Your Own Theme Song


crafts entire Worlds out of Words

I give you this scene from the Emperor's New Groove. If you haven't seen this movie, see it. It's old, but it's fucking hilarious. At any rate, Krunk is kidnapping Kuzco, and compliments it with his own theme music. It's pure Krunk all the way.

That goes to wonder, what would you choose as your own theme music? The song you would want playing to create a musical backdrop to your day. It can have words, or it can be wordless. It can be a dance number, or a mellow beat. It can be Nirvana, it can be Soulja Boy. The only catch is, it must embody you. You must choose this song knowing full well that it is you and everything you stand for. And so as not to be spammy little fucks, let us all tell why we believe the respective song represents us.

Agent of Chaos by Hans Zimmer and James Newton Howard.The Dark Knight Soundtrack

No, I didn't pick the song because I'm an Anarchist. I don't have anywhere near the amount of faith in people that is required for such a political belief. I have always loved symphonies and/or orchestra numbers, it's just how I'm wired. The underlying beats of the percussion and tubas built upon by the other brass and woodwinds...topped off by the oh so awesome violins and chellos and what not. It's the grandiose nature of it all, the sheer mesh of perfection that draws me to it.

Now, with that said, I also see myself as a grandiose figure. "I speak with my hands," in that I move my hands very often when I speak. I make big, sweeping movements when I'm walking and maneuvering through crowds, simply because it gives me a way to occupy my very, very bored mind. If I can somehow make a grand entrance, I'll take it. I give my speeches that little extra oomph to make them emphatic, I make sure everyone of my conversations makes the people involved seem important. I laugh loud, I move loud, I think loud. Though, what separates me from the jackasses is that I can also laugh quietly, move silently, and think softly when I need to.

So when I listen to Agent of Chaos, I can match up the overtures and movements to my day. It really seems as if I could go throughout the day with this on loop and make it a legit part of my day. It would work.

So. What song fits your day? Stake your claim.


-Insane In The Brain by Cypress Hill-

The title is a basic sum of myself, people tell me a lot of times that I'm different (in a good way) and that I'm pretty crazy (I've done some crazy but not bad thing's), plus considering me being for Puerto Rico, a Latin country, the song suits me very well, plus I love Cypress Hill.
I like to think that it is this song:


I think that this song is a great example of how music can really suit someone. I heard it first when it was the theme tune to the Royal Rumble in 2008, I think. Since then I have loved it and I like to think that I match the song quite well. The song is about seizing the day and just giving it your all. I would like to think that I do that and this song is quite inspiring to an extent. I also think that the lyrics are excellent. Again, I think that they are quite inspiring and motivate you to get up and just live your life and live it well. I am in love with this song and I must have listened to it uncountable times.
Ironically, it's a wrestler's entrance music for me:


Metalingus for me is the song that really gets me pumped up and motivated for the day and it has to be the Edge version because it really gets out there quicker than the normal version. The lyrics really have a great motivational feel to it, that yes, a shitty situation has popped up, but I can get over it. I've been through it, a bitter place, broken dreams and I can leave it all behind, it really helps as a pickmeup and it works when I'm just coming into work, good to burst energy and give that extra edge to feel abit better. Like Dave, the amount times I've listened to it is uncountable and unannoyable.

-Insane In The Brain by Cypress Hill-

The title is a basic sum of myself, people tell me a lot of times that I'm different (in a good way) and that I'm pretty crazy (I've done some crazy but not bad thing's), plus considering me being for Puerto Rico, a Latin country, the song suits me very well, plus I love Cypress Hill.

see? I'm not alone in this damn forum lol. Don't know the guy, and we live in different areas of the island, but fuck it though.

I gotta go with Ladies and Gentlemen for some days, and for the days i got to get pumped up about something, I listen to this.
I pick those because of the fact that I can't stay in one place for too long. That, and I got this idea in my head that Ladies and Gentlemen would make for a fuckin' sweet wrestler's theme song. And Brianstorm because it's interesting for me, in terms of music dynamics and stuff.

I can't pick just one though, and I got more that I give a listen on certain times.

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