Greatest Theme Song

Top 5.

1. The Rock's Its Conquered from the year 2000, was great got me heaps pumped.

2. Stone Colds Glass Shattered Disturbed Version. Simply Awesome

3. Undertaker's Keep on Rolling

4. Triple H My time I love this song and the Tune is Awesome

5. Christian 2005 or 06 I dunno Close your eyes, theme and outfit were awesome
My personal choices

1. Benoit's WWE theme (Whatever by Our Lady Peace)
That riff in the song is amazing, it's got kind of a hollow, shrill sound that just instantly evokes a sense of danger. At the same time, once the riff cuts out and the vocals come in it was somewhat laid back, showing that it wasn't a big deal for him to kick your ass.
2. RVD's WWE theme (One of a Kind by Breaking Point)
The song itself isn't all that great because the verses are meh, but the chorus is very high energy and the lyrics fit RVD being one of a kind. I also love the starting bit, with that deep, rolling sound. The chanting part with the people just going "Hey! Hey! Hey!" is pretty awesome too.
3. Goldberg's theme
That song suits Goldberg so well. It's an epic sounding instrumental with the thundering drum beat, it's just like a marching song. That music sounds badass, in a lot of ways moreso than any heavy metal theme that's been used because it's different and like I said, it just soundss epic.
4. Edge's current theme (Metalangus by Alter Bridge)
Sure, Alter Bridge is just Creed with a new singer, but they are an awesome, heavy hard rock band. Anyways, this song just sounds great, it`s got that energy and almost urgency that Edge always has, but at the same time it`s a confident song that goes along with Edge`s cokciness. The intro (which, as another poster noted, is actually the song`s outro) with the furious drums and guitar, are an amazing attention grabber when the entrance starts.
5. Brock Lesnar`s WWE theme
See what I wrote about Goldberg, and just apply it here.
The Road Warriors theme "Iron Man" was they best entrance music ever.. Hearing it blare over the loud speakers at the philly civic center as them came out to dismantle the varisity of the greatest moments of my life...

" Tom Sawyer" by Rush for Kerry Von Erich...It just fit him back in the early 80's world class..

Todays intro music is terrible. It's all thers 5th rate shit metal bands. I guess you'd never see TOOL sell thier soul and make Kane's theme so they get these terrible poppa roach salad tossers or over the hill metal bands( Metallica,motorhead) to make themes.. They should all just be instrumentals...Maybe I'm just an old fart...
No Doubt The Greatest Theme Song In History Of The Human Race, Is "metalingus" By Alter Bridge, The Rated R Champion's Theme Song......

(8) On This Dayyyyyyyyyyyyy I See Clearlyyyyyyyyyy Everthing Has Come To Live!!!! Bitter Place...... And A Broken Dream...........
I agree that the pop that SCSA gets when the glass shatters and Hulk Hogans theme gets the biggest pops, there is one that people used to mark out for maybe even as much as them two......The Ultimate Warrior!!! Yea his in-ring skills were average at best, but once that music came on,everybody got up. Not to mention the fact that it went with his entrance and personality perfectly.
But if I had a top songs list, it would go like this:

1)DX-Greatest opening sequence
2)Triple H(My Time & The Game)-Good songs and described him perfectly
3)NWO-Just a chill ass song.
4)Hulk Hogan(Real American & Hollywood)-first one for obvious reasons and the Hollywood thing cause you cant go wrong with Jimi Hendrix
5)Ultimate Warrior-Reasons mentioned above
road warrior's iron man as someone stated earlier. you can actually get a rush hearing that through the arnea

no chance--vince mcmahon. how can you not like this song, along with the mcmahon strut, it's enough to get the whole arena riled up!

HBK's sexy boy, still gets some of the loudest pops around. it has never changed no matter what.

randy orton--voices one of the best themes today. it totally fits his character, it's like you can actually see him twitch when he's coming down to the ring
Stone Cold's theme music is my favorite by far. I also loved Kane's old theme music from when he debuted with the eeire guitar solos. It just reminds me of being in the hottest part of the summer night in a deranged institute. It was perfect for the Kane charactor back then. Wish they'd go back to that charactor and that theme song. I thought Snitsky's last theme before he was released was awsome. It's just too bad that the Snitsky character was shite. I hope they bring that theme back and put it on someone proper and of course, without the Snitsky that's said in it.
I really like "My Time", HHH's music before "The Game", it's just awesome, really intense and just has a cooelr feel than the Motorhead theme. I also liek the weird sound at the beggining of Kurt Angle's TNA theme, and his WWE theme, the classic one was awesoem and really fit his character. The ECW remixwas pretty good as well if I rememebr correctly.
I'm simply staggered no one has mention the Million Dollar Man, Ted DiBiase's theme:

Everything about that is perfect. The massive laugh at the start, the lyrics, the slashing keyboard sounds -- you just knew when that music hit that one of the fed's biggest heels was about to walk out. Just a fantastic theme and my number 1.

My other picks would be (in no real order):

2. Vince McMahon's No Chance in Hell:

Which is another cool theme. When that music hit during the corporation days it signaled that the boss was in.

3. Kurt Angle - "you suck":

The one he used at first. Another fantastic theme that says everything it needs to about that character.

4. Hulk Hogan - Real American - nothing needs saying here.

5. Macho Man - Pomp and Circumstance:

Another theme that just fits perfectly with the wrestler it accompanies.

Stone Cold's (breaking glass), Mr. Perfect's and Ric Flair's themes would be 6., 7. and 8.
I think any theme Edge has had has been brilliant, he always seems to be the one with best music taste, and the continuity with the "You Think You Know Me" theme keeps its feeling that this is Edge and he's here, Never Gonna Stop and Metalingus are two of the best entrance themes and fit with his character during the periods he uses them in. If it wasn't for the latest theme (Metalingus), I wouldn't have discovered Alter Bridge, a band I think is highly under-rated, songs are brilliant, but Metalingus is great. Which is why I put it at the top of my favourite songs.

I think Christian has always enjoyed his fair share of themes, the pretty unique "At Last" always stood out because of the beat that came in one he arrived, it's a great build and then focuses on the entrance. "Just Close Your Eyes" is great too and I enjoy both versions, I would just change the opening of the current version slightly to feel abit more "entrancey".

I've always enjoyed the upbeat Stone Cold themes, Glass Shatters and the theme that followed in the Alliance Days really felt the adrenaline rush of Austin being in the arena, you know an ass-whupping is coming! I just feel his classic one was one that started it all, but it's slow and feels abit out of place with his energy.

It was similiar for The Rock until 99/2000 where his theme picked up pace and again, provides an adrenaline rush, the theme used in 2001 had a similiar effect, but provided more of a build up to The Rock's arrival.

Just to list the main tracks I love:
Edge - Metalingus
Randy Orton - Voices/Burn in My Light
The Rock - If You Smell...
Stone Cold - Glass Shatters
Benoit - Whatever
Dudleyz - We're Coming Down
RVD - One of a Kind
Undertaker - You're Gonna Pay

Ted Debiaise - It's All About the Money
Jake Roberts - Snake Bit
Ultimate Warrior - Unstable
HBK - Sexy Boy
Mankind - Crash(? - 99 Theme)
Owen Hart - Enough is Enough
Kane - Out of the Fire
DX - Break it Down
Ken Shamrock - The Ultimate

to name a few...
i reckon the Undertaker Bad Ass theme tune was just the best, when you heard that you knew the place was about to blow! i love randy ortons voices, batistas i walk alone is ace. there are just so many good ones.
Todays intro music is terrible. It's all thers 5th rate shit metal bands. I guess you'd never see TOOL sell thier soul and make Kane's theme so they get these terrible poppa roach salad tossers or over the hill metal bands( Metallica,motorhead) to make themes.. They should all just be instrumentals...Maybe I'm just an old fart...

1. Metallica's music hasn't been used since WCW Sting
2. They are still relevent and awesome, their best album in 20 years just came out 6 months ago
3. Tool sucks
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Too many biased WWF(E) themes! What about the Freebirds with "Bad Street USA"! That was a sweet song for the Freebirds especially with the video. The Road Warriors with "Iron Man" especially with them coming into the ring and destroying jobbers in 30 seconds or less. Even though the themes from the 80s into the early 90s were not original, those two really stick out and fit the wrestlers.
Holy crap I can't believe I forgot about this one.

Sandman Enter the Sandman during One Night Stand. The crowd was freaking singing along. I still get goosebumps when I see that entrance.
I like a lot of the new theme songs as songs, but very few as the theme for a wrestler. The best were back in the 80s and early 90s, when it wasn't all generic sound the same stuff. Mr. Perfect, Ric Flair and Randy Savage all had great themes that suited their characters. So did Rick Rude in WWE. Nobody would listen to that crap on the radio, but it helped the character development so much. How about Dusty Rhodes' WWF theme song "American Dream". That was a lame tune, but a great theme as it suited the character and got the crowd going. A bunch of previously mentioned ones that I think were great include the themes of Slick, The Fabulous Rogeaus (how funny is it, two French Canadians singing about how All American they are, lol), The Rockers and of course Demolition.
Most every favorite of mine has already been said (ie. Rock, Austin, Warrior) so I'm gonna pick the greatest unsung themes.

"Hello Ladies"-Val Venis. That squealing sax in the beginning was awesome! The rest of the song made me wanna have sex too!

"Arrogance"-Rick Martel. After listening to this them for the kabillionth time, I have got to say that it completely matches his character and is a signature theme, as in you're not gonna confuse his with anyone elses.

"I Lie, I Cheat, I Steal"-Eddie Guerrero. Eddie was my favorite of all time. Interestlingly enough, while everybody grew up on Hogan and Austin, I was watching WCW for Eddie! His theme up till his death got me more than excited to see him lie, cheat, and steal his way to victory!

"Break The Walls Down"-Chris Jericho. I'm actually surprised that no one has picked this!

"I'm Comin'"-MVP. That's what she said...but seriously, with the clock ticking and the oversized football entry, you knew that MVP was coming. Currently he's my favorite wrestler and I'm hoping big things will be poppin for him.

"Voodoo Child"-Hulk Hogan. The OP said that Real American is his favorite. I'm gonna go against the grain and say at the time, Hogan seemed like such a badass coming out to Hendrix.
Excellent topic!!!

Austin,Bret,Hogan,HBK,Cena... all great for a pop but i'm shocked nobody's mentioned the New Age Outlaws!!!!

always a fan of golbergs WCW song. whenever that music hit, the fans rose, the pyro lit up and the ass whooping was only a matter on minutes away.

also when he used "crush em" love that song ;p
There have been alot of great theme songs over the years. Demolition, The Hardyz, Shawn Michaels (yeah, I'll still sing along with Sexy Boy every week), Chris Jericho, Randy Orton, Edge- they all have/had tremendous songs.

I have to say that my personal favorites come from ECW and ROH, simply because they were able to use mainstream songs to get the crowd fired up. You just can't beat an entrance set to Enter Sandman, Walk, or the Final Countdown- songs that fit the character's perfectly and set up some of the greatest entrances in wrestling history.
The Dudley Boyz "Drop the Bombshell" It just plain rocked :icon_razz:
The Hardy Boyz "LOADED" I can't go one second into listening to it without getting goosebumps It was AWESOME!!!
Evolution "Line in the Sand" It fit Evolution perfectly Every time they came out to wrestle or to do a segment.
Triple H's "King of Kings" Do I really have to explain this? Triple H is the King of Kings.
RVD's "One Of A Kind" Even though it was repetitive, he was one of the most unique wrestlers in ECW and WWE and this theme song fit him perfectly.
for me it has to be RVD'd old ECW theme "Walk". the reason being, other than the driving beat, the fact that when it would start the crowd would go insane for rvd, way before he would walk thru the curtain.
There are so many great themes but I will always love Davey Boy's the most. Takes me back to the first European Title match between him and Owen and also the IC title match at Wembley vs Bret.

Razor Ramon's was sweet also.

Nowadays I mark out for any theme associated with Christian. They all seem to fit him like a glove.
For me, definitely the one that I think is the greatest and I will always love is Real American. Although Ric Flairs is hard to forget too.

Another song that I absolutely loved, for who knows what reason, was Steve Blackman's entrance. I don't think there was anything to it other than percussion and all, but it was just a good song and a good beat. Just something I really liked.

I have a friend who is an indy wrestler and has a song as his entrance music that I'm surprised hasn't been used in one of the big promotions yet, that being "Move" by Thousand Foot Krutch. That song just seems so optimal for an entrance theme.
There are so many great theme songs but I'll give a few that stick out in my mind to this day.

Stone Cold's Glass Shatters is my all time favorite. For the same reasons almost everyone else epitomizes his character like no other. Brash, loud, rough, and has that "I dont give a fuck" feel to it.

Goldbergs theme was great too. I know many of the IWC don't like Goldberg and I agree that he had his flaws but when he was with WCW and actually enjoyed wrestling he was a beast and was believable as an undefeated monster. The song had that dramatic, intense, epic vibe to it, like something so incredible was about to happen. Usually when he came to the ring during his undefeated streak something incredible did happen and it happened fast. He ran through people with freakish intensity and that song felt the same way.

DX's intro music was great because it was in your face and summed them up totally. They were gonna break any rule you gave them.

Finally the Ultimate Warrior's music was the one I remember the most as a kid. That guitar riff and the tempo of the song matched his entrance and energy to a T. I would get so amped p as a kid when I heard that music and he would run down the aisle and shake those ropes all crazy! Little did I know when I was a youngster that that was where his ability ended. He was basically a glorified hype man. He could get you all pumped but beyond that he had no real skill.
My all-time favorite is Ultimate Warrior's. There's nothing that gets you more amped than that, unless you're watching Rocky. Real American causes a crowd pop, but Warrior's theme made the crowd move.

I also like Kurt Angle's music from the WWE. With, or without, the "You Suck!" chants, it was classic. It worked for his character, and got the blood pumping.

I was in love with Christian's music from before he left for TNA. It was perfect for him, and would've been great music for a champion. He's always had really good music.

For current ones, I'm a big fan of "Get On Your Knees" for Jack Swaggah. It's fun and loud, and goes better for his entrance than anything else they couldve done.

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