofi evolve at some point, and R-Truth was better as a heel, these two can always be counted on for a good match.

8. Damien Sandow - I love his character. Probably the best arrogant heel persona in the WWE. And he has all the potential to make it as a top guy within a few years.

7. Kane - Is it just me? Or has the Big Red Monster found a second wind? He's had a stellar career, and it seems like he's near his prime in terms of in-ring shape and performance. Very impressive since I though he had lost a step or two a few years back.

6. Ryback - Brock who? Batista who? I guarantee that Ryback will be future main eventer. He has the perfect larger than life look and he's already picking up steam with the crowd.

5. Sheamus - Although I'm tired of him carrying the WHC, Sheamus is still an excellent all-around performer. I like his ability to play both smiling babyface and vicious brute.

4. Dolph Ziggler - Would easily be in my top 2 or 3 if we were strictly talking in-ring performance. He's held his own and then some against every level of competition. I just need to see if he can draw a reaction without Vickie.

3. Randy Orton - Top notch in-ring skill. No one performs their moveset as crisply as this man. He has the perfect blend of power and athleticism. I know his mics skills get plenty of criticism, but I think he's a competent speaker who talks the way his character is supposed to. Let's just hope he doesn't get strike 3.

2. Daniel Bryan - He can wrestle circles around just about anybody on the roster, and now he has a personality that people care about. If we were listing top 10 favorite matches of this year, his name would show up a lot.

1. CM Punk - Unquestionably the best talker, and one of the best workers between the ropes. He's even the best commentator when he gets to sit behind the table. If I were to attribute my reason for still watching wrestling to a single person, Punk would be my reason.
I watch next to no WWE these days, so honestly can't say any of their current roster are particularly on my radar. Hence, it's a full sweep for TNA on my list.

1. Robert Roode - It took him losing the title to make me truly appreciate how amazing he is. A good, solid worker in the ring, and his promo work after losing the belt has been amazing. His character is so simple and old-school - a selfish, cowardly, borderline-psychotic heel who will do anything to retain his world championship. Currently doing a damn good job of selling a mental breakdown. Deserves to inhabit the TNA main event scene for years to come. A true star.

2. Austin Aries - It's far too early to judge his title reign, but I feel it was the correct call to give it to him. Charismatic as hell, a great talker and an amazing wrestler. His PPV matches against Bully Ray, Joe and Roode have been fantastic.

3. Kurt Angle - Past his prime, and just a little bit loopy but still the most entertaining in-ring competitor in the world today (in my opinion). Probably my favourite wrestler of all time, but the fact he has done very little storyline-wise this year bumps him down below Roode and Aries. Speaking of which, I hope to see him moved back up into a couple of main event feuds in the coming year to put these 2 over. The tag title match from Slammiversary was probably the best match of the year so far (or damn close).

4. Bully Ray - Everyone's favourite bully. What a classic heel. Very funny, and very mean. #TwiddahMachine

5. Christopher Daniels - Very funnny. Great wrestler. Really come into his own working with Kaz. Took shit with the AJ's baby storyline and turned it into pure gold at time. I hope these 2 continue to work together (Daniels and Kaz that is) for a while to come.

6. Samoa Joe - 2012 will forever be known as the year Joe go his mojo back, starting with his tag work with Magnus.

7. AJ Styles - Phenomenal in ring work. Never fails to entertain. He's so good in fact, that it barely matters that he is still a terrible talker after all these years and has about as much charisma as an old sock.

8. James Storm - Maybe not quite as over as TNA would have hoped at this stage, and thankfully not looking set to take the world title any time soon (turns out Roode was the true star). The loss at Lockdown probably hurt him and his momentum has cooled somewhat since (rise of Aries probably factors too). With benefit of hindsight, TNA made the right call though. Still a good wrestler and above-average talker. He just needs some more work.

9. Magnus - Hopefully TNA's next breakout star. Good look, good talker, good worker. Plus he's English. Automatic heat with many American fans ;)

10. Robbie E - Seriously bro! I used to despise Robbie, but since dropping the TV title to Devon I've enjoyed him as a hopeless comedy jobber. Fits his character perfectly. Have actually found myself rooting for him to win matches now. Crazy! His "5 points bro!" promo on Hardy was hilarious. Next step should be a solid spot in the tag 'division' with Robbie T.

Just missing out is Hernandez - purely on the basis of his suicide dives (look at the size of him for god's sake!!!) and his hot tag from Chavo at Hardcore Justice. Hernandez would eat Ryback for breakfast :p
1. AUSTIN ARIES. have been waiting for a wrestler like this to come along and win the tna title for a while. don't remember him ever having a bad match.

2. KEVIN STEEN. This guy is the total package. great in the ring and great on the mic. whatever Steen does the fan's cheer him and that package pilldriver is sick.

3. AJ STYLES. Has been the top guy in TNA since it started. never has a bad match.

4. KURT ANGLE. In my opinion angle my very well be the greatest wrestler ever to appear in TNA. The guy just keeps getting better with age.

5. RANDY ORTON. The guy is just amazing. Will drag a great match out off anybody he faces.

6. DOLPH ZIGLER. Zigler is without a dout the future of wwe. He has it all. and given time will become the biggest name in wwe

7. R-TRUTH. The guy never fails in making me laugh every week. really sells the whole little jimmy thing. Also he is very entertaining in the ring.

8. BOBBY ROODE. One of the greatest heels TNA have ever had and a fantastic wrestler as well.

9. KAZ AND DANIELS. Have been a breath of fresh air in TNA. Just wish TNA would give them better storylines.

10. DANIEL BRYAN. When WWE first brough him in I was not that keen on him. but over the last couple of months he has really impressed me.
Brock Lesnar For me he is WWE's biggest attraction. I really like his new hybrid MMA inring style and his destruction of Cena was great to see. Cena winning was just political for me. Cena got no offence in for the entire match and Lesnar stepping on Cena's hand reaching for the chain, and Lesnar picked it up and threw it away knowing he doesn't need a weapon because his hands were more dangerous than a chain.

Daniel Bryan He is just ratings right now, I just want tos ee what he deosn next, what creative have for us fans next because he is so over right now with simple words such as Yes and No. As a sports entertainer he just keeps lifting the bar and is making others around him like Punk and Cena look boring in comparison.

Austin Aries He is having the best matches in the biz right now, no one is as good as A Double in the ring, as TNA have allowed him to keep much of his in ring style, even though he has moved to the Heavyweights. His promos are direct and are must see, he deserves to be TNA Champion

Christopher Daniels Finally a heel. No matter how "cool" he is or how good he is in the ring, he gets super heat becasue he is a heel, what he is doing works. Best heel in the biz right now, and of course whenever there seems to be a poll on the best match of the TNA year, this guy seems to always be involved...

Wade Barrett I'm a huge fan of this guy, have been since day one, and really believe he is one of the very best right now. His mic work is awesome, his in ring work is perfect for his size, and he can sell a feud like no other. He has been out awhile but these promos for his return are the best WWE has done since the Sean O'Haire devil's advocate videos.

Jun Akiyama The last of the All Japan famous Five still firing at the top of his game, Akiyama only just dropped the Triple Crown this month after having it since October last year. The guy is a beast and just continues to dishing out the heaviset of blows with his famous jumping knees and his writch clutch exploders.

The Ascension I watch NXT for these guys and mark out for their entrance. They are awesome and this generations Undertaker(s). Just so awesome and I can't wait to see them join the main roster so they can be on tv more. WWE needs tag teams and these two guys are it. Conor Obrien is really nothing as a singles guy but with this gimmick and part of a team he and Kenneth cameron could eb the next Road Warriors or Dudley Boys. Just a great pairing with a great gimmick that could go on for years.

Samoa Joe Huge fan of Joe's initial runs in RoH and TNA, and this year's BFG series we've seem glimpses of the old Joe back. The BFG series negates time for feuds and stories, but hopefully after it is done, Joe will either win, or will be involved in top feuds going forward. Really missed opportunity with all the work TNA put into Joe's run and rebuilding him to a world beater can only mean good things for TNA. Whenever he gets the opportunity he always puts on great matches.

Bobby Roode He has done a great job at being a credible and strong heel Champion. A real thorw back to the heel champuions of the 80s and he did it so well. Can't wait for his return.

Sting He just keeps going... and you know what, even though his body might be slowing down his promos are getting better and better. Back in his WCW days his promos skills were really not all that great, but his run in TNA has really made him go to a whole new level. Who would have thought somoeone of his status, at this point in his career would do that. Sting more than ever is one of the best going today...

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