What's your theme song?

well I may not like it much, in fact i use to HATE this song, due to the fact that it was a play on something that actually happened. Add the fact that Scott is my name, and you go the Theme song of my LIFE right here..

[YOUTUBE]<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/HzPdKP-sSEg?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/HzPdKP-sSEg?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]

Has grown on me though, and I quite enjoy it now.. Happens to be my ringtone HAHA

EDIT: Is it showing up? for me the video isnt at all. just shows a blank white box
Okay, I'm going to go with the hip trend of picking a theme song for someone else, and I figured I would honor one of my fellow opponents by hand picking a special theme song, just for him.

This theme song is for Deej, and it not only represents his EXTREME determination to get votes and make it into the competition, but also is a good representation of the ruckus that follows him with each and every post he makes, so crack a an icy cold one Deej, this ones for you.

Now to answer JobroniBPE's question, the only acceptable way to post youtube videos now is to take the number/letter combination in the URL which I so kindly circled for you in this picture.


Wrap it with just the [yt [/yt Make sure to complete the wrap.
I have a request for another one, so I must oblige.

This one came to mind right away for me, as two things stand out in my mind right away about Ferbs. I know he enjoys some Infected Mushroom, and I know he has a certain disdain for a WWE superstar who I hold close to my heart.


This Theme for Ferbian represents his conversion to the sexual side, where we ignore all the terrible qualities, and just have a chuckle every time Mark Henry graces our screen.

So the requests are starting to stack up, not really, but I did get another one, and I guess feel free to ask and I'll give your ass a theme song too.

This theme is going out to the one and only Big Black Crock, though after this theme song he might just have to change his name to the Big Gigantic Black Crock.

So moving onto the theme, I quickly based this decision off the name, because it just seemed like the obvious thing to do. So I went with one of my favorite bands, Big Gigantic, fitting I know. The song was a pretty simple choice as well, since I've had some pretty epic comedic exchanges with BBC in the Cage I choose the song Funhouse.

My theme song? Not much of a music guy and with Coco taking my first choice, this is going to be kind of tough. For the most part I enjoy popular music that's easily availiabe on my radio dial, which some may consider crappy for the most part, but I like it.

Here ya go, catchy Ke$ha music. Great stuff.

Having fun, making little to no sense, and not being all serious and depressing. That'll do.
My theme has to be a song that I play in view of the world it's none other than B.O.B Ghost in the machine


It's the song i think about whenever i leave home, whenever I think of leaving this planet or leaving the UK in general, it's one of those songs that make me think about the natural ending of a movie when you see a guy walk away just before the credits roll.

It's the theme to my ending, as I walk away into the sunset.
Man, I have always been a huge fan of the song My Way by Limp Bizkit. Ever since Wrestlemania 17 when it was the theme song for that PPV. I would listen to it all the time no matter what I was up to, and I still do to this day. It was just a song that really got me pumped up. However, I wouldn't call it my only theme song.

The other big song I always listened to and still do is Nothing Left to Lose by Puddle of Mudd. I listened to that fucking song before almost all of my wrestling matches in high school, well that and that inspirational speech that Al Pacino gave in Any Given Sunday. I always found it to be a perfect out look on high school wrestling, at least for me, and especially at the end of the season.

[YOUTUBE]<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/QGqG8lavX5Y?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/QGqG8lavX5Y?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]

[YOUTUBE]<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/Dn8vzTsnPps?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/Dn8vzTsnPps?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]
There are lots of choices but my final choice is this:


It is Alan Jackson's "Here in the Real World". There are many songs that could somewhat describe me but this one is the best choice I suppose. It represents the part in me that looks for love and relationships. I have never found love or had a deep relationship with the opposite sex. I also look at this song as "here in the real world, it's not that easy at all" as Alan says. I look at that as not only love not being easy, but life is not easy. Getting friends such is not easy. Nothing is like what you may see on tv or in stories. Here in the real world there is alot of pain and suffering.

It is a bit depressing but that is how I am at times. The song to me has much meaning, lots of hidden meanings. Meanings that I relate to me.
Target Acquired: Doc

With name like The Doctor it's easy to browse the library for songs with the word Doc in the title, or one of the many artists who like to pretend they're doctors as well as musicians. Such a simple route was not going to be taken by SSC in finding Doc a worthy theme song.

After giving the library an epic search I was able to break it down into two songs for Doc, both songs are interchangeable, but I think the combination of the two do a better job describing the Docster.

The first song does a double for Doc, not only does it represent his originality as a poster, but also the originality in his legendary sigs. The second song only adds more detail to the originality that is Doc, representing his acceptance of everybody, and the individuality he brings to his posts and his sigs.

Currently locked onto Litasrevenge.

Litasrevenge, many words can be said about Litasrevenge, but I prefer to keep those words to myself. ;)

Nobody reeks havoc amongst the wrestling spamzone like Lita, and nobody else has an energy even close to what Litasrevenge brings to the table. So when I was asked to pick a song for this lovely WZ poster I jumped at the opportunity, and had quite a difficult time narrowing down all the possible songs for her.

Though when all was said and done, I had two perfect selections for this wrestlezone firecat, picked out personally by yours truly SSC.

This thread has brought great honor and success to my country, for that I thank......

Myself, and everyone else who's contributed in some way, shape or form to this thread, a request is a good as a post in my book, so thanks for all the requests that have been coming in, and I promise if you make a request I'll answer it.

Successful thread is successful.

Litasrevenge, I pm'd you direct links to the videos, so hopefully your able to view the fantastic songs I picked out for you <3

I'd also like to thank wrestling god for his post, I love to see traffic from the WWE sections poor over into music. Plus I'm a fucking Bradshaw/JBL mark. So here's a quicky for Mr. Wrestling God

Now, onto my next target, The Legendary Theo Mays.

Obviously, it's hard to think about The and not bring his beard into the mix, for that reason I couldn't look beyond the beard for a Theo theme.

For Theo, an album came right to mind, one of the better albums I've heard this year, an album filled with fantastic electronic goodies beyond every corner.

So the Album goes by the Name Mobius Beard, and the song I've chosen is Just Expect, because I've come to "Just Expect" awesomeness from Theo.


One more request and I'll be all caught up.

Now, this request is going to be the easiest one to fill, as it comes from one of the young whipper snappers on the board, one who happens to have quite the clever name. Of course I'm talking about Noah, Noahconfail!tor to be exact.

Now for Noah I'm going to be playing off his name, though I created his name, so I'll actually be playing off my brain. Noah has a quite the gifted skill, he's one of the only posters to embrace the fail, and for that I honor you with this epic theme.

This one's a bit tough. I have quite a few. One of my theme songs would be "Ayayaya" by FILTHEE, Ice-T, and Grandmaster Caz. I'm originally come from NY but moved to CA shortly after. This song has a sort of "east meets west" thing going on and I think it really fits me because I've lived in both areas at points in my life. The song has a good beat and is really a good overall song as far as rap is concerned.


Also, because I'm now a Californian (specifically from the Bay Area), another song I've grown fond of is "California Love" by Tupac featuring Dr. Dre. Besides liking this song because I live in California, I've always been a fan of Tupac's work.


As far as rock goes, I'm a huge fan of the song "Holy Diver." Whether it's performed by Dio or Killswitch Engage doesn't really matter. Although it's hard to top the original, I have a slight preference for Killswitch Engage's version because I find it more lively and upbeat. But that's just me.


My anthem has to be, Warren G ft Nate Dogg- Regulate. Every cd i burn has this song track1, i just love the vibe, the smooth sound of nate dogg, this song calms me down and reminds me of the better times in my life. It is weird but i feel a connection with this song and i can never explain how or why, but it is such a good song. 213 for life.
Like SSC's Boob/Gif thread, this one must never die! So I'm bringing it back.

This song should be played every time I step into a room:


The one that best describes my personality is:


And I also believe that the national anthem to my country should be changed to this song.. Would make us a little less boring.

If I could choose any song, it would be this. A song that gets perfectly exactly how I want to live my life, a life of taking chances, always striving to do whats best and to go further then I or anyone thinks I could go.


Rarely do I hear better lyrics then in this song. Absolutely fantastic and the only way I want to lead my life.
Also, when I was younger, and a lot more angry, this was my theme.

My theme has to be a song that I play in view of the world it's none other than B.O.B Ghost in the machine


Damn, that's one of the songs I was thinking of. Good choice there-I thought of that and B.o.B's I'll Be In The Sky. However, the first song that came to my mind has to be:


I'm not downbeat in the slightest like this song is in general-people often ask if I'm ever unhappy. However, this song just gets me every time. I don't think I'll ever tire of it-good work CuDi.
I have several that I could list.... but I'm going with this one:


In high school, this legitimately WAS my entrance theme. I would have my windows in my car rolled down and play it as I pulled in. It's one of my favorite songs. There's others I like more, and other songs that do describe me more, but I'm gonna say Godsmack's "I Stand Alone" is my theme song because it's a song that a lot of people associated with me.

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