Your OHMYGOD! or Holy shit moment In WWE/f

The ONLY option for number one is Taker Vs Foley HIAC 98. That was just brutal and a clear sign of where WWF was heading from there as they took over ECW's title of most hardcore company
the nxt invasion angle has been wowing me. and the promos daniel bryan (brian danielson) had done on nxt with attacking micheal cole and such were just amazing. major loss for the wwe (if its legit, but it seems legit)

haha, i remember when i was younger when undertaker returned at wrestlemania 20 i was so shocked suprised and happy xD oh youth c:
a few I can remember is back when Stone Cold and Brian Pillman had there fued, and they were doing an at home interview with Pillman and Austin broke into his home mid interview and Pillman had a gun, and all this craziness was happening and then thats how raw went off air..I'm 22 now so i was probably like 9 or 10 at the time and was just freaking out.

Another one was on Raw around the same time, when Val Venis got caught by some group, i cant remember the group. but they show him hanging by his wrists in a locker room and one of the group members has a mashede and he goes to chop off his junk and the lights turn off and you hear Venis yell. again i was like 10 or 11 so that was when wrestling was "real" to me ha.

A more recent "OMG" moment was when Donald Trump "bought" Monday Night Raw....that shit had me. I saw the story on CNN and all the news channels.

oh and when Rock threw Austin and his Belt off a bridge on Raw
of the ones not mentioned, i would say Rikishi's Superfly Splash off the top of a cage onto Val Venis in their pay-per-view match.

just an incredible bump to take for such a big guy and great history with the whole Samoan Wrestling Family Tree thing. plus it looked cool.

also, Kurt Angle's Moonsault off the top of the cage onto Benoit... except that Benoit moved out of the way! that looked like it hurt a whole lot! totally awesome move!

honorable mentions that have already been mentioned:
Mick Foley's career: HIAC with Taker, I Quit with Rock, Street Fight and HIAC with Triple H, match with HBK, etc... too many to mention.
HBK: Barbershop incident with Jannetty, Montreal Screwjob, Jericho's heel turn and getting thrown thru the Jeri-Tron, ladder matches, HIAC, etc. also too many to mention.
Shane-o-Mac: his matches with Blackman, Angle, Show and Kane, though not all great clinics, all had some pretty amazing spots. falling from very high places most often, but yeah, also the belly-to-belly suplexes thru the glass walls was pretty crazy! definite "don't try this at home" moments.
Beer Bath and Milk Bath. both were epic in their own way.
any death... always tragic, no matter the circumstances. Rest In Peace.
survivor series 2000 when stone cold lifted triple h up in the car with the forklift and dropped him in to the ground,

or when shane o mac hijacked the limo with kane in it, in to the semi trailer

when shane threw kane into the dumster on fire, i absolutley shit my self the next week when jr said that kane had died but i was only like 10

when kane unmasked
i've had a few holy shit, wtf, did i just see that moments in my wwe viewing career....but i will never EVER EVER forget shane mcmahon vs. steve blackmon. they both climbed the side of the titantron and had to easily be 100ft in the air. blackmon starts beating the crap outta shane with the kendo stick and shane takes the fall. A LONGGGGGG FALL that made my mouth drop to floor. from then on, shane mcmahon was NO JOKE to me. and im pretty sure that wasnt the only time shane took a fall like that. didn't he elbow drop test or big show from the titantron or something. did the sign of the cross before taking the plunge......(if anyone knows the exact match please feel free to correct me), but the boss's son taking that fall definitely made my say....HOLY SHIT! OMG...GOOD GOD ALMIGHTY! FOR GOD SAKES!!
When Lesnar and Big Show broke the ring I believe that Tazz literaly yelled "HOLY SHIT" that moment just made me mark out so hard. I also think when Shane O mac made the leap of faith from 50 feet up. These are just a few of my favorites.
The HIAC moments are obvious ones, Bret Harts return was one because it was what i always wanted, but never thought would. Orton punting Vince was one and also the end of Invasion 2001 when Austin joined the alliance.
For me it was definately Shane's elbow drop off the Titan-Tron onto Big Show. While Taker-Makind at HiC was crazy as well, that was almost more expected. Seeing Shane keep climbing up and up and then just go for it was incredible, even with the padding.
I'm not going to lie... I knew Foley was crazy and after he went off the top I wasn't surprised for that long..

What I was surprised about is that crazy SOB got back up climbed the cell and then did another crazy spot. I had the chance to meet Mick Foley after the release of his second book (he was promoting it) and we had the discussion of how his tooth ended up in his nose. He's a great guy and very respectful to his fans.

Also I have to go with the HHH pop after his first quad injury. When he returned to MSG that might of been the pop of the decade. I don't know if it was the awesome tribute video they hyped up for weeks or other reasons, but the roof was blown of MSG that night.

Another would have to be Undertaker vs Vince buried alive SS 2003. When vince took that shovel shot to the head, I literally screamed in my head Oh my god! Vince took maybe the hardest shot i've seen with a weapon... and you almost have to wonder.. was taker suppose to hit him that hard?
John Cena's return at the Royal Rumble 2008 was an awesome "holy shit" moment. There was not one single internet report on it, I didn't see anyone predict it anywhere, so when it happened I was legitimately shocked. It was really nice to see that they could still keep things from the internet, even in this day and age when it's so prevalent in wrestling circles.

A more recent one would be the NXT invasion on Raw. Everything about it was just awesome, from the beating up of the announcers, to destroying fucking everything, and of course the infamous tie choking and spitting on Cena that supposedly got Daniel Bryan Danielson released. It's gonna be a truly great angle if they do it right, but either way, that wasn't something I saw coming at all and it was probably the best ending to Raw in at least a year if not longer.
I have to say that the biggest OMG moment I have ever had is Joey Mercury getting hit in the face with the ladder. I freaked out and was under shock for hours after the match.

The following Smackdown (23 DEC '06), when he came out, and JBL called him a "champion" for his performance and the courage to come out to the crowd; I actually was depressed the whole day and couldn't get any work done.

When he began crying, I was overflowing with emoticon. I was in too much shock to shed a tear, but was crying on the inside (YEA! MEN CRY!).

Too bad he had to stay in character (Vince you a**) and insult Matt Hardy. Couldn't Vince have just let him have a Smackdown dedicated to him, or just let him take in the huge crowd cheers that he was receiving after the footage from Armageddon 2006 was shown?
It was a freak accident in the ring, not everyone who has a freak accident in the ring has a show dedicated to them. It was certainly ugly looking and I was pretty shocked when I saw it too, but of course he was gonna stay in character, that's what wrestlers do. Shit happens in a wrestling ring, you can't stop everything because of something like that, and it definitely wasn't as big of a deal as you're making it seem like.
That Randy Orton/Stephanie McMahon moment was intense, and I was definitely in shock after watching that one. In no particular order, some of my favorite and most memorable OMG moments are...

-Matt Hardy and Bubba Ray Dudley going off the ladder and through the tables set up on the floor during TLC
-Mic Foley getting thrown off the Cell through the announcers table by Undertaker
-Edge spearing Foley through a flaming table @Wrestlemania
-Brock Lesnar and Big Show breaking the ring with a superplex
-The WCW/ECW alliance broke into a mob against WWF and Steve Austin made his return to save the WWF.
I'd have to say Kofi Kingston finally growing some balls late last year and fucking up Orton's car. I wasn't around for the Attitude Era, so everything that had happened had been so overrated and played out by the time I got into wrestling. Randy Orton vs. The McMahon family comes in a close second, but most every major face in the WWE has come into conflict with Mr. McMahon at some point in their career so it wasn't a big deal. However, I was always a Kofi fan, and to see him flash some character was great for me, and it helped that RAW was a pretty dull show for the second half of 2009.
Most of these moments were on PPV so I never got a chance to see them. I'm cheap and rather read the recap then order the PPV. When I do see them I typically am saying Holy Shit but the surprise factor isn't there. So I am not going to count Mankind off the Cell or any of the other PPVs in my Holy Shit moment. I wanted to go with something that legit surprised the crap out of me.

1) Brock Lesnar's Debut was a HOLY SHIT moment for me. This beast of a guy comes out, wrecks everyone and pulls of the sickest finisher I have ever seen.

2) Triple H interrupts Stephanie's and Test's Marriage and reveals he married Stephanie the night before. HOLY SHIT that was awesome.

3) DX Invades WCW. Holy shit that was cool too.

I'm actually suprised it hasn't come up yet but I would have to say when Edge cashed in the first MiTB title shot. I rememeber watching NYR ppv and being pretty dissapointed as a whole. Then the Elimination Chamber match ended and Mcmahon came out and annouced Edge was cashing his contract. Two spears later we had a new WWE champ. Definately a HOLY SHIT moment
I always felt the entire Zach Gowen angle was WTF?! But this really took the cake for me. Lesnar hitting the long ball off of this kids head.

The other classic involving Foley that was unintentional happened during the main event of WM 2000. Foly goes for the splash from the apron to the announce table. One of my buddies at the party says, "I don't know Mick, that's a big jump for a guy your age. Think you can make it?" Nope. Not even close.
I have a couple here, both involving Jeff Hardy. Him jumping off of a tractor trailer splashing onto Umaga, or when he climbed up to damn near the top of the arena and dived onto Orton. Hardy was nuts, and I was upset to see him leave WWE, but he will have another great run in TNA as long as he keeps himself clean.

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