your short list


Sit Upon The Frozen Heavens
Whose RP do you read word for word every time they post one?

For me it's a rather small list.

NSL (holds the honor of having the only RP that has caused me to dream about not only his but Haiku's character as well)
Ty x2

And that's it really. Everyone else I love ya but I'll be honest I just skim the rest to get the major character development and I go back if I've missed something important.
I read them all. And did so before joining Creative. Except Ech. There were times I'd have to skim his and hope I got the point of it.
I read them all except Miko, coz it's sort of bizarre and I don't see any fun in that. Oh and also in the beginning I hadn't read much of Haiku's RP as I never know his past, so i just skip his backstory parts.
Mark Keaton.
Judging by how he talks nowadays I think Spidey might have gone insane so I'll have to add him to the list at some point. I'd love to read every RP, but due to time constraints I've had to settle with the written words of god.
I read everyone's. Typically the tag team matches or anything with more than 3 RP's gets saved for last since I do all the RP's for one particular match together, then move on to the next. If someone's is insanely long or unformatted though, they end up being the last to be read typically lol.... There's no one on the current roster who I can say I dislike their written work.
At first I skimmed through anyone who wasn't my opponent, but I'm really enjoying reading all the RPs now. Some just make me want to go back and rethink what I posted. Very smart writers in WZCW.
I try to read all for PPVs but for the other shows it depends on my schedule really.

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