Your OHMYGOD! or Holy shit moment In WWE/f


The Ambidextrous Amputee
This thread is so simple DO NOT complicate it.

My only question is When was your HOLY SH*T! moment? What got the biggest reaction out of you? Or simply left you in amazement? This can be from any point IN the WWE/F period, From any brand of WWE/F. ONLY WWE

One of mine would have to The ONLY six man Hell in the hell match. Rhikishi Getting choke slammed, or pushed how ever you see it. Put when i saw that it made me go what the fuck! Even back then they had certain rules to abide by, but i would think that huge drops into hay trucks would be on that list to avoid...

Another would be.... The Orton/McMahon Feud.... Where Orton Grabbed, Second rope DDT'd and kissed Stephanie, while Triple H was Handcuffed to the rope.

Let The OMG moments fill your mind... Hopefully this thread makes people remember the old days.
Wrestlemania 8, Hogan was getting the beat down and all of a sudden... Rock music! Ultimate Warrior runs to the ring for the save and the fireworks were huge after that. Warrior was huge in the world of wrestling still at this time and this was one of the greatest surprise returns.
"Good God Almighty! Good God Almighty! That killed him!!!! As God as my witness, he is broken in half!!!" King of the Ring 1998- Mankind vs. Undertaker in Hell in a Cell. The J.R. quote says it all. It captured all of the audience's thoughts in one single solitary expression as Mankind (Mick Foley) was tossed off Hell in a Cell through the Spanish Announce Table. To this day, everything is still measured to that moment for me. The whole match was what I would call a Holy Sh** moment.
When Shelton Benjamin jumped off the top rope and got caught with Sweet Chin Music by Shawn Michaels in midair. Whenever I say Shelton and Shawn's name in the same sentence, chances are this is what I'm talking about.
I've got two. The first is pretty obvious, and that is Taker tossing Foley of the top of the cell through the table. I was fairly sure he was dead. That was the moment that made me say "holy shit".

The second, to use your own words, left me in amazement. And that would be Sable in her handprint bikini. I couldn't speak after that for a few minutes. Or Stacy Kiebler getting her ass hosed down by the King during their Girls Gone Wild cross promotion. Thank god for YouTube.
"Good God Almighty! Good God Almighty! That killed him!!!! As God as my witness, he is broken in half!!!" King of the Ring 1998- Mankind vs. Undertaker in Hell in a Cell. The J.R. quote says it all. It captured all of the audience's thoughts in one single solitary expression as Mankind (Mick Foley) was tossed off Hell in a Cell through the Spanish Announce Table. To this day, everything is still measured to that moment for me. The whole match was what I would call a Holy Sh** moment.

you said exactly what i wanted to say.
A HOLY SHIT moment for me was when Kurt Angle betrayed the WWF and jumped ship to the Alliance. Another one involoves Kurt Angle again and it was Milk-O-Mania running wild on the Alliance. One that comes to mind happened last week actually when the nXt rookies attacked and and destroyed virtually everything in their paths. The Superplex heard around the world was crazy too. For those who might not know, it was when Brock Lesnar superplexed the Big Show and the ring completely collapsed. Something else would have to be when Vince brought the nWo to the WWF as poison. Another one was when Ric Flair returned as co-owner of the WWF. One that stands out was the 1998 King of the Ring Hell in a Cell match featuring Mick Foley and the Undertaker. And finally, HBK vs The Undertaker at WM 25 and WM 26 was just OMG beyond epic proportions.
When Mick Foley was pushed of the cell through the table, seriously, what the fuck, I could've sworn he died.
Another was when Jeff Hardy Swanton Bombed Randy Orton from 30 feet up. That was some Crazy shit.

Ohh, and the Torrie Wilson Sable Lesbian moment, that was so hot
"Good God Almighty! Good God Almighty! That killed him!!!! As God as my witness, he is broken in half!!!" King of the Ring 1998- Mankind vs. Undertaker in Hell in a Cell. The J.R. quote says it all. It captured all of the audience's thoughts in one single solitary expression as Mankind (Mick Foley) was tossed off Hell in a Cell through the Spanish Announce Table. To this day, everything is still measured to that moment for me. The whole match was what I would call a Holy Sh** moment.

Definately. When I watched this, I legitimately thought he was dead. Even knowing that wrestling is staged, I thought Mankind died when he got thrown off the cage. If I remember correctly, he sold the hell out of it (and he probably wasn't faking either) so it was very believable. And then later in the match, he went through the roof of the cage. This was my favorite match ever. Undertaker was so brutal in this match that it was hard to cheer him. After awhile I just started feeling sorry for Mankind. I think this is what really started his face turn, and probably Undertaker's heel turn.
The biggest OHMYGOD! moment would have to be when Lesnar came up short on the shooting star press against Kurt Angle at WrestleMania. A lesser man probably would've been killed.
The biggest moment I remember was when Steve Blackman smacked Shane O'Mac with a singapore cane and he fell 40ft off of the SummerSlam Titantron back in 2000 or when Shane did the 40ft elbow drop to Big Show at Backlash 2001. That was crazy shit.
For me, the biggest HOLY Shit moment was when Cena came in as #30 at Royal Rumble 08. I was like, HOLY MOTHER FUCKIN HELL!!!! There was no word of him coming back from that pectoral muscle rip and within 2 months (or less than that) and he comes out as the last guy and wins the rumble
When Mick Foley was pushed of the cell through the table, seriously, what the fuck, I could've sworn he died.
Another was when Jeff Hardy Swanton Bombed Randy Orton from 30 feet up. That was some Crazy shit.

FUCK! I wanted to point out those particular two moments! damn it...anyway yeah Jeff jumping from there was definitely a HOLY SHIT MOMENT!! I mean seriously, if you look the replay it seems that Jeff is jumping right into....NOWHERE!lol. it is so freakin high thatn it looks like a cliff!

and obviously Taker/Mankind. as I quote:)banghead: damn it I really wanted to say that!lol),"I could've sworn he died". it look like he was freakin dead.

however I think that another moment was for the very first ever TLC match, when Bubba-Ray fell into those 463574 tables,lol, I literrally jumped from my seat and scream " a la puta!!!!!!!!!!"=HOLY SHIT!!!
i would say edge spearing jeff hardy off the titles during the tlc match. that was a huge omg moment for me. scsa joining with vince would have been as well, but i knew about that as well. also, the nxt would have been also, but this sight ruined the surprise for me.

also, when the rock pushed foley into the electrical stacks during their i quite match. it instantly became my favorite match because of that.

finally, my biggest moment would be the debute of kane, because that was the first ever thing i saw from wwe, and it instantly got me hooked. kane just looked like the biggest badass to me.
Well for me, gotta go with Shane O' Mac vs Kurt Angle Street Fight. I believe it was a Judgement Day PPV? But they had the stipulation that while it was no DQ's, No Count-outs, that the pin had to take place in the ring. That was just insane and we really got to see Kurt BRAWL in that one, and the multiple german suplexs through the glass on Shane O'Mac, and I am like HOLY SHIT! That's Vince's son!!! DAMN!

Other one no one else mentioned yet, HOGAN vs VINCE Street Fight. The match everyone really wanted to see, and when VINCE did the leg drop off of a ladder to Hogan driving him through a table... HOLY SHIT!

Mick Foley's entire career is HOLY SHIT! I mean just about every match that dude has had, has at least one moment in it where you go, HOLY SHIT MICK!
Well, I'd agree with everyone who said Undertaker/Mankind Hell in a Cell. That was just sick, I thought Foley was seriously injured (which he may have been). And he actually continued the match! I couldn't believe it.

I'd also include the RAW moment when Stone Cold sprayed Vince, Shane, & the Rock with beer. That was a classic moment of the attitude era, one of the classic moments in WWE history. Back then, you really did think anything could happen on RAW, & this proved it.

A 3rd one I'm surprised hasn't been mentioned is the Montreal screw-job. I know I didn't see it coming. Maybe others did. It was obvious right away that something had happened based on the reactions of all involved. Even if it had been a work, Hart spitting in Vince's face was classic. Another moment that changed the business forever, & one I'll never forget.
I can't remember all the ppv names etc. But i would have to say all the ladder matches jeff hardy's has been in. Everyone had that damn element where he'll get up on one of those 35ft ladders and hit or miss a swanton bomb, sick, also when he did the swanton off the titan tron. Mankind and taker as well. Another was back in 98-99 when taker interfered in one of scsaustin's matches and hit him in the head with a shovel, damn. Also one that wasn't mentioned was when cena at extreme rules f-u The great bust Khali off the army tank. Damn and was able to do it the next night on raw.
The Shane McMahon/Kurt Angle Street Fight was at KOTR 2001

In addition to the Hell in a Cell at KOTR 1998 and Shelton Benjamin getting Sweet Chin Music in midair, here are my top 5 (in no particular order)

1) Vince buys WCW - For years WCW and WWF(E) were going head to head in the Monday Night Wars and when Vince appeared on both Raw and Nitro at the same time, it was just epic.

2) Eric Bischoff on Raw - This is something I thought I would NEVER see in my life. I thought Bischoff would stay away from WWE because of the aforementioned Monday Night War and seeing him in a WWE ring with Vince McMahon made my jaw drop

3) Ultimate Warrior pins Hogan clean to win the WWF Title are WrestleMania VI - Back in the 80's, Hogan was pushed as an unbeatable superhero, who managed to beat the odds time and time again (and going 5 and 0 at Mania before WM VI), seeing Warrior beat Hogan (live) had me absolutely stunned.

4) Austin and Triple H beat up Lita on Raw - I never saw Austin teaming with McMahon at WM X-Seven (honorable mention), but a few weeks later, after a Six-Person tag match, Triple H attacked Lita from behind and then Austin beat her up with a steel chair (the first chair shot was sickeningly loud, btw). This incident definitely made me say "holy f***"... and then I started cussing out TSN, who decided to cut the show off halfway through this.

5) Death of Owen Hart - At first, I didn't believe it when I read about it online, but once it was confirmed, I was absolutely floored by it.

Honorable Mentions:
Montreal Screwjob
Pretty Much All Deaths of Active Performers
Miss Kitty Flashes Boobs at Armageddon
Shawn Michaels Superkicks Marty Jannetty, Then throws him through the Barber Shop window
Mine happened in the second match I had ever seen. Armageddon 2006, Fatal 4 Way Ladder Match for the WWE Tag Team Titles. Matt Hardy hit Mercury and Nitro's heads together before holding them above a ladder. Jeff Hardy jumped onto the end of the ladder thus causing the ladder to hit Mercury and Nitro. The only problem was that the move was botched and Mercury got his nose completely busted. It was brutal and terrible for Mercury but it captivated me and I became hooked on wrestling. I thought it was amazing that someone would sacrifice themselves for their sport. And then the way Nitro valiently fought on by himself only to just come up short at the end. Completely shocking moment all around that made me the wrestling fan I am today.
My biggest "holy shit" moment in a single (or series of) move(s) in a single match would be Shane O-Mac Vs Kurt Angle.

However, my greatest OMFG YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH moment was back-to-back pay-per-views when Eddie Guerrero beat Lesnar and retained against Kurt then Chris Benoit defeated Triple H and Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania to become champions at the same time.
I have two holy shit moments.
1: The first blood match at survivor series 2006. That unbelievably sickening chair shot that Undertaker catches kennedy with at the end of the match. The sickening noise and how the chair pretty much wraps around kennedy. It was pretty much a chairshot heard around the world moment in my books.

2: I think we can all also agree on when Shane O'Mac leaped from the top of that titan tron straight on to big show. Jeff Hardy's swanton?? pfft! :)
Mankind getting thrown off the cell by Taker, just crazy

Lesnars shooting star botch at mania, i seriously thought he could have killed himself

Orton going for the RKO on Mick Foley and getting pushed off into a pile of thumbtacks, I DID NOT expect to see Orton take a bump on the tacks at all!

Jeff Hardys spear while Edge was hanging from the ladder

Jeff Hardy leg dropping Edge on a ladder and snapping it at Mania in the MITB match, man I thought he had ended his career right there, it looked brutal

Shelton Benjamin falling from a ladder in the ring onto a ladder balanced from the ring to the guardrail, that was such a crazy bump to take, so much could have gone wrong but it was like OMFG!

Shane McMahon getting tossed through the glass at KOTR by Kurt Angle. Tbh that whole match is OMG, its fantastic!

Bubba Ray powerbombing Mae Young off the stage and through a stack of tables, man the woman is like 90 and he did that, i COULD NOT believe it!
Takers debut at Survivor Series...i swear I could see kids crying...that was a scary man...

foley been thrown through and off the cell in 98'...hell the whole match was a HOLY SHIT moment...

All cell matches with people thrown off, which i think the last was seen in 2002...they all had holy shit moments...

Austin turning heel at wm17..that was a defo OMG moment..alligning himself with his own enemy..Vince...

Again foley taking them chair shots to the head at Royal Rumble 99...hell that guy has been through it all...
Mick Foley going off the cell was whoa was that supposed to happen did Taker mean to push him off the table no one knew. Also the fact Foley went back into the match and went through the cell. Easily one of the biggest moments ever in WWF/E history
it has to be undertaker vs mankind foley coming off top of cage on the the table my jaw dropped and even when i see it now it still drops i swear to god i thought eh was dead and to get up and go back on top of the cage i only to be put though it i was like holy fuck this guys nuts it was by far the greatest hell in a cell ever i know shawn and taker was in the first one but really the taker foley one that set the bench mark on what a hell in the cell match should be

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