Your Favourite WWE/F Storyline?

Its hard to point out my absolute favorite storyline ever because I know I am going to remember something great after I post and regret my decision. I will say that one of my favorites was the Pre-WrestleMania XXV storyline involving Taker/Michaels. I have always been a fan of both of these athletes and their ability to tell a story in and out of the ring. This storyline brought out hints of these mens characters that we had not seen in a long time which I found refreshing. We saw more arrogance from Michaels, and a more cryptic Taker. Two established superstars, past their prime, stealing the show every week was really entertaining.

An honorable mention for me is (surprisingly) the storyline between The Rock and John Cena. The Peoples Champ vs the fruity pebble has been entertaining.
I watched wrestling as a young'un, until WCW died, when I was around 9 or 10 years old. I guess most of my wrestling memories from those days were from WCW, even though I know I watched both. One that sticks out from WWF, strangely, is X-Pac and Kane teaming up. It was probably actually pretty bad, but, damn, it was good enough for young Ben. Kane protecting his little buddy; X-Pac teaching Kane the important things in life--speech, for example--only for Kane to freak out, as he always does, and turn bad again. Hearing Kane say "suck it" with the voice aid device was one of the most important moments of my young life, though.

Some recent storylines had aspects of them that were great, but the payoffs were sorely disappointing. The Nexus storyline had some amazing moments--Cena being the guest ref between Barrett and RKO? Remember that? With Piper's Pit, and Rowdy telling Cena how he needs to honor the title and call it down the line? Then, Cena's subsequent firing? That damn-near brought me to tears. Then Cena came back a week later, though, and the Nexus storyline dissolved into the weird New Nexus/Corre bullshit.

CM Punk's reign this summer, too, had a disappointing end. The entire build-up and conclusion to MitB was amazing. But, of course, Cena and CM Punk both had to come back two weeks later, despite one quitting and one being "fired." Then Kevin Nash showed up. Then HHH got mad. It got dumb. Could have been so much better.

I guess the most satisfying recent storyline for me was the one between Vince/Batista and Cena a couple of years ago. It had a solid enough storyline, nothing earth-shattering, but pretty good. Cena actually seemed like an underdog to me, which was cool. There were some pretty good matches, in which Cena outsmarted Batista. And it had an awesome ending, with Batista quitting while in the wheelchair. A nice, concise, satisfying story arc. If only they could pull that off with one of these more original storylines...
Not sure if this would be my favorite of all time, but I absolutely loved the HHH/Orton feud back in 07. From Orton kissing Stephanie, to HHH attacking Orton at his house, that feud was very well built and it worked greatly for the WWE.
Definatley HHH V Orton leading up to Wrestlemania 25. I've been a wrestling fan for many years, started watching wrestling in the late 90's and the HHH v Orton storyline from when Orton punted Vince in the head to Orton winning the WWE title from HHH at Backlash (I think), this was by far the best storyline that I've seen in a long long time. Their match at WM 25 was really dissapointing tho...

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